

Selectboard Meeting Minutes, May 30, 2023

Chelsea Selectboard Meeting Tuesday, May 30, 2023, 6:30pm Chelsea Town Hall

Board Attendance: Leyna Hoyt, (Absent) Jesse Kay, Kelly Lyford – Vice Chair, William (Billy) Lyon, Patty Swahn, Board Administrative Assistant
Community Attendance: Gregg Herrin, Gayle Durkee (Treasurer), Karen Lathrop (Town Clerk) Kasey Peterson (Grant Writer), Rick Ackerman (Road Foreman), Bob Childs, Mark Willard
Meeting –
The meeting was called to order at 6:32 pm by Kelly Lyford, Vice Chair
Conflict of Interest – None
Additions to the agenda – Robert Childs
Public Comments – No Public Comments
Approve Minutes – Jesse moved to accept the minutes from the May 16 meeting, Bill second the move. All present members of the board approved to accept the May 16 meeting minutes.
Emerald Ash Borer – Mark gave a discussion on Emerald Ash Borer. Mark recommends to start thinking about helping with any problems
Adult beetles emerge in late May/early June.
Bark splitting 
S-shaped tunnels behind outer bark
D-shaped exit holes 1/8″ wide on bark surface
Woodpecker flecking
Dead top branches of ash trees
Leafy offshoots from the lower trunk of ash trees

Pete Ember was not available to attend and has been rescheduled for June 6 SB meeting.
Recreation Committee – John Parker gave the Board an overview of Heath Field. The building of Heath Field began in 1996 and finished in 2000. $100,000 was raised for the maintenance of Heath Field and created a Perpetual Care Foundation through Vermont Community Fund. The Fund has grown to #161,000. Rec. Committee is allowed to take up to 5% to 6% of the Perpetual Care Fund for the maintenance of Heath Field. John asked the SB if the Town would continue to pay for the lights by the skating rink, plowing the road to skating rink and trash pickup.

Unlicensed Dog List- Karen reported there are 19 dogs that are unlicensed and 188 that are licensed. Karen has called and emailed each owner, left messages as well. She will wait until the end of June to send out a second notice by postcard to the owners of the unlicensed dogs.

Budget overview – Gayle gave a highlight of the Town Budget to the Selectboard Members.

ARPA General Discussion – Kelly wants to get the Board thinking about accepting the recommendation to apply the ARPA money to our operating budget, which is allowed, or something similar, that if we don’t follow the information that has been pushed at us to offset our expenses, then we will be subjected to managing each project that we choose with an eye needing to be fully in compliance and reporting out with each project that we do.

If we apply the money the way they are encouraging, we only need to submit it once to meet the regulatory requirements of the grant.  Then, we can take the additional money that we then have to us to use for these projects that don’t need to be run through the ARPA regulations. 

Grants – is all set. Jesse and Kasey are waiting to hear from Harry Falconer of TRORC on energy assessments for the Town Garage and Town Hall.

Water/Wastewater Dept. – A proposed contract by the SB has been accepted and will begin on June 1, 2023. A motion was made by Jesse to accept the proposed contract, Bill seconded the motion, there was no discussion, the contract was approved by all with no nays.

Highway Department:
General Updates.
John Titlton has accepted the position of Highway Maintenance Employee, employment date is June 5, 2023
Roadside mowing, Ric will contact Vershire regarding their timeline for roadside mowing.

Paving Update –
Ric stated that paving has begun on the East Randolph Road

Sidewalk Bid Update: Kevin to discuss this with the Board in an Executive Session

Permits – Chelsea Area Senior Center Croquet Club – Jesse moved to approve the use of the Village Green on Tuesdays and/or Thursdays 1-3 pm, Bill seconded the motion, all approved the Permit.

Chelsea Public School – use of the Village Green for 8th Grade Graduation on Monday, June 19. Jesse moved to accept the permit for the use of the Village Green on June 19, Bill seconded the motion, all approved the Permit.
Website – Jesse and Kasey provided an update on the website. PDF files can not be loaded into WordPress, copy, and paste documents from Word into WordPad before uploading to the website.

Approval of Orders – Kelly moved to approve all orders presented to the Board, Jesse seconded the motion, there was no discussion. All in favor with no one opposing. The Orders were approved by all members of the SelectBoard.

Future Agendas –
Pete Amber – Tour of the Commons on June 13
Transfer Station – June 6
Town Forest
Art Community
ARPA – Andy
Sherriff Contois

Additions to Agenda – Bob Childs spoke to the Board regarding Policing Issues. Bob gave the Board a printed Emergency Responders Spreadsheet from March 2022 through February 2023. Bob noted that 28% of the crime goes unreported. Chelsea, Tunbridge and Vershire to come together for a plan on Policing for the three communities.

