Special Selectboard Meeting Minutes (draft)
Tuesday, 24 January, 2023
Selectboard Present: Kevin Marshia, Vice Chair, William Lyon, Kelly Lyford, Leyna Hoyt
Other Employees present: Gayle Durkee, Treausrer, Marianne McCann, Town Report
Other persons present: Chris Belcher, videographer
- Call meeting to order – Meeting called to order at 6:32 by Kevin Marshia.
- Conflict of interest disclosure -None
- Additions to the agenda -Karen – Town Warning/Time Line
Gayle added MRGP for approval
Marainne- Town Report
Kelly Update AA
Kevin-Update on Sewer Grant Project, Zoom - Public Comments – Kevin read email from Mr. Herrington,Sat 21, 2023 about tapping trees on 110 near Dickerman hill cemetery. Board noted land not in Chelsea. An email to be sent to Mr. Herrington.
- Approve Minutes – None available at this time.
- Approve Orders- moved to end of meeting
- Budget Discussions
Water Budget/SewerBudget- Gayle spoke to the water budget and rates. No rate change in years. Rates to be set at next Water Board meeting. It was noted there was a deficit of around 31,000. Board discussion on Board reviewed the budget.
Board reviewed changes to Salaries. Operating expense overage last year due to because of contracted work. Gayle noted there were some delinquencies. Kevin compared last year budget to this year’s, proposed they are somewhat close. Some nominal increase to fees for water/sewer? Just a discussion of how much to up rates. Hypotheticals discussed. Kevin, should we leave operating expense or increase? Gayle stated we have used Simons for two months. Board set operating expense at 15,000.
Highway- Board discussion of mutual aid using mowing equipment to save money. Board discussion on mowing and tree cutting. Rental Equipment line item to 5000. Leyna to check with Rick to see if we have committed to an agreement. Kelly to check with Vershire.
Board went over Library line item in budget- Gayle noted that VMERS for the Librarian has pushed up the line item.
Selectboard Budget- Selectboard to use AA laptop, tech line item to 500 for zoom, Supplies to 250.
AA Budget – Board set compensation at 30,000 to cover 16-20 hours for AA and hour for Grant Admin. Technology to 1200 for laptop.
Town Clerk Budget – Board increased salary at 33,000 based on state wide average. Drop Assistant Town Clerk to 2,5000, dropped technology down by 100.
Treasurer Budget – Board increased salary to 33,000 based on state-wide average.
DTC – no changes
Listers budget – Board decrease payroll to 8000
DRB- No Change
Public Safety -No change OCS billed Dec/Jan
Town Hall Budget – Custodian salary decreased to 4500 as not all was utilized from last year.
Board discussion with Treausrer about Mowing payrolls for several Town departments. Discussion on hours for highway. Leyna to double check with Rick to confirm the time he uses.
Solid Waste budget – Kevin over budget on salary for “22”. Board increase salary 12,000. Leyna how much over? 9-10 thousand deficit.
Rec Committee line item – No change, Gayle noted the town pays electric for skating.
General expenses- Election line item brought down to 3000. Clerk explained it would be higher in a year when there were state and federal elections.
Nemrc- no change
Petitions Appropriations- 14,2000 for petitions submitted. Clerk said three entities did not make the dead line. Spotlight brought in a petition. Board discussion and decision to put it on the Town warning increases appropriation budgetary line item to 16,240.
Highway Budget – Board reviewed changes.
Heating fuel increase to 5000
Equipment repairs – 45,000
Diesel Fuel – 80,000 Gayle noted mud season blew the budget last year.
Board review of bottom line, budget up 4%. $1,130,895 to be raised by taxes about 178,000 more than last year.
Gayle to bring finalized budget to January 31, 2023 Selectboard Meeting for approval. Gayle to send budget to Board to check excel formulas.Kevin noted maybe some ARPA funds could be used to offset some expenses. If Town could use soome funds to keep taxes down. Gayle would have to look into it. She has to look into extra taxes that we received and see if that could reduce taxes. - Gayle presented the Municipal Roads General Permit (MGRP) – enables the Town to get funding and impacts grant income.
Kelly moved for Kevin to sign the MRGP in the amount of 640.00. Bill seconded. Motion passed.
Kelly moved to add 640.00 for the MRGP application fee to ANR. Bill seconded. Motion passed. - Move to approve orders. Kelly moved to approve the orders Bill seconded. Motion passed.
- Town Meeting Warning & Timeline. Karen ran down timeline and Hybrid Town Meeting Warning. Discussion on info meeting.
Bill moved to hold informational Meeting March 2, 2023 at 6:30 pm at the Town Hall. Leyna seconded the motion. Motion 12. passed. - AA Update – Kelly updated the board on the AA position. Advertisement in paper for two weeks. Currently drafting questions.
- Sewer Grant Update – Kevin contacted Ms Ellis. For the Pump Stattion Grant. Appropriation is there and Town must put in an application if we meet the criteria. 600,000 for the project, 20% match Town Match 150,000. There are some criteria for some potential waiving of match if we meet those criteria.
Many communities have had problems with an unique identity # Duns. Fed account. Gayle noted the process is not easy but we have one and it has to be updated. It is not an easy process.
Board discussion about having Otter Creet and ANR invited to a future meeting for some imput. Kevin tasked with speaking to John Maryfield about Town options - Town Report – Just missing a few small items- fire chiefs report, fire dept budget and prudential board report, selectboard report, Treausrer files and Dog Report from Clerk and three reports for appropriations. Will leave, admin vacant. Selectboard to take some time and think about the proofing of the report.Kelly each person takes a section- next meeting to decide.
- Zoom Update -Kevin, would like to go forward with a live zoom account. Board discussion, Kevin tasked to work with Gayle on it. Marianne said there is the free account under administrative assistant. Marianne to share info with Kevin. Kevin to look into storage needs for it. Considered public records once Town chooses to use it.
Kevin spoke about Otter Creek being invited and Kelly ANR also invite to get some input from someone. Conversation with John Maryfield, Kevin will speak to him about what the Town has for options. - Executive Session – Personnel (if necessary)
Kelly moved to enter executive session for personnel at 9:02 pm inviting Karen Lathrop, Clerk. Leyna Hoyt seconded the motion. Leyna seconded the motion. Motion passed
Leyna moved to exit executive session at 9:28. Bill seconded the motion
Motion passed.
Action – Kelly to contact VLCT about Town Resources as the next step going forward with help for an employee. - Kelly moved to adjourn with Bill seconding the motion at 9:30 pm. Motion passed.
Next Selectboard Meeting – Tuesday, January 31, 2023 – 6:30 PM