

February 6, 2024 Selectboard Meeting Minutes

Chelsea Selectboard Meeting Minutes (draft)

February 6, 2024

Present: Kelly Lyford, Leyna Hoyt, William Lyon and Jesse Kay

Others Present: Gregg Herrin, Karen Lathrop

  1.  Kelly called the meeting to order 6:30 PM
  2. Additions to Agenda -None
  3. Conflict of Interest Disclosure -None
  4. Public Comment – None
  • Listers Appeal of Sales and Equalization Study 2023- Phyllis recommended appealing 3 properties in the Sales and Equalization Study the State sends to the Listers. Kelly noted the appeal was as to how the properties were sold and she read the appeal letter.

Jesse moved to approve the letter of appeal for the Sales Equalization study from Phyllis as read. William seconded the motion. All were in favor, the motion passed. 

  • VLCT PACIF- Insurance Claim for Town Hall- Kelly went over the three claims that came in from VLCT and noted Kasey would need authorization to sign electronically. Replacement cost of Pellet Furnace room was $4,500. Services from Lyme Green Heat and Irving Oil were $3,392.23 and Pellets and bag were $$4,680.  She explained their was a deductible of a $1,000.00 probably covered all three.

Leya moved to give the interim administrative assistance the authority to sign electronically for the VLCT  Proof of Loss for the Town Hall in the amount of $4,500 for furnace room, $3,392.23 for service and replacement cost value of $4,680.  Jesse seconded the motion. All were in favor, motion passed.

There was some discussion on the membrane. Leyna noted they could not find documentation on the waterproof membrane in the Town Hall Cellar. Leyna noted they needed to  have someone come in get an estimate.

  • Health Center Building – William does not have any information yet. Next step was to meet with the Health Center Board. Kelly noted they were going to have their own meeting. William to reach out and tabled any further discussion.
  • Log Storage at Heath Field- Leyna felt there should be a process for these requests. Karen gave some info from VLCT on insurance requirements for short term situations which would include a certificate of insurance with the Town listed as the Primary.  she noted VLCT suggested an agreement between the Town and Company for long term commitments and also noted the Town has Flood Bylaws to abide by. . Leyna to reach out to Mary Ellen Parkman, Zoning Administrator and Board discussed when to bring it back to the agenda, which sparked a conversation about when to have their organizational meeting as Town Meeting falls on their regular Tuesday. Board decided to have their organizational meeting on March 6, 2024.
  • Use of the Village Green – Arts Festival – The Chelsea Arts Collective requested the use of the village green for August 31, 2024 for their annual Craft Festival.

 Leyna moved to approve the request for use of the Green for the Arts Festival on August 31, 2024.  Jesse seconded the motion.  Jesse noted that the food trucks should not be on the green and it should be relayed to the Arts Collective.

All were in favor and the motion passed.

  1. Approval of Minutes 30 January, 2024 – Jesse moved to approve the January 30, 2024 minutes. Leyna seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed.
  1. Approve Orders – Jesse moved to approve the orders.  Leyna seconded the motion. All were in favor and the  motion passed.
  1. Executive session for Personnel – Jesse moved to enter executive session for Personnel inviting Karen at 6:57 PM.  Bill seconded the motion. All were in favor, motion passed.

Leyna moved to exit executive session at 7:33 PM. Jesse seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed.

No formal action taken – Bill and Jesse to follow up with personnel.

  1. Adjourn- Leyna moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:34 PM.  Jesse seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed.

Request for Proposals – Land Record Digitization

Request for Proposals

Land Record Digitization/Migration and Public Portal Access Management

Proposals due March 12, 2024

The Town of Chelsea Vermont’s Town Clerk invites qualified vendors to submit a proposal for

Digitization/Migration of Land Records with Public Portal Access Setup and Management to include migration and scanning of Land Record books/indexes dating back 40 years. (1984-2024) CAN OPT TO NO BACK SCANNING TO SAVE MONEY

Objectives for this process are as follows:

  • To update software with user friendly public access and payment system
  • To merge current files and digitize hard copies of all necessary documents and images to the new system portal, including redaction services if needed
  • To effectively train town officials/staff on processes and procedures

The digitization of Land Records will be:

  • Secure
  • User friendly for both internal and external users
  • Service will install and maintain the system including staffing to scan in documents/images
  • Training of the Town of Chelsea’s consistent users
  • Will include 2 workstation licenses
  • Include future options for additional record upkeep
  • Be forward thinking


The Town of Chelsea is a small rural community located at 296 VT Rte 110, Chelsea, VT in Orange County, Vermont with a population of 1233 people.

Current Land Records (86 land record book hosting an average of 700 pages each) are indexed back 13 years with current software, with no images digitized at this time.


The deadline for proposals is Tuesday, March 12, 2024 5 PM EST. Submit one copy of the RFP response as a PDF inserted into an email addressed to with the subject line of “ Town of Chelsea VT, Digitization of Records RFP”.

