

Selectboard Meeting Minutes – Jan 18, 2023

Chelsea Selectboard Meeting Minutes (draft)
January 18, 2023
Present: Geoff Clayton, Chair, Kevin Marshia, Vice Chair, Leyna Hoyt, William
Lyon and Kelly Lyford.
Other Town Employees present: Karen Lathrop, Town Clerk, Gayle Durkee,
Treasurer, Marianne McCann, Town Report, Rick Ackerman, Road Foreman
Other present: Chris Belcher, videographer.

  1. Call meeting to order: Meeting called to order at 6:33 pm by Geoff Clayton.
  2. Conflict of interest disclosure: No conflicts reported.
    Changes to the agenda: Kevin -FEMA request
    Marianne McCann- Discuss Town Info Meeting
    Karen – Approve 1.07.2023 minutes
  3. Public Comment –None
  4. Approve minutes:
    a. Selectboard Meeting January 7, 2023: Kevin requested a revision to item
    16 of the meeting minutes pertaining to verbiage on wages. Karen noted
    the revision was completed and sent to the Board and posted on the
    website. Kevin moved to approve the January 7, 2023 meeting minutes
    with Leyna Hoyt seconding the motion. No discussion. Motion passed by
    unanimous consent.
    b. Selectboard Meeting January 12, 2023: Bill Lyon moved to approve the
    minutes of January 12, 2023 with Leyna Hoyt seconding the motion. No
    discussion. Motion passed by unanimous consent.
  5. Approve Orders: Geoff noted he was not going to be taking the EMT course
    and asked if the Board would like to go back to Tuesday night as signing on
    Wednesday was causing some issues for Gayle. Brief discussion by Board
    about starting date. Leyna Hoyt moved to switch back to Tuesday night
    meetings at 6:30 pm, the first, third and fifth Tuesday’s starting January 31,
  6. Kelly Lyford seconded the motion. Kevin clarified only the day was
    changing, meetings still at 6:30 at the Town Hall. No other discussion. Motion
    passed by unanimous consent.

Kasey Peterson, Grants Admin, reported to the Board that there was an invoice
for the pellet furnace project in the orders and it came out to slightly more than
the $44,000.00 budgeted for the project. Total cost was $51,100.00 due to
having to build a furnace room and pour a concrete pad for the pellet boiler. She
stated that it was the final piece of documentation needed for the $22,000.00
grant reimbursement from the Vermont Arts Council. Kelly asked if all the
documentation for the grant was completed. Kasey said reports were complete
except for some math to show how often the hall was utilized during the year
and the invoice. She noted the hopper holds 9 tons and would go over costs in
the budget section of the meeting. Kevin asked Gayle the process for signing
orders was. Gayle sends the top sheet to the orders prior to the meeting for
review. To be continued below.