Executive Session – Jesse motioned to enter the Executive Session at 8:56 pm, Bill seconded this motion. The board entered Executive Session to discuss the Sidewalk Project bids. Jesse recused herself from the Sidewalk Project discussion.
The Board exited the Executive Session at 9:15 pm.

Adjourn – Jesse motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:17 pm, Bill seconded this motion. All agree to adjourn the meeting.


Selectboard Meeting Minutes 5-16-2023

Chelsea Selectboard Meeting Tuesday, May 16, 2023, 6:30pm Chelsea Town Hall


Board Attendance: Leyna Hoyt, Jesse Kay, Kelly Lyford – Vice Chair, William (Billy) Lyon,  Patty Swahn, Board Administrative Assistant

Community Attendance: Gregg Herrin, Bill Smith, Jr -Pastor, Gayle Durkee (Treasurer), Kasey Peterson.

Guest Presenter:  Harry Falconer, TRORC

Meeting –

The meeting was called to order at 6:31 pm by Kelly Lyford, Vice Chair

Conflict of Interest – None

Additions to the agenda –

Planning Commission Appointment


Public Comments –

No public comments

Approve Minutes –

Leyna made a motion to approve the May, 2 minutes with edits to add Sidewalk Project and mowing bids to the minutes, the motion was seconded by Jesse.  All ayes. So, moved.  May 2 minutes were approved.

MERP Program: Harry Falconer, TRORC presented a presentation on Municipal Energy Resilience Program. One program, three opportunities, Community Capacity Building “Mini-Grants”, Municipal Building Energy Assessments, Project Implementation Grants.  Suggested Mini-Grant uses; start a local energy committee, hire a grant writer, and host a community energy fair. Project Implementation Grants: up to $500,000 each, can be used as a local match for other grants, including ARPA, eligible work includes, weatherization, insulation, heating system conversion/fuel switching, hot water system upgrades/fuel switching.  Kelly asked Patty to put a notice out to the community for interest in fulfilling seats on the Energy Board.

Treasurer – Gayle presented to the Selectboard to invest a total of $652,000 into a 6 Month CD at 4.5% APY, invest $250,000 from the General Fund into a 6 Month CD at 4.5% APY. 

Town Hall Renovation$45,000.00$1,.722$ 336.24
Equipment Fund$125,000.00$5,865$ 934.01
Sewer Sinking Fund$155,000.00$ 7,431$1,158.17
Water Sinking Fund$190,000.00$6,529$ 1,419.70
Roberts Poor Fund$50,000.00$ 11,150$    373.60
Reappraisal Fund$75,000.00$2,250$    560.41
Record Restoration$12,000.00$ 1,898$     89.67
Total CD 4.5%$652,000.00 
Total Interest Difference$ 14,508.57  $9,636.77$4,871.80
General Fund Total CD 4.5%$250 000.00 $2i.0,000.00$415,815$1,868.02
Total interest Difference$    5,563.10    $3,695.08 

Jesse moved to approve Gayle’s request to move investments into two 4.5% APY CD’s, Leyna seconded the motion.  All ayes. So, moved.

Grants –

Kelly and Kasey signed up for two EPA Grant webinars.  Kasey will work with Jesse on Energy Grants and Audits.

Highway Department:

General Updates.

Leyna gave an update on the loader and grader.  The loader has been evaluated by CA, the loader is 23 years of age, low in hours for the age.  CAT will be doing maintenance on the grader next week.  Ric has finished grading.

Paving Update –

Waiting to hear from Pike about a paving date.

Water/Wastewater Contract update:  Kelly gave an update on the Water/Wastewater Contract, the contract is moving in the right direction.

Permits – None

Pastor Bill Smith gave an information on the Bounce House. The Bounce House is 13X13, 6 children can be inside at one time, New Creation Fellowship will have a Parents sign a waiver before their child(ren) enter the Bounce House.  The New Creation Fellowship will have the Bounce House on Friday, May 25 Farmers Market.

Google Meet Owl Microphone:  Jesse talked about the sound quality with Owl, the sound is a little unbalanced. Discussion on setting up on the Stage to see if acoustics are better.  Jess researched an additional microphone for the Owl, the cost will be $250.

Planning Commission:  Kelly and Bill gave an update from the Planning Commission meeting that was held on May 4.

Gregg Herrin and Shenia Covey are interested in being on the Planning Commission Committee.

Jesse moved to appoint Gregg Herrin and Shenia Covey to the Planning Commission Committee, Leyna seconded the motion.  All ayed.  Gregg Herrin and Shenia Covey have been appointed to the Planning Commission Committee.

Future Agendas –

Gayle Durkee – Budget

Mark Lembke (Emerald Ash Borer) Town Forester

Pete Amber (Trees on the Commons)


Capital Plan

Sidewalk Bid Update

John Parker

Approve Orders –

 Leyna moved to approve all Orders; Bill seconded the move.  All ayed.  Orders were approved for the night.

