Selectboard Meeting Minutes, May 30, 2023
Chelsea Selectboard Meeting Tuesday, May 30, 2023, 6:30pm Chelsea Town Hall
Board Attendance: Leyna Hoyt, (Absent) Jesse Kay, Kelly Lyford – Vice Chair, William (Billy) Lyon, Patty Swahn, Board Administrative Assistant
Community Attendance: Gregg Herrin, Gayle Durkee (Treasurer), Karen Lathrop (Town Clerk) Kasey Peterson (Grant Writer), Rick Ackerman (Road Foreman), Bob Childs, Mark Willard
Meeting –
The meeting was called to order at 6:32 pm by Kelly Lyford, Vice Chair
Conflict of Interest – None
Additions to the agenda – Robert Childs
Public Comments – No Public Comments
Approve Minutes – Jesse moved to accept the minutes from the May 16 meeting, Bill second the move. All present members of the board approved to accept the May 16 meeting minutes.
Emerald Ash Borer – Mark gave a discussion on Emerald Ash Borer. Mark recommends to start thinking about helping with any problems
Adult beetles emerge in late May/early June.
Bark splitting
S-shaped tunnels behind outer bark
D-shaped exit holes 1/8″ wide on bark surface
Woodpecker flecking
Dead top branches of ash trees
Leafy offshoots from the lower trunk of ash trees
Pete Ember was not available to attend and has been rescheduled for June 6 SB meeting.
Recreation Committee – John Parker gave the Board an overview of Heath Field. The building of Heath Field began in 1996 and finished in 2000. $100,000 was raised for the maintenance of Heath Field and created a Perpetual Care Foundation through Vermont Community Fund. The Fund has grown to #161,000. Rec. Committee is allowed to take up to 5% to 6% of the Perpetual Care Fund for the maintenance of Heath Field. John asked the SB if the Town would continue to pay for the lights by the skating rink, plowing the road to skating rink and trash pickup.
Unlicensed Dog List- Karen reported there are 19 dogs that are unlicensed and 188 that are licensed. Karen has called and emailed each owner, left messages as well. She will wait until the end of June to send out a second notice by postcard to the owners of the unlicensed dogs.
Budget overview – Gayle gave a highlight of the Town Budget to the Selectboard Members.
ARPA General Discussion – Kelly wants to get the Board thinking about accepting the recommendation to apply the ARPA money to our operating budget, which is allowed, or something similar, that if we don’t follow the information that has been pushed at us to offset our expenses, then we will be subjected to managing each project that we choose with an eye needing to be fully in compliance and reporting out with each project that we do.
If we apply the money the way they are encouraging, we only need to submit it once to meet the regulatory requirements of the grant. Then, we can take the additional money that we then have to us to use for these projects that don’t need to be run through the ARPA regulations.
Grants – is all set. Jesse and Kasey are waiting to hear from Harry Falconer of TRORC on energy assessments for the Town Garage and Town Hall.
Water/Wastewater Dept. – A proposed contract by the SB has been accepted and will begin on June 1, 2023. A motion was made by Jesse to accept the proposed contract, Bill seconded the motion, there was no discussion, the contract was approved by all with no nays.
Highway Department:
General Updates.
John Titlton has accepted the position of Highway Maintenance Employee, employment date is June 5, 2023
Roadside mowing, Ric will contact Vershire regarding their timeline for roadside mowing.
Paving Update –
Ric stated that paving has begun on the East Randolph Road
Sidewalk Bid Update: Kevin to discuss this with the Board in an Executive Session
Permits – Chelsea Area Senior Center Croquet Club – Jesse moved to approve the use of the Village Green on Tuesdays and/or Thursdays 1-3 pm, Bill seconded the motion, all approved the Permit.
Chelsea Public School – use of the Village Green for 8th Grade Graduation on Monday, June 19. Jesse moved to accept the permit for the use of the Village Green on June 19, Bill seconded the motion, all approved the Permit.
Website – Jesse and Kasey provided an update on the website. PDF files can not be loaded into WordPress, copy, and paste documents from Word into WordPad before uploading to the website.
Approval of Orders – Kelly moved to approve all orders presented to the Board, Jesse seconded the motion, there was no discussion. All in favor with no one opposing. The Orders were approved by all members of the SelectBoard.
Future Agendas –
Pete Amber – Tour of the Commons on June 13
Transfer Station – June 6
Town Forest
Art Community
ARPA – Andy
Sherriff Contois
Additions to Agenda – Bob Childs spoke to the Board regarding Policing Issues. Bob gave the Board a printed Emergency Responders Spreadsheet from March 2022 through February 2023. Bob noted that 28% of the crime goes unreported. Chelsea, Tunbridge and Vershire to come together for a plan on Policing for the three communities.
Executive Session – Jesse motioned to enter the Executive Session at 8:56 pm, Bill seconded this motion. The board entered Executive Session to discuss the Sidewalk Project bids. Jesse recused herself from the Sidewalk Project discussion.
The Board exited the Executive Session at 9:15 pm.
Adjourn – Jesse motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:17 pm, Bill seconded this motion. All agree to adjourn the meeting.