For more information about this solicitation, please contact Karen Lathrop, Chelsea, VT. Town Clerk. 802-685-4460. Monday, Tuesday & Thursday 8 AM -4:00PM

Town of Chelsea, VT 05038  – RFP for Land Record Digitization/Migration FY 24


1.   Please provide a brief cover letter and summary of how your company will assist the Town in achieving its project objectives.

2.   Provide brief overview and history of your company including statements concerning:

  • How long the company has been in business
  • Capabilities of company team and why your firm should be selected
  • How many Vermont municipal accounts you serve
  • Company name, website URL, phone, email address

3.   Please describe your company’s capabilities with regards to:

  1. Warranties
  2. The availability of continued communications post implementation
  3. Support services – emergency and non-emergency situations
  4. State concerning hosting & security best practices, including data protection
  5. Implementation planning and guidance
  6. Onsite implementation/migration of data to new PC or Laptop
  7. Software Licensing
  8. Upcoming concerns as to E-recording

4.   Please provide a proposed work plan for migration to your company, specifically key activities, and timing with deliverables.

5.   Please provide 3 professional references for municipalities for whom you have completed similar work, or for whom you provide ongoing monthly maintenance and service

6.   Describe your projected timeline for project completion. Provide an outline of your expectations of Town participation in all phases of project implementation.

7.   Provide an outline of what technical services the Town can expect from your company in all phases of project implementation.

Project Pricing Estimate/Cost for Services Outlined:

Please specify amounts of items below:

  1. The cost of system migration (concept to completion) including:
  2. Days/hours/unit pricing of scanning/amount of content migration
  3. Training consistent users
  4. Additional products/functionality
  • Ongoing fees for maintenance and support for year 2 and beyond


March 12, 2024                     Proposals due by 5:00PM EST

March 19, 2024                       Selectboard bid review

March 21, 2024                       Successful bidder notification

April 4, 2024                           Contract preparation

April 15, 2024                         Begin Project


The Consultant awarded this contract shall apply for registration with the Vermont Secretary of State’s Office to do business in the State of Vermont, if not already so registered.

The contractor shall agree to provide and maintain the following types and amounts of insurance for the term of its contract with the Town of Chelsea. This insurance shall be obtained from an insurer having an A.M. Best Insurance Rating of at least A-, financial size category of VII or greater. [ www,]

Commercial General Liability Coverage:

Commercial General Liability Insurance including but not limited to Bodily Injury, Personal/Advertising Injury, Broad Form Property Damage, Products and Completed Operations Liability and Contractual Liability with limits of, at minimal, $1,000,000 Combined Single Limit for each occurrence.  The Contractor must list the Town of Chelsea as Additional Insureds on their Commercial General Liability Policy.

Workers’ Compensation & Employers Liability Insurance:

Statutory Worker’s Compensation Insurance and Employers Liability with limits of, at minimum, $1,000,000 any one occurrence.  The Contractor must show evidence of Workers Compensation and Employers Liability Insurance Coverage.

Professional Liability Insurance: (Errors and Omissions Coverage):

Professional Liability Insurance Coverage for $1,000,000 Each Occurrence and $3,000,000 annual aggregate.  The Contractor must list the Town of Chelsea as Additional Insureds on their Professional Liability Policy.


The Town of Chelsea reserves the right to reject any or all submittals, to compare the merits of the responses, and to choose a Contractor/Vendor, which will best serve the interests of the Town.

Town of Chelsea -Digitization of Land Records
Addendum to RFP – Change to RFP

Page 1 – Redact “to include migration and scanning of Land Record books/indexes dating back 40 years. The Town plans on implementing a digitization management system going forward only at this point. Please disregard any back scanning of documents in the RFP.

Page 1- Change Under Objectives for this process are as follows: change “To merge current files and digitize hard copies of all necessary documents and images to the new system portal, including redaction services if needed” to read, The vendor to come in and scan, perform indexing and redaction sometime in the future.

Page 1 – Under the heading “The digitization of Land Records” – Number of workstations needed will be changed from “Will include 2 workstation licenses” to “Will include 1 workstation and 1 public search station license.”

DRAFT 2/5/2024 Forest and Parks Commission Minutes

February 5, 2024

DRAFT Minutes of the Forest and Parks Commission

Chelsea Town Library 

Start time 6:10 pm

Present: Linda Kuban, John Latham, Jen Chase, Andrew Pomerantz, Susan Elder, Kate Willard. Absent: Robin Amber, Peter Amber, Terry Libby,  John Upham, Kri Gale. Efforts to zoom call with Marty Gratz failed. 

Discussion was held concerning the Commission being under same rules as Selectboard on open meeting laws, conflict of interest, officers, setting of meeting, notice, etc. which had been circulated electronically to the group prior. Prior minutes approved with no objection.

Elected: Jen Chase, Chair; Kate Willard, Vice Chair; Susan Elder, Secretary. Voted and approved by majority. 

Review of Kate’s drafted Mission Statement. After revision, all approved for use and to be sent to Selectboard member Jesse Kay for insertion on Town website under newly created heading of Forests and Parks Commission. 

Jen Chase created a google group email that will be sent to Jesse Kay for use on the town website for contact information for the group. 