Executive Session – Leyna moved to enter Executive Session at 7:50 pm to discuss Highway Maintenance position and Personnel Policy.  Leyna invited Patty to attend the Executive Session.

Executive Session ended at 8:29 pm

Adjourn – Kelly moved to adjourn the meeting.  All ayed.  Meeting was adjourned at 8:32 pm


Selectboard Meeting Agenda – 5-16-2023

Selectboard Meeting Agenda Tuesday, May 16, 2023, 6:30pm

Join us in person at the Chelsea Town Hall, stream meetings live at our YouTube page, or participate in meetings virtually with Google Meets.

  1. Call meeting to order
  2. Conflict of interest disclosure
  3. Additions to the agenda
  4. Public Comments
  5. Approve Minutes:

    a.  May 2 minutes

  • MERP Program – Harry Falconer, TRORC
  1. Treasurer – Gayle Durkee
  • Grants – updates (as necessary)
  • Highway Department
    • General updates
    • Paving project update
  1.  Water/Wastewater Contract Update
  1.     Permits –

     New Creation Fellowship –  Bounce House

  14.  Google Meet – Owl’s microphone

   15.   Future Agendas –

          May 30 – Mark Lembke, and Pete Amber

          May 30 – Gayle Durkee – Budget Status

          Capital Plan – Trucks

          Town Forest

16.   Executive Session –

    17.   Adjourn – 


Selectboard Meeting Minutes 5-2-2023

Chelsea Selectboard Meeting Tuesday, May 2, 2023, 6:30pm Chelsea Town Hall

Board Attendance: Leyna Hoyt, Jesse Kay, Kelly Lyford – Vice Chair, William (Billy) Lyon, Kevin Marshia – Chair

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by Kevin Marshia, Chair

Conflict of Interest –

Kevin Marshia recused himself from one permit, Jesse Kay to recused herself from Project Sidewalk bids

Additions to the agenda –


R. Colby Permit

Public Comments –

No Public comments

Approve Minutes –

April 18, 2023 – Jesse Kay motioned to have the April 18 minutes approved, Leyna Hoyt seconded this motion, no discussion needed for approval of minutes. All agreed to accept the minutes for April 18.  Minutes approved by all members.

April 20, 2023 – Lenya Hoyt motioned to have the April 20 minutes approved, Jesse Kay seconded this motion, no discussion needed for approval of minutes. All agreed to accept the minutes for April 20.  Minutes approved by all members.

April 30, 2023 – Leyna Hoyt motioned to have the April 30 Special Selectboard meeting minutes approved, William Lyon seconded this motion, no discussion needed for approval of minutes for April 30. Minutes approved by all members.

ARPA Fund Discussion –  Andy Pomerantz, Chris Byrne

Andy presented a list of suggestions for use of ARPA money that was gathered in September 20, 2022.

This was a discussion on how we move forward with ARPA funding. 

Path moving forward:

Send the ARPA suggestion list to Rita at Two Rivers-Ottauechee Regional Commission

Have some perimeters-narrow down the list, address some of the infrastructures.

Mail out a survey to the community for suggestions the community would like to see the ARPA funds used for. Chris will be in touch with Corinth to ask how they put together an ARPA survey.

Have a public meeting to discuss the survey outcome.

Kevin Marshia asked Andy and Chris to stay on the ARPA committee to continue helping the Selectboard with ARPA funding.

Leyna Hoyt will contact TRORC for guidance on ARPA.

Listserv –  Andy Pomerantz, Chris Byrne

Key rules:

At this time this is not a forum for advertising services, products or events outside of Chelsea and the immediate local area (Tunbridge, Vershire, Washington and Corinth).

– Postings should be on issues and events primarily affecting Chelsea. This isn’t the venue for Orange County or state-wide issues.

– No anonymous posts. Your email address often isn’t enough for people to know who you are, so do sign your name or be sure you have entered it when you signed up.

– To get the best participation from the most people, we need to keep the tone of posts respectful. This is a place for ideas or publicizing local events and opportunities.  Personal attacks can get a subscriber kicked off, and uncivil tone will likely inspire a conversation with the moderator at the very least. Posts that don’t belong will be removed from the archive and you will be blocked from further posting.

Andy asked the question to the Selectboard would they use the Listserv for another communication tool, Andy would post the SB meeting minutes and agendas.

Listserv should be moderated, with a response as to what is your interest in Chelsea to help eliminate spammers.  Moderator would also screen

SB unanimously agreed to use listserv as another PUSH communication tool.

Bid Openings –


The Board received four bids on the town mowing.

Farnham Lawncare, Barre – $980 (per week)

Orange County Property Maintenance LLC, Williamstown – No final total was given.

Jerf’s Lawncare, Granitville – $21,665

Ronjon’s Lawn and Landscape, Chelsea –  $ 13,985

The Board Tabled the mowing bid, until they could have a better understanding of the bids.

Jesse Kay broke down each bidder bid by each property, service, per cut price into a spreadsheet, this provided a clearer understanding of each bid.

