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Selectboard Meeting Agenda – October 1, 2024

Selectboard Meeting Agenda
October 1st, 2024 6:30 pm Chelsea Town Hall
Call to Order
Additions to the Agenda
Conflict of Interest Disclosure
Public Comments
Approve Minutes from September 17th 2024
Current Events and Updates
A. Town Administrator Update
B. Highway Update
C. Transfer Station
D. Quarterly Library Update
E. Community Nursing Forum
Action Items
A. North Common Landscaping
B. Town Forest Management Plan
C. Approve Orders
Executive Session If Necessary
Links to join the Selectboard Meeting:
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Selectboard Meeting Minutes – September 17, 2024

Selectboard Meeting Agenda
September 17th, 2024 6:30 pm Chelsea Town Hall
Call to Order
Kelly Lyford called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm.
Kevin Marshia (Absent)
Kelly Lyford (Present)
Gregg Herrin (Present)
Leyna Hoyt (Present)
Jesse Kay (Present)
Tierney Farago (Town Administrator)
Rick Ackerman (Highway Supervisor)
Additions to the Agenda
A request to use the Village Greens on October 31st from 4pm-7pm was received. The Selectboard only had a concern that if they move forward with landscaping in the North Common, the closure of the common may affect the event. The Selectboard asked to let the applicant, Chelsea Parker, know that this might be the case and the South Common may have to be used for the event. Leyna Hoyt made a motion to approve the event, but to notify the applicant that the event may need to be held on the South Common; Jesse Kay seconded the motion. Motion passed with 4 votes in favor.
Conflict of Interest Disclosure: None
Public Comments
Resident Frank Keene attended to receive an update on the cemetery pedestrian bridge. The Town Administrator provided information regarding the liability issues of possibly rebuilding the bridge with private funds and allowing work to be done without a bidding process; this option was advised against by the legal team at the Vermont League of Cities and Towns (VLCT). The Town will continue to look for alternative options for rebuilding/replacing the bridge.
Approve Minutes from September 3rd 2024
Leyna Hoyt made a motion to approve the minutes from September 3rd; Jesse Kay seconded the motion. Motion passed with 3 votes in favor. Gregg Herrin abstained due to absence.
Current Events and Updates
A. Town Administrator Update
The Town Administrator gave a status update on the integration of Microsoft Teams for the Selectboard and town employees to use; login information has been sent out and the Selectboard will work with the Town Administrator to organize and access files as needed. Kelly Lyford also asked about the status of FEMA projects; FEMA continues to review projects and has upcoming meetings to discuss remaining items and closeout of a few cases.
B. Transfer Station
The Town Administrator presented some budgetary information and ticket numbers for the Town’s transfer station. Currently, the Town is breaking even on expenses to profit on the transfer station due to the punch cards and recycle stickers. The Selectboard requested more data from recent years to see if the amount of waste and recycle has increased or decreased at all due to the changes in process. The topic will be added to a future agenda to better understand the possible needs of the transfer station.
C. Town Plan Draft
Sydney Steinle with Two Rivers Ottaquechee Regional Commission attended the meeting to answer some retail zoning related questions that the Selectboard brought up in the last meeting. The Town Plan is adhering to all requirements of the state, but there are concerns about only having retail zoning in the village area, which is in a floodplain. Sydney suggesting speaking with her supervisors, as the regional mapping that is being drafted with Two Rivers may help alleviate those issues. The Town Administrator will reach out to Kevin Geiger and Peter Gregory with TRORC to discuss the regional mapping that may affect the Town Plan. The Selectboard will continue to review the draft Town Plan until they are satisfied with moving forward with the draft.
Action Items
A. North Common Landscaping
Jen Chase with the Forest and Parks Commission brought up landscaping maintenance in the North Common with the Selectboard. It was recommended to seed and fill in some divots in the North Common. The commission had gotten a preliminary quote from the current contract mowing company in order to present at the meeting. The Selectboard requested that the Town Administrator review what the current contract covers to ensure that it would be following the contract and the town purchasing policy. The item will be brought up at the next meeting for decision. No motion was made.
B. Town Forest Management Plan
The Selectboard discussed the Town Forest Management Plan previously sent by David Paganelli. Some of the plan still needs to be completed in order to fulfill the suggested plan. A timber sale was suggested by the Orange Country Forestry parks and forest department, which would also help the Town conduct the sale. Services would not be available until 2027, but the Town is encouraged to book for services soon. The Selectboard would like to discuss the topic further. No motion was made.
C. Town Hall Basement
The Town Administrator brought up the topic of mitigation work to be done on the Town Hall basement; Harry Falconer with the Two Rivers Ottaquechee Regional Commission needed to know what option the Town is leaning toward in order to submit the MERP grant application. After some discussion on the estimated pricing of the vapor barrier and concrete flooring with sump pump, the Selectboard agreed that it would be best to use the quote for the concrete basement flooring for the application. The Selectboard agreed that Mr. Falconer may proceed with the higher priced quote. No motion was made.  
 D. Signatures for Utility Agreement
VTrans suggested a utility agreement for future work on Vermont Route 110. This agreement allows VTrans to use their own contractors to perform adjustments to 9 manholes and 2 water valve boxes during their repaving project, with the Town paying for those adjustments. The Selectboard had some questions regarding the full scope of work and where the repaving will cover through the village. The Town Administrator will reach out to VTrans to discuss further before the Selectboard makes their decision. No motion was made.
E. Approve Orders
Leyna Hoyt made a motion to approve the orders; Gregg Herrin seconded the motion. Motion passed with 4 votes in favor.
Executive Session If Necessary: None
Leyna Hoyt made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Gregg Herrin seconded the motion. Motion passed with 4 votes in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 7:52 pm.
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Selectboard Meeting Agenda – September 17, 2024

