

Special Selectboard Meeting, Thursday, August 24, 2023, 6:30PM, Chelsea Town Hall

Thursday, August 24, 2023
6:30 PM
Chelsea Town Hall


  1. FEMA Road Work
  2. Review Bids for Upper Village Road – mudslide and Site 1
    3. Review Bids for South Washington Road and Edwards Road
  3. Adjourn.

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Chelsea Selectboard Meeting Tuesday, August 15 2023, 6:30pm Chelsea Town Hall DRAFT

Chelsea Selectboard Meeting Tuesday, August 15 2023, 6:30pm Chelsea Town Hall

Board Attendance: Jesse Kay, Kelly Lyford, Leyna Hoyt, Kevin Marshia
William (Bill) Lyon, Patty Swahn, Board Administrative Assistant
Other Attendees: Orange County Sherriff Contois, Harry Falconer -TRORC,
Sarah Wraight – TRORC, Gregg Herrin

Meeting –
Kevin brought the meeting to order at 6:30 PM
Conflict of Interest – No conflict of interest
Additions to the agenda – No additions to the agenda

Public Comments – There were no public comments

Orange County Sherriff – Sherriff Contois gave an update on the Sherriff’s department; the office is considerably better. He has 7 employees, 3 are assigned to the Orange County Courthouse, to be a fully staffed office requires 9 employees. The contract between the OCSD and the Town of Chelsea will end on December 15, 2023
The OCSD has two officers who are Level 3 certified.
When calling the Sherriff’s department after hours, the calls will automatically by default be sent to the Vermont State Police.
Currently there are two unmarked Sherriff cars. Patrolling is determined by complaints, as to where the Sherriff’s department needs to patrol. Sherriff Contois is considering having the repeater moved to Wards garage.

MTAP – Harry Falconer and Sarah Wraight from Two Rivers Ottoqueeche Resource Center provided information to the Selectboard on a new program, Municipal Technical Assistance. This program by the Vermont Agency of Administration is intended to assist those communities with a high need for state and federal grants. The Vermont Community Index was developed to provide a metric of the needs of communities across Vermont. The town of Chelsea is listed as one of the communities in high need. This program cannot be used for flood recovery or transportation. Eligible projects: water supply/wastewater infrastructure, housing, community recovery, workforce development and business support, climate change mitigation and resilience, other community economic development projects identified by the town and approved by the state.
This program will help the Selectboard navigate the EPA grant process,
Clean Water Revolving Fund, Grant funding for need assessment for Town Hall, VTrans reconstructive grant for Maple Avenue Bridge
Kelly made the motion to join in the Municpal Technical Assistance program through TRORC, Bill seconded. All in favor “aye”, the motion was approved by all.

ARPA fund discussion with Sarah from TRORC, the funds can be added to the General Fund for community surplus.
Kelly motioned to have Gayle and Sarah work together to use the ARPA money for Town Operating with the intent to move the money back. Jesse second, all in favor “aye”, all approved.

Timber Sale Contract – Bill made the motion to accept the Timber Sale Contract for Kevin Braman to log on the George Tutherly block of the Chelsea Town Forest, Kelly second, all in favor “aye”, all approved. Kevin will come to the office to sign the contract.

Transfer station- Bill mentioned that Cassella went a month without picking up compost, continued to drop containers without picking up compost. Bill has talked with Cassella about this issue.
Jesse presented information on the use of punch cards for the Transfer Station. Community members would purchase a punch card of a certain domination, Punch cards are only sold to permitted residents or property owners of authorized towns contracted with the Solid Waste Facility. Jesse will look at neighboring towns to see what is being charged per bag of trash, ask Gayle for a break down of the cost to the town for waste removal.
Leyna mentioned finding a way to cover the dumpster where mattresses and couches are put into to keep them dry.
Bill had a discussion with Myers Containers, Myers began charging $1,250, $300 transportation fee after the flood, Myers reason was due to the flood, and picking up containers on the weekend as it was hard to get to the Transfer Station with the direct route being temporarily closed. Myers has agreed to return to the $450 charge per dumpster, and Myers brought the cost down, the town does not have an official contract with Myers, this may be something to investigate. The price of tonnage has increased, town will be paying $195 per ton. Myers brought the cost down on the roll off dumpsters that were used for Flood debris.

Flood Recovery:

Flood debris is cleaned up except for the tires and metal.
FEMA will hold at Town Meeting at the Town Hall on Thursday, August 17 at 6:30 PM
DRC will be at the Town Hall starting on August 28 through September 23 from 8 to 6.
We have documentation on what debris was put into the dumpsters.
Town will be paying their share of the curbside debris collection.

Dubois and King have finished, they duplicated what Rick had already done, they did go over the contracted budget of $10,000 by $3,000 which they will not bill the town for. More discussion needs to be done with the Selectboard and Dubois and King.
Leyana, Rick, Kevin, Gayle met with Chris Bump from VTrans on Monday to get started in a good direction for road recovery. Chris sent a bid template to go with the contractor bid bags that Leyna, Kevin, Rick and Kasey will meet Wednesday morning to put together. A post to the website for bidding ­template for bigger packages.
The town will cover 12.5 % for a contractor.
The packages, in order of priority will be,

  1. Upper Village Road – mudslide and Site 1
  2. South Washington Road and Edwards Road
  3. Brook Road, Pent Road, and Hook Road
  4. Jenkins Brook Road and Maple Avenue
    Kasey will work with Rick to contact a minimum of three bidders to solicit bids.
    Bid packages will go out for priority 1 and 2 hopefully by Friday of this week. Bids will be due by noon on August 24. The Selectboard will need to hold a warned meeting on Thursday, August 24 to review the bids and select contractors.
    Bid packages will go out for priority 3 and 4 early next week, bids will be due by noon on August 29. The Selectboard will review bids and select contractors at our regular meeting on Tuesday, August 29.
    Once contractors are selected, Kasey, Gayle and Rick will work together to get contracts.
    Invoices will be requested via email with specific details of dates, time, materials and site of which each contractor is working. Rick will review and initial all invoices to verify the work was done to his satisfaction.

Permits –
Use of the Roberts-Gould field-
Senior Baseball, September 10 and 17, Jesse moved to approve the permit for the use of the Roberts-Gould field for Senior Baseball, Bill second, all in favor “aye”, permit was approved.
Backyard Boys Baseball, August, September and October, Leyna moved to approve the permit for the use of the Roberts-Gould field for Backyard Boys Baseball, all in favor “aye’, permit was approved.
Central Vermont Cal Ripkin baseball, August, September and October, Jesse moved to approve the permit for the use of the Roberts-Gould field for CV Cal Ripkin baseball, Bil second, all in favor “aye”, permit was approved.

Approval of Orders – Jesse motioned to approve all Orders of the night, Bill second. All in favor– “aye”, all orders of the night were approved by all.

Future Agendas –
Transfer Station
Pete Amber
Executive Session – Leyna moved to enter Executive Session at 9:36 PM, Jesse second, Leyna invited Patty into the executive session.
Jesse made the motion to exit Executive Session at 9:57 PM, Kelly second, all approved.
Action was taken on the Roberts Poor Fund and Personnel.
Adjourn – Leyna motion to adjourn at 9:58 PM, Bill second. All in favor “aye”, meeting was adjourned.


Chelsea Selectboard Meeting Tuesday, August 1, 2023, 6:30pm Chelsea Town Hall, EDITED

Board Attendance: Jesse Kay, Kelly Lyford, Leyna Hoyt,
William (Bill) Lyon, Patty Swahn, Board Administrative Assistant
Other Attendees: Tracy Simon -Emergency Management Director, Gayle Durkee, Karen Lathrop, Pastor Bill Smith, Johanna Welch, Sheilagh Smith, Ryck Morales- SBA

Meeting –
Kelly brought the meeting to order at 6:32 PM
Conflict of Interest – No conflict of interest
Additions to the agenda – Use of Village Green (basketball court/playground)

Public Comments – Sheilagh Smith thanked the Board for their volunteer efforts and dedication in helping the Chelsea Community with the ongoing Flood Recovery.