  1. Executive Session – Personnel: Kevin Marshia moved to enter executive
    session at 6:49 pm for Personnel & Highway inviting Gayle and Karen. Motion
    seconded by Leyna Hoyt. No Discussion. Motion passed by unanimous consent.
    Kevin Marshia moved to exit executive session at 7:44 pm. Bill Lyon seconded
    the motion. No. Discussion. Motion passed by unanimous consent.
    Action: Kelly Lyford to review and rewrite the administrative assistant job
    description and present to the board on Saturday.
    Kevin Marshia stated the Board would use the VLCT Compensation and
    Benefits Report and State-wide avg salaries during the budgeting process for
  2. Budget Discussion
    a. Treasurer Comments: Remember to look at your bottom line of the
    budget as you will need to raise that amount in taxes.
    b. Highway: Rick reported to the Board that truck 5 needed repairs to the
    front end and he needed Board approval as the cost could be anywhere
    from $2,000.00 to $5,000.00 depending on what was discovered wrong.
    Rick stated Board approval was necessary if expending monies over
    $2,000.00 which comes under major repairs section of Town Purchasing
    Policy. This led to a discussion about the trucks in general and whether
    the policy needed to be updated. Board asked Rick what he thought a
    reasonable, realistic amount that he would need to complete repairs to
    items. Rick stated $5,000.00 but would not spend that much if
    unnecessary. Board felt the policy should be amended to read that
    amount and just notification to the Board that repairs were necessary.
    Karen to make the changes to policy and bring a draft to the Board on
    Saturday. The Board went over staffing needs with Rick. Eventually the
    highway will need three full time year round employees. Highway is
    down to a one full time and one part time employee( 30 hour). When
    asked if Rick comes to every meeting, Geoff mentioned Rick comes to
    meetings as needed and when the Board appoints the liaison and they will
    let Rick know when needed.
    Highway Budget – Gayle brought up the income side of the Highway
    budget and explained the line items. Kevin asked about the Side-walk
    grant. Kasey, Grant Administrator, spoke to it. There is a piece of
    sidewalk north and south of the Fire Station that needs repairs. Due
    winter setting in, the request for proposals will be out again in the spring.
    Expectations are that it will completed before the end of summer. It is a
    50/50 match of funds. Kasey to send all reports and the Town to be
    reimbursed the $29,000.00. Kevin asked about Grants in aid and
    budgeting. Rick stated they have a class 2 grant in aid in the amount of
    $175,000.00 for paving with an end date of December of 2023. Kevin
    asked if that should be in the budget? Rick stated it had never been
    included as it was a wash. In one side out the other. Gayle said they
    would see it in resurfacing expenses then on income side it could go
    under other grants.
    Geoff & Kaseyspoke to bridge grants. She noted Doug Lyford gave her a
    folder of items. Kasey stated that Maple St Bridge is a long way down
    the list according to Rita Seto at TRORC. Kevin said the Maple Street
    bridge went through a prioritization project. It made the list but was not
    chosen. The box culvert is an AOT project. Kevin said there were Town
    structures grants available. Gayle stated we had $35,000.00 in the
    highway match fund so there is money if the Town needed to come up
    with it.
    Highway Personnel – Kevin based on previous discussions they should
    budget for the three full time employees and suggested a budget amount
    of $175,000.00 and to budget the line items that go with the salaries. In
    discussion, Rick thought overtime would go down if they hired three full
    time person. Board discussion on it. Gayle to update budget numbers and
    bring to next meeting.
    Garage – Gayle noted technology was up due to computer purchase and
    heating oil is at $2.10/gallon.
    Town Equipment – Equipment Rental went up substantially. Rick
    reported he traded work with Vershire last year. Worked well though
    Town has to wait until they make it available. The budget number was
    what it would cost to rent from Tenco. Discussion on how many weeks it
    was needed. Bill reported to the Board, Town could rent a tractor for
    $2,500/wk from Adam. Board asked Rick to schedule a rental. Rick said
    he might need it for three week to four weeks and Board budgeted
    Equipment Repairs- Leyna questioned the equipment breakdown. Rick
    reported all the trucks were 8 years old with no warranty so all bills
    would be all out of pocket. Rick reported the Board needed to think about
    replacements as it might take two years to get a truck at this point, as you
    can’t buy one right now. The loader was now 22 years old. Leyna asked
    if we had an equipment fund and Gayle reported yes, and they had been
    putting a little more in it as payments had gone down as vehicles were
    paid off. Kelly asked if there was a replacement schedule. Rick reported
    he did have one but they haven’t been able to keep to it. Board discussed
    all the trucks and the equipment repair line item with Rick. Budgeted
    Highway Maintenance – Board discussed diesel fuel with Rick. Cost at
    this time is $4.50/gallon according to Gayle. Board stated it needed to be
    a realistic number and left it at $80,000. Two high items are Gravel and
    Sand. Rick reported last year 70% of what they used for gravel was due
    to the extremely bad mud season. McCullough’s upped their prices. Rick
    said he thought they had enough sand this year that they could cut down
    on it a bit. They put up 4,000 yds are year. Average year usage is 3,500
    yds. Board left the budgeted amount as is for now.
    Ditching- never had a line item for it. Usually use the backhoe, and hired
    Tad to do grants in aid work.
    Construction/Projects – Rick stated the three first lines are our percentage
    match. Culverts 10% Class 2 Roads 20%. Gayle explained the process
    and Rick noted some of it is in kind matchs. Grants in aid is stone lined
    ditching. Gayle noted Town reimbursement would be $29,000. Gayle
    noted they put in $6,000 for bridges and culverts. None was budgeted for
    last year.
    Debt & Capital Funding – Gayle explained each line. Equipment fund is
    there for future equipment needs. Kevin said that might be an area we go
    back and tweak. Rick said they need to remember that the bottom line
    shows grants that are not part of the highway budget, for example the
    sidewalk grant which makes the highway budget look inflated. Gayle
    said she would make the changes and bring it to the next meeting.
    c. Capital Funds/Critical Needs-Geoff felt this could be put off till the next
    meeting. Water and Sewer would be done on Saturday.
    d. Any other items which need to be covered- Kevin wanted to go over the
    rest of the budget items if necessary. Gayle noted the items under the rest
    of the budget items are pretty much set. Kevin asked about all the rec
    committee and other small items. Geoff replied many of the line items
    are just funds that are balances.
    Rick asked if he should be going to the sewer plant every day. The guy
    who comes three times a week brings his wife. Board said it was a
    liability issue Town and there should be a Town employee there when
    someone is not our employee. If Rick can’t make it do to plowing, then
    let someone know and maybe one of the Board members could go.
    Gayle asked the Board to go back to Town Hall for a look at pellet costs
    and maintenance. Kasey reports that the Town has to empty one of the
    three fuel tanks down in the hall and Lyme Green would pump it and
    take it to the Town Garage if Rick has room. Board took out the oil costs
    for this year. Kasey noted 9 ton of pellets were $2,100 for the budget.
    Leyna asked about the grant that is available for the Sewer plant. Kevin
    gave an update on that. The Town match would be $150,000. Marianne
    McCann reported she sent an email to the Board. Project $750,000,
    match is $150,000 and it will take a long time to apply and there is a
    possibility that the $150,00 could be waived but more reading needs to be
    Geoff said he could put a small blurb in the newspaper to get the word
    out. Kevin said there is language for rural communities and demographic
    lines. He said he has drafted and email for informational reasons only and
    if the Board was okay with it he would send it out and let the Board know
    what information he receivesback Geoff said to go ahead and reach out.
    Just cc the admin or chair on it and just do it in the future, no worries
    about getting information
    Kasey asked to go back to the Pellet Furnace Maintenance line. She
    reported there are two maintenance items. The yearly maintenance plan is
    $400/ year and it covers the basic stuff, for example for parts and service
    and then there is $210/year fee for a midwinter cleaning for the air filters.
    There are four oil furnaces for backups if the pellet furnace has issues but
    they are also the blowers for the pellet furnace and they all have to have
    filters changed out. She thought the $400.00 includes having them come
    switch out the ash box but they don’t do that until 20 ton of pellets have
    gone through. Bill Lyon asked about the warranty and Kasey to find out
    and report back to board.
    Kasey asked about a couple of workshops she would like to go to and
    wanted to check with the Board before going. Board is fine with that.
    Leyna questioned whether the ARPA money could be used for some of
    the Town expenses. Gayle said she would look at it but the government
    has been changing the rules. Geoff said wait till the Board saw the final
    budget numbers and then see what we have upcoming for expenses. He
    reported they had until June to make decisions. Marianne McCann said
    they have till 2024 to decide and 2026 to use, but using it right away
    could happen. Kelly asked about the criteria and Marianne said you could
    go online and see what it can be used for. Kevin noted there was a group
    that had a meeting and came up with ideas. Kevin said should the Board
    ask them what the recommendations. Geoff stated they had already
    submitted a list. Kevin, said he would like to hear from them because he
    thought they would have researched it further. Kevin would like to see
    this for a future meeting, not at budget time. Gayle noted you can go to
    the VLCT website and look at what it could be used for but we have a lot
    of sewer issues that need to be addressed. Kevin noted that ARPA can’t
    be matched to the sewer grant. Kelly asked if the money in the sinking
    fund had criteria attached to it. Gayle to research and get back to the
  3. Town Clerk- nothing.
  4. Administrative Assistant- Town Report- Marianne McCann went over the
    Town Report calendar. She made up a sheet on Nolan to go into the Town
    Report. She reported she needed the Selectboard report, she made some dates of
    when the info meeting should be and she stated she needed a warning and
    Gayle’s reports as well for it. The contact list still needs the admin assist. She
    made the auditors report. She reported there were two info meetings last year.
    The Selectboard only needs to have one and it probably should be the second of
    March as it must fall within ten days prior to Town Meeting. Kevin asked if
    motion were needed for the auditors report and Marianne replied no. She thinks
    the books might be mailed on the 21st of February She stated the last day to
    complete the warning is February 5, but it needs to be done asap.
    10.Town Meeting- The Town Warning is a Hybrid and numbers need to be entered
    asap to it, appropriations would be in a day or so. Karen said she could go in get
    it on Friday. She thinks the books might be mailed on the 21 of February.
    Board wants another meeting Special Meeting January 24, 2023 at 6:30pm at
    the Town Hall.
    Kevin noted for the public that the Selectboard would be meeting as the Water
    Board at 9 am at the Water Treatment Facility then go to the Town Hall after.
    Geoff noted he put Selectboard meeting right after for the budget part of the
    water and sewer.
    10.Rules of Conduct at public meetings- Pass over and tabled to a future meeting,
    because of time and there will need to be a long discussion of what the Board
    can do and what they cannot and what they can do for policy besides statutory
    laws. He feels the Board needs to look at what they can do for legal recourse if
    there are issues at meetings.
    Kevin wanted to know who to speak to about putting the Chelsea Spotlight
    Somewhere in the foyer. Karen said there would be no problem with that.
    Kevin also reported he worked with the owl but did not get it to work with his
    computer yet but getting closer. Next step to budget a zoom account and it is a
    work in progress. He would work with Gayle. He looked at cost of storage but
    does not know how much space needed per meeting.
    Back to approve orders- Kevin asked for clarification of orders – Gayle stated
    pink Top Sheet is Selectboard Orders & Rec, Green is Highway and Blue is
    water. Geoff gave a brief synopsis of the Sheriff Dept Billing. He felt the
    services received were at times where there was no speeding. Many hours of
    paperwork. The Board asked if the contract had been signed and he stated it had
    been. The only recourse the Town has would be not to sign a contract. Kevin
    would like to invite the new administration to a future meeting to hear from
    them and touch base with them.
    Bill Lyon moved to approve orders with Leyna Hoyt seconding the motion. No
    discussion. Motion passed by unanimous consent.
    11.Adjourn: Motion to adjourn: Kevin moved to adjourn at 9:44 with Leyna Hoyt
    seconding the motion. No discussion. Motion passed by unanimous consent.

Selectboard Meeting Agenda – Jan 18, 2023

Chelsea Selectboard Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, 18 January, 2023
6:30PM Chelsea Town Hall
1. Call meeting to order
2. Conflict of interest disclosure
3. Changes to the agenda
4. Public Comment
5. Approve minutes:
a. Selectboard Meeting 12 January 2023
6. Approve Orders
7. Executive Session – Personnel (if needed)
8. Budget Discussion
a. Treasurer Comments
b. Highway
c. Capital Funds/Critical Needs
d. Any other items which need to be covered
9. Town Clerk
10.Administrative Assistant
11.Town Meeting
12.Rules of Conduct at public meetings


Selectboard Meeting Minutes – Jan 12, 2023

Town of Chelsea Selectboard Meeting (Draft)
January 12, 2023 – Chelsea Town Hall
Selectboard members present: Geoff Clayton, Chair, Kevin Marshia, Vice Chair, Kelly Lyford, William Lyon and Leyna Hoyt
Other Town employees present: Karen Lathrop, Town Clerk, Gayle Durkee, Treasurer, Marianne McCann, Town Report

  1. Meeting called to order by Geoff Clayton at 6:32 pm
  2. No Conflicts of interest
  3. Changes to agenda: Geoff added executive session for Roberts Poor Fund, Gayle Durkee added Auditor’s Contract
  4. No public comment
  5. Approve minutes: Kevin has not had a chance to look at minutes. Tabled until next meeting.
    Added: Roberts Poor Fund Executive Session for fuel assistance
    Leyna Hoyt moved to enter into executive session at 6:37 for a Robert’s Poor Fund Request for fuel assistance, inviting the Clerk, Treasurer, and Ms Mccann to stay. Motion seconded by William Lyon. Motion passed by unanimous consent.
    Kevin moved to exit executive session at 6:49 pm with William Lyon seconding the motion. Motion passed by unanimous consent.
    Action: Kevin Marshia moved expenditure of $655.48 from Robert’s Poor Fund for fuel assistance with Kelly Lyford seconding the motion. Motion passed by unanimous consent.
    6:Executive Session for Personnel:
    Geoff stated there were three applications for the AA position and one for the Waste Water dept. There was discussion about the interview process and Geoff reported that Karen and Gayle were part of the interview team. There was discussion about the needs of the Waste Water Plant personnel and Highway.
    Lyena Hoyt moved to go into executive session at 6:56 pm for personnel inviting the Clerk and Treasurer to stay. William Lyon seconded the motion. Motion passed by unanimous consent.
    Kevin Marshia moved to exit executive session at 7:15 pm with William Lyon seconding the motion. Motion passed by unanimous consent.
    Action: Kelly Lyford and William Lyon will handle the interviews for the AA position. Geoff Clayton to contact Nolan LaFrancis to discuss the future status with Town.
  6. Budget Discussion :
    Gayle explained the revenue side of the budget line by line and answered questions on Delinquent Tax Revenue for the year. There was a tax sale this year which brought up the revenue ($216,123.44) There had not been a tax sale since before Covid. They would now be resuming tax sales as they were not permitted the first two years of Covid. They normally budget for delinquent taxes that come in but are never sure of how much. It washes out under Delinquent Tax Collector under Delinquent Tax Collector Fees. 2023 budgeted at 10,000.00.
    Under State of VT Revenue: There was a brief discussion on civil fines, how they come in and the Sheriff’s Dept. 2023 budgeted at 150.00.
    The Board noted Current Use has gone down a lot. Gayle said many changes were made to current use last year. Gayle noted they should speak with Phyllis, one of our Listers for the changes that have affected Current Use and Real Estate. 2023 budgeted at 95,000.00.
    Board questioned whether we get Listers Education money. Gayle to speak with Phyllis about this line item and report to the Board.
    Under Service Fees Revenue, the Clerk gave the Board information on the revenue that comes from her office. She reported liquor licenses went up due to the Wagon Wheel and dog licenses continue to slack off since Covid. Board asked if a rabies clinic was still ongoing. Karen reported that she won’t know until January 30, 2023. If the vet does one, it will probably be only one day. They are not making money at it. Geoff said maybe there was grant as it was public saftely related. No changes made.
    Gayle went over Zoning and Planning Income. No changes made to it.
    Under Solid Waste: Geoff reported people are continuing dumping. He says if we up fees, more dumping will continue. He said probably should leave the revenue side as is right now. Board discussion on raising fees and how to do it as we are running a $10,000.00 deficit. Board discussion on how to show the deficit. Geoff said as a line item. Leyna offered to research it and come back to it. William agreed with Geoff’s line item idea. Under Solid waste revenue, $80,000.00. Gayle gave info on it and how it relates to any line of credit. Kevin asked about the grant. Gayle and Marianne explained it was for switches at the transfer station. Gayle states we can take out the line item after this year. Lowered metal revenue to $175.00.
    Under total other revenue, Gayle explained the line items for some reimbursements. She explained the reimbursement for mowing the Heath Field, and Recreation Field. Interest on Investment is what the interest rate on our General Fund. Robert’s Gould Field is reimbursed by Will Gilman by a fund he has for it. Kevin wanted to know if this was Town related? Gayle said it was the way it was set up when it went into place for reimbursement. The Town would pay the contractor and be rimbursed.
    Under expenses side of the budget:
    Selectboard Budget: Board discussed stipends, legal fees, advertising, and technology. Board stipend to stay the same. Board put Selectboard legal fees under General Fees at $3,000.00 to be reviewed at next meeting. Board noted advertising must go up due to positions needing to be filled. Set 2023 budget at $3,000.00. Marianne noted legal notices come out of that budget. Marianne McCann had zoom figures for the Board. Kevin had checked into them as well. 2023 budget for technology set at $ 2,500.00. Board noted there would be add on costs for cloud storage. Gayle has looked into quotes for laptop from Caulkins network. William Lyon gave the name of Chris McAndrew to get quotes from also. Board wants to ensure the technology we buy has enough graphics card to give quality to the meetings.
    AA Budget: Board discussion around how many hours AA position is. (16- 20/wk)The grant writer position, held by Kasey Peterson is rolled into the hours for AA. (8-10/wk) Kevin asked why payroll was so high. Karen stated it was amended up by $30,000 at Town Meeting last year. Board to come back to payroll at next meeting. Gayle noted there was an increase in rent due to new contract and a new copier lease was more expensive.
    Town Clerk Budget: Budget stayed the same except for increase to office equipment due to copier rental increase.
    Treasurer/Tax Collector Budget: Gayle went over her budget with the Board.
    Listers Budget: 2023 budget change Listers Office Equipment $1,150 for new copier contract.
    DRB/Zoning Budget: No changes
    Public Safety Budget: After much Board discussion a line item was added to Health Officer for expenses for 2023. $300.00. Geoff explained the position comes with more paperwork and trainings that must be completed. There was discussion about raising the Animal Control Officer Stipend. Leyna H. to research other towns. A line item from expenses was added. $300.00. Geoff reported the OCSD contract had already been signed.
    Town Hall Budget: Karen reported our custodian only works part time due to another full time position. She does not do outside maintenance. Mowing line up went up due to actual costs. 2023 budget $1,600.00. She noted that there was outside maintenance to do this next year. Supplies went up due to inflation. 2023 budget $2,500.00. Gayle added a line item for pellets for the boiler. 2023 budget $ – wait till Kasey comes in. Will need a line for pellet maintenance for the boiler. Kasey to be at the next meeting. Fuel Oil was increased due to cost increases 2023 budget $4,000.00.
    Solid Waste Budget: Board reviewed Budget. There was discussion in general about payroll budget. No decisions made on numbers for it. To be reviewed at a future meeting.
    Marianne reported that the Town had been awarded a grant for sewer upgrades from Peter Welch’s Office as part of Connunity Funding Grant in the Omnibus Bill passed earlier, but would require a Town Funding match that could not come out of ARPA Funds. More info to come. Board discussion on using the sinking fund for it. Marianne noted she sent reading to the Board about this. Kevin asked that the email be forwarded.
    Kevin noted the time was getting late and the Board decided to ask Rick Ackerman to the next meeting January 18, 2023 via Leyna Hoyt. Kevin noted that the Board had a walk through the Sewer plant with Mike Whipple on January 21, 2023 and should sit down as a Board after and discuss the Sewer budget. Geoff stated we need to get our water/sewer system squared away or we might lose our sovereignty of our system.
    Geoff asked for a motion to adjourn. Kevin Marshia moved to adjourn the meeting with William Lyon seconding the motion. The motion passed by unanimous consent. The meeting adjourned at 10:17 pm

