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Selectboard Meeting Agenda 17 October 2023

Selectboard Meeting Agenda Tuesday, 17 October 2023
 6:30 PM
Chelsea Town Hall

  1. Call meeting to order
  2. Additions to the Agenda
  3. Conflict of Interest Disclosure
  4. Public Comments
  5. Robert Hamish – Declaration of Inclusion
  6. Culvert Permit – Tim Carter
  7. Curb Cut – Deborah Baker
  8. TRORC – Harry Falconer – By-Law Modernization Grant
  9. Town Plan – Preparation for Upcoming Hearing
  10.  Transfer Station
  11.  EMS Coordination Study
  12. RFP for Digitization of Town Records
  13.  Approve Minutes 10 October 2023
  14.  Approve Orders from 10 October Meeting
  15.  Approve Orders for 17 October if applicable
  16.  Executive Session if necessary
  17.  Adjourn

Links to join the Selectboard Meeting

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Selectboard Meeting Agenda October 10, 2023

Selectboard Meeting Agenda Tuesday, 10 October 2023
6:30 PM
Chelsea Town Hall

  1. Call meeting to order
  2. Conflict of interest disclosure
  3. Additions to the agenda
  4. Public Comments
  5. Benjamin Willing – Home Health Concern
  6. Treasurer
    a. Warrants
    b. Sinking Funds
  7. Town Clerk
    a. Digitization of Town Records
    b. Town Hall Repair list
  8. Approve Minutes 19 September 2023
  9. Highway
    a. Edwards Roads
    b. Municipal Roads General Permit
    c. Brook Road Sites 1 and 2
    d. Ben Canonica Contract
  10. Town Plan Hearing
  11. Avery Contract for FD Paving
  12. Transfer Station
  13. Substance Use Preventive Education – Website links
  14. Parks Commission – clarification
  15. October Meeting Dates
  16. Adjourn
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September 19, 2023 Selectboard Meeting Minutes

Chelsea Selectboard Meeting Minutes (draft)

September 19, 2023

Present- Kevin Marshia, Kelly Lyford, Leyna Hoyt, William Lyon, Jesse Kay,

              Karen Lathrop, Clerk, Rick Ackerman, Highway Supervisor, Michael    Whipple, Water & Wastewater Supervisor

Others present- Marianne McCann, Gregg Herrin, Harry Falconer, TRORC,      Kevin Geiger, TRORC, Sydney Steinle, TRORC

  1. Call meeting to order: Kevin called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM

  2. Conflict of interest disclosure: None
  3. Additions to the agenda:
  4. Contracts to be signed for Flood Contracts
  5. Public Comments: Marianne McCann stated she sent her resume by email and was interested in the AA position. She also noted that in two meeting minutes an award for work on the Sewer Pump Station had been incorrectly referenced. The Board thanked her for the feedback and stated they made edits to ensure the right name was going to be aligned with the award in the future.
  6. Town Treasurer – Cargill contract: A quote letter was received for salt from Cargill. Karen noted the price was .50 cents per ton higher than last year’s quote. Rick said they have contracted with this company, and they are reliable.  quote letter.

Jesse Kay, moved to approve the contract amount of 86.50/ton with a total of 275 tons. Leyna Hoyt seconded the motion. There was no further discussion. All were in favor. Motion passed.

  • Mike Whipple – Water & Wastewater Plant
    a. Update- Mike reported the company, Chamberlin Associates, were still on board with repairing the Scada System. The system at the Brookhaven Pump house was struck by lightning and was never repaired. The system allows the pump stations to measure the level in the water tank. The State performed a Sanitary Survey of the water system and said the system needs to go back online. The budgeted cost was $5,900 but Mike stated they would not know the true cost until the company started the repairs.

           Leyna Hoyt moved to approve the estimated cost of $5,900 for repair of the Scada system. Kelly Lyford seconded the motion. There was no further discussion. All were in favor. Motion passed.

Mike reported the Town wastewater system was working on an extended permit due to Covid, but the State was working on getting them updated. There are tests that are going to be required and the Town will have to buy an automated sampler system as some of the tests would run for 20 hours. The Board would need to budget for that, and Mike will research costs on them and report back to the Board. The Board inquired about grants that may be available for that or if the State will provide funding as they would be requiring some automation. Mike was unsure of whether that would happen.

