Planning Commission

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Chelsea Planning Commission Notice of Public Hearing August 8, 2024

On the Draft Chelsea Town Plan August 8th at 6:30 pm at the Chelsea Library publicly and virtually.

The Chelsea Planning Commission will be holding a hearing on the Draft Town Plan at 6:30 pm on August 8th at the Chelsea Library, 296 VT-110 ,Chelsea, VT and via Google Meets

The purpose of this hearing is to take comments from the public on the draft Town Plan so that the Planning Commission can consider these as it makes it’s final revisions prior to sending to the Selectboard. The proposed Town Plan will replace the current Town Plan in it’s entirety. Copies of the draft can be found at the Town Hall during business hours. Comments may be mailed to the attention of the Planning Commission at PO Box 266 Chelsea, VT 05038.

Below is a summary of the proposal.
I. Goals of the Plan
II. Demographics
III. Economic Development
IV. Housing
V. Education
VI. Utilities and Facilities
VII. Recreation and Parks
VIII. Health and Emergency Services
IX. Natural, Scenic, and Cultural Resources
X. Agriculture and Forestry
XI. Land Use Plan
XII. Transportation
XIII. Energy
XIV. Relationship to Other Plans
XV. Town Plan Implementation
Appendix A

To view the draft Town Plan, please click HERE.


Notice of Public Meeting: Planning Commission July 17, 2024

Chelsea Planning Commission
Notice of Public Meeting: Modernizing Chelsea’s Zoning Bylaws

July 17th, 2024 at 6:30 pm in the Chelsea Town Hall

The Chelsea Planning Commission will hold a public meeting on modernizing Chelsea’s Zoning Bylaws on Wednesday, July 17th, 2024 at 6:30 pm in the Chelsea Town Hall located at 296 VT Route 110, Chelsea VT 05038. The meeting will also be held virtually via the Town’s Google Meets link:

The purpose of this meeting is to discuss potential revisions to Chelsea current Zoning Bylaws; this will result in a draft revision that will replace the current bylaws in their entirety. The revised Bylaws are meant to further the goals of 24 V.S.A § 4302. This meeting is open to the public.


Planning Commission Notice of Public Hearing

Chelsea Planning Commission Notice of Public Hearing On Modernizing Chelsea’s Zoning Bylaws

March 25, 2024, at 6:30 PM in the Chelsea Town Hall

The Chelsea Planning Commission will hold a public meetingon modernizing Chelsea’s Zoning Bylaws and amending the Town Plan on Monday March 25th, 2024, at 6:30 PM in theChelsea Town Hall, located at 296 VT Route 110, Chelsea, VT 05038.

The purpose of this meeting is to discuss potential revisions to Chelsea’s current Zoning Bylaws and amend portions of the Town Plan for the purposes of attaining regional approval. This will result in a draft revision of Chelsea’s Zoning Bylaws that will replace the current Zoning Bylaws in their entirety. This will also result in amendments to portions of the Town Plan. The revised Bylaws and amended Town Plan are meant to further the goals of 24 V.S.A. § 4302.

This hearing is open to the public.


Planning Commission Notice of Public Hearing – February 12, 2024

Chelsea Planning Commission
Notice of Public Hearing
On Modernizing Chelsea’s Housing Bylaws
February 12, 2024, at 6:30 PM in the Chelsea Town Hall

The Chelsea Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on modernizing Chelsea’s housing bylaws on Monday February 12th, 2024, at 6:30 PM in the Chelsea Town Hall, located at 296 VT Route 110, Chelsea, VT 05038.

The purpose of this hearing is to commence a grant-funded project to modernize Chelsea’s zoning bylaws to expand opportunities for all types of housing construction, with a particular focus on its village center and other areas deemed suitable for future growth. The project will result in a draft revision of Chelsea’s zoning bylaws to replace the current zoning bylaw in its entirety. The revised bylaws are meant to further the goals of the Town Plan and 24 VSA § 4302.

This hearing is open to the public.