Selectboard Meeting Minutes – Jan 7, 2023

Town of Chelsea Selectboard Meeting
January 7, 2023 – Chelsea Town Hall
Selectboard members present: Geoff Clayton, Kevin Marshia, Kelly Lyford, William Lyon and
Leyna Hoyt.
Other Town Employees present: Gayle Durkee, Treasurer, Karen Lathrop, Town Clerk,
Marianne McCann, Town Report
Others present: Chris Belcher- videographer

  1. Meeting called to order by Geoff Clayton at 7:05 AM.\
  2. No conflicts of interest
  3. No changes to agenda
  4. Leyna H. nominated Geoff Clayton for Chair with William L. seconding the nominations
    Vote was unanimous. William L. nominated Kevin Marshia, Vice Chair with Kelly L. seconding
    the nominations. Vote was unanimous
  5. Kevin moved to adopt Roberts Rules of Order for meetings with William L. seconding the
    motion. Vote was unanimous.
  6. William L moved to hold meetings at 6:30 on the first, third and possibly fifth Wednesday of
    the month with Kelly L seconding the motion. Vote was unanimous.
  7. Board discussion on process for calling Special Meetings. Board noted they would follow the
    process set out in Vermont Statutes for calling Special & Emergency meetings
  8. Board requested information on how to treat emails sent to them for public comment. Clerk
    stated historically, emails were read off to the Board and added most public comment comes
    from the floor from people attending. Town Clerk asked if there would be time limits and how
    many times a person may speak. Board discussion on length of public comments noting they
    wanted transparency, but general parameters should be set. Geoff to place on next agenda. No
    action taken.
  9. William L. moved to continue using the White River Valley Herald as the Newspaper of
    choice with Leyna seconding the motion. Vote was unanimous.
  10. Geoff started off with:
    (F) designation of Selectboard to be liasons and it was determined that liasons should wait until
    another meetings so the Board knows where their expertise lies. Geoff then jumped back to the
    top of the agenda listing.
    A. Appoint AA or Selectboard Clerk. Town Clerk was asked if she would continue to take
    meeting notes until the AA position was filled. The Clerk responded yes.
    B. Designation of members to sign the orders/warrants on the off week. Kevin M. moved Kelly
    Lyford and Geoff Clayton be designees to sign warrants/orders on the off week. Vote was
    C. Determining Agenda content and coordination. Geoff stated Chair of the Board created it and
    disseminated it to Board Members via email and they email back any items they would like
    added to it. Board decided to continue with the ongoing process.
    D. Approval of Village Greens Requests. Geoff explained most of the requests are done through
    the AA office. Marianne McCann stated she has given verbal permission in the past but the
    Board usually signed off on the requests.
    E. Approval of Roberts Gould Field Requests. Geoff explained again that most requests were
    done through Lou Maraget and the AA office and the Board signed them at meetings. They
    usually provide insurance coverage to use the fields.
    F. Board discussion on liaison positions but No action taken. To be taken up at another meeting.
    Discussion about next meeting time. It was decided that the Board would have a Special Meeting
    on January 12, 2023, Geoff to draft the agenda.
  11. Town Clerk- Karen reported there are two contracts already signed off by the prior Board,
    the Orange County Sheriff’s Department and First Branch Ambulance.
  12. Gayle stated she gave a printed budget to the new members. She said the Auditor has agreed
    to do the Audit but she had no paperwork for the Board to sign yet. Geoff said usually two
    people work on the budget, then presented it to others, otherwise Gayle would be continually
    explaining it to everyone. Kelly Lyford stated she wanted more transparency and felt everyone
    should understand the budget process before signing off. She wanted to know if the Board would
    do meetings for budget on the off weeks. No decision was made andGeoff stated they were
    running out of time. This was an unprecedented time. Gayle noted that there would have been
    meetings with Department Heads but no Board meant no meetings for the last month and a half.
  13. Water/Sewer System Update. Geoff relayed he thought Mike was being stretched thin and
    we would need to budget more for the positions. Kevin M. explained he wanted to have a walkthrough Mike Whipple at the Sewer Plant and would check on that with Mike about the 21st
    on a morning and stressed everyone should do the walk-through. Gayle requested someone from
    the Board reach out to Nolan LaFrancis to see if he was coming back as we could only hire a part
    time person until we knew whether Nolan was coming back. Leyna asked about coverage at the
    sewer plant. Marianne McCann said there was a link on the website for hours. No action taken.
    Geoff to put on next meeting agenda.
  14. Marianne McCann gave a brief report on the Town Report and stated a timeline for it.
  15. AA. Update- Town Clerk just the contracts Gayle had nothing more.
  16. Executive Session for Human Resources. No executive session. Geoff felt that the Board
    should have interview times set up and Town Clerk to send additional information to the Board
    on who applied for AA and Sewer Plant. Kevin M. also noted that the Road Crew was still
    understaffed. Some discussion on the VLCT Municipal & Benefits Report. It was brought up the
    Town is underpaying employees by an average of $9.00/hour. Karen to send link to all Board
    Members. Geoff felt maybe it was time to go to salaried positions. Again, no action taken. To be
    on a future agenda for budget.
    Kevin M. thanked everyone n who kept the Town moving forward during this time.
  17. Leyna H. moved to adjourn with William L. seconding the motion. Vote was unanimous.
    Meeting adjourned at 8:24 AM.

Selectboard Special Meeting – Nov 10, 2022

11/10/2022 Chelsea Selectboard Special Meeting Minutes (Draft)
Chelsea Town Garage
Selectboard Members present: Levar Cole, Mark Whitney, Bruce Hook, Geoff Clayton, Merrill Whitney
Other Town Employees present: Karen Lathrop, Clerk, Tracy Simon, Emergency Director, Mary Ellen Parkman, Zoning Administrator.
Townspeople present: Linda Kuban, Joan Goodrich, Sheilagh Smith, Janet LaFrancis, Carolyn Boothroyd, Marilyn Lyford, Richard Lyford, Jean Bernier, Cheryl MacNeill, Tim Ward, Dennis Boardman, Elizabeth Boardman, John Fraser, Leyna Hoyt, Richard Mattoon, Kristianne Gayle, Roy Hayward, Ed Coburn, Mark Vermette, Tyler Hook, Damien Hook, Jeremy Hook, Tim LaPlante, Ken DeGrasse, Wayne Ladd, Jen Edson, Robert Button, Alan Lyford, Jilda Pomerantz, Carrie Caouette-Delallo, Diane Mattoon, Hale Mattoon, Jack Johnson, Darren Marcy (WRU Herald), others who did not sign the sign in sheet.
Call Meeting To Order
Cole called the meeting to order at 3:46 PM.
Public Comments
Cole stated everyone would get a chance to speak once as there was a large crowd and then
they could speak again if they so wanted to. He invited Board members to comment first. They declined.
Linda Kuban spoke to concerns in flaws she perceived in the Board’s human resource dept area, lack of training, board over-reach, and the fact that there were no motions made in minutes. She spoke to all that Rick had done for the Town throughout the 29 years he had been Road Foreman.
Cole stated the Board was not using Roberts Rules of Order for their meetings but any money actions or human resource actions that required an executive session were voted on by the Board.
Sheilagh Smith spoke to the letter the Board send to the Road Foreman and said it was a “pretermination” letter and had adverse action wording in it. She went over the four points the Board used in the letter and stated the Board opened the Town to be sued.
Cole stated the in letter they sent gave the Road Foreman an opportunity to meet with the Board to discuss issues. He noted that this meeting was supposed to be for just that, but the Road Foreman resigned before the meeting. He was not terminated.
There was discussion about the items in the letter, use of a truck without Board permission, mowing issue/costs associated, hauling sand for Tunbridge/costs vs money brought in, and permitting for work within the Right of Way not being filed. Persons present felt the Board was overreaching. The Board explained what happened in each incidence. That they were trying to conserve costs as the Gravel and Fuel budget was overspent with still 2 months to go in the year.
There were concerns from citizens about who would plow and salt the roads now that the Road Crew resigned. Mark Whitney stated he knew how to plow and Bruce had run heavy equipment. Other concerns were that it was a conflict of interest. Mark stated he would not be accepting pay so it was not a conflict. Hook stated they were working with TRORC but had not heard anything yet on help from them.
Former Selectboard member, Joan Goodrich stated that even though there were differences with the Road Foreman in the past, the Board always found a way to work together to find a mutual agreement and that the Road Foreman never overspent his budget. She asked if ARPA money could be used to offset the deficit. The Board replied, the Feds kept changing the rules on what it could be spent on. Board would have to look at the rules again. She brought up having a special town meeting to raise more income. Geoff stated the Town had opened a small line of credit.
Concerned citizens wanted to know who would they call with a Road Emergency. The Board replied they would figure that out in the Highway Plan agenda item.
There was more discussion about the truck that the Town had to keep repairing until the Board said enough. It was explained the Truck kept quitting and going to “Limp Mode”. They tried to fix it multiple times and finally told the Road Foreman not to use it. He fixed it anyway and took it out when the Board said not to. Citizens felt that was an overreach of the Board. The Road Foreman should be able to repair his machinery and use it, especially since the Town was down to one Truck.
Many people spoke to the fact that the Road Foreman found solutions to problems and saved the Town money doing so. Many people spoke to 29 years of good service and all he had done for free that he did not get paid for and they felt the Board should not trash that.
There were concerns that the Road Foreman should have been able to run his department without being micro-managed. The Board felt they were trying to be fiscally responsible with the Budget. There were concerns that Rick was harassed by members of the Board. The Board strongly denied that.
Jenn Doyle asked if the Board sought to get a moderator to work between the Board and the Road Foreman and if the Board had anyway of going forward to re-instate the Road Foreman. The Board declined to comment.
Leyna Hoyt stated Rick said he would come back if three Selectboard members resigned. She noted there were personal issues between some Selectboard Members and the Road Foreman and another townsperson. She thought there were conflicts of interest.
Jean Bernier reminded the Selectboard that they worked for the Townspeople and the Townspeople wanted their Road Foreman back. Kristianne Gale said decisions needed to make tonight to ensure travelable roads.
Nick Zigelbaum stated he needed an answer about whether he had to fill in the depression left by putting the water line across the road. He said his grant from the Dept of Agriculture for theWater Quality Improvement project needed to be finished. Zigelbaum stated he had asked the Road Foreman’s permission before proceeding with the project. There was discussion as to why there was no permit. There have not been many of them but a permit should have been filled out. Cole stated it was a Board decision to send a letter to the landowner as no permit had been filed. Karen clarified the letter was sent out. Geoff stated if the owner would sign a letter indemnifying the Town from liability, he would feel better about it. Townspeople stated no one else had ever had to sign one.
Carolyn Boothroyd suggested the Board call VLCT as they were a good resource and thanked Levar Cole for getting back to her about the meeting.
Mary Ellen Parkman, Zoning Adminstrator, stated she understood the frustration, felt there was a level missed and there was miscommunication going on. She thinks a permit should signed off on. She supported keeping the Road Foreman.
Many of the same concerns were heard multiple time from the same people. No confidence in the Board, Townspeople wanted their Road Foreman back, the Board was placing the health, welfare and safety of the townspeople in jeopardy with winter so close and not having a Road Foreman.
Sheilagh Smith stated the timing of this was very unfortunate as this was happening as our Road
Foreman was covering for our Wastewater Foreman, so the Town is in double jeopardy. There was a brief discussion on how the Wastewater Plant was being operated and the costs associated. She also wanted to know if the Board would be considering raises in pay to keep our hard-working personnel. She noted that the Road Foreman pay here was less than in other Towns by far. Cole stated the Road Foreman had reduced the line item in the budget for payroll when he presented his budget and the Board was not reducing payroll and were looking at all payroll’s since there was an 8.25% increase in the cost of living going up.
Helen Heslop thought that the Board should use Roberts Rules of Order going forward.
The Board was asked what they thought the outcome of sending the Road Foreman this letter. The Board stated they hoped to sit down and hash through all the problems at the meeting they had planned for tonight. Unfortunately, he quit first. Board felt they were going by the personnel policy in place and Cole explained the steps of the personnel policy while stating it does need to be re-written as it was very old and needed to be updated. He felt they were doing their jobs in good faith. Many felt the Board did not due its due diligence and documentation.
Townspeople wanted to know what the highway plan was going to be going forward and if re-instating the Road Foreman was part of it. Some believed the Board did not want to work with Rick and were not going to step down and asked the Board if they would step down. The Board stated no one was resigning as of tonight. There were many complaints about this from the Townspeople.
Highway Planning
Bruce Hook stated he had called TRORC but had not received any answer from them. There was
discussion on who would plow and where would Townspeople be able to find the information out. Mark Whitney stated he could plow and Bruce could run loader. More discussion on Conflict of Interest. As more Townspeople came and left the Board had to give out information they had already gone over in the meeting earlier. The Townspeople made it known they wanted the Selectboard members resign.
Board stated it was not resigning at this meeting though they said there might be wrong on both sides of the argument. The Board reiterated it was coming to the meeting to have a discussion with the Road Foreman. That had been what they hoped to do.
The Board again tried to explain the reasons for the items listed in the letter and said the permit was the last straw but there were many items that had happened to bring the Board to writing the letter. Merrill Whitney stated the Board was trying to save money. They told Road Foreman to stop any extra work that used fuel and he did what he wanted anyway. Another example was that the Road Foreman wanted to buy brake cans for $500 + dollars /2 brake cans when the same kind could be bought for about $50 per brake can. Mark Whitney explained they thought that could be considered fraud. The Board noted it accepted money from Federal and State and they were subject to audits at any time. Work on roads had to be up to certain standards that they sign off on to get the money. Mark expressed his concern that also could be construed as fraud. Kristianne Gale stated if they had documented receipts that would be hard to prove. Maybe embezzlement but not fraud
Diane Mattoon, retired Town Clerk asked if the Board if Town had a budget limit. Cole stated the Town has a purchase policy that employees had to adhere to.
There were several pleas from Townspeople for some Board members to resign in order to get the Road Foreman back.
Jack Johnson, retired Selectboard member said the letter could have been drafted better an offered to help between the Board and the Road Foreman.
Kevin Marshia was concerned that there was not enough documentation and that it did not show up in past meeting minutes.
Damien Hook spoke to the fact that the Road Foreman should have known a permit was necessary and the landowner as well. He stated all people should be held accountable for their actions and he thought the Road Foreman was essentially holding the Board hostage. He stated attacking the Board was not okay. He stated he believed everyone needs to work together.
Bruce Hook stated that some people were there to speak and not to try to fix the problems. Mark
Whitney said he was not resigning and thought it would set a bad precedent. No Board member elected to resign.
Joan Goodrich wanted to get the Interim Highway Plan nailed down.
John Welch offered to help when he could. He does have a new job though. He stated the salt was ordered and someone need to be there the 16th or 17th
It was decided that the contact person and number would be Bruce Hook. He would contact Merrill Whitney as Mark’s cell phone has spotty reception and the home phone was unreliable. Tracy Simon, Emergency Director would be contact if an emergency came up.
Mark moved to accept the interim highway plan as written. Bruce seconded the motion. Merrill had gone at that point so it was voted on by Geoff, Bruce, Mark and Levar in the affirmative. The motion passed.
Meeting adjourned by motion of Bruce Hook seconded by Geoff Clayton. All votes were affirmative and the motion passed. The meeting adjourned at 8:34