The Board noted the budget was overspent due to the emergency nature of filling Nolan’s place and many repairs were required to the already outdated system so there would have to be some use of the sinking fund to cover those repairs. There was some discussion on whether there would be FEMA money available for any damage to pump house 4 door as it is in bad shape. Mike to liaison with Kasey on it. Mike noted Dimmicks company is up and running and we might investigate their costs for sludge management. The company the Town currently uses doubled their costs.

b. Department of Environmental Conservation Service Line Assistance – The Clean Water Revolving fund. Kevin reported the Town sent an application last spring.  He also noted there might be a meeting Friday to get the engineering with Otter Creek started. ANR inspected the facility in June. There were some corrective actions. Mike stated many are done and he was waiting for Dave Martineau for the electrical work. Mike and Kevin to draft a letter to the State on those corrective actions and it would get sent to each Board member to keep them in the loop.

7.  Two Rivers – Ottauquechee
a. Congressional grant for wastewater- TRORC had a discussion on where the Town was in the process of the Congressional Delegation Spending award, the EPA community grant, and the Clean Water State Revolving Fund. The Town had not signed the CDS and has not applied for the EPA community grant so far but applied to the Clean Water State Revolving Fund. Both Kevin Marshia and TRORC had spoken to Tom Brown. Kevin has a meeting on Friday with Mr. Brown. Kevin spoke with Rebecca Ellis last February. TRORC to reach out to Ellis on behalf of the Town. Kelly stated the Town had no docs signed yet. The Board requested help from TRORC. Kevin gave a history of what has happened so far with the Congressional Award to get a grant. He said the Congressional Award was just for the Pump Station. TRORC recognized the many moving parts of the process. Marianne McCann stated the whole file is in the AA office. Ms. McCann asked if the Town had hired TRORC. TRORC responded they had a state funded grant to help Towns. The MTAP program, Sydney Steinle runs the program and TRORC will reach out to the State to inform them of the request and get the required permissions.

b. Funding to update town by-laws – Kevin Geiger stated it is a possible project. State planning Grants are available, applications due by Nov 1, 2023. His suggestion was to go for a bylaw modernization grant as the program had more money and had 10% match for the Town which would be waived if the bylaws were adopted. This grant would incorporate the changes the legislature has made and to improve housing. The modernization program is to make the process easier, the standards easier for housing. Kevin G stated they just needed a nod from the Board to provide a scope of work. Also, the Planning Commission would also need to give an okay too. The process does have many meetings with the community for their input. Grants for by laws usually run from $12,000- to $15,000 for it. It would also interface with the Town Plan.

The board approved TRORC to go ahead with preparing the scope of work for Town By Laws.

c. Town plan questions – Sydney Steinle reported Town plan transmitted to the Selectboard along with a timeline. She asked the Board to have comments on  the plan to her by October 4. She would incorporate individual edits and send the Board a draft.  She went through the timeline for adoption. She explained the editing process to the Board. They must have their Selectboard Hearing on November 7 followed by Selectboard Meeting where plan would be adopted. The board decided to move the October 3 meeting until the 10th so all members could be present. Small discussion on Flood Bylaws. Some discussion about making any changes to the Town Plan if so needed. Kevin G. stated the Town Plan would be good for eight years, but the Planning Commission may start the process over to make edits at any time they so choose.

  • Highway Dept – Road damage update- Rick reported Upper Village Road almost complete. John Smith said there were two trees that should come down and some erosion stone needed to be placed in some gullies. The cost of which would be $3,000.00 over the bid amount. Rick’s recommendation was to do that to finish the work. The board had questions on bank stabilization. Rick reported Mr. Smith was going to put some seed down but just how much is unknown.

 South Washington Road work started today.

 Sidewalk work at the firehouse complete.

Work on Jenkins Brook is underway by AJ. Though he has to go back to finish a spot-on Maple Ave that he did not know was in the bid. Might be completed by Monday.

There was some discussion on whether mowing would get done due to time constraints. The board thought John might be able to coordinate that while Rick is gone. Rick reported work on O’Donnell and Blackhawk is done. Excavator not coming till October 4, the crew will start on the Pent Road first.

Rick stated a little more sand is needed and that his truck is back from being repaired. The crew can finish hauling sand while Rick is gone. Still needs to finish side filling East Randolph Road.  Rick asked about Edwards Road. Kevin said he asked if he could get a Geotech from a resource through the state to give us an idea of what needs to be done. Rick asked about temp fixes being okay with FEMA. Kevin will have to double check on temp fixes with FEMA.

  1.  Parks and Forest Commission- The discussion was around how to narrow down a list of 12 people interested in the positions. Board opted to have Jesse and Kasey draft an email to them along with the bylaw and to also include what other areas of the Town need volunteers so they would know there are multiple committee’s that need volunteers.
  1.  Planning Commission – Greg Herrin reported they had covered everything    when Kevin Geiger was speaking. The Board thanked Greg and the whole Board for stepping up when the Town needed them.
  1.  Jesse gave a comprehensive update on the process they thought would work going forward with the punch cards, stickers, and guidance for the Clerk and Treasurer. Board discussion on Annual Renewal date and chose January 1st of the year. There was discussion about how onerous it would prove to be figuring out who was a resident (a resident is anyone who pays taxes in Chelsea) if there were two sets of stickers. Most of the Board thought it would be better to have just one fee, that way stickers could be sold at the stores as well as punch cards. It would make tracking easier as well for the clerk and easier to sell online. There would be a fee for online sales of $2.50 to cover the cost of using the digital portal and postage.  Discussion on what happens if a household has more than one car. Maybe Snook would be able to make that decision. There was discussion on when to roll it out. Jesse was waiting to get some more data from Snook(a two-week average of persons using the Transfer Station). Greg had input on marketing ideas. Town Clerk could possibly get word in the Herald through Town Clerk News. More follow up at the next meeting.

13. FEMA Update- Not much to say according to Kasey’s note. Pedestrian bridge costs needed.  Kevin and Leyna met with a state consultant, Thad last week on Edwards Rd and Pedestrian Bridge and Maple Avenue. Also met with a person on the basement mitigation.  The pedestrian bridge needs some engineering, they checked out Maple Ave., and the consultant said to start work on Edwards. The basement was looked at with Leyna. Kasey will need to get bills together to see if we meet a $ threshold. Karen stated Irving was coming to clean furnaces next week. Leyna to research what vapor barrier cost would be. Update on where items in the hall will reside.  Rick to store some items at the Garage. Kevin to ask Judy Libby to pick up the food for the food shelf. Discussion on dehumidifiers. Most people will need them this spring. The board decided that those that haven’t returned them could keep them. The board decided to donate some fans to the school.

  1. Liquor Licenses – Tim Ward- Limit Assets- Kelly wanted a discussion about how we approve new liquor licenses. She felt if the Board was approving a new liquor license, they should give abutters some notice for feedback.  As the liquor control board for the Town, they may make any policy. The board agrees and in time there will be a policy drafted.

           Leyna Hoyt moved to approve the 1st,3rd class and outside consumption permit renewals for Limit Assets.  Jesse Kay seconded the motion. There being no further discussion, all were in favor. Motion passed.

  1. * Added item* Board administratively signed contract with John Smith ($27150), and Tim Ward ($25,311.88) which were approved at time of bid selection.
  2. Jesse Kay moved to approve orders. Bill Lyon seconded the motion. No Discussion. All were in favor. Motion passed.
  1.  Approve Meeting Minutes-September 5, 2023- Discussion on who saw the minutes. Kelly Lyford moved to table approval with Bill Lyon seconding the motion.  There being no further discussion. All were in favor. Motion passed.
  1.  Executive Session- personnel- Kevin stated a need to go into executive session for personnel.

Leyna Hoyt moved to go into executive session for personnel at 9:08 inviting Karen Lathrop. Motion seconded by Jesse Kay. All were in favor, Motion passed.

            Jesse Kay moved to exit executive session at 10 PM. Motion seconded by William Lyon . No Discussion. Motion Passed.

            Action- Board decision to move forward with a Town Administrator position, moving forward writing  a job description for the position/salary for the next meeting.

            Decision on employee salary. Leyna Hoyt moved to adjourn at 10.01pm with Jesse Kay seconding the motion. No Discussion. All were in favo

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Selectboard Meeting Agenda 19 September 2023

Tuesday, 19 September 2023
6:30 PM Chelsea Town Hall

  1. Call meeting to order
  2. Conflict of interest disclosure
  3. Additions to the agenda
  4. Public Comments
  5. Town Treasurer – Cargill contract
  6. Mike Whipple
    a. Update
    b. Dept of Environment Conservation Service Line Assistance
  7. Two Rivers – Ottauquechee
    a. Congressional grant for wastewater
    b. Funding to update town by-laws
    c. Town plan questions
  8. Highway Dept – Road damage update
  9. Student Transportation of Vermont – school bus fueling issue
  10. Parks and Forest Commission
  11. Planning Commission
  12. Transfer Station Fees
  13. FEMA Update
  14. Liquor Licenses – Tim Ward
  15. Approve orders
  16. Executive Session – personnel
  17.  Adjourn

Links to join the Selectboard Meeting


July 25, 2023 Selectboard Meeting Minutes Final

Selectboard Meeting Minutes Final

July 25, 2023 Chelsea Town Hall

Board Attendance: Kevin Marshia, Kelly Lyford, Leyna Hoyt, Jesse Brinkman, Bill Lyon.

Other attendees: Karen Lathrop, Gayle Durkee, Tracy Simon and Susan Turner

Meeting –

Kevin brought the meeting to order at 6:32 PM

No conflicts of interest

Additions to the agenda:  Gayle added Resolution to Borrow Short Term Loan, Leyna added Annual Brush Hogging of Transfer Station and Town Garage, Leyna asked that Permit request by Chelsea Public Library (CPL) be moved up the agenda with the Trustee Approval.

Chelsea Public Library –

Susan Turner, Trustee, submitted Nick DeFriez and Brian Anderson for Board appointment. One to fill a vacancy. The Trustees found nothing in their bylaws that limit the amount of Trustees to they are adding one on for a total of six trustees.

 ** Action** Jesse moved to appoint Nick DeFriez and Brian Anderson to the Board of Library Trustees. Leyna seconded the motion. No discussion. All were in favor, the ayes have it, motion passed.

Permit for use of the North Common –  Susan Turner spoke on the permit to use the North Common on on October 14, 2023 from 10 AM to 3:30 PM for a solar eclipse viewing party.

** Action** Jesse move to approve the use of the North Common on October 14, 2023 form 10 AM -to 3:30 PM for the Solar Eclipse Viewing Party by CPL. Leyna seconded the motion. No discussion. All were in favor, the motion passed.

DRB was supposed to be at the next regular meeting. Passed over

Treasurer –

Resolution to Borrow Money- Gayle stated in order to borrow the short-term loan from the Bank, the Board had to vote the Resolution separately.  She also stated the Board should make a separate motion to vote for her to borrow money from the Short-term Borrowing as needed.  Kevin read the Resolution.

** Action**  Bill moved that the Selectboard approve the Resolution for the Short Term Borrowing, and Promissory Note and other documents referenced therein, and to immediately execute the same.  Leyna seconded the motion. 

Discussion on the motion- Gayle clarified the money was not for Flood expenses only. It would be used for other items as well. There being no further discussion the Board vote d.

All were in favor, the motion passed.

** Action** Bill moved Gayle to borrow money as necessary from the Short Term Loan. Jesse seconded the motion. No Discussion. All were in favor, the motion passed.

Tax rate –

Gayle presented two tax rates to the Board. One would include the Veteran’s Exemption in the taxable amount (.7936) the other one without it (.784). She explained the Veteran’s Exemption for our Town was $30,000.00 taken off the land assessment and that it had always come out of the operating fund but the Board might want it as a taxable item.  Last year’s municipal tax was .735 so there is an increase. Board concerns with transparency to voters.

**Action** Leyna moved to approve the municipal tax rate at .7936. Bill seconded the motion. All were in favor, motion passed.

Credit Card/Online Payments-

Gayle reported there were two vendor she was looking at for Credit/Debit Card and Online Card Payments. Mascoma which would charge a 3.5% fee to the customer per transaction. There is not E-check option with them.  The cost of a machine is $250/machine  Municipay is the other vendor. They offer  a 2.65% or $3.00 minimum fee. They have an E-check Option and the machine cost is $220/machine.  Eventually there could be a website pay option if the Town so chooses.

Board feels it is time to move forward with more options to pay bills and asked if water and sewer would be included. Gayle reported yes, and other payments as well but not the Transfer Station yet.

** Action** Leyna moved to approve Gayle going forward with Municipay for credit/online payments. Jesse seconded the motion. All were in favor, the motion passed.

Logging Contract – no update passed over.

Flood Recovery –

Roads – Leyna gave a road update, met with Dubois and King and would be meeting with Chris Bump, Rick Ackerman and Dubois & King on 7/26/2023 at 9 AM to document locations. Chris Bump to give Town some recommendations and Dubois and King would be finishing Phase 1 which would be a summarized documentation of each location.

Leyna reported WEC was working on poles on Upper Village Road and would contact Communications Entities so they could begin work. Worries are Communications won’t hasten their work. Board asked Leyna if Rick Ackerman could inquire about a timeline for that work completion.

Debris- Tracy to meet with Ceres and Tetra Teck on 7/26/2023 for debris pickup and might find out a “when” that will happen The Town needs to push out if persons has water in their basement to contact the Town.  She has spoken with the EPA on Hazardous Household Waste and volunteered the Transfer Station as a housing site. The Town should strongly suggest persons bring their HHW to the Transfer Station but some prior prep must be done. Tracy to get cradle to grave process for this for FEMA documentation.

Bill noted one dumpster at Transfer Station full, the second half full, will be picking up debris from the Town Clerk’s Cellar tomorrow. Leyna reported she told Gayle to have the full one taken away.

Mold Remediation – Tracy stated she put a ticket in at the SEOC with specific technical questions she would like answers to.  Kevin spoke to an 8 step process Waterbury uses and would like to see it put on the website. Discussion followed on how to best proceed with mold remediation procedures.

Jesse noted there were around 70 volunteers coming on 7/26/2023 to continue cleaning houses out. Houses were identified that they would be trying to clean and reaching out to more. 

Kevin tasked with procurement of supplies for mold remediation, which includes spray bottles, sponges, vinegar and baking soda. Hopefully much of it would be donated.

** Action** Leyna moved to authorize Kevin Marshia to expend up to $3,000.00 on mold mitigation supplies. Bill seconded the motion. All were in favor, motion passed.

Approve Orders-

**Action** Leyna moved to approve orders. Bill seconded the motion.  All were in favor, motion passed.

Future Agenda Items-

Transfer Station, DRB, Flood Recovery, Permits if any, Approve orders, Executive Session if any.

Brush Hogging Transfer Station/ Town Garage-

Leyna reported that brush hogging the Transfer Station is done annually and is required as part of our State Permit and the Town Garage has an area that is brush hogged annually as well. The costs are in the budget and Paul Osgood usually does it for the Town. She just wanted the Board to okay Rick scheduling this. Board is in favor of Rick going forward.

Adjourn –

**Action** Jesse move to adjourn the meeting at 9:03 PM Bill seconded the motion. All were in favor, the motion passed.


Selectboard Meeting Minutes, September 5, 2023 DRAFT

Selectboard Meeting Minutes (draft)

September 5, 2023 Chelsea Town Hall

Board Attendance: Kevin Marshia, Kelly Lyford, Leyna Hoyt, Jesse Brinkman, Bill Lyon, Patty Swahn, Administrative Assistant

Other attendees: Karen Lathrop, Gayle Durkee, Nicole Cyr, Robert Brannan, Rick Ackerman, Kasey Peterson

Meeting –

Kevin brought the meeting to order at 6:30 PM

No conflicts of interest

Additions to the agenda: Gayle added the contract from Thrasher Construction, Kasey added Sidewalk update and FEMA

Public Comments – None

White River Intermunicipal Regional Energy Committee (WRV-IREC) – Nicole Cyr-climate/regional energy coordinator, presented information on WRV-IREC to the Selectboard, seeking the town of Chelsea to join WRV-IREC.

Planning Commission – Robert Brannan

The Town Plan is in draft form, final changes need to be made by September 8 before the Selectboard hearing that needs to be held September 19.  Planning Commission can suggest changes (including an entire rewrite) at the first meeting.  While a hearing is required by stature, a forum is not required and is more about an exchange of ideas.

Planning Commission posted to have input from the Town community members and Kevin Marshia was the only member present.  Planning Commission has not sent out surveys to the community, they can do so if the Selectboard directs them to do so. FEMA does not buy the Flood Plain homes; they send the money to the local government or State Government for the buyout.

Amber Tree Service Contract-

Kevin had a conversation with Pete Amber regarding the contract for work on the Commons.  Pete and Kevin talked about doing half of the work in the Fall, other half in the Spring, or all work to be done in the Fall and bill half now and half in the Spring.

Leyna moved to approve Pete Amber of Amber Tree Service to do half of the work on the Common.  Bill seconded the motion, all in favor “aye”, the motion was approved by all.


Kasey is entering all information into the FEMA Data Form, volunteer hours, pictures of road damage and bridges, this will help reduce 12.5% that the town is required to pay for their share of the flood expense.  Kasey will check to see if class 4 roads are covered by FEMA for flood damage.

Sidewalk project – Mike Avery of Avery Excavation has begun the work on the Sidewalk by the Fire Department, Mike could be finished with this project next week.

There is a quote from Mike Avery to repair the front of the Fire Department, Kevin to speak with a representative from the Fire Department to see if they would like for this to be done.  The Town will contract with Mike Avery.  Leyna moved to approve the additional sidewalk paving at $3,236 with agreement it is to be covered by the Fire Department for their part.  Bill seconded the motion.  All approve, ‘aye” and the motion passed.

Rick inquired about the drain being done as well, Kevin replied not now, it will be planned during the VTrans project.

This years Grants in Aid has been pushed back to 2024.  The Board needs to sign it and give it to Kasey.

Leyna moved to participate in the State’s Grants in Aid program for 2024, Bill seconded the motion, all in favor “aye”, all approved.

The Board wished Patty well, thanked Karen, Gayle, and Kasey for helping with the grants, office, meeting minutes.

Flood damaged roads –

Rick gave the Board and update on the rental of excavators,

John Deere 135 P-Teir – $4,800 a month plus trucking

Pete’s equipment, 85 – $4,800 monthly plus trucking

With material and Rick’s time which would be approximately 100 hours total, the cost to the Town will be $5,000.  The Board gives Rick the go ahead with the rental of an excavator. There are two sites that need to be contracted out.  The bid packages will be shrunk down.  Rick will give 3 contractors a call.

Transfer Station – Bill went over fees with Snook, spoke about recycling sticker.  There are 374 households that use the Transfer Station. 

Leyna moved to approve June 20 meeting minutes, July 26 minutes, August 1 meeting minutes, August 15 minutes and August 29 minutes.  Leyna amended the motion to approve the minutes to include edits by Kelly and Jesse.  Bill seconded; no discussion had. All in favor “aye”, meeting minutes were approved by all.

Leyna moved to approve all orders of the night; Bill seconded.  No discussion, all in favor “aye’, the orders of the night were approved.

Future agenda items:

FEMA update

Invite Mike Whipple (water/sewer)

Parks and Forest Commission

Planning Commission

Road damage update by Rick

Transfer station fees

Approve minutes

Approve orders of the night

Administrative Assistant position

Leyna moved to enter Executive Session at 8:30 PM, Bill seconded.

Leyna moved to exit Executive Session at 10:18 PM, Bill seconded, no action taken.

Leyna moved to adjourn the meeting, Bill seconded, meeting was adjourned at 10:18 PM

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Chelsea Selectboard Meeting Tuesday, August 29, 2023, 6:30pm Chelsea Town Hall Edited

Chelsea Selectboard Meeting Tuesday, August 29, 2023, 6:30pm Chelsea Town Hall

Board Attendance: Jesse Kay, Kelly Lyford, Kevin Marshia, Leyna Hoyt,
William (Billy) Lyon, Patty Swahn, Board Administrative Assistant
Other Attendees: Gayle Durkee, Rick Ackerman, Kasey Peterson, Flo Smith, Bernard “Snook” Downing

Meeting –
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by Kevin.
Conflict of Interest – Jesse to recuse herself from bids on Maple Ave and Jenkins Brook Road due to conflict of interest.
Additions to the agenda – Sidewalk Project update

Public Comments – Flo Smith asked if any members of the Board had been involved with 4 Maple Street regarding property damage from the July flood Kelly and Leyna walked down Maple Street to introduce themselves, possibly Tracy Simon or Geoff Clayton may have made contact.

Amber Tree Service – Pete Amber Contract
Leyna moves to revisit the contract of Pete Amber’s of the North Common until September 5 meeting, Bill second. All in favor, “aye”, no one opposed, all approved.

Budget and Treasurer Overview – We are 67% through the calendar year, property tax payments are coming in steady. The credit card machine has arrived and is set up.

Transfer Station – Gayle ordered a dumpster cover for the construction dumpster.
Jesse started the discussion on the research she has been doing on Transfer station fees among neighboring towns and similarly sized Vermont towns with transfer stations.
40% recycling and 60% trash is what comes into the Transfer Station each week, the town spent $22,718 in recycling and $3,577 in food scrap during 2022, which are both free services to residents.
A discussion on Transfer Station fee increase was had, Jesse, Bill and Snook will draft a proposal outlining a policy for punch card use for waste disposal, windshield stickers for recycling and food waste services and outline an update transfer station fee pricing sheet.
The Selectboard will add public discussion regarding transfer station fees and payment options as an agenda item at a future meeting to warn residents.inquired

Bids for storm damaged roads; Jenkins Brook/Maple Ave, Brook/Hook/Pent
Jesse recused herself from the bids for Maple Ave and Jenkins Brook Road
Kasey inquired whether three bids are needed with competitive bidding.
The Board can reject a bid and request new bids.
Two bids were received for Maple Avenue and Jenkins Brook Road, with review of both bids and a small discussion, Leyna moved to award Galfetti Excavation, who submitted the lowest bid price for Maple Avenue and Jenkins Brook Road, Bill Second. All in favor “aye”, no further discussion, the Board approved to award the bid to Galfetti Excavation.

There was one bid for Brook Road/Hook Road/Pent Road.
The Board discussed the 3 things they could do.
1) Award the bid
2) Call contractor to see if there is any room to negotiate
3) Reject the bid
Kelly moved to reject the bid for Brook Road/Hook Road/Pent Road, Bill second, discussion on reason to reject the bid. No other discussion was had, all in favor “aye”, no one opposed, the Board approved to reject the bid.
The Board discussed having Rick complete some of the work on this bid with the potential to repost bids for smaller portions of the work required at these sites.
FEMA to be in town on Wednesday to tour the flood damaged roads.

Permits –
Jesse moved to accept the amendment for the use of the Town Commons by the Chelsea Farmers Market to extend the Market dates until October 13, Bill seconded All in favor “aye”, no discussion was had, all approved for the Market to extend its season until October 13.

Jesse moved to accept the use of Roberts-Gould Field for First Branch School 5/6 grade soccer practices and games. Leyna second, all in favor ‘aye”, no discussion was had, all approved the permit for the use of the Roberts-Gould Field.

Sidewalk Update –
Avery Excavation’s contract to include the 30 feet of sidewalk by Arnold Preston’s.
Kelly moves to accept the $45,239.50 contract of Avery Excavation, Bill second.
All in favor “aye”, no discussion was had, all approved Avery Excavation contract for $45,239.50.

Approval of Orders – Jesse motioned to approve all Orders of the night, Bill second. All approve – “aye”, so moved, all orders of the night were approved by all.

Future Agendas –
Invite Planning Commission
Transfer Station fee increase
Flood damaged roads
Approval of meeting minutes

Executive Session – No Executive Session

Adjourn – Jesse motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:38 PM, Bill second. All in favor, “aye”, motioned to adjourn was approved.


Special Selectboard Meeting Minutes (Draft)

Special Selectboard Meeting Minutes (Draft)
Thursday, August 24, 2023 – Chelsea Town Hall 6:30 PM

Selectboard present: Kevin Marshia, Kelly Lyford, Leyna Hoyt, Jesse Kay, Bill Lyon, Patty Swahn-Administrative Assistant

  1. Call to Order – Kevin called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM
  2. Review Bids for South Washington Road and Edwards Road
    Leyna moved to approve to award the FEMA Road Work for South Washington Road and Edwards Road. Bill Second.
    The Board agrees to award this bid to Wards Excavating.
  3. Review Bids for Upper Village Road, mudslide, and site 1
    Leyna moved to approve to award the FEMA Road Work for Upper Village Road, mudslide, and site to J.L. Smith Excavating, Bill Second.
    The Board agrees to award this bid to J.L. Smith Excavating.
    Kevin motioned to adjourn the meeting; Leyna seconded.
    Meeting was adjourned at 7:37 PM

Chelsea Selectboard Agenda, August 29,2023

Chelsea Selectboard Meeting
Tuesday, August 29, 2023, 6:30pm
Chelsea Town Hall

  1. Call meeting to order.
  2. Conflict of interest disclosure
  3. Additions to the agenda
  4. Public Comments
  5. Pete Amber
  6. Budget
  7. Transfer Station
  8. Bids for storm damaged roads, Jenkins Brook/Maple Ave, Brook/Hook/Pent
  9. Flood Recovery
  10. Permits – Use of Town Green, Chelsea Farmers Market, additional dates.
    Use of Roberts-Gould Field, First Branch Soccer
  11. Approve orders
  12. Future Agenda items for September
  13. Executive Session
  14. Adjourn

Links to join the Selectboard Meeting