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Selectboard Meeting Agenda – January 21, 2025

Selectboard Meeting Agenda  
January 21st, 2025 6:30 pm Chelsea Town Hall Library 
Call to Order 
Additions to the Agenda 
Conflict of Interest Disclosure 
Public Comments 
Approve Minutes from January 14, 2025 
Current Events and Updates 
A. Highway Update 
B. Town Administrator Update 
Action Items 
A. Recreation Committee Mowing Budget – John Parker 
B. Windsor County Police 
C. Budget Review and Finalization 
D. Town Meeting Warning 
E. Approve Orders 
Executive Session If Necessary 
Links to join the Selectboard Meeting: 
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Selectboard Meeting Minutes – January 14, 2025

Selectboard Meeting Minutes  
January 14th, 2025 6:30 pm Chelsea Town Hall  
 Call to Order 
Kevin Marshia called the meeting to order at 6:31 pm. 
Kevin Marshia (Present) 
Kelly Lyford (Present) 
Gregg Herrin (Present) 
Leyna Hoyt (Present) 
Tierney Farago (Town Administrator) 
Gayle Durkee (Town Treasurer) 
Karen Lathrop (Town Clerk) 
 Additions to the Agenda 
-Kelly Lyford added the item of her resignation to the agenda. Kelly informed the Selectboard that she would not be finishing her term (term expires in 2026) and instead would like to resign effective immediately. Gregg Herrin made a motion to accept Kelly’s resignation; Leyna Hoyt seconded the motion. Motion passed.  To help the Selectboard keep a quorum, she asked the Selectboard to appoint her to the vacant position left by Jesse Kay until Town Meeting Day, where another member can be elected in her place. Gregg Herrin made a motion to appoint Kelly to the vacant 2 year term Selectboard position until the election is held; Leyna Hoyt seconded the motion. Motion passed. Karen Lathrop was present to swear Kelly Lyford into office.  
-Billy Lyon was nominated to be appointed to the newly vacant Selectboard role left by Kelly Lyford. Gregg Herrin made a motion to appoint Billy Lyon to the Selectboard until an election occurs on Town Meeting Day; Kevin Marshia seconded the motion. Motion passed. Mr. Lyon will be sworn in at the Town Clerk’s office when he has some availability.  
Conflict of Interest Disclosure: None 
Public Comments 
Maryann McCann attended the Selectboard meeting to express her concerns regarding funds that were dispersed to the Chelsea Spotlight in 2023. Maryann stated that she has filed a tax fraud complaint with the State of Vermont regarding this funding. She was also seeking official commentary from the Selectboard regarding the claims that the request and funds were made illegally. The Selectboard disagrees with her stance and will verify that the steps taken to have the item voted on during Town Meeting were correct.  
Approve Minutes from December 3, 2024 and December 17, 2024 
Leyna Hoyt made a motion to approve the minutes from December 3 and December 17 with edits made by Kevin Marshia; Kelly Lyford seconded the motion. Motion passed.  
 Current Events and Updates 
A. Highway Update 
The Town Administrator informed the Selectboard that the road crew is keeping the roads in great working shape. There were no significant updates other than the recent Stantec work occurring on Edwards Rd, Doyle Rd, and Maple Ave for the engineering report that is being conducted for the Town.  
B. Town Administrator Update 
Town Report Schedule and Preparation: The Town Administrator shared the calendar of deadlines for Town Meeting Day with the Selectboard. The Town Report is coming along and only needs a few more final additions before it can be sent to the printer at the end of the month. 
C. Sudie Marcuse Piano Repairs 
Sudie Marcuse obtained a quote for piano repair for the historic piano located in Town Hall. These repairs would be funded privately by donation and would restore the piano so that it may be used in the future. The Selectboard thank Sudie for her work and greatly appreciate the help in preserving a historic feature of Town Hall.  
D. Delinquent Water Bills 
The Town Administrator and Town Treasurer informed the Selectboard that residents will be notified for non-payment on water bills soon. There will be a short period of time before the water will be shut off. Those wishing to make payments can visit the Treasurer during her office hours.  
Action Items 
A. Interim Zoning Administrator  
The Selectboard and members from the DRB discussed needing an interim Zoning Administrator. Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission may be able to help with permits and any existing cases until a permanent ZA has been appointed; they will attend the February 4th meeting. The Town Administrator will work with the DRB for any meetings or warnings they may need to schedule.  
B. Zoning Violation Fees 