Returned to the mowing bids after tabling for clarification on the breakdown of each bid.

After reviewing the numbers, Leyna Hoyt made a motion to accept Ronjons’s Lawn and Landscaping bid for mowing. Leyna Hoyt amened the motion to remove the new Town Garage and accept weekly total of $625 and doing the Chelsea 113 sign bi-weekly and Two Commons bi-weekly after Flea Market, William  Lyon seconded the motion, Leyna Hoyt asked Ron Johnson what day a week he would be mowing, Ron Johnson responded that it would be broken into two days, Tuesday start and Wednesday finish, which could vary week to week due to weather.  No further discussion, all Board Members approved the motion.  Ron Johnson was awarded the contract for mowing.

Sidewalk Project –

The Select Board received 5 Bids for the VT110 Sidewalk Project.

Waters Excavation – Perkinsville, VT – $40,868

Galfetti Excavation – Washington, VT – $35,375.25

Workers LLC – Norwich, CT – $31,970

Avery Excavation – Williamstown, VT – $30,677

Northwoods Excavation – Thetford Center, VT –  $45,350

Kevin Marshia will reach out to the contractors for follow-up and clarification of bids, to compare the bids equally, to check references of the contractors.   

Rice Property update:

Kevin Marshia, Leyna Hoyt and Rick Ackerman met John Rice

Kevin suggested amending the existing permit.

Leyna Hoyt motioned to amend the Rice’s permit for the Rices to add material the existing roadbed, replacement up to three culverts, ditching and with the oversight of Rick Ackerman, no further discussion was had, the motion was seconded by Jesse Kay, all members of the board were in favor.  The motion was approved.

Grants –

Kevin Marshia, Kelly Lyford, Kasey Peterson to meet with EPA representative to better understand the EPA grant for the Pump Station.

Highway Department:

General Updates.

Rick Ackerman needs to order tires for Paul’s truck.

Replaced a culvert on the Williamstown Road.

Scheduling interviews for Highway Maintenance Position

Paving Update –

Waiting to hear from Pike about a paving date.

Water/Wastewater Contract update:

Kevin Marshia received an email at 4:19 pm on Saturday from Nate Billings, saying he unfortunately he didn’t feel he was able to move forward with the contract as proposed.  Mike Whipple is giving serious consideration if he can work within the same contract confines. Mike Whipple will reach his decision in the next week or two.  Depending on Mike Whipple’s decision, Kevin Marshia might recommend to the Board they immediately need to put out an RFP for contract services, a position description to hire a town employee.

Permits –

Roberts – Gould request for Women’s summer softball – Courtney Maxham,  (Queen Bees), need to follow up with Courtney to see if this is the correct field they are playing on.

Richard Colby –    Access Permit off the Wright’s place.

William Lyon made a motion to approve the permit for access of the Whitcomb’s place road, Jesse Kay seconded the motion to approve the permit.  All approved the motion and the permit approved.

Website – Jesse Kay provided an update on the Town of Chelsea’s new website.  The new website is officially up and running, Jesse is asking the Community for pictures they would like to share to the new website.

Future Agendas –

Harry Falconer- Planner – TRORC, MERP program

Gayle Durkee – Budget (keep on agenda for every meaning)

Mark Lembke and Pete Amber (Emerald Ash Borer and trees on the green)


Approve Orders –

 Jesse Kay motioned to approve all orders, Leyna Hoyt seconded this motion, all orders were approved unanimously.

Executive Session – None

Adjorn – 

Kevin Marshia motioned for the adjournment of the SB meeting, all members were in favor, meeting adjourned at 9:18pm


Selectboard Meeting Agenda – May 2, 2023

Selectboard Meeting Agenda Tuesday, May 2, 2023, 6:30pm
Chelsea Town Hall

  1. Call meeting to order
  2. Conflict of interest disclosure
  3. Additions to the agenda
  4. Public Comments
  5. Approve Minutes:
    a. April 18, 2023
    b. April 20, 2023
  6. ARPA Fund Discussion – Andy Pomerantz, Chris Byrne, Phil Mulligan
  7. List Serve Discussion– Andy Pomerantz
  8. Bid Openings
    a. Mowing
    b. Sidewalk Project
  9. Rice property update – Leyna, Rick, Kevin
  10. Grants – updates (as necessary)
  11. Highway Department
    a. General updates
    b. Paving project update
  12. Water/Wastewater Contract Update
  13. Permits –
    a. Roberts-Gould Field Request
    b. Richard Colby
  14. Future Agendas
  15. Approve Orders
  16. Executive Session – if necessary
  17. Adjourn

Special Selectboard Meeting – Apr 20, 2023

Special Selectboard Meeting Thursday, April 20, 2023 6:30 pm
Chelsea Town Hall
Selectboard Members Present: Kelly Lyford – Vice Chair; Leyna Hoyt, Jesse Kay
The meeting was called to order at 6:31 pm.
Jesse moved to enter Executive Session for personnel. Leyna seconded. All approved. Moved to Executive Session at 6:31 pm.
Jesse moved to exit Exited Executive for personnel. Leyna seconded. All approved. Exited Executive Session at 8:19 pm.
The Board directed Leyna and Kevin to arrange for interviews for Highway Maintenance Worker as soon as possible, with Leyna arranging interviews.
The Board will make edits to the Personnel Policy Leave Time for adoption at the next meeting.
Jesse moved to adjourn. Leyna seconded. All approved. Meeting adjourned at 8:21 pm.


Chelsea Selectboard Meeting Minutes – Apr 18, 2023

Chelsea Selectboard Meeting Tuesday, April 18, 2023, 6:30pm Chelsea Town Hall

Board Attendance: Leyna Hoyt, Jesse Kay, Kelly Lyford – Vice Chair, William (Billy) Lyon, Kevin Marshia – Chair

Community Attendance: Kasey Peterson – Grants; Phil Mulligan-Energy Committee; Tracy Simon-Emergency Management Director


The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm.

Conflict of Interest:

There are no conflicts of interest.

Additions to the agenda:


Public Comments:

Ginny Campbell – April 19th – Neighbor appreciation Day. An invite from Ginny to join her at 2 pm on the North Common.

Approve Minutes:

April 11, 2023 – Leyna motioned to have the April 11 minutes approved with edits, Billy seconded this motion and the minutes approved.

Energy Committee: Phil Mulligan talked about how the Energy Committee began. Teamed up with Vershire created a promotion to solar hot water initiative, created a power point, provided to be interested enough to other towns and the Energy Committee went throughout the State with this initiative. Hosted an Energy Fair at the school which was well attended. Goals need to be set. The state of Vermont has an Energy Coordinator which would be beneficial in helping the Town set up Energy goals.

Emergency Management: Tracy Simon presented the LEMP, this document will not be made public, all phone numbers on the plan will remain private. We are required to keep track of where our vulnerable citizens are located, citizens can register with the State. First Branch Ambulance has a list of most of our vulnerable citizens. Warming shelters notices will be posted at Town Hall, Post Office, Wills Store. Regional Shelter is at the Barre Auditorium in Barre.

Primary Shelter, United Church of Chelsea, alternative is the FBUD School, Chelsea campus, Town Highway garage as an annex. LEMP is an annual plan that needs to be updated with current contact information for the Town. Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) are vital to the operation of state government, ensuring State Agencies and Department’s primary essential

functions continue during a wide range of emergencies. The Selectboard to meet with Tracy to put this plan in place. Looking to partnering with the United Church for a backup generator, Tracy pointed out that we do not currently have backup generators for either our primary or alternative shelters. Tracy also suggested looking into creating a Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) in the future and the Board agreed to add this to a future agenda.


●            Sidewalk Project –The bids are due May 2nd, 2023, and will be read at the Board Meeting on May 2. The Board discussed the timing and schedule and needs to decide if we want to move forward with the project as it was identified in the grant request, or should we consult to see if we can have the grant money reappropriated to an area of sidewalk that has a greater need. The area that was identified by the Fire Station does not meet ADA standards and it has low spots which cause the water to pool and individuals have reported to selectboard members and others, that they are walking out into the street to get around the puddles in this area. Each Board member looked at both sections of the sidewalk in need of replacement. We have good interest in bidding on sidewalk replacement and grant money. After a brief discussion the Board decided to move forward with the sidewalk project in its original location.

●            Pump Station Grant – Kevin made contact and met with Tom Brown of ANR to see if he could meet with the Board for suggestions/ guidance on the next steps to apply for funding.

●            VTrans Grants –Leyna talked with Rick regarding the bid for Upper Village Road paving from Pike, information was sent to Kasey. Kasey needs additional information from Rick before submitting the application. Grants-In-Aid Program financial plan is completed by Kasey. Gayle will be listed at primary contact. Kelly motioned to participate in Grants-In-Aid program financial plan, motion was seconded by Jesse and was approved by all.

Highway Department:

●            General Updates: Spring maintenance cleanup on North and South Commons, tennis courts, town hall. A post to Town website asking for competitive proposals for cleanup service. Jesse moved to appoint Leyna and Kelly to approve proposals for cleanup to or below $3,000.00, seconded by Leyna.

●            Rick called Pike and is waiting to hear from them on the date to begin paving project for Upper Village Road.

●            Kevin publicly thanked Rick and Paul for their work, especially the past 6 months.

●            We’ve received an access permit application from Richard Colby regarding Whitcomb Place Road. Leyna will take the application to Rick for review.

Water/Wastewater Contract Proposal: Kevin sent the proposal to TRORC to look at it, they sent it back with very minor edits (language/insurance). Leyna made a motion to move to

accept the Cloverpatch contract, Water/Wastewater for one-year, authorizing Kevin and Kelly to make the edits, motion was seconded by Bill.

Website Update/Discussion: Jesse, Kasey and Karen are continuing to work on the website. All documents are from the website have been uploaded into the google drive that we all have access to. Greg Herrin suggested using reports received from the existing website to support understanding what people are currently using and searching the website for. We’d like it to be intuitive. Our current Website host has agreed to keep our current website up until our new one is ready. The goal is that there will be a preview of the website for next Tuesday’s Board Meeting. Kasey will set up the projector and screen before that meeting. The Board is asking that anyone that may have input on the website please email the administrative assistant. This will help those that are building our website to understand community priorities when accessing the site.

Use of the village green: Received a request from the Chelsea Senior Baseball for use of Roberts-Gould field, Motion by Leyna to move and accept the request, seconded by Jesse, approved by all. Received a request from Chelsea Library for use of the Village Green for Annual Plant sale for Mother’s Day, Leyna moved to allow the library to use the North Common Jesse seconded. All approved.

New National Opioids Settlement: Motion by Jesse moved to opt into the National Opioids Settlement. Seconded by Billy. Settlement statement signed by Kevin

Future Agendas –

May 2nd: Sealed bids for the mowing contracts; Sidewalk Grant; Transfer Station (Invite Kristianne and Snook to the meeting) Leyna and Kevin update on Thorn Road. Andy to speak on behalf of Listserv, Paving update. Permits (Dick Colby), mowing bids

Approve Orders: Leyna moved to accept all orders as written. Jesse seconded. All approved.

Executive Session Personnel: No executive session needed. There will be a Special Selectboard Meeting, Executive Session (Personel) on Thursday, April 20, 2023 at 6:30 pm

Adjourn: Kelly moved to adjourn. Bill seconded. Meeting adorned at 8:45 PM.


Selectboard Meeting Agenda – Apr 18, 2023

Selectboard Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, April 18, 2023
Chelsea Town Hall
1. Call meeting to order
2. Conflict of interest disclosure
3. Additions to the agenda, New National Opioid Settlements
4. Public Comments
5. Approve Minutes:
a. April 11, 2023
6. Energy Committee
7. Emergency Management
8. Grants
a. Sidewalk Project – discussion on location and schedule
b. Pump Station Grant – status, next steps
c. VTrans grants –
• Bridge grant application status
• Future paving grant discussion
9. Highway Department
a. General updates
b. Paving project update
c. Capital Equipment/Maintenance Discussion
10. Water/Wastewater Contract Proposal
11. Permits – if necessary
12.New National Opioids Settlement
13.ARPA Discussion
14.Future Agendas
15.Approve Orders


Selectboard Meeting Minutes – Apr 11, 2023

Chelsea Selectboard Meeting
Tuesday, April 11, 2023, 6:30pm
Chelsea Town Hall
Board Attendance: Leyna Hoyt, Jesse Kay, Kelly Lyford – Vice Chair, William (Billy) Lyon, Kevin Marshia – Chair
Community Attendance: Greg Herrin; Kasey Peterson – Grants; Ginny Campbell; Brian Farnham; Tim Carter; Bob Brannan – Planning Commission; Ed Kuban – Planning Commission; Neil Kennedy – Planning Commission
The meeting was called to order at 6:31 pm.
Conflict of Interest:
There are no conflicts of interest.
Additions to the agenda:
Roberts Gould Athletic Field
Transfer Station
Use of the Village Greens
Public Comments:
Ginny Campbell – April 19th – Neighbor appreciation Day. Ms. Campbell came in an relayed a
story from a few years ago regarding how a neighbor had come and checked on her husband
after hearing him outside working with a chain saw, but noticed the chainsaw was not running
any more. He had suffered an injury and thankfully this neighbor came to check on him. He
took him to the hospital and helped him significantly as Ms. Campbell was out of Town. A story
of how neighbors helping neighbors can really help and, in some cases, save lives. Prior to
COVID, Ms. Campbell had reached out to the Governor’s Office and local legislators with a
suggestion of making April 19th Neighbor Appreciation Day. The board really appreciated
hearing this positive story and agreed to support this initiative. For this year, the board at least
wants to acknowledge this request and would be interested in hearing from others in terms of
how we may do more in the future. Lenya moved to support April 19th, as Neighbor
Appreciation Day. Jesse seconded. All approved.
Marianne McCann – Kevin read a handwritten letter submitted by Ms. McCann reminding the
selectboard of its legal obligation to post agendas and minutes. This included citing state
statute. Kevin acknowledged that the board recognized that the board had missed several
dates. The Board thanked Ms. McCann for reminding them of their obligation. The Board is
committed to doing better moving forward.
Approve Minutes:
March 25, 2023 – Leyna moved to accept minutes with punctuation edits made. Billy seconded.
All approved.
April 4, 2023 – Jesse moved to accept minutes with punctuation edits and identified corrections
for clarity. Leyna seconded. All approved.
Roberts Gould Athletic Field:
Brian Farnham has been contracted for the last several years to mow the Roberts Gould
Athletic Field and this year he has requested that we enter into a two-year agreement, for
efficiency. The cost of this mowing is paid for by reimbursement from the Roberts Gould
Athletic Fund and does not come from taxpayers. Mr. Farnham has provided a copy of his
current insurance and submitted this with a letter of support from the Roberts Gould Athletic
Field Fund board members, to move to a two-year contract. Kevin read a letter from the Roberts
Gould Fund Board recommending to the board to move forward with a two-year contract. Billy
moved to approve a two-year contract for Brian Farnham to mow the Roberts Gould Athletic
Field. Leyna seconded. All approved.
Planning Commission: The Planning Commission does not currently have a chair and has
one open seat vacancy as well. The group has been inactive for several months. The Board
agreed to ask Patty to post an announcement looking for new members and people interested
in participating on the Planning Commission, on the Chelsea Community Page on Facebook,
and on Front Porch Forum. Bob Brannon reported that the last town plan was completed in
2018 and that he believes we need to seek public input from a cross section of members of the
community to identify issues and topics to be addressed through the new town plan due in
November 2023.
Kevin explained that Peter Gregory, Executive Director of Two Rivers Ottaquechee Planning
Commission will help us address what the public engagement should look like. Neil Kennedy
spoke of the invaluable help that Two Rivers has given in the past in developing the town plan
as the plan identifies areas of interest and need for the community and supports the requests for
grant funding.
Planning Commission meetings are typically held once a month on Thursday’s and it’s
recognized that the group will likely need to meet more than once a month during the
completion of the new plan. Kevin will coordinate a meeting with Peter Gregory for April 27th or
May 4th at 7:00 pm at the town hall.
● Sidewalk Project – Pre-Bid meeting was held today and attended by Kasey Peterson
and one contractor. The bids are due May 2nd, 2023. The Board discussed the timing
and schedule and needs to decide if we want to move forward with the project as it was
identified in the grant request, or should we consult to see if we can have the grant
money reappropriated to an area of sidewalk that has a greater need. The area that was
identified by the Fire Station does not meet ADA standards and it has low spots which
cause the water to pool and individuals have reported to selectboard members and
others, that they are walking out into the street to get around the puddles in this area.
During the winter the low spots freeze and there is potential for slips and falls. The total
project cost is $58,000.00 and has a 50% match. Board members agreed to walk the
projected construction area prior to the next board meeting and come back with an
informed decision. Kevin will call Rita Seto and John Lemieux to inquire about
● Pump Station Grant – Kasey spoke with Mark Spinella at EPA, the next thing we need
to do is the Environmental Review Report, which is typically done by an engineering
company, and we have to put it out to bid. Kevin and Kasey will meet to review exactly
what is needed. In preparation, Kasey will send the documents she has to Kevin.
● VTrans Grants – There is a bridge grant application due, that the town would need to
submit by April 15th if interested in applying. The Maple Avenue Bridge will be needing
updates done to it in the future. The Board discussed submitting a grant application to
cover the cost of having the project engineered to meet all federal requirements, as
there are water lines etc., that run underneath. If we don’t request a grant for the
engineering of the bridge, and we are to receive a grant in the future for the repair of the
bridge, the town would then be responsible for the engineering at that time, which could
be $150,000.00. There’s not a significant risk to having the engineering done now as
the engineering wouldn’t change, although a few permits may need to be updated. If
something happens to the bridge, and we’re in an emergency, we would be forced to do
something. This is a proactive approach and demonstrates to the funders that we are
shovel ready.
Leyna moved to approve Kevin and Kasey moving forward with the bridge grant