Selectboard Special Meeting Agenda- Nov 10, 2022

Chelsea Special Selectboard Meeting Agenda
Thursday 10 November 2022
3:30PM Chelsea Town Garage
1. Call meeting to order
2. Conflict of interest disclosure
3. Highway-planning
4. Public comments
5. Executive Session for Human Resources 1 VSA 313 (a)
6. Adjourn


Selectboard Meeting Minutes – Nov 1, 2022

Chelsea Selectboard Meeting Minutes (Draft)
Tuesday, November 1, 2022 at 7:31 PM at Chelsea Town Hall
Selectboard Members present: Levar Cole, Mark Whitney, Bruce Hook, Geoff Clayton, Merrill Whitney
Other Town Employees present: Karen Lathrop, Town Clerk, Gayle Durkee, Treasurer, Rick Ackerman,
Road Foreman.
Members of the Public: Cindy Allen, Emily Newman

  1. Call Meeting to Order
    Meeting called to order at 7:31 pm by Levar Cole, Chair
  2. Conflict of Interest disclosure
    None reported
  3. Changes to agenda
    Cole added TRORC budget piece under Department Liaison Updates
  4. Town Clerk
    Lathrop gave brief update to Board on election concerns as to whether write-ins on ballots might show up as overvote if voters did not stay within the box for the write-in candidate
  5. Treasurer
    a. Budget Status- All areas okay but Highway Fuel is at 162% with fuel prices increasing. This led to a Board discussion on backup plan if fuel becomes scarce in the winter and needs are not met by suppliers. Concerns are high, as Fire and Ambulance pull from the same fuel tank. Rick states the tank is 1000 gallons and it is filled weekly. Bruce and Rick to create a plan for winter, Mark to speak with Tracy Simon, on emergency plan. Board position at this point is if fuel supplies run low this winter, Town won’t be doing business as usual. Discussion on prioritization/rationing of fuel assets. Rick states there is no
    issue with salt. Cargill stated supply should be fine.
    Gayle noted she paid all appropriations but not the Fire Dept as we collect their taxes. School taxes have to be paid (1.7 million). Over$ 687,000 of taxes are still outstanding. She has concerns there might not be enough money even with ARPA fund and a line of credit might be necessary, She noted the line credit is usually $ 450,000.
    Action Item: Geoff Clayton moves Gayle seek a line of credit for $300,00.00 to cover Town in the event not enough revenue comes in. Motion seconded by Levar Cole. Voted by unanimous consent of the Board.
    b. Orders- Question by Mark Whitney as to cost of Brake Cans on order. Discussion by Board
    and Rick as to cost, quality and warranty. Mark to check on costs at other supplier.
    Action Item: Mark moved to approve orders. Motion seconded by Geoff. Board voted approval by unanimous consent.
    Gayle presented new lease from Mullens for Treasurer/Admin Office. Lease increasing by
    $100.00/month. Cole noted it will be on the next agenda.
  6. Department/Liaison Updates
    a. Bruce went over the questions asked of Rick on 10/22/2022 about Klondike Rd unpermitted excavation. No site plan, 48 hour notice was given verbally, no application submitted, there was a request by the land owner via phone call, which Rick could not reply to as lost cell number. Rick only spoke with Tad Boardman the morning of excavation.
    Cole noted that the Town a policy on work within the right of way has been in place since 2012, and there is also Statute on it. The Board expectations are for the process to be followed and the process was not followed. Merrill noted the person should get the paperwork from the Clerk’s Office or the Admin’s Office. Bruce stated everyone in this day and age knows permits are a requirement. Geoff shared the legal advice he received. The legal opinion was that the Town not to allow a line under a road as it creates a liability for the Town. Geoff not in favor of it. Mark noted there are other lines under the roads that pre-date this current Board but fell within the timeline of when the policy was put in place.
    Chair requested the Clerk to look through the records for permits. Merrill stated the applicant will claim he spoke with the Road Foreman and received permission. Road Foreman note many people work in the Right of Way without permits. Levar noted the discussion is about utility under the Town Right of Way in this issue. Geoff’s concern iTs still Town liability. Levar made it clear the permitting process needs to be done correctly not what past practice has been. Levar stated for the record that Town Policy and Statute
    were not followed and it must be followed in the future. Mark’s concern is equitable treatment for all.
    Road Foreman stated he knows going forward that State Statute must be followed.
    Board discussion on how to notify applicant of unpermitted work. Road Forman in favor of Board notification as they sign the permit. Levar noted when permits are granted the Road Foreman was the messenger so why wouldn’t he be the messenger for this.
    Cindy Allen asked questions about whether he would be able to even get a permit, what with the laywer’s advice. Levar stated as of now they want the road restored. Work was done on the road unpermitted and without the supervision of the Road Foreman. He noted the road has considerable settlement. The landowner has not submitted a permit so they haven’t ruled on it. She expressed concern that the Road Foreman would be out there again doing it all over. Mark noted the Road Foreman does not do the work. Merrill notd the Lawyer gave advice and shouldn’t the Board follow it.
    Levar stated to do that the Board would have to re-write a specific policy and rescind the current one. Geoff expressed concern and would like to see the applicants in the future sign a release from liability. Levar thinks that is already in our policy. There was a discussion on permits that come before the Board that have a necessity for a permit Levar to write letter to send to Admin Assistant to put on Letterhead.
    Action Item : Geoff moves to have the landowner remove the pipe (utility) and restore the road to its original condition. Motion seconded by Levar Cole. . Board voted approval by unanimous consent.
    Garage Structure passed over.
    Hook Road Guardrail still in progress, expected to be finished in a day. Discussion on guardrail parts.
    Pepper Road done
    Bobbinshop bridge guardrail was damaged. The Board discussion with Rick as to company liable, bridge damage, none. Discussion on permits to be on the roads. Mark stated it is a State permit. Clerk states it is the overweight permit. Not every trucker gets them if it is a one day delivery. The DOT would have to see it happen, then they would have to file a permit violation. Treasurer questioned whether the company liable should find a company to do the installation. Road Foreman said bridge needs heavier rails. Bruce, highway liaison, Rick and Gayle to work on that project together.
    Moved to Agenda Item 13 Human Resources – Executive Session before Merrill Whitney had to leave.
    Action Item: Levar moved to go into executive session for Hurman Resources (1 VSA 313 (a) 3) at 8:40 PM. Seconded by Geoff. Gayle Durkee invited to stay.
    Board exited executive session at 8:43 PM – No action taken Merrill Whitney left the meeting.
    Bruce continued to his Liaison report. Reported pipeline on Town Farm Road was rolled up. Levar concerns that they would need a permit to do that. Bruce also noted many people do work on the roads just to be nice. How would the Board deal with that. Is there Town liability for that? Board asked Road Foreman’s opinion. Rick stated they don’t really look at it. Bruce stated he needs an answer in order to answer people calling him. Levar’s thoughts- maybe consider that in the road plan being created.
    Geoff’s thoughts- if not changing the road structure it could be written in. Road Foreman concernwould that create a liability to the Road Foreman. Mark Whitney’s concern, liability through knowledge.
    Bruce to work on that for the Road Plan.
    Equipment Plan Update- Board looked at the plan submitted by Rick. Listing of equipment and projected replacement dates. Geoff to send a pic of it. Levar would like it on the December agenda.
    Levar moved up to
  7. Public Comments
    Cindy Allen would like Board support for the newsletter, the Chelsea Spotlight. Stated other Towns support their newsletter. She asked for support so they can become a non-profit that is cost prohibited. The newsletter would come out twice a year. To file for a non-profit consists of many fees. She noted the Town has the rec committee under it’s umbrella. They are requesting being a line item in the budget or asked for an appropriation ($1000.00). She read their goals and content. Levar spoke to speech paid for by government. Geoff spoke to whether this could come under the Historical Society? Also if it was a Town Committee it would need a charter. There are options out there to do this. Cindy thanked the Board and it will be considered.
    Levar moved to Agenda Item 8.
    Budget Discussion for Highway as Rick was present. Rick noted he had a few items to share
    before the budget. He gave an update on the Beaver’s and Dam. Dam was taken out, Beavers left to go to Mize’s pond. One was relocated, one dispatched.
    Rick questioned how to input his hours for the Wastewater Plant. Levar stated for switching the flow chart. Levar asked if it was a daily event? Yes. Levar informed the Board that Rick has been doing it every day but stated John can do it also. Levar said they were covering their time for that. Rick says they have to come down on the weekends also and needs to know how to put in hours. Is it a 2 hour call in or hourly? Is it a total of 3 hours? Board feels it is an emergency situation and it should be the call in time and the other hour for a total of three. Just stay coordinated with Mike Whipple.
    Rick requested Board guidance on whether he should be doing the sidewalks and Town Hall steps. Board discussion on having John doing it. Rick stated John’s route is longer which is why he does it. Just does not want people coming back to him on it. Board backs him unanimously on it. Rick to follow the same process as he has but if they get extra custodian hours that might change. Rick brought up the sidewalk in front Haywards on North Common. Geoff stated he could speak with him. Brush needs to be cut back
    in order to get it plowed and salted.
    Rick asked if the Board wants him to chop the leaves up on the common. Board would like John to do that when he comes back from vacation. Hold off for a week. Rick also asked about the two dead trees.
    Mark is working on it.
    Board and Rick went through the Highway Budget. Rick said salaries dropped a little because there are only 3 full time and could cut back some. Overtime, depends on mud season. VEMERS is increasing,
    Gayle noted because it is going up to 5% until July and 5.25% after July. Rick stated up equipment repairs up as the equipment is getting older. Garage Technology is up due to protection plan for the laptop. Heating fuel/electricy. Propane has not gone up much. $5,000 heating. Last year was $4500.00 and two months to go. Gayle stated the Town was locked in at the price for the fuel.
    Rick stated we are at $60,000 for diesel some of the total amount spent was ambulance and fire Gayle said ambulance payed quarterly and the fire dept was annually. She noted equipment payments were less. Board wanted to know if the equipment repairs could be broken out if they need to see costs per vehicle.
    Rick reported McCulloughs told him material prices were going up fifty cents/yard and they may not have any sand left at the Barre pit. Board questioned where would they get it. Rick stated they would have to look around. Town usually gets 4,000 yards. He wants tostay at that amount. Average for Town is 3,7000. Manufactured sand is expensive. Washed screened is 18.25/yard. Total cost of sand would be 162.000.00. Mark states that just gives us an idea of what we will be looking at. Rick stated salt is the same. Town uses 200-230/tons. Last year was $73.94/ton. This year would be $86.00/ton. This year he said he has used 162 ton and has about 22 tons left with November and December to go. He said Cargill assured him there was no issue with obtaining salt.
    Levar asked about the guardrails. Rick stated there was a guardrail that was damaged last winter on Washington Turnpike that will have to be replace Levar told the Board if they had any questions about the budget to contact Bruce/Rick.
    Went back to agenda
    6 Depatment/Liaison
    b. Transfer Station- Geoff reported electric fence will go up in spring. There’s always an issue
    with the locks. Geoff could co-ordinate a key drop off.
    c. Water/Wastewater -Levar ran down the two week roster that Mike Whipple co-ordinated .
    he noted the Town still needed a long term plan if Nolan is not back in a couple a weeks. The State is being supportive. Mike/Tracy/ Levar would call the State if there was any issues and the Board notified as soon as possible.
    d. Public Safety- Levar asked Mark to hold off on the contracts.
    e. Grounds- Mowing Bid – Mark reported he had the old one from 2016 and it needed the
    three FEMA properties added to it and dates updated. Geoff had question about the old Battey property that Frank was mowing. Board said he has an easement to get to the other property. Mark stated Rick had it on it on his time card so it should go on the RFP. Board chose December 15, 2022 for date to submit by and December 20, 2022 bid opening at the Selectboard meeting.
    Action Item: Mark moved to approve the updated RFP for Town Property Maintenance Services with Geoff seconding the motion. Board voted to approve the motion.
    f. Administration- Health Insurance- Levar reported he looked at it from the standpoint of
    competitiveness that our people would appreciate it as everything is going up in cost. He asked Gayle her opinion. She reported the Town has always gone with the Platinum Plan. MVP is less Blue Cross is a little more. Board has asked for input from employees, but nothing has been forthcoming.
    Action item: Levar moved the Board choose the MVP Platinum Plan for the Town Health Insurance option with Mark seconding the motion. Board voted to approve the motion.
    Purchase Policy Amendment- Levar asked if it was read. Gayle said she read it. She wondered about the second part where there were purchases that were not normally used. Levar said the Town does not want employees to purchase using their own cards. That is the reason for the amendment. No one is using personal card.
    Action item: Levar moved to amend the Town of Chelsea Purchase Polciy. Change page 5. To
    exceptions/value services. The values in this section is hereby changed from $10,000.00 to $20,000.00.
    The second amendment to be the Town Treasurer/Administrative Assistant may use a purchase/debit card for purchases approved by the Selectboard, whether it be a recurring such as online subscription services or one time purchases both of which would include items and services unordinarily unable to procure without the purchase of a debit card. Approved by the Selectboard on this date. Geoff seconded the motion.
    Levar spoke with previous board members who had put the purchase policy in place and they said the $10,000.00 limit had just been picked out of the air. He noted that there were no bids for audit services so the Board would need to purchase them and they would cost significantly more than $10,000.00.
    Board voted to approve the motion.
  8. a. Hiring for Administrative Assistant – Executive Session
    Action Item: Levar Cole moved to enter into executive session for Human Resources ( 1 VSA 313 (a) 3) at 10 PM and invited the Town Clerk and Treasurer to stay. Motion seconded by Mark Whitney. Board voted to approve the motion.
    Board exited executive 10.03.PM
    Action- Levar to set up an interview.
    Levar adjourned the meeting to November 2, 2022 immediately following the BCA meeting.
    Meeting re-opened at November 2, 2022 at 7:30 PM
    Selectboard present: Levar Cole, Mark Whitney, Merrill Whitney, Geoff Clayton. Bruce came in at 7:39.
    Other Town Employees: Town Clerk
    Other persons present: Emily Betts Newman, Ed Kuban, Tracy Simon
    Levar called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM
  9. Department/Liaison Updates
    d. Contracts -Public Safety Orange County Sheriff Department Contract & First Branch
    Ambulance Service.
    Action Item: Mark moved to approve the First Branch Ambulance Contract with Geoff seconding the motion. The Board voted approval of the motion.
    Levar noted for the Orange County Sheriff’s Dept Contract that the Sheriff has always crossed out section 5. It was not crossed off last time, and the Board does not see why it should be crossed out.
    Action Item: Mark moved to approve the Orange County Sheriff’s Dept Contract the sum not to exceed $12,500.00. Geoff seconded the motion. The Board voted approval of the motion.
    a: Village Greens/Roberts Gould Field Requests- None
    b: Art/Pellet Furnace Update – None
    c: FEMA Mapping comments. Tracy looked at the correspondence. She reported that they look at the watershed area. They review information, have a discovery phase and ask for comments. The map is on a secure server. This does not affect our Town and if it did, that would entail the Planning Board making a comment as it is their purview. They are looking at the Connecticut River but not the First Branch of it. Board thanked Tracy for her comments.
    Back Agenda item 6.
    d. Other Grants- Generator- Levar spoke with Kasey on the generator grant. The State
    Historical Preservation has no issue with burying the propane tank unless we hit ledge. She will call Dig Safe to have any lines marked. Still need to have a few electrical items that need to be completed. The big issue is the grant has to go in by November 15, 2022. Timeline is short. If we miss the window on the grant, it will still be a high priority ARPA item.
    Creamery Project- Levar reports the Creamery Grant is still a thorny issue. Conflicting
    reviews by two state entities. Kasey reported we can’t use Grants In Aid because it is a private property.
    The Board discussion included concerns about where the water contamination starts, water not coming off just Town Property, Brownfields, Cemetery Town Land, liability if Town work goes forward, improving private property with Town funds. Geoff states we have not made contaminated water at this point. We should avoid that at all costs for liability. Emily said the previous owner dumped all kinds of stuff at the Creamery. Geoff believes the Board should get an environmental lawyer’s opinion before going forward with this project. He believes the Road Foreman should not be speaking on the Town’s behalf about this project. Emily asked how long ago was this discovered. Geoff reported about three years ago. Board approved Levar to contact Kasey to call an environmental lawyer to get options.
    e. Audit – Levar reported now that the purchase policy is amended he would ask Gayle to call some companies and see if we can hire one as we did not receive any bids.
    Levar asked to go back to Mark and Bruce for updates. Mark to give an update on parts that came under 5b, Orders. And Bruce on Highways, as Levar had a voice mail on his phone.
    Mark reported he called Fleet Pride about brake cans. Fleet Pride said they do offer a neoprene reinforced brake can. That was still cheaper. The comparable brake can with the four year warranty at significantly lower price ( $56)/can) than the ones that had been ordered. The total bill for the Allegiance was $567.00. Board chose to go with the cheaper model . This company wants to work more with Municipalities. Board discussion on cost effectiveness for repairs, parts and best use of time of town employees. Bruce to discuss this with the Road Foreman Levar stated last night that Rick wanted the Board to contact the owner on Klondike Road about restoring the road. The Board made the accommodation and Levar would write the letter. Levar shared with the Board he received a voice mail from the landowner on Klondike Road saying Rick called him to speak about the unpermitted work within the right of way. He said he wanted to make it right and fix the hole in the road. Bruce said write the letter Mark said just smoothing out the road is not acceptable and reported what other Towns have done. Geoff said he wanted a laywer’s opinion. Board still wanted
    Levar to write the letter as agreed the night before. No one wanted to reconsider the motion made the night before.
    Board expressed that Bruce should have a conversation with Road Foreman about following the direction of the Board after they made an accommodation for him, so he would not have to speak with the landowner, as he said he did not want to be the messenger. Bruce asked if the letter to the landowner would be certified. Levar asked Karen what she has done. She
    replied registered letter with return receipt.
    Levar said he won’t answer the message but if he gets a phone call, he will tell the landowner a letter would be forthcoming.
    Merrill Whitney, noted that the Road Foreman was on Whitney Lyman Road the other day and filling rough spots with stone and did not feel it was necessary. Rick has been told to conserve diesel fuel and money at this point. Bruce reported work on Hook Rd was completed.
    Jump to Agenda Item 10
    f- Americans with Disabilities Act- Levar reported a person asked him about ATV’s again. He
    was told someone had a medical condition that makes him immobile and wants to ride an ATV as mobility device and the ADA says you have to make accommodations for that. He said he called VLCT about it and they said that because our Town does not have an ordinance. That if someone were to aske us for an accommodation, we would have to approve it by Federal Law. No one has made a request but Levar reported he did his due diligence and was letting the Board know. Merrill wanted to know if they needed a disabled plaque for it. Levar stated Federal Law says Towns have to assume a person has a
    Merrill Whitney left.
    a. Administrative Assistant – Emily Newman wanted to know if she can put a proposal in to do some of the AA work. The Board said feel free to send in the proposal.
    b. Water/Wastewater Assistant Operator – Levar stated he wanted to re-advertise the position and put $25/hr negotiable and hours negotiable again. Karen asked how hours could be negotiable and Levar said there are some automation features that haven’t been used but could be utilized going forward. Board is in favor of going forward with this.
    Action Item: Levar moved to have himself to work with the AA/Gayle revise the
    advertisement out again with $25.00/hour negotiable and hours negotiable. Mark seconded the motion. Board voted to approve the motion.
    Added to Agenda- Levar let the Board know that TRORC dues for the year will be $2010. It is a line item in our budget.
  10. Approve Minutes
    Action Items:
    Levar moved to approve the September 6, 2022 minutes. Seconded by Geoff. Board approved motion.
    Levar moved to approve the September 20, 2022 minutes as revised. Seconded by Geoff. Board
    approved motion.
    Levar moved to approve the September 24, 2022 Special Meeting minutes. Seconded by Geoff. Board
    moved to approve motion.
    Levar moved to approve the October 18, 2022 Special Meeting minutes. Seconded by Mark. Board
    moved to approve the motion.
    Adjourned 8:47 Pm