The Selectboard and members from the DRB discussed the need for violation fees to be established. There is some confusion on whether or not the Selectboard needs to determine the fee schedule and create an ordinance, or if the fees need to be established in the Zoning Bylaws. Representatives from the Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission have volunteered to attend the February 4th meeting to further explain the process to the Town. No fees were determined during this meeting until more information has been gathered.  
C. Susan Elder: Forest and Parks Commission Grants, Approval to Plant Trees on Public Property 
Susan Elder is working on two grants for the Forest and Parks Commission and the grants require the Selectboard to give their express permission to plant new trees on public property. The Selectboard did not have any issue with this, as it involves replacing old or dead trees. Gregg Herrin made a motion to allow Susan Elder to apply for these grants and allow trees to be planted on public property; Leyna Hoyt seconded the motion. Motion passed.  
D. Library ADA Access Grant: Automatic Doors 
This item was tabled until contractors has been finalized for the work in the library. 
E. Water/Sewer Budget and Fees 
Gregg Herrin prepared cost assessments to increase water and sewer fees to help the Town catch up to the current expenditure for water/sewer services. Fees have not been raised since 2018, which has put a serious strain on the budget, as expenditures have now surpassed revenue. There were several options on an immediate increase followed by smaller incremental rises in fees over several years to help the Town catch up on revenue. Kevin Marshia suggested that the Selectboard present the information to the public on February 4th so that residents understand why the fees need to be increased and how it will affect them. 
F. Transfer Station Budget 
The Selectboard discussed the possibility of cutting down on how much the construction dumpster is used to possibly help cut costs at the Transfer Station. Currently it costs $450 to get the dumpster and $50 to return it, plus the following additional fees: $155 per ton, $60 per mattress and couch (in addition to the tonnage), and an environmental fee of $100 for each time the dumpster is picked up. The Transfer Station employees have mentioned this may help bring costs down since the dumpster is emptied several times while it is in Town from about May-November. The Selectboard will consider this option.  
G. Selectboard Budget 
The Selectboard accepted the proposed budget as outlined by Gayle Durkee, which is in line with the previous year’s budget line items. 
H. Salary Budget 
Leyna Hoyt brought up the possibility of building in the ability for raises for many Town employees so that Chelsea is more comparable to the salaries of surrounding towns. Kevin Marshia requested more statistical information on competitive salaries and believes it to be too late in budget discussions to be able to factor in salary increases beyond what was already calculated for the 2.5% cost-of-living increases.  
I. Miscellaneous Budget Items 
The Selectboard reviewed all budget items to see if there were any immediate issues with . There were some changes a minor items, but the board was satisfied overall. Gayle Durkee will adjust a few line items that needed additional information. There will be a final review of the budget on January 21st.  
J. Town Meeting Warning 
The Town Administrator reviewed a draft of the Town Meeting Warning. Karen Lathrop suggested edits regarding phrasing and the dates. The Town Meeting Warning will be finalized after the budget has been decided at the next meeting.  
K. Approve Orders 
Gregg Herrin made a motion to approve the orders; Leyna Hoyt seconded the motion. Motion passed.  
Executive Session If Necessary: None 
Leyna Hoyt made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Gregg Herrin seconded the motion. Motion passed. The meeting adjourned at 9:53 pm. 
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Selectboard Meeting Agenda – January 14, 2025

Selectboard Meeting Agenda
January 14th, 2025 6:30 pm Chelsea Town Hall
Call to Order
Additions to the Agenda
Conflict of Interest Disclosure
Public Comments
Approve Minutes from December 3, 2024 and December 17, 2024
Current Events and Updates
A. Highway Update
B. Town Administrator Update
-Town Report Schedule and Preparation
C. Sudie Marcuse Piano Repairs
D. Delinquent Water Bills
Action Items
A. Interim Zoning Administrator
B. Zoning Violation Fees
C. Susan Elder: Forest and Parks Commission Grants, Approval to Plant Trees on Public Property
D. Library ADA Access Grant: Automatic Doors
E. Water/Sewer Budget and Fees
F. Transfer Station Budget
G. Selectboard Budget
H. Salary Budget
I. Miscellaneous Budget Items
J. Town Meeting Warning
K. Approve Orders
Executive Session If Necessary
Links to join the Selectboard Meeting:

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Selectboard Meeting Minutes – December 17, 2024

Selectboard meeting agenda
December 17th, 2024 6:30 pm Chelsea Town Hall Library
Call to Order
Kevin Marshia called the meeting to order at 6:33 pm.
Kevin Marshia (Present, left early at 8:00 pm)
Kelly Lyford (Present)
Gregg Herrin (Present)
Leyna Hoyt (Present, joined late)
Tierney Farago (Town Administrator)
Rick Ackerman (Highway Supervisor)
Gayle Durkee (Town Treasurer)
Karen Lathrop (Town Clerk)
Tom Swann (Maintenance)
Additions to the Agenda: None
Conflict of Interest Disclosure: None
Public Comments
-A letter from Frank Keene was received and read during the meeting regarding the pedestrian bridge. He reiterated the fact that he would need to purchase materials for the bridge soon in order to get a discount with his supplier. The Selectboard agreed that they should allow him to purchase materials so he doesn’t miss out on the discount. Progress has been slow with Vermont Emergency Management and FEMA. Gregg Herrin made a motion to allow Frank to move forward with the pedestrian bridge project, working with the Town to submit permits; Kelly Lyford seconded the motion. Motion passed.
-The Selectboard brought up emergency water and sewer expenses as detailed by the Treasurer. The department is in dire need of funds and the Selectboard was required to make a motion on where the funds would come from in order to pay for the contracted services. Gregg Herrin made a motion to move $40,000 from the surplus funds to the water/sewer fund; Leyna Hoyt seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Approve minutes from November 19, 2024 and December 3, 2024
Gregg Herrin made a motion to approve the minutes from November 19th; Kelly Lyford seconded the motion. Motion Passed. Gregg Herrin made a motion to approve the minutes from December 3rd; Kevin Marshia seconded the motion while Kelly Lyford abstained. Due to only having three selectboard members at the time, the item will be tabled until the next meeting. Motion was unsuccessful.
Current Events and Updates
A. Highway Update
Rick Ackerman reported that all is well in training Larry and Tom. Labor was required for one of the trucks after a part broke down.
B. Town Administrator Update: None
C. Pedestrian Bridge Update
The pedestrian bridge was discussed during the reading of Frank Keene’s letter.
D. Library Capital Improvement Plan
Kezia Frayjo attended the meeting to give an overview of the library capital improvement project. In addition to the grant they received for ADA improvements, they will be working on upgrading the library in the coming months, including getting printers and computer for the public, fixing broken blinds, replacing old cushions, opening up the space for more movement, and overall improving the library space for the public.
E. Carrie De Lallo Chelsea Exhibit
Carrie Caouette-De Lallo will have her art exhibit for Chelsea displayed at the state capital building. There will be an event for the exhibit on January 16th from 3:00 – 5:00 pm and all are welcome to attend if they are able. An announcement will be posted regarding the exhibit so the public is aware of the event.
Action Items: Please note some items may be tabled due to time constraints
A. Water/Sewer Budget and Fees
This item was tabled until the next meeting.
B. Transfer Station Budget
This item was tabled until the next meeting.
C. Security Camera RFP Bid Opening
The Selectboard opened a bid for security cameras at Town Hall and the Town Garage. The only proposal was from Green Mountain Security with a bid package of $18,706. The Selectboard discussed the proposal’s specifications and qualifications. They had some questions on how the camera videos are stored and how they can be accessed. Due to time constraints of entering in to a contract by December 31st, the agreed to accept the bid and clarify how the images will be stored. Kelly Lyford made a motion to accept the bid from Green Mountain Security, clarify how the videos are stored, and enter into a contract not to exceed $20,000; Leyna Hoyt seconded the motion. Motion passed.
D. Selectboard and Clerk Budgets
The Clerk only had a few small adjustments to the Clerk’s budget from 2024. The Selectboard’s budget will be reviewed during the next meeting.
E. Auditor RFP Bid Opening
The Selectboard opened two proposals for auditing services. The Joachim Group CPAs & Consultants LLC offered services for a total bid of $33,352.98. Batchelder Associates, PC offered services for a total bid of $19,500. After reviewing the packages and qualifications, the Selectboard agreed that they would like to accept services from Batchelder Associates PC, under the condition that they would be able to offer a one year contract as opposed to a multi-year contract. If that was not an option, the item would be brought back to the Selectboard for further discussion in January. Gregg Herrin made a motion to accept the bid from Batchelder Associates PC for a one year contract; Leyna Hoyt seconded the motion. Motion passed.
F. Zoning Violation Fees
After a short discussion, the Selectboard decided the table this item until they receive more information on what the recommended fee is for zoning violation, as there was not any historical data on how many violations the town gets annually to help decide on a set fee.
G. Town Hall Rental Fees
The Selectboard discussed how often the Town Hall is used with Clerk Karen Lathrop. Currently the rentals account for about $2,180 in revenue, which helps offset the heating bill of $3,800 annually. Because commercial entities rarely book the venue, the Selectboard agreed that the commercial fees should be eliminated. Gregg Herrin made a motion to eliminate commercial fees and continue with only half and full day rental fees; Kelly Lyford seconded the motion. Motion passed.
H. Larry Pickett Contract
The Selectboard signed the culvert work contract for Larry Pickett. No motion was required.
I. Approve Orders
Gregg Herrin made a motion to approve the orders; Leyna Hoyt seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Executive Session If Necessary: Personnel
The Selectboard had two items for executive session, both regarding personnel. Leyna Hoyt made a motion to enter executive session; Gregg Herrin seconded the motion. The Selectboard Entered executive session at 8:51 pm. Leyna Hoyt made a motion to exit executive session; Gregg Herrin seconded the motion. The Selectboard exited executive session at 9:19 pm. The Selectboard took action to determine holiday bonuses.Leyna Hoyt made a motion to enter executive session; Gregg Herrin seconded the motion.  The Selectboard Entered executive session at 9:20 pm. Leyna Hoyt made a motion to exit executive session; Gregg Herrin seconded the motion. The Selectboard exited executive session at 9:51 pm. The Selectboard took action to create a job description and post the opening for a zoning administrator when finished.
Leyna Hoyt made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Gregg Herrin seconded the motion. Motion passed and the meeting adjourned at 9:52 pm.
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Selectboard Meeting Agenda – December 17, 2024

Selectboard Meeting Agenda
December 17th, 2024 6:30 pm Chelsea Town Hall Library
Call to Order
Additions to the Agenda
Conflict of Interest Disclosure
Public Comments
Approve Minutes from November 19, 2024 and December 3, 2024
Current Events and Updates
A. Highway Update
B. Town Administrator Update
C. Pedestrian Bridge Update
D. Library Capital Improvement Plan
E. Carrie De Lallo Chelsea Exhibit
Action Items: Please note some items may be tabled due to time constraints
A. Water/Sewer Budget and Fees
B. Transfer Station Budget
C. Security Camera RFP Bid Opening
D. Selectboard and Clerk Budgets
E. Auditor RFP Bid Opening
F. Zoning Violation Fees
G. Town Hall Rental Fees
H. Larry Pickett Contract
I. Approve Orders
Executive Session If Necessary: Personnel
Links to join the Selectboard Meeting:
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Selectboard Meeting Minutes – December 3, 2024

Selectboard Meeting Minutes
December 3rd, 2024 6:30 pm Chelsea Town Hall
Call to Order
Kevin Marshia called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm. Kevin Marshia mentioned that Jesse Kay has resigned from the Selectboard as of December 2nd.
Kevin Marshia (Present)
Kelly Lyford (Absent)
Gregg Herrin (Present)
Leyna Hoyt (Present)
Jesse Kay (Absent)
Tierney Farago (Town Administrator)
Rick Ackerman (Highway Supervisor)
Gayle Durkee (Town Treasurer)
Additions to the Agenda
-The Town Administrator added a tree removal contract to the agenda, however, the selectboard previously agreed to the emergency service and decided to simply officially sign the contract.
Conflict of Interest Disclosure: None
Public Comments
Frank Keene attended to inquire about the status of the pedestrian bridge, as he was able to secure a fair price on steel beams that may only last until the end of the year. The Town Administrator stated that the Town is waiting to have a meeting with Vermont Emergency Management to find out further details of the project; no further update is available at this time.
Approve Minutes from November 19, 2024
Gregg Herrin mentioned that he did not think the minutes aligned with what occurred during the last meeting and will review to see if there are edits to be made. A motion for the approval of minutes from November 19th will be tabled until the next Selectboard meeting.
Current Events and Updates
A. Highway Update
Rick Ackerman gave a general update of the state of the roads with the recent snow. He also mentioned that Larry Pickett was officially hired as part-time seasonal road crew. He has passed all necessary checks and has begun training to plow the west hill area.
B. Town Administrator Update
The Town Administrator did not have any updates outside of meetings with Vermont Emergency Management regarding FEMA project and the pedestrian bridge that was discussed earlier in the meeting during public comments.
C. VTrans Bridges: Jon Griffin
Jon Griffin and Andrew Lemieux from VTrans attended the meeting for a presentation regarding the construction status of two bridges on VT Rte 110 (bridges #12 and #13). Both bridges have gone through preliminary plans and continue to be engineered. The Selectboard and audience members were able to ask some questions regarding the standards for lanes and shoulders for bridges. The bridges will continue to go through planning, permitting, and preliminary construction, as the bridges are constructed off site before being transported to the sites. Final construction is anticipated for April-October 2027. Jon and Andrew will continue to update the Town as the project develops.
Action Items
A. Water/Sewer Budget
The Selectboard went through the preliminary water and sewer budget. There were some changes from the 2024 budget, including increases in electricity due to price increases, as well as contract service increases. The Selectboard also discussed the importance of capital improvement, mainly meter and hydrant replacements that are necessary as the items get older and less effective. This topic will be brough up later, as well as at Town Meeting. As the full budget is addressed, the numbers for water and sewer may change, but for now it is sufficient to continue.
B. Transfer Station Budget
The Selectboard also discussed the transfer station/solid waste budget. There were only some slight changes to some of the line items from the 2024 budget. The board discussed recycle stickers and punch cards, as there has been a decline in recycling dropped off and it is unclear as to the reason. This budget will also be ironed out more during the full budget discussions.
C. Draft Town Plan Adoption
The public hearing for the draft Town Plan was held on November 19th. Only one resident attended the hearing. With no further questions posed, the hearing was closed, and the draft Town Plan was ready to be adopted by Chelsea and sent for regional planning approval with Two Rivers. Gregg Herrin made a motion to approve the Town Plan and send it for regional review approval; Leyna Hoyt seconded the motion. Motion passed with 3 votes in favor.   
D. VMERS Acceptance for Town Administrator
A previous motion to accept VMERS for the Town Administrator position was deemed not specific enough and the Selectboard was asked to read word-for-word a new motion to ensure it is properly recorded. Gregg Herrin made a motion that the Town of Chelsea offer VMERS Group A to the position of Town Administrator effective 1/1/25, VMERS will administer an election for the Town Administrator to join VMERS A effective 1/1/25, any Town Administrator hired after the date of this vote will automatically be enrolled in VMERS Group A; Leyna Hoyt seconded the motion. Motion passed with 3 votes in favor.
E. Library Balcony Chairs
Nick DeFriez was in attendance to discuss the rehabilitation of the balcony chairs. The Fire Marshal stated that the previous plans to remove chairs and possibly add bookcases for library storage would not be possible, so it has been tabled for the moment.
F.  Approve Orders
Leyna Hoyt made a motion to approve the orders; Gregg Herrin seconded the motion. Motion passed with 3 votes in favor.
Executive Session If Necessary: None
Leyna Hoyt made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Gregg Herrin seconded the motion. Motion passed with 3 votes in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 pm.

Notice of Vacancy – Selectboard

December 5, 2024

In accordance with 24 V.S.A. § 961(a), the Selectboard of the Town of Chelsea, Vermont hereby gives notice of a vacancy created by resignation in the office of Selectboard, effective December 2, 2024.

The Selectboard, pursuant to 24 V.S.A. § 963, expects to make an appointment to fill this vacancy with the person appointed serving until a town election is had.