application for Maple Avenue. Jesse seconded. All approved.
● Leyna will follow up with Rick on applying for a paving grant this year, for the Upper
Village Road.
Mowing – Contract discussion: With Gayle Durkee’s help the Pre-bid meeting announcement
went into the paper today for the mowing of all the town properties, except for the Roberts
Gould Athletic Field. The pre-bid meeting is on April 21st
, 2023, at 9:00 am at the Heath Field.
Leyna will be certain to include the location of the meeting on the website. Leyna and Rick plan
to attend.
Highway Department:
● General Updates: Spring cleanup and maintenance is happening on the roads, to
include grading.
● Rick is waiting to hear when the Loader will be evaluated in terms of maintenance
● We will be posting the highway maintenance position again. We’ve had one inquiry and
the individual is looking for more information about benefits. The ad has run for 6
weeks. We did not include a pay rate this week. Leyna will work with Patty to include
the salary range of $22 – $26 per hour for next week.
● Leyna will work with Rick on obtaining a list of equipment that the Highway Department
has. This asset list will be stored at the town offices and will include an electronic copy.
● Rick obtained a very generalized figure of $270,000.00 – $280,000.00, from International
to replace the Town’s 10 Wheel Truck to help with the Boards planning. Our existing
truck to be replaced may have a value of $60,000.00. The loader may be worth
● Rick has inquired about the board’s interest in purchasing an extended warranty for the
Town Pickup, which Leyna reports is a 2015 and has about 55, 000 miles on it. The
extended warranty would be for 2 years and cost $2, 835.00. Leyna did not have
information about who would be providing the warranty and what options were available.
Leyna and Kevin will gather additional information. The Board will make a decision next
week based on that information.
● Rick estimates that the grader needs extensive servicing. Jesse moved to approve the
servicing of the grader as requested by Rick. Billy seconded. All approved.
● We’ve received an access permit application from Richard Colby regarding Whitcomb
Place Road. Leyna will take the application to Rick for review.
Paving Project Bid Update: The Town received two bids for the paving project on the East
Randolph Road. Pike bid $451,357.50 Blak Top bid $488,748.00. Bill moved to accept the
Bid from Pike Industries. Leyna seconded. All approved.
Position Description: We reviewed the updated Highway Maintenance Worker job description
that the Board reworked in February and didn’t formally adopt. Rick has reviewed and is happy
with the updates to the job description. Leyna moved to adopt the highway maintenance worker
job description. Bill seconded. All approved.
Permit Process Discussion: Kevin and Leyna drafted a permit process. The Board reviewed
and agreed on some edits. Kevin will work with Karen to have her review the process to make
certain that this covers all aspects. Jesse moved to adopt the Town of Chelsea Access Permit
and Work Within the Town Highway Process. Leyna seconded. All approved.
Website Update/Discussion: Jesse, Kasey and Karen are continuing to work on the website.
All documents are from the website have been uploaded into the google drive that we all have
access to. Greg Herrin suggested using reports received from the existing website to support
understanding what people are currently using and searching the website for. We’d like it to be
intuitive. Our current Website host has agreed to keep our current website up until our new one
is ready. The goal is that there will be a preview of the website for next Tuesday’s Board
Meeting. Kasey will set up the projector and screen before that meeting. The Board is asking
that anyone that may have input on the website please email the administrative assistant. This
will help those that are building our website to understand community priorities when accessing
the site.
Use of the village green: Received a request from the library for a plant swap starting on May
28 – June 19th. The library held this last year with great success. The library will ensure that
everything stays watered and neat. Leyna moved to allow the library to use the side lawn by the
library and North common. Jesse seconded. All approved.
Virtual Meeting Discussion: Jesse will be testing the Owls this week. Google Meets allows
for live and interactive YouTube. For 10 dollars a month we can record our meetings and post
them on YouTube. There will be savings from our new website to offset this in the budget. The
goal is to be recorded and virtual but will need to work through the quirks of the sound and
lighting. The google links will be on the town website. Leyna moved to have Jesse move
forward on obtaining Google Meets, working with Patty and Gayle. Billy seconded. All
The Board thanked Chris Belcher for his continued work and support on getting the meetings
Purchasing Policy: Leyna moved to adopt the purchasing policy with all edits identified,
effective April 11, 2023. Jesse seconded. All approved.
The Liaisons will meet with employees to review the updated purchasing policy and answer any
questions that they may have about this policy moving forward.
Transfer Station: Billy met with Snook and Kristianne and they suggested an increase of 2 – 3
dollars in the cost of per item pieces for the construction dumpster. We pay by the ton and the
large items such as mattress’ couches and chairs, especially when wet, take up a lot of space
and become heavy, costing more to dispose of. If increasing prices, we would want to do this
prior to the new construction dumpster coming this year. Leyna moved to increase fees by 2.00
for each item. Jesse seconded. All Approved.
Future Agendas – Board discussed the desire to get our agendas pulled together and finalized
earlier. The Board agreed to send all agenda items to Patty by Thursday morning so that it can
be finalized and posted.
● April 18th: Sidewalk Grant; Pump Station Grant; Future Paving Grant; Website review;
Phil Mulligan – Energy Committee; Arpa funding (Board Members will read grant criteria
through VLCT; Tracy Simon – add to the top of the agenda; List Serve; Highway
May 2nd: Sealed bids for the mowing contracts; Sidewalk Grant; Transfer Station (Invite
Kristianne and Snook to the meeting) The Board has rescinded their previous intention to meet
at Thorne Road for the May 2nd meeting. Leyna will contact Mr. and Mrs. Rice to let them know
the change of plans.
Approve Orders: Jesse moved to accept all orders as written. Leyna seconded. All approved.
Executive Session Personnel: No executive session needed. Leyna moved to approve the
salary increases as discussed at previous meeting, to be effective April 16th, 2023. Bill
seconded. All approved.
Adjourn: Jesse moved to adjourn. Leyna seconded. Meeting adorned at 9:31 PM.