

Selectboard Agenda, Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Chelsea Selectboard Meeting
Tuesday, June 20, 2023, 6:30pm
Chelsea Town Hall

  1. Call meeting to order.
  2. Conflict of interest disclosure
  3. Additions to the agenda
  4. Trees on the Common – Pete Amber – This will include a 30-minute walk of the Commons.
  5. Orange County Forester – David Paganelli
  6. Arts Community – Carrie Caouette-De Lallo
  7. Public Comments
  8. Approve Minutes – June 6, 2023, minutes.
  9. Transfer Station – Bill and Jesse
  10. Grants – (as necessary)
  11. Highway Department – Leyna
    a. General Updates
    b. Capital Fund
  12. Permits – Use of Town Green for Ice Cream Social, United Church of Chelsea request to the close off part of the street in front of the Church for an outside Church Service on July 2, 2023 from 10-12
  13. Website – Jesse
  14. Planning Commission Meeting Update – Kevin
  15. Approve Orders
  16. Future Agenda – for July
  17. Executive Session – (as necessary)
  18. Adjourn

Links to join the Selectboard Meeting


Selectboard Agenda, June 6, 2023

Chelsea Selectboard Meeting
Tuesday, June 2, 2023, 6:30pm
Chelsea Town Hall

  1. Call meeting to order
  2. Conflict of interest disclosure
  3. Additions to the agenda
  4. Trees on the Common – Pete Amber – This will include a 30 minute walk of the Town Commons with Pete
  5. Public Comments
  6. Approve Minutes: May 30
  7. Transfer Station – Bill
  8. Grants – (as necessary)
  9. Highway Department – Leyna
    a. General Updates
    b. Paving update
  10. Permits (as necessary)
  11. Website – Jesse
  12. Planning Commission Meeting Update – Kevin
  13. Approve Orders
  14. Future Agenda
  15. Executive Session – (as necessary)
  16. Adjourn

Links to join the Selectboard Meeting


Selectboard Meeting Agenda – 5-16-2023

Selectboard Meeting Agenda Tuesday, May 16, 2023, 6:30pm

Join us in person at the Chelsea Town Hall, stream meetings live at our YouTube page, or participate in meetings virtually with Google Meets.

  1. Call meeting to order
  2. Conflict of interest disclosure
  3. Additions to the agenda
  4. Public Comments
  5. Approve Minutes:

    a.  May 2 minutes

  • MERP Program – Harry Falconer, TRORC
  1. Treasurer – Gayle Durkee
  • Grants – updates (as necessary)
  • Highway Department
    • General updates
    • Paving project update
  1.  Water/Wastewater Contract Update
  1.     Permits –

     New Creation Fellowship –  Bounce House

  14.  Google Meet – Owl’s microphone

   15.   Future Agendas –

          May 30 – Mark Lembke, and Pete Amber

          May 30 – Gayle Durkee – Budget Status

          Capital Plan – Trucks

          Town Forest

16.   Executive Session –

    17.   Adjourn – 


Selectboard Meeting Agenda – May 2, 2023

Selectboard Meeting Agenda Tuesday, May 2, 2023, 6:30pm
Chelsea Town Hall

  1. Call meeting to order
  2. Conflict of interest disclosure
  3. Additions to the agenda
  4. Public Comments
  5. Approve Minutes:
    a. April 18, 2023
    b. April 20, 2023
  6. ARPA Fund Discussion – Andy Pomerantz, Chris Byrne, Phil Mulligan
  7. List Serve Discussion– Andy Pomerantz
  8. Bid Openings
    a. Mowing
    b. Sidewalk Project
  9. Rice property update – Leyna, Rick, Kevin
  10. Grants – updates (as necessary)
  11. Highway Department
    a. General updates
    b. Paving project update
  12. Water/Wastewater Contract Update
  13. Permits –
    a. Roberts-Gould Field Request
    b. Richard Colby
  14. Future Agendas
  15. Approve Orders
  16. Executive Session – if necessary
  17. Adjourn