Titles 17 V.S.A. § 2643 and 24 V.S.A. § 963 grant citizens the right to petition for a vote to replace the Selectboard’s appointee at a special Town Meeting. If a special town meeting is called, the newly elected town officer will remain in office for the balance of the unexpired term. If a special Town Meeting is not called, the Selectboard’s appointee will remain in office until the next annual Town Meeting.
To exercise this right, citizens must present a petition calling for an election for this office signed by five percent of the legal voters of the Town to the Town Clerk prior to the next annual Town Meeting.

Additional information pertaining to this notice and its contents may be obtained by contacting the Town Administrator, at 802-625-2023 or

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Selectboard Meeting Agenda – December 3, 2024

Selectboard Meeting Agenda
December 3rd, 2024 6:30 pm Chelsea Town Hall
Call to Order
Additions to the Agenda
Conflict of Interest Disclosure
Public Comments
Approve Minutes from November 19, 2024
Current Events and Updates
A. Highway Update
B. Town Administrator Update
C. VTrans Bridges: Jon Griffin
Action Items
A. Water/Sewer Budget
B. Transfer Station Budget
C. Draft Town Plan Adoption
D. VMERS Acceptance for Town Administrator
E. Library Balcony Chairs
F. Approve Orders
Executive Session If Necessary: Personnel
Links to join the Selectboard Meeting:
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DRAFT Selectboard Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2024

Selectboard Meeting Minutes
November 19th, 2024 6:30 pm Chelsea Town Hall
Call to Order
Kevin Marshia called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm.
Kevin Marshia (Present)
Kelly Lyford (Present)
Gregg Herrin (Present)
Leyna Hoyt (Present)
Jesse Kay (Absent)
Tierney Farago (Town Administrator)
Rick Ackerman (Highway Supervisor)
Gayle Durkee (Town Treasurer)
Susan Elder (Lister)
Additions to the Agenda
-MVP Health Insurance: The Town Treasurer came back with additional information regarding insurance that was on the last agenda. MVP is not leaving Vermont, so the Selectboard agreed that they would rather keep MVP rather than switch to Blue Cross Blue Shield since it is more expensive and offers the same coverage. The Treasurer also brough up adding vision insurance to the current health insurance; the cost would be $12 annually (per employee) and $67 annually (Town). The Selectboard agree that this would be great to offer Town employees. This will be factored in for the 2025 budget. No motion was made.
-Sewer Ordinance: A resident recently had an issue with a blocked sewer line, and it was unclear who the responsibility falls to per the current Sewer Ordinance. It was recommended that the ordinance be amended to include language that clearly states the responsibility of both the property owner and the Town. The Town Administrator will work with staff to start drafting the amendment to avoid future uncertainty.
-Larry Pickett Contract: The Treasurer brought in a contract for culvert work, but because this is an action item that requires notice, this will be added to the next meeting agenda for consideration.
Conflict of Interest Disclosure: None
Public Comments
Pete Amber from the Forest and Parks Commission wanted to discuss the possibility of having Rick Ackerman haul in fine gravel to help level out the ice rink before the season begins. The Selectboard agreed and asked him to speak with Rick directly to coordinate the effort.
Approve Minutes from November 6, 2024
The Selectboard requested two minor edits to the minutes for clarification on the community nursing RFP and adding the motion of approval for the highway permit. Leyna Hoyt made a motion to approve the minutes from November 6th with edits; Kelly Lyford seconded the motion. Gregg Herrin abstained. Motion passed with 3 votes in favor.
Current Events and Updates
A. Highway Update
There were no new updates for the highway at this time.
B. Town Administrator Update
The Town Administrator updated the Selectboard on the status of the wastewater engineering report; we just had the 30% meeting with Dufresne, with the 60% report expected in the coming weeks. The pedestrian bridge is still being reviewed by Vermont Emergency Management. The Town was also awarded a MERP grant, which was discussed more in depth later in the meeting.
C. Town Report Schedule
The Town Administrator shared some information regarding the deadlines for the upcoming Town Report and Town Meeting. December 31st is the last day for all department reports to be submitted so they can be included in the full Town Report. The calendar with all dates, including petition and proofing deadlines, will be sent to Town employees and Selectboard.
Action Items
A. Administrative Budget (Treasurer, Admin, Listers, ZA)
The Town Administrator updated numbers for the administrative department’s budget, including allowances for cost of living increases and presented this to the board. They agreed that the department budget is at a point where they feel comfortable continuing with the rest of the budget and will adjust numbers if needed when the numbers have been received for more departments. There was additional discussion on the sharing of child care tax; the Selectboard agreed that sharing the cost (0.33% town, 0.11% employee) would be reasonable. This will be factored in to the budget. No motion was made.
B. Highway Budget