Selectboard Meeting Agenda
September 17th, 2024 6:30 pm Chelsea Town Hall
Call to Order
Additions to the Agenda
Conflict of Interest Disclosure
Public Comments
Approve Minutes from September 3rd 2024
Current Events and Updates
A. Town Administrator Update
B. Transfer Station
C. Town Plan Draft
Action Items
A. North Common Landscaping
B. Town Forest Management Plan
C. Town Hall Basement
D. Signatures for Utility Agreement
E. Approve Orders
Executive Session If Necessary
Links to join the Selectboard Meeting:
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Selectboard Meeting Minutes – September 3, 2024

Selectboard Meeting Minutes
September 3rd, 2024 6:30 pm Chelsea Town Hall
Call to Order
Kelly Lyford called the meeting to order at 6:31 pm.
Kevin Marshia (Present)
Kelly Lyford (Present)
Gregg Herrin (Absent)
Leyna Hoyt (Present)
Jesse Kay (Present)
Tierney Farago (Town Administrator)
Rick Ackerman (Highway Supervisor)
Gayle Durkee (Town Treasurer)
Additions to the Agenda
Roberts-Gould Field Request: A request for the Robert-Gould Field was received for 9/8 and 9/15 at 8:00 am-4:00 pm for the Chelsea Senior Baseball games. Jesse Kay made a motion to approve the request; Leyna Hoyt seconded the motion. Motion passed with 4 votes in favor.
Security Camera Upgrades: The Town Administrator asked for further clarification on security camera needs in order to draft a request for proposals. The Selectboard stated that at the moment, security cameras for Town Hall and the Town Garage would be required.
CD Funds: Gayle Durkee presented information on interest rates for a CD she would like to put funds into. The Selectboard verified that those funds would go back into the same line items when the CD matured. No official motion was needed.
Conflict of Interest Disclosure: None
Public Comments: None
Approve Minutes from August 20th 2024
Jesse Kay made a motion to approve the minutes from the August 20th meeting; Leyna Hoyt seconded the motion. Motion passed with 4 votes in favor.
Current Events and Updates
A. Town Administrator Update: None
B. ARPA Funds and CD Savings
The Town Treasurer discussed the finalized ARPA funding items that were sent to the Selectboard. Jesse Kay made a motion to allocate the ARPA funds into the line items as indicated by the Town Treasurer; Kelly Lyford seconded the motion. Motion passed with 4 votes in favor.
C. Health Officer Opening and Temporary Appointment
The Town Health Officer has resigned; Kevin Marshia has been named the interim Health Officer until a new one has been appointed. If any residents have questions or are interested in the position, please contact the Town Administrator for more information.
D. Community Nursing Forum
Kristin Barnum from Community Nurse Connection presented further information on possible models and funding options for a community nurse. There are several options that other towns in the state are using including municipalities funding and managing the nurse as well as non-profits or even fire/EMT managing the employee. The Selectboard asked further questions on Kristin’s knowledge of the success of other models for a community nurse. A forum regarding possibly acquiring a community nurse will be scheduled for a future agenda so the public can express their thoughts on the topic.
E. Town Plan Draft
The Selectboard briefly discussed a few concerns with the current Town Plan draft. Representatives from the Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission will be invited to the next Selectboard meeting to answer any questions the Selectboard may have.
F. Pedestrian Bridge
Frank Keene brought up the topic of possibly privately funding and building the reconstruction of the cemetery pedestrian bridge. The Selectboard considered his proposal and will investigate the legality and liability of moving forward with the project. FEMA is currently working with the Town to determine the eligibility of the project, so the Town will continue to iron out details of that project in terms of being reimbursed for damages from the flood.
Action Items
A. Town Truck Decision
The Selectboard discussed the truck options with Rick Ackerman. It was determined that the best option for the Town would be to proceed with ATG for the Freightliner build for a cab and chassis, and Viking Cives for the truck body. Leyna Hoyt made a motion to accept the cab bid from ATG and the body bid from Viking Cives, not to exceed $280,000; Jesse Kay seconded the motion. Motion passed with 4 votes in favor.
B. J.L Smith Excavation Contract
The Selectboard officially signed a contract for J.L Smith’s excavation services. No official motion was made, as the bid was previously accepted during the last Selectboard meeting.
C. MERP Town Projects: Town Hall and Town Garage
Harry Falconer from the Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission discussed the MERP Implementation Grant that aims to address high energy usage concerns within the town. Last year the state conducted an energy audit for the Town Hall and Town Garage, listing several areas that consumed a higher than average amount of energy. A grant for up to $500,000 is now available to towns that consume a higher amount of energy and Chelsea will qualify for the grant. The selectboard discussed the projects from the report they would like to move forward with; Harry will submit the grant funding application on behalf of the Town. Several projects were excluded due to logistics issues. Jesse Kay made a motion to have Harry submit the grant application for the Town; Leyna Hoyt seconded the motion. Motion passed with 4 votes in favor.
D. Chelsea Line Rd Repair
Leyna Hoyt made the board aware of a complaint about a backed-up culvert on Chelsea Line Rd. It was determined that this repair is within the Road Foreman’s duties and he will begin the repairs and replacement when able. No official motion needed to be made. 
Approve Orders
Jesse Kay made a motion to approve the orders; Leyna Hoyt seconded the motion. Motion passed with 4 votes in favor.
Executive Session If Necessary: None
Leyna Hoyt made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Jesse Kay seconded the motion. Motion passed with 4 votes in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 9:08 pm.
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Selectboard Meeting Agenda – September 3, 2024

