Chelsea Selectboard Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, 19 July 2022
7:30PM Chelsea Town Hall
1. Call meeting to order
2. Conflict of interest disclosure
3. Changes to the agenda
4. Town Clerk
5. Town Treasurer
a. Budget status
b. Orders
6. Department/Liaison Updates
a. Town Commons tree inventory and assessment with arborist-Pete Amber/Levar
(note: this will take some time outdoors)
b. Highway: truck sale, roadside mowing oprtion-Henry
c. Transfer Station (bear and safety cones)-Geoff
d. Riverside Cemetery bridge use-Geoff
e. Pear Ridge Productions/Adventure Dinners: Request to Cater Malt, Vinous and/or
Spirituous Liquors; violation follow-up-Geoff
7. Public Comments
8. Administrative Assistant Report
a. Village Greens/Roberts-Gould Field requests
b. Moxley Bridge renovation-VTRANS
c. Pear Ridge Production-Adventure Dinners: Request to Cater Malt, Vinous and/or
Spirituous Liquors, 22 July, Longest Acres Farm
d. Town Web-site link request follow-up
e. Request for Proposals-sidewalk renovation
f. Window Dressers proposal for Town Hall ($1100)
g. Maple Avenue springs request?-Randy Brown
h. Town Hall window washing
9. Approve minutes:
a. 5 July
10. Appointments:
a. Fence Viewers (3)
b. Inspector of lumber, shingles, and wood
c. Weigher of Coal
d. Central Vermont Solid Waste Management District
e. Development Review Board Alternate 2
f. Recreation Committee (1)
g. Development Review Board
11. Executive Session for Human Resources-(1 VSA 313 (a)3)
12. Adjourn