Department Contact:

Jennifer Chase
Monday, Thursday, and Friday
8:00 am – 11:30 pm and 12:30 pm – 4:00 pm
The Town Clerk is the receiver and recorder of the Town Archives. Be it land records, vital records and all other records pertaining to Town business. Our online land records provider as of September 30, 2024 is Cott Systems at Subscriptions | Chelsea .
Other Clerk services include issuing Marriage Licenses, Dog Licenses, Motor Vehicle Renewals, Facility Rentals, Notary services and copy and fax services for a fee.
The Clerk, as presiding officer, conducts local, state and federal elections with the help of the Board of Civil Authority.
The Town Clerk is an elected position with a three year term. The Clerk is an independent official responsible to the voters of the Town. If you have any suggestions or complaints please feel free to contact the Clerk directly.
The Town Clerk’s office is open, but we are still requiring Title Searchers to call or email for an appointment. Townspeople may come in for service at the counter without an appointment.
Frequently Asked Questions
Jennifer Chase
Town Clerk
Karen Lathrop
Assistant Town Clerk