Selectboard Meeting Agenda
September 3rd, 2024 6:30 pm Chelsea Town Hall
Call to Order
Additions to the Agenda
Conflict of Interest Disclosure
Public Comments
Approve Minutes from August 20th 2024
Current Events and Updates
A. Town Administrator Update
B. ARPA Funds
C. Health Officer Opening and Temporary Appointment
D. Community Nursing Forum
E. Town Plan Draft
F. Pedestrian Bridge
Action Items
A. Town Truck Decision
B. J.L Smith Excavation Contract
C. MERP Town Projects: Town Hall and Town Garage
D. Chelsea Line Rd Repair
E. Approve Orders
Executive Session If Necessary
Links to join the Selectboard Meeting:
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Selectboard Meeting Minutes – August 20, 2024

Selectboard Meeting Minutes
August 20th, 2024 6:30 pm Chelsea Town Hall
Call to Order
Kevin Marshia called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm.
Kevin Marshia (Present)
Kelly Lyford (Present)
Gregg Herrin (Present)
Leyna Hoyt (Present)
Jesse Kay (Present)
Tierney Farago (Town Administrator)
Rick Ackerman (Highway Supervisor)
Gayle Durkee (Town Treasurer)
Sydney Steinle (Two Rivers Ottauquechee Regional Commission)
Sarah Wraight (Two Rivers Ottauquechee Regional Commission)
Chris Bump (State of Vermont)
Additions to the Agenda
-A last-minute request to use the Roberts-Gould Field for baseball practice on various dates was added to the agenda. Leyna Hoyt made a motion to approve the requests; Jesse Kay seconded the motion. Motion passed with 5 votes in favor.
-A sealed bid for the Grants in Aid excavation work on several roads in town was received. The only bidder was J.L Smith at $27,500.00. Leyna Hoyt made a motion to accept the bid from J.L Smith; Jesse Kay seconded the motion. Motion passed with 5 votes in favor.
Conflict of Interest Disclosure: None
Public Comments: None
Approve Minutes from July 30th and August 6th 2024
Leyna Hoyt made a motion to approve the minutes from July 30th and August 6th; Jesse Kay seconded the motion. Motion passed with 5 votes in favor.
Current Events and Updates
Town Administrator Update
-ARPA Funds: The Town Treasurer and Sarah Wraight, a representative from Two Rivers Ottauquechee Regional Commission, presented the current ARPA budget and possible uses for the remaining funds. The Town will work on assigning the funds to different areas of the budget before the December 31st deadline.
-Transfer Station: The Town Administrator is working on presenting more information on how the transfer station has been operating since the implementation of punch cards and recycling stickers.
-Community Nursing Forum: The Selectboard discussed getting further information on the community nursing program and getting public input on the needs of the Town.
-Town Plan Draft: The Planning Commission has recommended the draft Town Plan to the Selectboard. The Selectboard reviewed the draft version of the Town Plan update with Sydney Steinle from the Two Rivers Ottauquechee Regional Commission. They requested a list of all of the changes made to the Town Plan in order to better review the plan to set a hearing for the changes.
Action Items
Wastewater Plant Contract: Funding Application and ESA Signatures