Rick Ackerman attended the meeting to go through each line item with the Selectboard. Several line items decreased based on need, while other items increased as necessary, like gravel and highway salaries, which will be assessed by the liaisons moving forward. The highway budget can continue forward with these tentative numbers and will be modified as more departments send in their changes to the 2025 budget. No motion was made.
C. Proposed Orange County Police Contract Review
The Town Administrator notified the Selectboard that a contract proposal from the Orange County Sheriff’s Office was received. Since the Selectboard did not have any other proposed 2025 contracts to compare it to, this contract will be considered at a later date when all other options have been received. The Town Administrator will reach out to Windsor County for data on current policing and the proposed contract renewal. No motion was made.
D. Forest and Parks Commission Grant Application for Trees
Susan Elder came to represent the Forest and Parks Commission and their effort to apply for two grants to help remove and replace dead trees on Town properties. She discussed the intent and deadlines for both grants. The Selectboard was appreciative of these efforts and they fully support submitting applications for the grants. No official motion was needed at this time.
E. Contract for Martinea Electric
The Treasurer explained that this contract was for electric services provided for the wastewater treatment plant. Leyna Hoyt made a motion to approve and sign the contract; Kelly Lyford seconded the motion. Motion passed with 4 votes in favor.
F. Contract for Adam Stone Trucking
The Treasurer explained that this contract was for chervil mowing that was conducted in June. Leyna Hoyt made a motion to approve and sign the contract; Kelly Lyford seconded the motion. Motion passed with 4 votes in favor.
G. Signatures for MERP Grant Acceptance
The Town Administrator shared that Chelsea was awarded the Municipal Energy Resilience Program (MERP) grant for $406,506.25. In order to accept the grant funding, a grantee signature is required before December 16th. Leyna Hoyt made a motion to accept the MERP grant and allow Kasey Peterson, grant administrator, to sign on behalf of the town; Gregg Herrin seconded the motion. Motion passed with 4 votes in favor.
H. Approve Orders
Leyna Hoyt made a motion to approve the orders; Kelly Lyford seconded the motion. Motion passed with 4 votes in favor.
Executive Session If Necessary: Personnel
Leyna Hoyt made a motion to enter executive session for personnel, inviting Tierney Farago and Rick Ackerman; Kelly Lyford seconded the motion. The Selectboard entered executive session at 6:56 pm. Leyna Hoyt made a motion to exit executive session; Gregg Herrin seconded the motion. The Selectboard exited executive session at 7:08 pm. The Selectboard reviewed and discussed applications for the open highway crew position. Leyna Hoyt made a motion to offer the position for part-time seasonal work to Larry Pickett; Kelly Lyford seconded the motion. Motion passed with 4 votes in favor.
Leyna Hoyt made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Gregg Herrin seconded the motion. Motion passed with 4 votes in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 9:22 pm.
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Selectboard Meeting Agenda – November 17, 2024

Selectboard Meeting Agenda
November 19th, 2024 6:30 pm Chelsea Town Hall
Call to Order
Additions to the Agenda
Conflict of Interest Disclosure
Public Comments
Approve Minutes from November 6, 2024
Current Events and Updates
A. Highway Update
B. Town Administrator Update
C. Town Report Schedule
Action Items
A. Administrative Budget (Treasurer, Admin, Listers, ZA)
B. Highway Budget
C. Proposed Orange County Police Contract Review
D. Forest and Parks Commission Grant Application for Trees
E. Contract for Martinea Electric
F. Contract for Adam Stone Trucking
G. Signatures for MERP Grant Acceptance
H. Approve Orders
Executive Session If Necessary: Personnel
Links to join the Selectboard Meeting: