Special Selectboard Meeting – Feb 23, 2023
Special Selectboard Meeting
Thursday, February 23, 2023
6:15 PM
Chelsea Town Hall
1. Call to Order
2. Appoint Moderator
3. Set Organizational Meeting Date and Tim
4. Adjourn
Special Selectboard Meeting
Thursday, February 23, 2023
6:15 PM
Chelsea Town Hall
1. Call to Order
2. Appoint Moderator
3. Set Organizational Meeting Date and Tim
4. Adjourn
Chelsea Selectboard Meeting Minutes (Draft)
February 7, 2023
Selectboard present: Kevin Marshia, Vice Chair, Kelly Lyford, Bill Lyon & Leyna Hoyt
Other Employees present: Karen Lathrop, Town Clerk, Gayle Durkee, Treasurer, Marianne
McCann, Town Report, Rick Ackerman, Road Foreman, Kasey Peterson, Grant Writer, John
Parker, Rec Committee, Samantha Allen, Rec Committee
Others present: Chris Belcher, videographer, Jenny Martin, resident
elder was in need of cutting at the playground/basketball court and Pete Amber would do it.
Rick noted he would be able to help out with that. The Board thanked John for his help with
b. Class IV Highway Policy- Board discussion on policy. Rick’s thoughts. No work on
any class 4 road for about 15 years and had only been on the Thorne Road once.
Board asked for examples of class 4 roads. Rick pointed out Whitneys, Carpenter
Road section and a few more. Town only responsible for culverts and bridges. Rick
stated it’s all they could do to keep up with Class 2 and 3. Leyna asked about work
done on roads as policy states under supervision of the Road Formann. Discussion
on who maintains the road. Rick stated they probably needed a permit to work in the
Town Right of Way if they plan to have someone fix the road. Rick to call John and
Rella Rice talk about work in the right of way for their use. Board questions which
permit necessary when informed there were two. Karen deferred to Rick. Rick felt
they probably needed both. Rick stated historically he signed off and board signed
off on Access Permits. He stated he was fine with signing access permit for snow
plowing only. Leyna asked why the Board could only work on the policy in only
work in July. Rick did not know but felt revisions were probably necessary. Board
to work with Rick on policy revisions.
Rick gave the Board and update on general highway work and repairs to vehicles.
c. Executive Session – Staffing- Kelly moved to enter into executive session for
Highway staffing at 7:28 pm with Rick, Gayle and Karen invited. Leyna seconded
the motion. Motion passed.
Leyna H. moved to exit executive session with Kelly L seconding the motion.
Motion passed.
Action – Leyna H. to work with Rick Ackerman on advertisement for full time
Highway Position.
Water/Wastewater – Kevin gave a report to the Board on the Water/Wastewater
plant. It was reported there was a broken gear in a clarifier that has to be replaced.
Mike Whipple said cost unknown yet. Board in favor of approving the cost
necessary to keep the plant going. Rick stated what days Nate worked at the plant.
He is still be accompanied by his wife. Board reiterated that it is a liability issue
for the Town and there must be a Town Employee there. Leyna H. to stop by
tomorrow to speak with Nate.
Sewer Plant Laptop update. Bill reported Systems Plus has a $750 price for laptop.
Gayle stated Caulkins price was higher. Gayle stated IT person said you could just
purchase one from Best Buy. Just has to be reliable for online reporting.
Kevin reported he was in contact with Mr. Merryfield, and he is supportive about
how the Board is dealing with the sewer plant. There were needs identified. More
to come. Simon’s called, a little anxious for town to get someone soon to work at
the plant as they are maxed out.
Selectboard Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, February 7, 2023
Chelsea Town Hall
1. Call meeting to order
2. Conflict of interest disclosure
3. Additions to the agenda
4. Public Comments
5. Approve Minutes – January 31, 2023
6. Town Report
a. Selectboard Report
b. Report Review
7. Rec. Committee – John Parker
8. Highway
a. Highway Mileage Certificate
b. Class IV Highway Policy
c. Executive Session – Staffing (if necessary)
9. Grants – Casey Peterson
10.Town Hall Chimney Inspection – February 10
11.Free Verse Farm – Liquor License
12.Division of Fire Safety – Town Hall Inspection
13.Heath Field – Old sand pile area usage
14.Informational Meeting – Confirm Agenda
15.Approve Orders
16.Executive Session – Personnel (if necessary)
Chelsea Selectboard Meeting Minutes (draft)
January 31, 2023
Selectboard present: Kevin Marshia, Vice Chair, Kelly Lyford, Leyna Hoyt,
William Lyon
Employees present: Karen Lathrop, Clerk, Gayle Durkee, Treasurer, Marianne
McCann, Town Report Liaison.