Selectboard Meeting Agenda – Nov 1, 2022

Chelsea Selectboard Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, 1 November 2022
7:30PM Chelsea Town Hall
1. Call meeting to order
2. Conflict of interest disclosure
3. Changes to the agenda
4. Town Clerk
5. Town Treasurer
a. Budget status
b. Orders
6. Department/Liaison Updates
a. Highway: Klondike Rd. unpermitted excavation, garage structure concerns, Hook
Road guard rail, road plan update, equipment plan update-Bruce
b. Transfer station: electric fence-Geoff
c. Water/Wastewater: staffing-Merrill/Levar
d. Public Safety: OC Sheriff Contract, First Branch Ambulance Contract-Mark
e. Grounds: Mowing request for bids-Mark
f. Administration: health insurance, purchase policy amendments, hiring for
Administrative Assistant-Levar
7. Public Comments
8. Budget Discussions: Highway, Town Employee salary/compensation
9. Approve minutes:
a. 24 October 2022 Special Meeting
b. 18 October 2022
c. 4 October 2022
d. 20 September 2022
e. 20 September Special Meeting 2022
f. 6 September 2022
10. Administrative Assistant Report/Grants Administration
a. Village Greens/Roberts-Gould Field requests
b. Arts grant/pellet furnace update
c. FEMA Mapping comments
d. Update on other grants/projects
e. Audit
f. Americans with Disabilities Act
11. Employee Vacancies
a. Administrative Assistant
b. Water/Wastewater Assistant Operator
12. Elected and Appointed office vacancies:
a. Fence Viewers (3)
b. Inspector of lumber, shingles, and wood
c. Weigher of Coal
d. Central Vermont Solid Waste Management District
e. Development Review Board Alternate 2
f. Recreation Committee (1)
g. Development Review Board
h. Planning Commission
i. Town Moderator
13. Executive Session for Human Resources (1 VSA 313 (a)3))
14. Adjourn