Tax Rate – Gayle presented a correction of the tax rate to the Board. Adjustment to the Veteran Tax exemption of $40,000 instead of $30,000. This will bring the tax rate down to .7881. Leyna moved to approve the adjusted tax rate of .7881, Jesse seconded. There was no discussion. All in favor; “aye” and the adjusted tax rate for 2023 has been approved.

Development Review Board – Johanna Welch is the only official member of the DRB. Johanna requested an Executive Session with the Selectboard members.
Leyna moved to go into Executive Session.
Kelly asked the guests to step outside while the Board went into Executive Session, Kelly invited the Admirative Assistant into the Executive Session. Left the Open Meeting at 6:40 PM, entered Executive Session at 6:42 PM.
Jesse recused herself from the Executive Session due to a conflict of interest.
Exited Executive Session at 6:54 PM with no action taken.
Kelly opened the meeting back at 6:56 PM.
Continued conversation with Johanna regarding DRB, asked Johanna to continue as the Chair of DRB.
Jesse moved to appoint Johanna Welch as the DRB Chair, Bill seconded.
There was no discussion, all were in favor. The appointment was approved.
Selectboard approves all new DRB Board Members.
Action item: Development Review Board Members need updating on the town website.
Moxley Bridge – Leyna will follow up with Karen regarding more information on the Chelsea BO 1444(62). This project entails rehabilitation of covered bridge #46 on Town Highway 68 Moxley road.

Flood Recovery:

Dan Gauthier contacted Tracy regarding the HHW pickup, the contractors will pick it up Saturday during Transfer Station hours or they will call Tracy 48 hours ahead of the pickup day. Tracy is confident that all HHW related to the flood has been taken to the two HHW dumpsters at the Transfer Station. EPA has looked at the oil tank and a Hazmat spill team came out originally to look at the soil. Tracy will call EPA to inform them that neighbors are reporting a strong petroleum odor. There is additional remediation
needed in town. Frank Keen’s lawn and then down the bank.
There is to identify if there is still debris on Beacon Hill, Pent Road and Bobbinshop Road.
HHW will be on Saturday, August 5 at the Transfer Station, this will be the final Saturday for HHW to be received at the Transfer Station, any HHW after Saturday will need to be taken to the facility in Middlesex near the State Police Barricks. The HHW needs to be flood related.

Recovery Phase:
Tracy introduced Ryck Morales of the Small Business Administration. Ryck gave information on how to apply for disaster loans for businesses, homeowners, and renters. Benefits are a fixed interest rate at 2.5%, automatic 12-month payment deferment with 0% interest for the first 12 months. No insurance settlement is needed to apply or receive loan.
Tracy and Ryck Morales are working together to have a town hall meeting with FEMA and SBA.

Rick has begun grading. He has been in contact with Dubois and King, and they will get together to sort out bid packages for the roads that need contractor repair, ditching for Pent Road, Upper Village Road, Brook Road, Jenkins Brook Road. Jesse will get the documentation to Dubois and King, including Leyan and Rick’s photos, Tracy’s drone footage.
Dubois and King has looked at the damaged roads, taken measurements and collected GPS coordinates of the damage. Dubois and King are documenting each site as to who the Contractors are, what materials are being used, which trucks were used.
If it is under $250,000 we do not need to go through posting for bids. We can get quotes from 3 to 5 contractors and then decide how to go forward.
All wires on Upper Village Road are cleaned up.
Need to reach out to Natural Resources about water ways.
Chris Bump gave options for Edwards Road,
(a) close it to one lane to keep two cars meeting.
(b) close it to through traffic, only residents of Edwards Road may travel it.
Per Leyan, Rick advised closing it to through traffic.
There are 5 mud slides from the July storm.
Bill made a motion to close Edwards Road to through traffic, Jesse second.
There was no discussion. All in favor “aye”, the aye’s have it and the motion to close Edwards Road to through traffic approved by all.
Closure will begin on Wednesday, August 2.

Route 110 bridge above Upper Village Road is open.

Highway equipment update –
The town loader will be back on Wednesday.

Permits – Use of basketball court and playground for NCF Vacation Bible School recreation was approved.

Logging contract – Bill will follow up with Kevin Braman to see if he is ready to move to the George Tutherly block of the Chelsea Town Forrest.

Approval of Orders – Jesse motioned to approve all Orders of the night, Leyan second. All approve – “aye”, so moved, all orders of the night were approved by all.

Future Agendas –
Flood Recovery
Logging Contract
Transfer Station
Orange County Sherriff Department
Sydney Steinle – TRORC

Executive Session – No Executive Session
Adjourn – Leyna moved to adjourn the meeting; Bill seconded. All approved. Meeting adjourned at 8:37 PM


Chelsea Selectboard Meeting Agenda, Tuesday, August 15, 2023, 6:30 PM, Chelsea Town Hall

Chelsea Selectboard Meeting
Tuesday, August 15, 2023, 6:30pm
Chelsea Town Hall

  1. Call meeting to order
  2. Conflict of interest disclosure
  3. Additions to the agenda
  4. Public Comments
  5. Orange County Sherriff Contois
  6. TRORC – Sydney Steinle
  7. Chelsea BO 1444(62) Moxley Bridge ROW
  8. Logging contract
  9. Transfer Station
  10. Flood Recovery
  11. Permits
  12. Approve orders
  13. Future Agenda items for August 29 meeting
  14. Executive Session
  15. Adjourn
    Links to join the Selectboard Meeting
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Chelsea Selectboard Meeting Minutes, July 25, 2023

Board Attendance: Kevin Marshia, Kelly Lyford, Leyna Hoyt, Jesse Brinkman, Bill Lyon.

Other attendees: Karen Lathrop, Gayle Durkee, Tracy Simon and Susan Turner

Meeting –Kevin brought the meeting to order at 6:32 PM

No conflicts of interest

Additions to the agenda:  Gayle added Resolution to Borrow Short Term Loan, Leyna added Annual Brush Hogging of Transfer Station and Town Garage, Leyna asked that Permit request by Chelsea Public Library (CPL) be moved up the agenda with the Trustee Approval.

Chelsea Public Library –

Susan Turner, Trustee, submitted Nick DeFriez and Brian Anderson for Board appointment. One to fill a vacancy. The Trustees found nothing in their bylaws that limit the amount of Trustees to they are adding one on for a total of six trustees. 

 ** Action** Jesse moved to appoint Nick DeFriez and Brian Anderson to the Board of Library Trustees. Leyna seconded the motion. No discussion. All were in favor, the ayes have it, motion passed.

Permit for use of the North Common –  Susan Turner spoke on the permit to use the North Common on on October 14, 2023 from 10 AM to 3:30 PM for a solar eclipse viewing party. 

** Action** Jesse move to approve the use of the North Common on October 14, 2023 form 10 AM -to 3:30 PM for the Solar Eclipse Viewing Party by CPL. Leyna seconded the motion. No discussion. All were in favor, the motion passed.

DRB was supposed to be at the next regular meeting. Passed over

Treasurer –

Resolution to Borrow Money- Gayle stated in order to borrow the short-term loan from the Bank, the Board had to vote the Resolution separately.  She also stated the Board should make a separate motion to vote for her to borrow money from the Short-term Borrowing as needed.  Kevin read the Resolution. 

** Action**  Bill moved that the Selectboard approve the Resolution for the Short Term Borrowing, and Promissory Note and other documents referenced therein, and to immediately execute the same.  Leyna seconded the motion.  

Discussion on the motion- Gayle clarified the money was not for Flood expenses only. It would be used for other items as well. There being no further discussion the Board vote d. 

All were in favor, the motion passed.

** Action** Bill moved Gayle to borrow money as necessary from the Short Term Loan. Jesse seconded the motion. No Discussion. All were in favor, the motion passed.

Tax rate –

Gayle presented two tax rates to the Board. One would include the Veteran’s Exemption in the taxable amount (.7936) the other one without it (.784). She explained the Veteran’s Exemption for our Town was $30,000.00 taken off the land assessment and that it had always come out of the operating fund but the Board might want it as a taxable item.  Last year’s municipal tax was .735 so there is an increase. Board concerns with transparency to voters. 

**Action** Leyna moved to approve the municipal tax rate at .7936. Bill seconded the motion. All were in favor, motion passed.

Credit Card/Online Payments-

Gayle reported there were two vendor she was looking at for Credit/Debit Card and Online Card Payments. Mascoma which would charge a 3.5% fee to the customer per transaction. There is not E-check option with them.  The cost of a machine is $250/machine  Municipay is the other vendor. They offer  a 2.65% or $3.00 minimum fee. They have an E-check Option and the machine cost is $220/machine.  Eventually there could be a website pay option if the Town so chooses. 

Board feels it is time to move forward with more options to pay bills and asked if water and sewer would be included. Gayle reported yes, and other payments as well but not the Transfer Station yet.

** Action** Leyna moved to approve Gayle going forward with Municipay for credit/online payments. Jesse seconded the motion. All were in favor, the motion passed.

Logging Contract – no update passed over.

Flood Recovery –

Roads – Leyna gave a road update, met with Dubois and King and would be meeting with Chris Bump, Rick Ackerman and Dubois & King on 7/26/2023 at 9 AM to document locations. Chris Bump to give Town some recommendations and Dubois and King would be finishing Phase 1 which would be a summarized documentation of each location. 

Leyna reported WEC was working on poles on Upper Village Road and would contact Communications Entities so they could begin work. Worries are Communications won’t hasten their work. Board asked Leyna if Rick Ackerman could inquire about a timeline for that work completion.

Debris- Tracy to meet with Ceres and Tetra Teck on 7/26/2023 for debris pickup and might find out a “when” that will happen The Town needs to push out if persons has water in their basement to contact the Town.  She has spoken with the EPA on Hazardous Household Waste and volunteered the Transfer Station as a housing site. The Town should strongly suggest persons bring their HHW to the Transfer Station but some prior prep must be done. Tracy to get cradle to grave process for this for FEMA documentation. 

Bill noted one dumpster at Transfer Station full, the second half full, will be picking up debris from the Town Clerk’s Cellar tomorrow. Leyna reported she told Gayle to have the full one taken away.

Mold Remediation – Tracy stated she put a ticket in at the SEOC with specific technical questions she would like answers to.  Kevin spoke to an 8 step process Waterbury uses and would like to see it put on the website. Discussion followed on how to best proceed with mold remediation procedures. 

Jesse noted there were around 70 volunteers coming on 7/26/2023 to continue cleaning houses out. Houses were identified that they would be trying to clean and reaching out to more.  

Kevin tasked with procurement of supplies for mold remediation, which includes spray bottles, sponges, vinegar and baking soda. Hopefully much of it would be donated. 

** Action** Leyna moved to authorize Kevin Marshia to expend up to $3,000.00 on mold mitigation supplies. Bill seconded the motion. All were in favor, motion passed.

Approve Orders-

**Action** Leyna moved to approve orders. Bill seconded the motion.  All were in favor, motion passed.

Future Agenda Items-

Transfer Station, DRB, Flood Recovery, Permits if any, Approve orders, Executive Session if any.

Brush Hogging Transfer Station/ Town Garage- 

Leyna reported that brush hogging the Transfer Station is done annually and is required as part of our State Permit and the Town Garage has an area that is brush hogged annually as well. The costs are in the budget and Paul Osgood usually does it for the Town. She just wanted the Board to okay Rick scheduling this. Board is in favor of Rick going forward.

Adjourn –

**Action** Jesse move to adjourn the meeting at 9:03 PM Bill seconded the motion. All were in favor, the motion passed.

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Chelsea Selectboard Meeting Tuesday, August 1, 2023, 6:30pm Chelsea Town Hall

Chelsea Selectboard Meeting
Tuesday, August 1, 2023, 6:30pm
Chelsea Town Hall

  1. Call meeting to order.
  2. Conflict of interest disclosure
  3. Additions to the agenda
  4. Public Comments
  5. Treasurer – Tax rate
  6. Development Review Board
  7. Chelsea BO 1444(62) Moxley Bridge ROW
  8. Flood Recovery
  9. Permits – Road closure between library and the North Common for Arts Festival, September 2, 2023++
  10. Logging Contract
  11. Approve orders
  12. Future Agenda items for August
  13. Executive Session
  14. Adjourn
    Links to join the Selectboard Meeting
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Chelsea Selectboard Meeting Minutes, July 18, 2023

Board Attendance: Jesse Kay, Kelly Lyford, Kevin Marshia, Leyna Hoyt,
William (Billy) Lyon, Patty Swahn, Board Administrative Assistant
Other Attendees: Tracy Simon -Emergency Management Director, Gayle Durkee, Karen Lathrop, Rick Ackerman, Bernard (Snook) Downing, Dave Conger, Pastor Bill Smith, Charles Gooding

Meeting –
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by Kevin.
Conflict of Interest – No conflict of interest
Additions to the agenda – Access Permit, Reimbursement for paving

Permits – Richard Lyford property owner and Samuel Lincoln, Logger, Highway Access Permit on Hall Road. Kelly recused herself from the vote. Leyna moved to approve the application for the permit, William Lyon seconded, no discussion, all approved.

Pike Paving, East Randolph Road – reimbursement–
Municipality cost; $379,148.8
We’re expecting a portion of this will be reimbursed.

Flood Recovery:

Debris: Learned through a situational update meeting that the Town is under the burden to remove trash and debris from flood, FEMA will cover 75% if the debris is disposed of properly. Household hazmat will be picked up separately, GPS and photos have been done for each pile.

Bill moved to utilize the two roll off dumpsters that were delivered earlier this week at the Transfer Station, on Thursday, July 20th to collect flood debris. Leyna second, all in favor, motioned passed

Recovery Phase: Orange County, and therefore Chelsea, is not currently on the federal disaster declaration list. This is a two-part federal declaration; one part is for the roads, and Orange County has been declared for that. The second piece is a declaration for personal property damage, and that is the piece that will help support our citizens.

The board and Emergency Management Director Tracy, explained to residents the importance call 211 to report flood damage; Registering with 211 does not commit you to continue to file for assistance but allows for an accurate reporting of all property damage to individuals and to business’ in Orange County. This is the documentation needed to support a disaster declaration.

Division of Public Safety – Fire Marshalls have briefly inspected the electrical components of several homes that were damaged in the floods. Homes were cleared to be “occupied” if all set or were given a yellow placard that provides instructions on the next steps for the homeowners and landlord, to ensure that their power is safe.

Jesse to reach out to Chelsea Librarian to request use of library to help community members navigate 211 through the public computers.

Temporary fixes have been made to the roads by Rick, John Tilton, and Paul Beede, highway employees.
Proposal by Kevin to authorize the Selectboard to go into contract with
Dubois and King, Inc. The first phase will be doing GPS of the flood damaged roads, assessment of damage, documentation with pictures of damage. Assess the slopes (mud slides) to see if they are FEMA eligible.
Kelly moved to contract with Dubois and King under our emergency procurement policy to begin work. Leyna second. The motion was amended to include an amount not to exceed $10,000 for the First Phase. Seconded. All approved.
Kevin will work with Dave Conger of Dubois and King on the contract.

Town Buildings:
Karen to purchase a HEPA filter for Town Clerk Office.

Brian, who is the insurance adjuster for Vermont Leagues of City and Towns assessed the damage to the basement of the Town Hall, he measured the basement and photographed the pellets, pellet furnace and oil furnace. He will send his documents to the assigned insurance agent at VLCT.

Irving Oil will arrive on Wednesday to inspect the oil furnace.

Flood Recovery Financial:
Pastor Bill Smith reported there have been monetary donations being sent to our two churches to help Chelsea with community needs relating to the flood. Gayle to reach out to Mascoma Bank, Bill and Errol Hinton, the Pastor at the Congregational Church to help establish a fund.

A $200,000 short term loan was secured from Mascoma Bank to be used as needed for Flood Recovery that the town may need. Leyna motioned to approve. Jesse second. All in favor, aye’s have it and the motion is approved.

Approval of Orders – Jesse motioned to approve all Orders of the night, there was not a second. All approve – “aye”, so moved, all orders of the night were approved by all.

Future Agendas –
Flood Recovery
Development Review Board
Chelsea Public Library
Logging Contract
Credit Card/Online Payments
Tax Rate

Executive Session – No Executive Session
Adjourn – Kevin made a motion to adjourn. Leyna seconded. The meeting adjourned at 8:44 pm

Chelsea Selectboard Meeting Tuesday, July 18, 2023, 6:30pm Chelsea Town Hall

Board Attendance: Jesse Kay, Kelly Lyford, Kevin Marshia, Leyna Hoyt,
William (Billy) Lyon, Patty Swahn, Board Administrative Assistant
Other Attendees: Tracy Simon -Emergency Management Director, Gayle Durkee, Karen Lathrop, Rick Ackerman, Bernard (Snook) Downing, Dave Conger, Pastor Bill Smith, Charles Gooding

Meeting –
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by Kevin.
Conflict of Interest – No conflict of interest
Additions to the agenda – Access Permit, Reimbursement for paving

Permits – Richard Lyford property owner and Samuel Lincoln, Logger, Highway Access Permit on Hall Road. Kelly recused herself from the vote. Leyna moved to approve the application for the permit, William Lyon seconded, no discussion, all approved.

Pike Paving, East Randolph Road – reimbursement–
Municipality cost; $379,148.8
We’re expecting a portion of this will be reimbursed.

Flood Recovery:

Debris: Learned through a situational update meeting that the Town is under the burden to remove trash and debris from flood, FEMA will cover 75% if the debris is disposed of properly. Household hazmat will be picked up separately, GPS and photos have been done for each pile.

Bill moved to utilize the two roll off dumpsters that were delivered earlier this week at the Transfer Station, on Thursday, July 20th to collect flood debris. Leyna second, all in favor, motioned passed

Recovery Phase: Orange County, and therefore Chelsea, is not currently on the federal disaster declaration list. This is a two-part federal declaration; one part is for the roads, and Orange County has been declared for that. The second piece is a declaration for personal property damage, and that is the piece that will help support our citizens.

The board and Emergency Management Director Tracy, explained to residents the importance call 211 to report flood damage; Registering with 211 does not commit you to continue to file for assistance but allows for an accurate reporting of all property damage to individuals and to business’ in Orange County. This is the documentation needed to support a disaster declaration.

Division of Public Safety – Fire Marshalls have briefly inspected the electrical components of several homes that were damaged in the floods. Homes were cleared to be “occupied” if all set or were given a yellow placard that provides instructions on the next steps for the homeowners and landlord, to ensure that their power is safe.

Jesse to reach out to Chelsea Librarian to request use of library to help community members navigate 211 through the public computers.

Temporary fixes have been made to the roads by Rick, John Tilton, and Paul Beede, highway employees.
Proposal by Kevin to authorize the Selectboard to go into contract with
Dubois and King, Inc. The first phase will be doing GPS of the flood damaged roads, assessment of damage, documentation with pictures of damage. Assess the slopes (mud slides) to see if they are FEMA eligible.
Kelly moved to contract with Dubois and King under our emergency procurement policy to begin work. Leyna second. The motion was amended to include an amount not to exceed $10,000 for the First Phase. Seconded. All approved.
Kevin will work with Dave Conger of Dubois and King on the contract.

Town Buildings:
Karen to purchase a HEPA filter for Town Clerk Office.

Brian, who is the insurance adjuster for Vermont Leagues of City and Towns assessed the damage to the basement of the Town Hall, he measured the basement and photographed the pellets, pellet furnace and oil furnace. He will send his documents to the assigned insurance agent at VLCT.

Irving Oil will arrive on Wednesday to inspect the oil furnace.

Flood Recovery Financial:
Pastor Bill Smith reported there have been monetary donations being sent to our two churches to help Chelsea with community needs relating to the flood. Gayle to reach out to Mascoma Bank, Bill and Errol Hinton, the Pastor at the Congregational Church to help establish a fund.

A $200,000 short term loan was secured from Mascoma Bank to be used as needed for Flood Recovery that the town may need. Leyna motioned to approve. Jesse second. All in favor, aye’s have it and the motion is approved.

Approval of Orders – Jesse motioned to approve all Orders of the night, there was not a second. All approve – “aye”, so moved, all orders of the night were approved by all.

Future Agendas –
Flood Recovery
Development Review Board
Chelsea Public Library
Logging Contract
Credit Card/Online Payments
Tax Rate

Executive Session – No Executive Session
Adjourn – Kevin made a motion to adjourn. Leyna seconded. The meeting adjourned at 8:44 pm


Chelsea Selectboard Meeting Agenda, July 25, 2023

Chelsea Selectboard Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, July 25, 2023, 6:30pm
Chelsea Town Hall

  1. Call meeting to order.
  2. Conflict of interest disclosure
  3. Additions to the agenda
  4. Public Comments
  5. Chelsea Public Library- approve two new trustees
  6. Development Review Board
  7. Treasurer – Tax rate, credit card/online payments
  8. Development Review Board
  9. Flood Recovery
  10. Permits – Use of Town Green, Chelsea Public Library Annular Solar Eclipse viewing party. Event date October 14, 10 a.m. -3:30 p.m.
  11. Logging Contract
  12. Approve orders
  13. Future Agenda items for August
  14. Executive Session
  15. Adjourn
    Links to join the Selectboard Meeting

Chelsea Selectboard Emergency Meeting, Sunday, July 16, 2023

Chelsea Selectboard Meeting
Sunday, July 16, 2023, 5:00 pm
Chelsea Town Hall
Emergency Meeting

Kevin Marshia – Chair, Kelly Lyford – Vice Chair, Tracy Simon – Emergency Management Director, Jesse Kay, Leyna Hoyt, Kasey Peterson, Rick Ackerman, Gayle Durkee, Tracy Simon, Mike Whipple – Water/Sewer Contractor

Call meeting to order at 5:05 pm
Debris Management ~ Jesse Kay and Billy Lyon, will be working with Kasey Peterson to review regulations and work with the state on the program that is being set up to assist Vermont Towns in helping to manage the various types of debris.

Water Update ~ The Boil Water notice was lifted on 07/16/2023. Two of our wells were unaffected. We’re waiting to receive the results of the DW4, well, which was offline at the time of flood. The Pump house at that location has been damaged.

Sewer plant ~ flow has reduced and is almost back to typical capacity.

Road Updates ~ Upper Village Road Landslide – Will install markers as a form of tracking.

State Geologist will be meeting with Rick and Tracy on July 17, 2023, to review all locations of landslides for assessments.

Kevin will connect with Rita Seto to discuss next steps in moving forward.

East Randolph Road is a federal aid road. Rick will contact Chris Bump tomorrow to discuss that damage.

Photos – Need to download and label all photos to Google Drive.

The basement of the town hall flooded. Debris has been removed today. All furnaces were damaged along with pellet hopper. Kasey will work with Lyme Green to evaluate. Fans have been installed and are running. Karen will be asked to purchase an air conditioner for the town clerk’s office and to get it installed.

The Pedestrian Bridge located over the First Branch that crosses to Riverside Cemetery was lost during the flooding on July 10, 2023. It was located a short distance downstream, lodged across the river with debris caught behind it. We were advised by the SEOC to remove these things prior to Sunday night’s storm. This was removed Friday morning.

Insurance – The admin assistant is working with the insurance company to start a claim for our properties.

Federal Emergency Management Assistance – The initial property assessment team arrived in town yesterday and quickly reviewed the outside areas of several properties on Maple Avenue and Main Street.

We have many citizens that will need assistance with navigating the FEMA and state systems.

Multi Agency Response C. 9 – 5 Tracy will begin the coordination with this,
Request list from Fire Dept. of those basements that were pumped. 211 maps – Kelly will pursue the AHS aspect to see what support can be provided to citizens.

Gayle has secured a $200,000 line of credit and will oversee contracts. Kasey will assist Gayle with FEMA documentation. We will be adding a FEMA line item to the highway and general funds.

Kevin Marshia will work with Jesse Kay and Gayle Durkee on File naming for the documentation for each site.

Selectboard members, Emergency Services and the Emergency Management Director must document all hours be worked as responded. This information needs to be submitted to Gayle for tracking.

Leyna Hoyt made a motion to adjourn. Jesse Brinkman seconded. The meeting adjourned at 6:59 Pm.