Susan Elder will send tonight’s draft minutes and member names to Jesse Kay for adding to Town’s website. Susan will draft paper meeting notices and place them in three places as per the open meeting laws. 

A discussion was held concerning sub-groups. It was decided that none will be created at this time. Since the group consists of only a few members and with a large cross over of interests it was decided that once we get into specific projects we can then divide up as needed.  

Susan read the email from VNRC concerning available resources. 

Susan reported on efforts to gather information concerning a pollinator garden on one of the FEMA properties; FEMA restrictions, grant options and low costs flowering trees through the conservation district. 

Andy suggested a walk through the town forest. He will organize and notify members of date and time. 

The group reviewed on-line and paper maps to identify town properties. 

Adjourn. End at 7:25 p.m.

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Selectboard Meeting Agenda – 6 February, 2024

Selectboard Meeting Agenda
6 February 2024
6:30 PM
Chelsea Town Hall

  1. Call meeting to order
  2. Additions to the Agenda
  3. Conflict of Interest Disclosure
  4. Public Comments
  5. Listers Appeal of Sales and Equalization Study 2023
  6. VLCT PACIF – Insurance claim for Town Hall
  7. Health Center Building
  8. Log Storage at Heath Field
  9. Use of Village Green – Arts Festival
  10. Approve Minutes 30 January 2024
  11. Approve Orders
  12. Executive Session if necessary
  13. Adjourn

Links to join the Selectboard Meeting:


Planning Commission Notice of Public Hearing – February 12, 2024

Chelsea Planning Commission
Notice of Public Hearing
On Modernizing Chelsea’s Housing Bylaws
February 12, 2024, at 6:30 PM in the Chelsea Town Hall

The Chelsea Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on modernizing Chelsea’s housing bylaws on Monday February 12th, 2024, at 6:30 PM in the Chelsea Town Hall, located at 296 VT Route 110, Chelsea, VT 05038.

The purpose of this hearing is to commence a grant-funded project to modernize Chelsea’s zoning bylaws to expand opportunities for all types of housing construction, with a particular focus on its village center and other areas deemed suitable for future growth. The project will result in a draft revision of Chelsea’s zoning bylaws to replace the current zoning bylaw in its entirety. The revised bylaws are meant to further the goals of the Town Plan and 24 VSA § 4302.

This hearing is open to the public.

Seeking Development Review Board Members

The Town of Chelsea is looking for Development Review Board members. The Development Review Board (DRB) is a quasi-judicial five member board appointed by the Select Board. 

The DRB reviews applications that involve requests for waivers, variances, conditional uses, design review, and change of use. 

DRB meetings are held on the 1st and 3rd  Wednesday of the month at the Chelsea Town Library at 6:00 or as warranted.  

If interested, please contact

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Selectboard Meeting Agenda January 30, 2024

Selectboard Meeting Agenda
30 January 2024
6:30 PM
Chelsea Town Hall

  1. Call meeting to order
  2. Additions to the Agenda
  3. Conflict of Interest Disclosure
  4. Public Comments
  5. Windsor County Sheriff Ryan Palmer
  6. Highway
  7. Listers – Appeal of Properties in Sales and Equalization Study
  8. Town Treasurer
    a. Line of Credit
  9. Forest and Parks Committee
  10. Development Review Board
  11. Town Report proof
  12. Old Home Days
  13. DuBois And King Contract Amendment
  14. Approve Minutes 16 January 2024
  15. Approve Minutes 23 January 2024
  16. Approve Orders
  17. Executive Session if necessary
  18. Adjourn
    Links to join the Selectboard Meeting:

Special Selectboard Meeting January 23rd

The Selectboard will be holding a special meeting on Tuesday, January 23rd at 6:30 PM. The topic is law enforcement. At our January 16th meeting the board voted to enter into contracts with the Orange County Sheriff for $12,500 per year and the Windsor County Sheriff for $34,000 per year. This decision was made after discussing this topic at four recent Selectboard meetings and after multiple conversations with both Agencies. This decision would have had Orange County providing four hours per week of daytime coverage and Windsor County providing ten hours per week of nighttime coverage.

Unfortunately on Wednesday, January 17th, the board received word from Orange County Sheriff’s Department informing us that they were not interested in entering into a $12,500 contract.

Given that the Orange County Sheriff’s Office has declined to enter into a contract, the Selectboard will be meeting Tuesday evening to consider an updated proposal from the Windsor County Sheriff’s Office.

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Special Selectboard Meeting January 23, 2024

Special Selectboard Meeting
Tuesday 23 January , 2024
6:30 Chelsea Town Hall

  1. Call Meeting to Order
  2. Conflict of Interest
  3. Public Comments
  4. Law Enforcement
  5. Budget Amendment
  6. Corrected Warning
  7. Adjourn

Links to join the Selectboard Meeting:

Budget Preparation and Law Enforcement

Please note, the upcoming January 16th Selectboard Meeting Agenda includes Law Enforcement and Budget Preparation as topics. The Board plans to continue ongoing discussions and make a decision regarding law enforcement contracts that will impact the 2024 budget. This meeting is open to the public.