Others present: Chris Belcher, Videographer, Greg Herrin
Geoff had to approve it prior to sending to the printer. Board had questions of who
signs the report. Board requested a draft be sent to them. Gayle tasked to call Geoff
about the draft. Discussion on who would be proofing the book. Book should be
proofed and approved by February 6, Marianne stated, but earlier would be better.
10.Approve Certificate of No Appeals to the Grand List
Karen gave a explanation of the Certificate of No Appeals to the Grand List to
the Board. Leyna H. moved to approve the Certificate of No Appeals to the Grand
List with Kelly seconding the motion. No discussion. Motion passed.
11.Thorne Rd/Class 4 Road
Karen gave background on Thorne Road and class 4 highway and the
discussion she had with the Rice’s. Kevin read the email from the Rice’s. Board
discussion on the Rice’s timeframe for work, what they are allowed to do. No one
may work on a class 4 road without an Access Permit from the Town. Discussion
on how to get the Access Permit for plowing only completed, and who the
authorized person signing it should be. Kevin suggested a permit for plowing only,
and then have the Rice’s come in for a meeting. Board reviewed permit
application. Kelly noted there needs to be more consistency in how permits are
issued going forward but felt until that happened the Board should sign off on it.
The Board would need time to look over practices for filling out applications.
Board specified a restriction of snow plowing only on the permit. Karen to follow
up with Rice’s for a complete application and invite Rick to next meeting.
Kelly moved to approve a completed application for” plowing only” on an Access
Permit for Thorne Road with Rick’s approval. Leyna seconded the motion. No
discussion Motion passed.
Board discussion on Class 4 Highway Policy. Noted the policy had not been
updated since 2009. Noted policy needs some updating. Intent is clear but some rewording necessary. Noted policy could only be changed in the month of July as
stated in the policy. To be on a future agenda item at March 21, 2023.
Selectboard Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, 31 January, 2023
6:30pm Chelsea Town Hall
1. Call meeting to order
2. Conflict of interest disclosure
3. Additions to the agenda
4. Public Comments
5. Approve Minutes
6. Approve Budget
7. Approve Town Meeting Warning
8. Informational Meeting Discussion
9. Town Report Review
10.Approve Certificate of No Appeals to the Grand List
11.Thorne Road/Class 4 Road – Mr. Rice
12.Approve Orders
13.Executive Session – Personnel (if necessary)
Special Selectboard Meeting Minutes (draft)
Tuesday, 24 January, 2023
Selectboard Present: Kevin Marshia, Vice Chair, William Lyon, Kelly Lyford, Leyna Hoyt
Other Employees present: Gayle Durkee, Treausrer, Marianne McCann, Town Report
Other persons present: Chris Belcher, videographer
Water Board Meeting Agenda
Saturday, 21 January, 2023
9:00 AM Chelsea Water Treatment Plant / Town Hall
Water Meeting/Selectboard Meeting
1. Call Water Board meeting to order
2. Conflict of interest disclosure
3. Tour of Water Treatment Facilities
4. Recess – Move to Town Hall
5. Water/Sewer Budget Discussion
6. Additional Water/Sewer business
7. Adjourn
8. Call Selectboard Meeting to order
9. Conflict of Interest Disclosure
10.Additions to the agenda
11.Public Comments
12.Budget Discussions
13.Executive Session – Personnel (if necessary)
Selectboard Meeting Minutes (Draft)
January 21, 2023
Selectboard present: Kelly Lyford, William Lyon, Leyna Hoyt
Town Employees, Gayle Durkee, Treasurer, Karen Lathrop, Town Clerk,
Others present: Mark Vermette