Chelsea Selectboard Meeting Tuesday, June 20, 2023, 6:30pm Chelsea Town Hall
Board Attendance: Jesse Kay, Kelly Lyford, Kevin Marshia, Leyna Hoyt,
William (Billy) Lyon, Patty Swahn, Board Administrative Assistant
Community Attendance: Pete Amber, Mark Lembke, Kate Willard, David Paganelli, Andy Pomerantz
Meeting –
The meeting was called to order at 6:32 pm by Kevin.
Conflict of Interest – No conflict of interest
Additions to the agenda – Access Permit, Jim and Susan Kay, Flea Market, Personal Policy, Water/Wastewater
Jesse moved to recess the meeting for 30 minutes for a walking tour of the common with Pete Amber, Seconded by Leyna. Selectboard meeting adjourned at 6:45 pm to begin walking tour with Pete Amber.
Selectboard reconvened at 7:14 pm.
Certified Arborist – Pete Amber – Pete walked with us around the common and suggested that the priorities are:
Removing dead limbs – can be done anytime.
Removing lower branches on limbs so that there is an 8-foot clearance.
Clear out trees around structures.
Clear out trees around signs.
Both parks have numerous trees that need to be removed. It’s best to do that in the winter as there is less impact on the park.
Orange County Forester Dave Paginelli–
Dave prepared a draft of the Chelsea Town Forest Stewardship Plan 2023-2025.
Town Forestry has worked with Chelsea since 1940.
Town of Chelsea has two parcels of town forest, the larger of the two is called the Laird Farm parcel and the smaller is called the George Tutherly parcel. Laird Farm is on both sides of Jenkins Brook Road, just before the town line with Vershire and George Tutherly is east of County Road halfway between Jenkins Brook Road and the Tunbridge Town line.
Stand 1 – Laird Farm – Forest type – Northern Hardwood – 109 acres
Stand 2 – Laird Farm – Forest type – Mixwood (25 – 65% softwood) 98 acres
Stand 3 – Laird Farm – Forest Type – Northern Hardwood – 81 acres
Stand 4 – Laird Farm – Forest Type – Softwood Plantation – 24 acres
Stand 5 – George Tutherly parcel – Forest Type – Northern Hardwood – 7.1 acres
Stand 6 – George Tutherly parcel – Forest Type – Regeneration – 15.53 acres
Public Comments – Phyllis Hayward has expressed concern of the upcoming VT 113 closure for culvert work Thetford/West Fairlee Town Line and the impact it will have on the Flea Market.
Approve Minutes – Leyna moved to approve the minutes from the June 6 meeting, with the edits from Kelly. Jesse seconded. All approved – “aye”, minutes were approved with edits.
Transfer Station – Jesse reached out Mr. Hamilton, Outreach Coordinator of Greater Upper Valley Solid Waste Management District for information what type of payment surrounding towns use for their transfer station/recycling center.
Jesse to pursue the logistics of implanting a ticket system for the Transfer Station.
Billy will ask surrounding towns regarding their budgets for Transfer Station and are they running into a deficit.
Grants – Kevin gave an update on the Sidewalk Project; the Town has received all the clearances needed for the Sidewalk project from VTrans. Kevin to schedule a meeting for next Friday with Rick, Mike Whipple, Chris Paul, and Mike Avery to go over the water and sewer lines and the shut off.
Highway Department:
John has a lot of the chervil mowed.
10-wheeler needed to go Lucky’s to reprogram the transmission, Rick didn’t like how it was downshifting.
The Selectboard will address the process for temporary permit access for logging.
Leyna went over the evaluation of the loader, estimated cost of replacing the radiator, $7,502.98, estimated cost of replacing seals, gaskets in cover housing, $7,223.76.
Next steps – service loader and review Town Capital Equipment Fund.
Permits – James and Susan Kay Highway Access Permit, Jesse recused herself from the vote. Leyna motioned to approve the Access Permit for James and Susan Kay, Bill seconded, all in favor – “aye”, all approved, and the motion was passed to approve the Access Permit for James and Susan Kay.
Phyllis Hayward for United Church of Chelsea Ice Cream Social on the North Common, August 12. Jesse motioned for approval, Leyna Seconded, all in favor – “aye”, all approved, and the motion was passed to approve the permit for United Church of Chelsea.
Phyllis Hayward for United Church of Chelsea, closure of road in front of Church for July 2 outdoor Church service, Kevin to have conversation with Phyllis on how this has been done in the past. Leyna motioned to approve of Kevin having a conversation with Phyllis, Bill seconded, all in favor – “aye”, motion was approved, and Kevin will contact Phyllis.
Website – Jesse asked for the Board Members opinion about adding businesses on the
Town website, Bill agreed to this, as this may help draw people to the Town. Jesse reached out to VCLT to see about adding businesses to the Town website is legal, and it is fine to do so. Need to set a policy or procedure to put in place.
Jesse to contact Kasey regarding the Department tab on the website, as not everything on there is functioning yet.
Planning Commission – The Planning Commission is moving forward.
Additions to Agenda –
Sewer Plant inspection, two things that really need addressing, Pump Station and Chlorine room. Kevin and Kelly to talk with Mike about the SCADA System.
Mike sends Kevin and Kelly a weekly report on what was done during the week.
Concerns from Phyllis Hayward regarding the closure of Route 113 in Fairlee/Thetford town line, as this coincides with the Flea Market. Action to be taken by the Selectboard to send a letter to VTrans for reconsider and alternative date for the closure. Kevin and Kelly to prepare the letter.
Personnel Policy, Kelly reviewed some of the changes that have been made to the Personal Policy, everything highlighted is new content, bringing the policy up to statute. Plan to get the Personal Policy to all Town Employees for their review and make time to meet with employees to receive their feedback. Additional work still needs to be done.
Approval of Orders – Jesse motioned to approve all Orders of the night, there was not a second. All approve – “aye”, so moved, all orders of the night were approved by all.
Future Agendas –
Town Forrest
Orange County Sherriff
Development Review Board
Budget review with Gayle
Capital Equipment Fund
Arts Community
Selectboard agreed to not hold their regular meeting on Tuesday, July 4, and will meet again on Tuesday, July 18.
Executive Session – No Executive Session
Adjourn – Leyna motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:52 pm, Jesse seconded, all agreed to adjourn the meeting.