Selectboard Meeting Minutes 5-2-2023
Chelsea Selectboard Meeting Tuesday, May 2, 2023, 6:30pm Chelsea Town Hall
Board Attendance: Leyna Hoyt, Jesse Kay, Kelly Lyford – Vice Chair, William (Billy) Lyon, Kevin Marshia – Chair
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by Kevin Marshia, Chair
Conflict of Interest –
Kevin Marshia recused himself from one permit, Jesse Kay to recused herself from Project Sidewalk bids
Additions to the agenda –
R. Colby Permit
Public Comments –
No Public comments
Approve Minutes –
April 18, 2023 – Jesse Kay motioned to have the April 18 minutes approved, Leyna Hoyt seconded this motion, no discussion needed for approval of minutes. All agreed to accept the minutes for April 18. Minutes approved by all members.
April 20, 2023 – Lenya Hoyt motioned to have the April 20 minutes approved, Jesse Kay seconded this motion, no discussion needed for approval of minutes. All agreed to accept the minutes for April 20. Minutes approved by all members.
April 30, 2023 – Leyna Hoyt motioned to have the April 30 Special Selectboard meeting minutes approved, William Lyon seconded this motion, no discussion needed for approval of minutes for April 30. Minutes approved by all members.
ARPA Fund Discussion – Andy Pomerantz, Chris Byrne
Andy presented a list of suggestions for use of ARPA money that was gathered in September 20, 2022.
This was a discussion on how we move forward with ARPA funding.
Path moving forward:
Send the ARPA suggestion list to Rita at Two Rivers-Ottauechee Regional Commission
Have some perimeters-narrow down the list, address some of the infrastructures.
Mail out a survey to the community for suggestions the community would like to see the ARPA funds used for. Chris will be in touch with Corinth to ask how they put together an ARPA survey.
Have a public meeting to discuss the survey outcome.
Kevin Marshia asked Andy and Chris to stay on the ARPA committee to continue helping the Selectboard with ARPA funding.
Leyna Hoyt will contact TRORC for guidance on ARPA.
Listserv – Andy Pomerantz, Chris Byrne
Key rules:
At this time this is not a forum for advertising services, products or events outside of Chelsea and the immediate local area (Tunbridge, Vershire, Washington and Corinth).
– Postings should be on issues and events primarily affecting Chelsea. This isn’t the venue for Orange County or state-wide issues.
– No anonymous posts. Your email address often isn’t enough for people to know who you are, so do sign your name or be sure you have entered it when you signed up.
– To get the best participation from the most people, we need to keep the tone of posts respectful. This is a place for ideas or publicizing local events and opportunities. Personal attacks can get a subscriber kicked off, and uncivil tone will likely inspire a conversation with the moderator at the very least. Posts that don’t belong will be removed from the archive and you will be blocked from further posting.
Andy asked the question to the Selectboard would they use the Listserv for another communication tool, Andy would post the SB meeting minutes and agendas.
Listserv should be moderated, with a response as to what is your interest in Chelsea to help eliminate spammers. Moderator would also screen
SB unanimously agreed to use listserv as another PUSH communication tool.
Bid Openings –
The Board received four bids on the town mowing.
Farnham Lawncare, Barre – $980 (per week)
Orange County Property Maintenance LLC, Williamstown – No final total was given.
Jerf’s Lawncare, Granitville – $21,665
Ronjon’s Lawn and Landscape, Chelsea – $ 13,985
The Board Tabled the mowing bid, until they could have a better understanding of the bids.
Jesse Kay broke down each bidder bid by each property, service, per cut price into a spreadsheet, this provided a clearer understanding of each bid.
Returned to the mowing bids after tabling for clarification on the breakdown of each bid.
After reviewing the numbers, Leyna Hoyt made a motion to accept Ronjons’s Lawn and Landscaping bid for mowing. Leyna Hoyt amened the motion to remove the new Town Garage and accept weekly total of $625 and doing the Chelsea 113 sign bi-weekly and Two Commons bi-weekly after Flea Market, William Lyon seconded the motion, Leyna Hoyt asked Ron Johnson what day a week he would be mowing, Ron Johnson responded that it would be broken into two days, Tuesday start and Wednesday finish, which could vary week to week due to weather. No further discussion, all Board Members approved the motion. Ron Johnson was awarded the contract for mowing.
Sidewalk Project –
The Select Board received 5 Bids for the VT110 Sidewalk Project.
Waters Excavation – Perkinsville, VT – $40,868
Galfetti Excavation – Washington, VT – $35,375.25
Workers LLC – Norwich, CT – $31,970
Avery Excavation – Williamstown, VT – $30,677
Northwoods Excavation – Thetford Center, VT – $45,350
Kevin Marshia will reach out to the contractors for follow-up and clarification of bids, to compare the bids equally, to check references of the contractors.
Rice Property update:
Kevin Marshia, Leyna Hoyt and Rick Ackerman met John Rice
Kevin suggested amending the existing permit.
Leyna Hoyt motioned to amend the Rice’s permit for the Rices to add material the existing roadbed, replacement up to three culverts, ditching and with the oversight of Rick Ackerman, no further discussion was had, the motion was seconded by Jesse Kay, all members of the board were in favor. The motion was approved.
Grants –
Kevin Marshia, Kelly Lyford, Kasey Peterson to meet with EPA representative to better understand the EPA grant for the Pump Station.
Highway Department:
General Updates.
Rick Ackerman needs to order tires for Paul’s truck.
Replaced a culvert on the Williamstown Road.
Scheduling interviews for Highway Maintenance Position
Paving Update –
Waiting to hear from Pike about a paving date.
Water/Wastewater Contract update:
Kevin Marshia received an email at 4:19 pm on Saturday from Nate Billings, saying he unfortunately he didn’t feel he was able to move forward with the contract as proposed. Mike Whipple is giving serious consideration if he can work within the same contract confines. Mike Whipple will reach his decision in the next week or two. Depending on Mike Whipple’s decision, Kevin Marshia might recommend to the Board they immediately need to put out an RFP for contract services, a position description to hire a town employee.
Permits –
Roberts – Gould request for Women’s summer softball – Courtney Maxham, (Queen Bees), need to follow up with Courtney to see if this is the correct field they are playing on.
Richard Colby – Access Permit off the Wright’s place.
William Lyon made a motion to approve the permit for access of the Whitcomb’s place road, Jesse Kay seconded the motion to approve the permit. All approved the motion and the permit approved.
Website – Jesse Kay provided an update on the Town of Chelsea’s new website. The new website is officially up and running, Jesse is asking the Community for pictures they would like to share to the new website.
Future Agendas –
Harry Falconer- Planner – TRORC, MERP program
Gayle Durkee – Budget (keep on agenda for every meaning)
Mark Lembke and Pete Amber (Emerald Ash Borer and trees on the green)
Approve Orders –
Jesse Kay motioned to approve all orders, Leyna Hoyt seconded this motion, all orders were approved unanimously.
Executive Session – None
Adjorn –
Kevin Marshia motioned for the adjournment of the SB meeting, all members were in favor, meeting adjourned at 9:18pm