Selectboard Meeting Agenda – Apr 18, 2023

Selectboard Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, April 18, 2023
Chelsea Town Hall
1. Call meeting to order
2. Conflict of interest disclosure
3. Additions to the agenda, New National Opioid Settlements
4. Public Comments
5. Approve Minutes:
a. April 11, 2023
6. Energy Committee
7. Emergency Management
8. Grants
a. Sidewalk Project – discussion on location and schedule
b. Pump Station Grant – status, next steps
c. VTrans grants –
• Bridge grant application status
• Future paving grant discussion
9. Highway Department
a. General updates
b. Paving project update
c. Capital Equipment/Maintenance Discussion
10. Water/Wastewater Contract Proposal
11. Permits – if necessary
12.New National Opioids Settlement
13.ARPA Discussion
14.Future Agendas
15.Approve Orders


Selectboard Meeting Agenda – Apr 11, 2023

Selectboard Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, April 11, 2023
Chelsea Town Hall
1. Call meeting to order
2. Conflict of interest disclosure
3. Additions to the agenda
4. Public Comments
5. Approve Minutes:
a. March 25, 2023
b. April 4, 2023
6. Planning Commission Discussion
7. Grants
a. Sidewalk Project – discussion on location and schedule
b. Pump Station Grant – status, next steps
• Environmental Review Report
c. VTrans grants –bridge grant application
8. Mowing – Contract discussion
9. Highway Department
a. General updates
b. Paving project bid update
c. Position Description
d. Permit process discussion
10.Website Update/Discussion
11.Virtual Meeting Discussion
12.Purchasing Policy
13.Future Agendas
14.Approve Orders
15.Executive Session – Personnel (if necessary)


Selectboard Meeting Agenda – Mar 28, 2023

Chelsea Select Board Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, March 28, 2023
6:30 pm
Chelsea Town Hall
I. Call Meeting to order
II. Conflict of interest disclosure
III. Additions to the agenda
IV. Public Comments
V. Approve Selectboard Meeting minutes.
VI. Library Trustee Appointment
VII. Village Green- Chelsea Arts on the Green Market and Festival
VIII: Second Class License and Tobacco License for Vermont 110 Quick Stop, Inc.
VIII: Executive Session – Personnel Salaries


Selectboard Meeting Agenda – Mar 14, 2023

Selectboard Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, March 14, 2023
Chelsea Town Hall
1. Call meeting to order
2. Organizational Meeting
a. Select Chair and Vice Chair
b. Determine meeting rules of procedure
c. Set meeting dates, location, and times for regular meetings
d. Determine process for calling special and emergency meetings
e. Select Newspaper of Record
3. Conflict of interest disclosure
4. Additions to the agenda
5. Public Comments
6. Welcome and Introductions – Patti Swahn – New Administrative Assistant!
7. Approve Minutes:
a. February 21, 2023
b. February 23, 2023
8. Grants
a. Sidewalk Project Update
b. Clean Water State Revolving Fund – Wastewater plant possibility
c. Pump Station Grant – status, next steps
d. VTrans grants – possible bridge grant application
e. Town Hall planning options
9. Highway Department
a. General updates
b. Paving project bid/discussion
10.Website Update/Discussion
11.Virtual Meeting Discussion
12.Town Hall –
a. furnace/oil tank update
b. Div. Fire Safety report
13.Use of Village Green Request – Chelsea Farmers Market
14.Central Vermont Solid Waste Management District – Board of Directors
15.Wastewater Plant Update
16.Liaisons – Roles, Responsibilities and Expectations
17.Future Agendas – Discussion on potential future items
a. Otter Creek Engineering wastewater/water system
b. Town boards and commission updates/discussions
18.Approve Orders
19.Executive Session – Personnel (if necessary)


Selectboard Meeting Agenda – Feb 7, 2023

Selectboard Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, February 7, 2023
Chelsea Town Hall
1. Call meeting to order
2. Conflict of interest disclosure
3. Additions to the agenda
4. Public Comments
5. Approve Minutes – January 31, 2023
6. Town Report
a. Selectboard Report
b. Report Review
7. Rec. Committee – John Parker
8. Highway
a. Highway Mileage Certificate
b. Class IV Highway Policy
c. Executive Session – Staffing (if necessary)
9. Grants – Casey Peterson
10.Town Hall Chimney Inspection – February 10
11.Free Verse Farm – Liquor License
12.Division of Fire Safety – Town Hall Inspection
13.Heath Field – Old sand pile area usage
14.Informational Meeting – Confirm Agenda
15.Approve Orders
16.Executive Session – Personnel (if necessary)