The ESA and funding application for the wastewater plant update are ready to be signed by the Selectboard. Leyna Hoyt made a motion to approve and sign the ESA contract and funding application for the wastewater plant; Gregg Herrin seconded the motion. Motion passed with 5 votes in favor.
Sealed Bids: Town Truck
The Selectboard asked the Road Supervisor to continue looking over the bids received for the town truck, as there was discussion over which bids would be the best fit for the Town. No action was taken.
FEMA Projects: Cemetery Pedestrian Bridge and Town Hall Basement
The Selectboard invited Chris Bump into the discussion of the status of several FEMA projects. There were some concerns over the reimbursement eligibility of several projects including the cemetery pedestrian bridge, Maple Avenue bridge, and Brook Rd. The Town will continue to work with FEMA and Chris Bump in order to understand the status of the projects and how to continue moving forward with receiving reimbursements. No action was taken.
Amendment to Purchasing Policy: Town Administrator Approval
The Town Administrator was added to the authorized users on the Town’s purchasing policy. Kelly Lyford made a motion to approve the amended purchasing policy to add the Town Administrator to the list of authorized employees; Leyna Hoyt seconded the motion. Motion passed with 5 votes in favor.
Water Meter Upgrades and Sewer Fees
The Town Administrator will be working with the wastewater department to gather more information on possibly upgrading the water meters in town. No action was taken.
21 Richardson Hill Highway Curb Cut Permit
Leyna Hoyt made a motion to approve the highway curb cut permit for 21 Richardson Hill; Gregg Herrin seconded the motion. Motion passed with 5 votes in favor.
Approve Orders
Leyna Hoyt made a motion to approve the orders; Kelly Lyford seconded the motion. Motion passed with 5 votes in favor.
Executive Session If Necessary
Leyna Hoyt made a motion to enter executive session, inviting Tierney Farago to join; Gregg Herrin seconded the motion. The Selectboard entered executive at 9:19 pm. Leyna Hoyt made a motion to exit executive session; Gregg Herrin seconded the motion. The Selectboard exited executive session at 9:31 pm. Kevin Marshia had to leave for personal business during executive session at 9:28 pm. The Selectboard discussed personnel; no action was taken.
Leyna Hoyt made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Jesse Kay seconded the motion. Motion passed with 4 votes in favor and the meeting ended at 9:31 pm.
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Selectboard Meeting Agenda – August 20, 2024

Selectboard Meeting Agenda
August 20th, 2024 6:30 pm Chelsea Town Hall
Call to Order
Additions to the Agenda
Conflict of Interest Disclosure
Public Comments
Approve Minutes from July 30th and August 6th 2024
Current Events and Updates
Town Administrator Update
-ARPA Funds
-Transfer Station
-Community Nursing Forum
-Town Plan Draft
Action Items
Wastewater Plant Contract: Funding Application and ESA Signatures
Sealed Bids: Town Truck
FEMA Projects: Cemetery Pedestrian Bridge and Town Hall Basement
Amendment to Purchasing Policy: Town Administrator Approval
Water Meter Upgrades and Sewer Fees
21 Richardson Hill Highway Curb Cut Permit
Approve Orders
Executive Session If Necessary
Links to join the Selectboard Meeting:

Selectboard Meeting Minutes – August 6, 2024

Selectboard Meeting Minutes
August 6th, 2024 6:30 pm Chelsea Town Hall
Call to Order
Kevin Marshia called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm.
Kevin Marshia (Present)
Kelly Lyford (Present)
Gregg Herrin (Present)
Leyna Hoyt (Present)
Jesse Kay (Present)
Tierney Farago (Town Administrator)
Rick Ackerman (Highway Supervisor)
Additions to the Agenda
A highway permit for a curb cut for 21 Richardson Hill was brought to the selectboard’s attention, however, they confirmed that curb cut permits will be required to be noticed on the agenda. This item will be moved to the next Selectboard meeting on August 20th.
Conflict of Interest Disclosure: None
Public Comments
Nick De Friez brought up the topic of the balcony chairs in Town Hall and room for storage for the book sale. He wanted to know more information on the number of chairs allowed on the balcony per the fire inspection conducted last year. The Selectboard briefly discussed the possible options for restoring the chairs; the Town Administrator will look into finding the previous fire inspection report to determine what the next steps are to restore the balcony seats.  
Approve Minutes from July 30th, 2024
The Selectboard was unable to review the minutes from the July 30th meeting before this meeting, so the topic has been tabled for future approval during the August 20th meeting.
Current Events and Updates
-Highway Update
Rick Ackerman did not have a highway update but attended to help review the truck bids.
-Town Administrator Update
Tierney Farago discussed possible town community events with the Selectboard. One suggested idea was to host a community event for residents to attend and have an open forum, however, the Selectboard would prefer to have events where the residents do not feel pressured to bring up issues that the town may not be able to fix or address immediately. Further planning will be required for any type of community-wide events.
Action Items
-26 O’Donnell Rd Highway Curb Cut Permit
A highway curb cut permit for 26 O’Donnell Rd was brought to the Selectboard. Rick Ackerman found no issue with the scope of work. Jesse Kay made a motion to approve the highway permit for 26 O’Donnell Rd; Leyna Hoyt seconded the motion. Motion passed with 5 votes in favor.
-Pedestrian Bridge Debris
Tierney Farago presented the two options for debris removal to the Selectboard. One party was not able to send in a quote for fees the Town would be responsible for before a determination was made, and the other interested party (Robert Button) offered to clean up the debris and in exchange the town can negotiate to use his mower for various areas within town. Jesse Kay made a motion to allow Robert Button to remove the cemetery bridge debris; Gregg Herrin seconded the motion. Motion passed with 5 votes in favor.
-Sealed Bids: Town Truck
Sealed bids for the town truck were opened and discussed by the Selectboard. Due to the amount of information that must be reviewed by both the Selectboard and the Road Foreman in each bid package, the Town Administrator will send digital copies of the bids for further review by the Selectboard, and the vote for a town truck will be added to the next meeting.
Approve Orders
Kelly Lyford moved to approve the orders; Jesse Kay seconded the motion. Motion passed with 5 votes in favor.
Executive Session If Necessary
Jesse Kay made a motion to enter executive session and invite Tierney Farago; Leyna Hoyt seconded the motion. The Selectboard entered executive session to discuss personnel at 7:49 pm. Jesse Kay made a motion to exit executive session; Leyna Hoyt seconded the motion. Motion passed with 5 votes in favor. The Selectboard exited executive session at 8:14 pm. No action was taken.
Leyna Hoyt made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Gregg Herrin seconded the motion. Motion passed with 5 votes in favor.
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Selectboard Meeting Agenda August 6, 2024

Selectboard Meeting Agenda
August 6th, 2024 6:30 pm Chelsea Town Hall
Call to Order
Additions to the Agenda
Conflict of Interest Disclosure
Public Comments
Approve Minutes from July 30th, 2024
Current Events and Updates
Highway Update
Town Administrator Update
Action Items
-26 O’Donnell Rd Highway Curb Cut Permit
-Pedestrian Bridge Debris
-Sealed Bids: Town Truck
Approve Orders
Executive Session If Necessary
Links to join the Selectboard Meeting:
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Selectboard Meeting Agenda – July 30, 2024

Selectboard Meeting Agenda
July 30th, 2024 6:30 pm Chelsea Town Hall
Call to Order
Additions to the Agenda
Conflict of Interest Disclosure
Public Comments
Approve Minutes from July 16th, 2024
Current Events and Updates
Highway Update
Town Administrator Update
-Animal Control Officer Opening
Water and Wastewater Update
Treasurer: Budget Update
Action Items
Wastewater Plant: Approval of Rotor Upgrade and Labor
Treasurer: Approval of Tax Rates
Treasurer: Carminati and Bullard Contracts
Mitigation Pre-application: Pedestrian Bridge Town Hall Basement
Microsoft Teams Integration
Treasurer and Town Administrator Training: UVM Vermont Local Government Institute
Pedestrian Bridge Debris
Approve Orders
Executive Session If Necessary
Links to join the Selectboard Meeting: