Chelsea Selectboard Meeting Tuesday, May 16, 2023, 6:30pm Chelsea Town Hall
Board Attendance: Leyna Hoyt, Jesse Kay, Kelly Lyford – Vice Chair, William (Billy) Lyon, Patty Swahn, Board Administrative Assistant
Community Attendance: Gregg Herrin, Bill Smith, Jr -Pastor, Gayle Durkee (Treasurer), Kasey Peterson.
Guest Presenter: Harry Falconer, TRORC
Meeting –
The meeting was called to order at 6:31 pm by Kelly Lyford, Vice Chair
Conflict of Interest – None
Additions to the agenda –
Planning Commission Appointment
Public Comments –
No public comments
Approve Minutes –
Leyna made a motion to approve the May, 2 minutes with edits to add Sidewalk Project and mowing bids to the minutes, the motion was seconded by Jesse. All ayes. So, moved. May 2 minutes were approved.
MERP Program: Harry Falconer, TRORC presented a presentation on Municipal Energy Resilience Program. One program, three opportunities, Community Capacity Building “Mini-Grants”, Municipal Building Energy Assessments, Project Implementation Grants. Suggested Mini-Grant uses; start a local energy committee, hire a grant writer, and host a community energy fair. Project Implementation Grants: up to $500,000 each, can be used as a local match for other grants, including ARPA, eligible work includes, weatherization, insulation, heating system conversion/fuel switching, hot water system upgrades/fuel switching. Kelly asked Patty to put a notice out to the community for interest in fulfilling seats on the Energy Board.
Treasurer – Gayle presented to the Selectboard to invest a total of $652,000 into a 6 Month CD at 4.5% APY, invest $250,000 from the General Fund into a 6 Month CD at 4.5% APY.
Town Hall Renovation | $45,000.00 | $1,.722 | $ 336.24 |
Equipment Fund | $125,000.00 | $5,865 | $ 934.01 |
Sewer Sinking Fund | $155,000.00 | $ 7,431 | $1,158.17 |
Water Sinking Fund | $190,000.00 | $6,529 | $ 1,419.70 |
Roberts Poor Fund | $50,000.00 | $ 11,150 | $ 373.60 |
Reappraisal Fund | $75,000.00 | $2,250 | $ 560.41 |
Record Restoration | $12,000.00 | $ 1,898 | $ 89.67 |
Total CD 4.5% | $652,000.00 | ||
Total Interest Difference | $ 14,508.57 | $9,636.77 | $4,871.80 |
General Fund Total CD 4.5% | $250 000.00 $2i.0,000.00 | $415,815 | $1,868.02 |
Total interest Difference | $ 5,563.10 | $3,695.08 |
Jesse moved to approve Gayle’s request to move investments into two 4.5% APY CD’s, Leyna seconded the motion. All ayes. So, moved.
Grants –
Kelly and Kasey signed up for two EPA Grant webinars. Kasey will work with Jesse on Energy Grants and Audits.
Highway Department:
General Updates.
Leyna gave an update on the loader and grader. The loader has been evaluated by CA, the loader is 23 years of age, low in hours for the age. CAT will be doing maintenance on the grader next week. Ric has finished grading.
Paving Update –
Waiting to hear from Pike about a paving date.
Water/Wastewater Contract update: Kelly gave an update on the Water/Wastewater Contract, the contract is moving in the right direction.
Permits – None
Pastor Bill Smith gave an information on the Bounce House. The Bounce House is 13X13, 6 children can be inside at one time, New Creation Fellowship will have a Parents sign a waiver before their child(ren) enter the Bounce House. The New Creation Fellowship will have the Bounce House on Friday, May 25 Farmers Market.
Google Meet Owl Microphone: Jesse talked about the sound quality with Owl, the sound is a little unbalanced. Discussion on setting up on the Stage to see if acoustics are better. Jess researched an additional microphone for the Owl, the cost will be $250.
Planning Commission: Kelly and Bill gave an update from the Planning Commission meeting that was held on May 4.
Gregg Herrin and Shenia Covey are interested in being on the Planning Commission Committee.
Jesse moved to appoint Gregg Herrin and Shenia Covey to the Planning Commission Committee, Leyna seconded the motion. All ayed. Gregg Herrin and Shenia Covey have been appointed to the Planning Commission Committee.
Future Agendas –
Gayle Durkee – Budget
Mark Lembke (Emerald Ash Borer) Town Forester
Pete Amber (Trees on the Commons)
Capital Plan
Sidewalk Bid Update
John Parker
Approve Orders –
Leyna moved to approve all Orders; Bill seconded the move. All ayed. Orders were approved for the night.
Executive Session – Leyna moved to enter Executive Session at 7:50 pm to discuss Highway Maintenance position and Personnel Policy. Leyna invited Patty to attend the Executive Session.
Executive Session ended at 8:29 pm
Adjourn – Kelly moved to adjourn the meeting. All ayed. Meeting was adjourned at 8:32 pm