DRAFT Selectboard Meeting Minutes – November 6, 2024
Selectboard Meeting Minutes |
November 6th, 2024 6:30 pm Chelsea Town Hall |
Call to Order |
Kevin Marshia called the meeting to order at 6:31 pm. SELECTBOARD Kevin Marshia (Present) Kelly Lyford (Present) Gregg Herrin (Present until 8:31 pm) Leyna Hoyt (Present) Jesse Kay (Present) TOWN EMPLOYEES Tierney Farago (Town Administrator) Rick Ackerman (Highway Supervisor) Gayle Durkee (Town Treasurer) |
Additions to the Agenda: None |
Conflict of Interest Disclosure: None |
Public Comments |
Frank Keene attended to inquire about the status of the pedestrian bridge project; this was addressed during the town administrator update. |
Approve Minutes from October 15, 2024 |
Leyna Hoyt made a motion to approve the minutes from October 15, 2024; Jesse Kay seconded the motion. Motion was approved with 5 votes in favor. |
Current Events and Updates |
A. Highway Update |
Rick Ackerman reported on highway happenings including replacement of culverts, status of gravel/sand, and a possible candidate for the open road worker position. He will advise the candidate to submit an application as provided by the Town Administrator. |
B. Town Administrator Update |
The Town Administrator updated the Selectboard with a few items; the pedestrian bridge project is currently being worked on by the Town, Vermont Emergency Management, and the Agency of Natural Resources. Currently the Town is waiting for responses from the other agencies for next steps. The wastewater facility engineering contract is now at 30% completion and is awaiting comments from the Agency of Natural Resources. The engineering contract for the FEMA projects has been fully executed and will now begin. |
C. Community Nurse |
Judy Libby attended the meeting to convey to the Selectboard that the Chelsea Health Center is willing to contribute ½ to ¾ of the price of a community nursing program if the Town will approve of the contract position. The Selectboard discussed the viability and responsibility of the position; there were some concerns that it may not be the Town’s place to be the executor of the program. In addition to this concern, the topic of funding was another factor. Mrs. Libby assured the Selectboard that the Health Center is more than happy to contribute funding if it means that the community nurse will be approved. Jesse Kay made a motion to approve the Town Administrator to put out a request for proposals for a community nurse for one year at 12 hours a week, with the expectation that the Chelsea Health Center will pay for at least 50% of the contract when awarded; Leyna Hoyt seconded the motion. The motion passed with a majority of 3 votes in favor. |
Action Items |
A. Administrative Budget (Treasurer, Admin, Listers, ZA) |
The Town Administrator presented the proposed budget for the administrative division that includes the Town Administrator, Town Treasurer, Grant Administrator (formerly Administrative Assistant), Listers, Delinquent Tax Collector, and the Zoning Administrator/DRB. Several budget line items were requested to be increased including the Town Administrator salary, retirement, healthcare, etc., as they were all previously $0 for 2024. The Selectboard also discussed what the cost-of-living increase for the year might be. Items that were decreased included supplies and publication budgets for the zoning administrator, as the funds were barely used during 2024. The Selectboard would also like further clarification on a few items including the Zoning Administrator salary increase, as well as the possible increases in cost-of-living expenses; the Treasurer and Administrator will research and report back at the next meeting. No motion was made. |
B. Health Insurance |
Gayle Durkee presented the comparison of MVP and Blue Cross Blue Shield for employee health insurance, with BCBS being higher by nearly $10. Kelly Lyford was concerned that MVP may be leaving Vermont, so the Treasurer and Town Administrator will investigate if the service is going away and see if the Town will need to switch anyway. |
C. VTrans Utility Agreement |
The VTrans Utility Agreement was previously discussed in a Selectboard meeting; this agreement is to pay VTrans for the use their contractor to perform adjustments to manholes and water valve boxes in Town as opposed to the Town having to hire an additional contractor. Jesse Kay made a motion to approve the utility agreement; Leyna Hoyt seconded the motion. Motion passed with 4 votes in favor. |
D. 215 Williamstown Rd Highway Permit |
Jesse Kay made a motion to approve a culvert permit for 215 Williamstown Rd; Leyna Hoyt seconded the motion. Motion passed with 4 votes in favor. |
E. Contract for NEMRC Reappraisal |
The proposal from NEMRC was previously approved in another meeting. The Selectboard signed the official contract for the reappraisal. |
F. Contract for Martinea Electric |
This item was tabled to gather more information on the contract. |
G. Contract for Adam Stone Trucking |
This item was tabled to gather more information on the contract. |
H. Contract for Brookfield Service |
This contract is for servicing the generator at the wastewater plant for 2025. Leyna Hoyt made a motion to approve the contract; Jesse Kay seconded the motion. Motion passed with 4 votes in favor. |
I. Approve Orders |
Leyna Hoyt made a motion to approve the orders; Jesse Kay seconded the motion. Motion was approved with 4 votes in favor. |
Executive Session If Necessary: Personnel Matter |
Leyna Hoyt made a motion to enter executive session, inviting Tierney Farago to join; Jesse Kay seconded the motion. The Selectboard entered executive session at 8:39 pm to discuss personnel. Leyna Hoyt made a motion to exit executive session; Jesse Kay seconded the motion. The Selectboard exited executive session at 8:56 pm. Jesse Kay made a motion for Leyna Hoyt and Tierney Farago to discuss negotiations for light maintenance, snow blowing, and other duties in Town with a potential candidate; Leyna Hoyt seconded the motion. Motion passed with 4 votes in favor. |
Adjournment |
Leyna Hoyt made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Jesse Kay seconded the motion. Motion passed with 4 votes in favor. |