Meeting Minutes

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Selectboard Meeting Minutes – September 3, 2024

Selectboard Meeting Minutes
September 3rd, 2024 6:30 pm Chelsea Town Hall
Call to Order
Kelly Lyford called the meeting to order at 6:31 pm.
Kevin Marshia (Present)
Kelly Lyford (Present)
Gregg Herrin (Absent)
Leyna Hoyt (Present)
Jesse Kay (Present)
Tierney Farago (Town Administrator)
Rick Ackerman (Highway Supervisor)
Gayle Durkee (Town Treasurer)
Additions to the Agenda
Roberts-Gould Field Request: A request for the Robert-Gould Field was received for 9/8 and 9/15 at 8:00 am-4:00 pm for the Chelsea Senior Baseball games. Jesse Kay made a motion to approve the request; Leyna Hoyt seconded the motion. Motion passed with 4 votes in favor.
Security Camera Upgrades: The Town Administrator asked for further clarification on security camera needs in order to draft a request for proposals. The Selectboard stated that at the moment, security cameras for Town Hall and the Town Garage would be required.
CD Funds: Gayle Durkee presented information on interest rates for a CD she would like to put funds into. The Selectboard verified that those funds would go back into the same line items when the CD matured. No official motion was needed.
Conflict of Interest Disclosure: None
Public Comments: None
Approve Minutes from August 20th 2024
Jesse Kay made a motion to approve the minutes from the August 20th meeting; Leyna Hoyt seconded the motion. Motion passed with 4 votes in favor.
Current Events and Updates
A. Town Administrator Update: None
B. ARPA Funds and CD Savings
The Town Treasurer discussed the finalized ARPA funding items that were sent to the Selectboard. Jesse Kay made a motion to allocate the ARPA funds into the line items as indicated by the Town Treasurer; Kelly Lyford seconded the motion. Motion passed with 4 votes in favor.
C. Health Officer Opening and Temporary Appointment
The Town Health Officer has resigned; Kevin Marshia has been named the interim Health Officer until a new one has been appointed. If any residents have questions or are interested in the position, please contact the Town Administrator for more information.
D. Community Nursing Forum
Kristin Barnum from Community Nurse Connection presented further information on possible models and funding options for a community nurse. There are several options that other towns in the state are using including municipalities funding and managing the nurse as well as non-profits or even fire/EMT managing the employee. The Selectboard asked further questions on Kristin’s knowledge of the success of other models for a community nurse. A forum regarding possibly acquiring a community nurse will be scheduled for a future agenda so the public can express their thoughts on the topic.
E. Town Plan Draft
The Selectboard briefly discussed a few concerns with the current Town Plan draft. Representatives from the Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission will be invited to the next Selectboard meeting to answer any questions the Selectboard may have.
F. Pedestrian Bridge
Frank Keene brought up the topic of possibly privately funding and building the reconstruction of the cemetery pedestrian bridge. The Selectboard considered his proposal and will investigate the legality and liability of moving forward with the project. FEMA is currently working with the Town to determine the eligibility of the project, so the Town will continue to iron out details of that project in terms of being reimbursed for damages from the flood.
Action Items
A. Town Truck Decision
The Selectboard discussed the truck options with Rick Ackerman. It was determined that the best option for the Town would be to proceed with ATG for the Freightliner build for a cab and chassis, and Viking Cives for the truck body. Leyna Hoyt made a motion to accept the cab bid from ATG and the body bid from Viking Cives, not to exceed $280,000; Jesse Kay seconded the motion. Motion passed with 4 votes in favor.
B. J.L Smith Excavation Contract
The Selectboard officially signed a contract for J.L Smith’s excavation services. No official motion was made, as the bid was previously accepted during the last Selectboard meeting.
C. MERP Town Projects: Town Hall and Town Garage
Harry Falconer from the Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission discussed the MERP Implementation Grant that aims to address high energy usage concerns within the town. Last year the state conducted an energy audit for the Town Hall and Town Garage, listing several areas that consumed a higher than average amount of energy. A grant for up to $500,000 is now available to towns that consume a higher amount of energy and Chelsea will qualify for the grant. The selectboard discussed the projects from the report they would like to move forward with; Harry will submit the grant funding application on behalf of the Town. Several projects were excluded due to logistics issues. Jesse Kay made a motion to have Harry submit the grant application for the Town; Leyna Hoyt seconded the motion. Motion passed with 4 votes in favor.
D. Chelsea Line Rd Repair
Leyna Hoyt made the board aware of a complaint about a backed-up culvert on Chelsea Line Rd. It was determined that this repair is within the Road Foreman’s duties and he will begin the repairs and replacement when able. No official motion needed to be made. 
Approve Orders
Jesse Kay made a motion to approve the orders; Leyna Hoyt seconded the motion. Motion passed with 4 votes in favor.
Executive Session If Necessary: None
Leyna Hoyt made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Jesse Kay seconded the motion. Motion passed with 4 votes in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 9:08 pm.
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Selectboard Meeting Minutes – August 20, 2024

Selectboard Meeting Minutes
August 20th, 2024 6:30 pm Chelsea Town Hall
Call to Order
Kevin Marshia called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm.
Kevin Marshia (Present)
Kelly Lyford (Present)
Gregg Herrin (Present)
Leyna Hoyt (Present)
Jesse Kay (Present)
Tierney Farago (Town Administrator)
Rick Ackerman (Highway Supervisor)
Gayle Durkee (Town Treasurer)
Sydney Steinle (Two Rivers Ottauquechee Regional Commission)
Sarah Wraight (Two Rivers Ottauquechee Regional Commission)
Chris Bump (State of Vermont)
Additions to the Agenda
-A last-minute request to use the Roberts-Gould Field for baseball practice on various dates was added to the agenda. Leyna Hoyt made a motion to approve the requests; Jesse Kay seconded the motion. Motion passed with 5 votes in favor.
-A sealed bid for the Grants in Aid excavation work on several roads in town was received. The only bidder was J.L Smith at $27,500.00. Leyna Hoyt made a motion to accept the bid from J.L Smith; Jesse Kay seconded the motion. Motion passed with 5 votes in favor.
Conflict of Interest Disclosure: None
Public Comments: None
Approve Minutes from July 30th and August 6th 2024
Leyna Hoyt made a motion to approve the minutes from July 30th and August 6th; Jesse Kay seconded the motion. Motion passed with 5 votes in favor.
Current Events and Updates
Town Administrator Update
-ARPA Funds: The Town Treasurer and Sarah Wraight, a representative from Two Rivers Ottauquechee Regional Commission, presented the current ARPA budget and possible uses for the remaining funds. The Town will work on assigning the funds to different areas of the budget before the December 31st deadline.
-Transfer Station: The Town Administrator is working on presenting more information on how the transfer station has been operating since the implementation of punch cards and recycling stickers.
-Community Nursing Forum: The Selectboard discussed getting further information on the community nursing program and getting public input on the needs of the Town.
-Town Plan Draft: The Planning Commission has recommended the draft Town Plan to the Selectboard. The Selectboard reviewed the draft version of the Town Plan update with Sydney Steinle from the Two Rivers Ottauquechee Regional Commission. They requested a list of all of the changes made to the Town Plan in order to better review the plan to set a hearing for the changes.
Action Items
Wastewater Plant Contract: Funding Application and ESA Signatures
The ESA and funding application for the wastewater plant update are ready to be signed by the Selectboard. Leyna Hoyt made a motion to approve and sign the ESA contract and funding application for the wastewater plant; Gregg Herrin seconded the motion. Motion passed with 5 votes in favor.
Sealed Bids: Town Truck
The Selectboard asked the Road Supervisor to continue looking over the bids received for the town truck, as there was discussion over which bids would be the best fit for the Town. No action was taken.
FEMA Projects: Cemetery Pedestrian Bridge and Town Hall Basement
The Selectboard invited Chris Bump into the discussion of the status of several FEMA projects. There were some concerns over the reimbursement eligibility of several projects including the cemetery pedestrian bridge, Maple Avenue bridge, and Brook Rd. The Town will continue to work with FEMA and Chris Bump in order to understand the status of the projects and how to continue moving forward with receiving reimbursements. No action was taken.
Amendment to Purchasing Policy: Town Administrator Approval
The Town Administrator was added to the authorized users on the Town’s purchasing policy. Kelly Lyford made a motion to approve the amended purchasing policy to add the Town Administrator to the list of authorized employees; Leyna Hoyt seconded the motion. Motion passed with 5 votes in favor.
Water Meter Upgrades and Sewer Fees
The Town Administrator will be working with the wastewater department to gather more information on possibly upgrading the water meters in town. No action was taken.
21 Richardson Hill Highway Curb Cut Permit
Leyna Hoyt made a motion to approve the highway curb cut permit for 21 Richardson Hill; Gregg Herrin seconded the motion. Motion passed with 5 votes in favor.
Approve Orders
Leyna Hoyt made a motion to approve the orders; Kelly Lyford seconded the motion. Motion passed with 5 votes in favor.
Executive Session If Necessary
Leyna Hoyt made a motion to enter executive session, inviting Tierney Farago to join; Gregg Herrin seconded the motion. The Selectboard entered executive at 9:19 pm. Leyna Hoyt made a motion to exit executive session; Gregg Herrin seconded the motion. The Selectboard exited executive session at 9:31 pm. Kevin Marshia had to leave for personal business during executive session at 9:28 pm. The Selectboard discussed personnel; no action was taken.
Leyna Hoyt made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Jesse Kay seconded the motion. Motion passed with 4 votes in favor and the meeting ended at 9:31 pm.

Selectboard Meeting Minutes – August 6, 2024

Selectboard Meeting Minutes
August 6th, 2024 6:30 pm Chelsea Town Hall
Call to Order
Kevin Marshia called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm.
Kevin Marshia (Present)
Kelly Lyford (Present)
Gregg Herrin (Present)
Leyna Hoyt (Present)
Jesse Kay (Present)
Tierney Farago (Town Administrator)
Rick Ackerman (Highway Supervisor)
Additions to the Agenda
A highway permit for a curb cut for 21 Richardson Hill was brought to the selectboard’s attention, however, they confirmed that curb cut permits will be required to be noticed on the agenda. This item will be moved to the next Selectboard meeting on August 20th.
Conflict of Interest Disclosure: None
Public Comments
Nick De Friez brought up the topic of the balcony chairs in Town Hall and room for storage for the book sale. He wanted to know more information on the number of chairs allowed on the balcony per the fire inspection conducted last year. The Selectboard briefly discussed the possible options for restoring the chairs; the Town Administrator will look into finding the previous fire inspection report to determine what the next steps are to restore the balcony seats.  
Approve Minutes from July 30th, 2024
The Selectboard was unable to review the minutes from the July 30th meeting before this meeting, so the topic has been tabled for future approval during the August 20th meeting.
Current Events and Updates
-Highway Update
Rick Ackerman did not have a highway update but attended to help review the truck bids.
-Town Administrator Update
Tierney Farago discussed possible town community events with the Selectboard. One suggested idea was to host a community event for residents to attend and have an open forum, however, the Selectboard would prefer to have events where the residents do not feel pressured to bring up issues that the town may not be able to fix or address immediately. Further planning will be required for any type of community-wide events.
Action Items
-26 O’Donnell Rd Highway Curb Cut Permit
A highway curb cut permit for 26 O’Donnell Rd was brought to the Selectboard. Rick Ackerman found no issue with the scope of work. Jesse Kay made a motion to approve the highway permit for 26 O’Donnell Rd; Leyna Hoyt seconded the motion. Motion passed with 5 votes in favor.
-Pedestrian Bridge Debris
Tierney Farago presented the two options for debris removal to the Selectboard. One party was not able to send in a quote for fees the Town would be responsible for before a determination was made, and the other interested party (Robert Button) offered to clean up the debris and in exchange the town can negotiate to use his mower for various areas within town. Jesse Kay made a motion to allow Robert Button to remove the cemetery bridge debris; Gregg Herrin seconded the motion. Motion passed with 5 votes in favor.
-Sealed Bids: Town Truck
Sealed bids for the town truck were opened and discussed by the Selectboard. Due to the amount of information that must be reviewed by both the Selectboard and the Road Foreman in each bid package, the Town Administrator will send digital copies of the bids for further review by the Selectboard, and the vote for a town truck will be added to the next meeting.
Approve Orders
Kelly Lyford moved to approve the orders; Jesse Kay seconded the motion. Motion passed with 5 votes in favor.
Executive Session If Necessary
Jesse Kay made a motion to enter executive session and invite Tierney Farago; Leyna Hoyt seconded the motion. The Selectboard entered executive session to discuss personnel at 7:49 pm. Jesse Kay made a motion to exit executive session; Leyna Hoyt seconded the motion. Motion passed with 5 votes in favor. The Selectboard exited executive session at 8:14 pm. No action was taken.
Leyna Hoyt made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Gregg Herrin seconded the motion. Motion passed with 5 votes in favor.

Selectboard Meeting Minutes – July 16, 2024

Selectboard Meeting Minutes
July 16th, 2024 6:30 pm Chelsea Town Hall
Call to Order
Kevin Marshia called the meeting to order at 6:31 pm.
Kevin Marshia (Present)
Kelly Lyford (Present)
Gregg Herrin (Present)
Leyna Hoyt (Present)
Jesse Kay (Present)
Tierney Farago (Town Administrator)
Rick Ackerman (Highway Supervisor)
Additions to the Agenda
Signature for annual Grants In Aid acceptance was added. The annual grant was sent in this week for signature acknowledgement from the Selectboard. Leyna Hoyt made a motion to sign the grant acknowledgement for the Town to move forward with Grants in Aid; Jesse Kay seconded the motion. Motion passed with 4 votes in favor.
Conflict of Interest Disclosure: None
Public Comments: None
Approve Minutes from July 2nd, 2024
Gregg Herrin made a motion to approve the July 2nd minutes; Leyna Hoyt  seconded the motion. Motion passed with 5 votes in favor.
Current Events and Updates
Highway Update
Rick Ackerman updated the board on the status of gravel and sand. The bids for the new town truck are out and he is waiting for bids back now. The town has received one application for a new road maintenance worker. Roadside mowing is currently being conducted while the town has access to a mower.
Town Administrator Update
Tierney Farago gave a brief update on FEMA progress. The Town is trying to wrap up the process in order for FEMA to fund the various long-term projects for repair and mitigation.  
action items
FEMA Engineering Contracts
East Engineering
* Gregg Herrin received an emergency call and was excused from the meeting for the rest of the night. The Selectboard discussed the proposals received from East Engineering and Stantec. Based on the grading scale completed by each Selectboard member, Stantec ranked higher at 291 vs East Engineering’s 255. The board discussed a few questions they had including timelines and flexibility. The Selectboard thanked the representatives for their time and proceeded to a motion. Jesse Kay made a motion to accept the proposal from Stantec; Kelly Lyford seconded the motion. The motion passed with 4 votes in favor.
Listers: Approval of Reappraisal RFP
The listers submitted a draft Request for Proposal for the townwide reappraisal for the Selectboard’s approval. Kelly Lyford made a motion to approve the listers to move forward with their request for proposal; Jesse Kay  seconded the motion. Motion passed with 4 votes in favor.
Treasurer: Approval of Tax Rates
This item was tabled until the remaining items needed are received by the treasurer. No action was taken.
Bench Donation from Chelsea Arts Collective
Carrie from the Chelsea Arts Collective wanted to see if the Selectboard would accept a donation of a bench (possibly a picnic table) from the Arts Collective. The Selectboard was appreciative of this generous donation. Jesse Kay made a motion to accept the donation of a bench or picnic table from the Arts Collective; Kelly Lyford seconded the motion. The motion passed with 4 votes in favor.
Arts on the Green North Common Road Closure
Carrie from the Chelsea Arts Collective brought up the possibly of closing off the North Common Road for the Arts on the Green celebration in August. The Selectboard had questions on why this would be needed and if there is a suitable alternative that would not impede traffic for the community. More information was needed, so further discussion will be had on the needs of the event. No action was taken.
Approve Orders
A note from the Treasurer regarding the increase of prices for bulk item pick-up was briefly discussed. The Town Administrator will compare vendor pricing of these items to ensure the town is getting the best deal.During discussion of the orders, Kelly Lyford questioned one of the line items for reimbursement. Seeking further clarification on why a purchase for bearings for the wastewater facility was being reimbursed to a Town employee, it was agreed that the Selectboard would approve the orders contingent upon the explanation.  Jesse Kay made a motion to approve the orders, contingent upon getting further clarification on a reimbursement line item; Leyna Hoyt seconded the motion. The motion passed with 4 votes in favor.
Executive Session If Necessary
Jesse Kay made a motion to move to executive session and invite Tierney Farago; Leyna Hoyt seconded the motion. The Selectboard entered executive session at 7:58. Leyna Hoyt made a motion to adjourn executive session; Jesse Kay seconded the motion. Motion passed with 4 votes in favor and executive session ended at 8:11 pm.

Action: The selectboard will speak with personnel regarding their concerns.
Leyna Hoyt made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Jesse Kay seconded the motion. Motion passed with 4 votes in favor and the meeting was adjourned at 8:12 pm.

Selectboard Meeting Minutes – July 2, 2024

Selectboard Meeting Minutes
July 2nd, 2024 6:30 pm Chelsea Town Hall
Call to Order
Kevin Marshia called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm.
Kevin Marshia (Present)
Kelly Lyford (Absent)
Gregg Herrin (Present)
Leyna Hoyt (Absent)
Jesse Kay (Present)
Tierney Farago (Town Administrator)
Rick Ackerman (Highway Supervisor)
Additions to the Agenda
Two field requests were added to Action Items. Highway update item was added: Rick Ackerman gave an update on the status of a new Town truck and the open road worker job position.
Conflict of Interest Disclosure: None
Public Comments
Neil Hochstedler brought in samples for weather window inserts from Window Dressers for Town Hall. Quotes have been sent to the Selectboard and they would like to see the inserts in person; there are a few locations in Town that are currently using the inserts.

Frank Keene brought up an issue with downed trees in the river behind his home. The Selectboard will find out how to get the debris removed and if it is within their jurisdiction to remove anything from the river. Frank also spoke on the issue of speeding on Maple Ave. There have been cars spotted speeding through the area but there are currently no speed signs posted. The Selectboard will research the traffic ordinance for Maple Ave and getting a sign posted in order for the police department to conduct traffic stops.
Approve Minutes from June 18th, 2024
Jesse Kay made a motion to approve the June 18th minutes; Gregg Herrin seconded the motion. Motion passed with 3 votes in favor.
Current Events and Updates
Presentation on Community Nursing from Jodi Hoyt: Jodi Hoyt and Kristin Barnum presented on the benefits of the Town employing a Community Nurse. This position would administer aid to the residents of Chelsea by supporting them in their health care needs and connecting them with the resources required. Several residents and non-residents of Chelsea were in attendance to support this program. The Selectboard will continue to work with Jodi to determine if this would be a viable program for the Town.
Press Release for Forest and Parks Commission Grant: (Corrected from Library Grant) The Forest and Parks Commission received a $3,000 grant to create a flowering tree lot on the former Babcock/Lyon property at 12 Maple Ave. For the full press release detailing the program, please click HERE.
Town Administrator Update: The Town Administrator gave a brief update on the progress of the Town’s FEMA applications.The Town is still working with FEMA and engineering firms to begin permanent work on various areas affected by the 2023 flood.
Town Hall Space Needs Update: The Town Administrator is currently working on the dimensions of Town Hall and what employees would require should the Town acquire another property.
Future Agenda Items: Budget Update Later in July: The Town Treasurer will provide a budget update at the end of July.
Action Items
Town Garage Heating Fuel Contract: The Selectboard reviewed the heating fuel contract for the Town garage. Jesse Kay made a motion to choose option 2 and approve the contract; Gregg Herrin seconded the motion. Motion passed with 3 votes in favor.
Town Administrator Signing and Purchasing Authority: This item will be moved to a future agenda item to assess what the Town Administrator will be able to sign for and purchase.
Listers: Reappraisal: Phyllis Hayward presented information on the Reappraisal order from the state to the Selectboard. The Selectboard chair signed paperwork acknowledging that the Town of Chelsea has received the reappraisal order and will comply. The listers will be putting out a Request for Proposal for officials to conduct the reappraisal. No formal action was taken.
(Agenda Addition) Chelsea Flea Market Parking: Jesse Kay made a motion to approve the request to use the Roberts-Gould Field for Flea Market parking from July 12th at 4:00 pm to July 13th at 6:00pm; Gregg Herrin seconded the motion. Motion passed with 3 votes in favor.
(Agenda Addition) Chelsea Library Outdoor Games & Ice Cream Social for Adults: Jesse Kay made a motion to approve the request to use the Village Greens for an ice cream social on July 18th from 5:30 pm-8:30pm; Gregg Herrin seconded the motion. Motion passed with 3 votes in favor.
Approve Orders: Jesse Kay made a motion to approve the orders; Gregg Herrin seconded the motion. Motion passed with 3 votes in favor.
Executive Session If Necessary: None
Adjournment: Jesse Kay made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Gregg Herrin seconded the motion. Motion passed with 3 votes in favor and the meeting was adjourned at 8:40 pm.
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Selectboard Meeting Minutes – June 18, 2024

Selectboard Meeting Minutes
June 18th, 2024 6:30 pm Chelsea Town Hall
Call to Order
Kevin Marshia called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm.
Kevin Marshia (Present)
Kelly Lyford (Present)
Gregg Herrin (Present)
Leyna Hoyt (Present)
Jesse Kay (Absent)
Tierney Farago (Town Administrator)
Rick Ackerman (Highway Supervisor)
Additions to the Agenda
Information on Vermont’s updated open meeting laws was discussed later in the meeting; Town committees will need to electronically record and post their meeting beginning July 1st among other updated rules. Highway Update item was added; Rick Ackerman gave a brief highway update. Rick talked about the new highway road position opening and the need for a new truck that will be bid on in the coming weeks. Some concerns on large rocks in the roads were brought up, prompting discussion on the topic of procedures on grading.
Conflict of Interest Disclosure: None
Public Comments
Carrie And Tim wanted an update on the process of fixing the pedestrian bridge near their home.  Cheslea is working on the FEMA grants pertaining to the bridge, but debris is still at the site from the flood. The Selectboard asked Rick Ackerman if he could investigate the costs of getting the debris removed in the interim.
Approve Minutes from June 4th, 2024
Leyna Hoyt made a motion to approve the June 4th minutes. Gregg Herrin seconded the motion. Motion passed with four votes in favor.
Current Events and Updates
Horseshoe Pit Art Concern: Residents attended to give background to the history behind horseshoe art that was previously removed due to a concern brought by an anonymous source. Kelly Lyford made a motion to keep the horseshoe art where it was and to dedicate a plaque or sign explaining the history of the horseshoe art for the community to view; Leyna Hoyt seconded the motion. Motion passed with four votes in favor.
Update from Windsor County Sheriff: Sheriff Ryan Palmer gave a brief update on the status of the police activity in Chelsea. The Selectboard asked some questions regarding the increase in police activity and the decrease in crime. Sheriff Palmer will continue to provide information regarding crime in the Town.
Quarterly Library Update: Kezia Frayjo gave a presentation regarding the library’s activity in terms of visitors, budget, and goals for the future. A quarterly update will be now be given for the Town’s benefit.
Health Center Update: Leyna Hoyt and Gregg Herrin discussed the space needs for the Town and Library and how the Health Center might be able to meet those needs. Furtherresearch and discussion is required to determine if the site would be suitable for the Town’s needs.
Action Items
Marty Gratz FEMA Elevation: Marty Gratz required the Town’s support in requesting a grant from FEMA for Hazard Mitigation. The Town would act as an intermediary in order to possibly obtain the grant funding so that Ms. Gratz’s home can be elevated to avoid future flood damage. The Selectboard discussed and determined that the grant would not pose a risk to the Town.
Kelly Lyford made a motion to allow the Town Administrator to send a letter of interest on behalf of Ms. Gratz to begin this process; Leyna Hoyt seconded the motion. Motion passed with four votes in favor.
Liquor Licenses: Hubble Shire Farm (277 VT-110): Renewal of the First Class Liquor License and Outside Consumption Licenses for Hubble Shire Farm.
Kelly Lyford made a motion to approve the First Class Hotel Liquor License Renewal; Leyna Hoyt seconded the motion. Motion passed with four votes in favor.
Kelly Lyford made a motion to approve the Outside Consumption Liquor License Renewal; Leyna Hoyt seconded the motion. Motion passed with four votes in favor.
Heath Field Use Request: Bill Smith: Use of the Heath Field for a Community Soccer Camp from 9:00 am-12:30 pm July 8th-11th.
Leyna Hoyt made a motion to approve the use of Heath Field; Gregg Herrin seconded the motion. Motion passed with four votes in favor.
Village Greens Request: Bill Smith: Use of the Village Greens for a Community Patriotic Service from 8:30 am-12:30 pm June 20th.
Leyna Hoyt made a motion to approve the use of the Village Green; Gregg Herrin seconded the motion. Motion passed with four votes in favor.
Johnathan Maier & Kezia Frayjo Access Permit: Highway Access Permit for 13 Stone Rd.
Leyna Hoyt made a motion to approve the Highway Road Access Permit; Gregg Herrin seconded the motion. Motion passed with four votes in favor.
Treasurer: Joel Carminati Contract: This item was tabled for the next Selectboard meeting to obtain the physical contract.
Approve Orders
Gregg Herrin made a motion to approve orders; Leyna Hoyt seconded the motion. Motion passed with four votes in favor.
Executive Session If Necessary: None
Leyna Hoyt made a motion to adjourn; Gregg Herrin seconded the motion. Motion passed with four votes in favor and the meeting was adjourned at 8:49 pm.
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Selectboard Meeting Minutes – June 4, 2024

Selectboard Meeting Agenda
4 June 2024
6:30 PM
Chelsea Town Hall

  1. Call meeting to order-Kelly Lyford called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm.

Kevin Marshia (Absent)
Kelly Lyford (Present)
Gregg Herrin (Present)
Leyna Hoyt (Absent)
Jesse Kay (Present)

Town Employees
Tierney Farago (Town Administrator)
Karen Lathrop (Town Clerk)
Gayle Durkee (Town Treasurer)
Rick Ackerman (Highway Supervisor)

  1. Additions to the Agenda
    A highway access permit is required for Johnathan Maier. The Selectboard has agreed to put it on the June 18th Selectboard Meeting agenda.
  2. Conflict of Interest Disclosure
    No conflicts of interest.
  3. Public Comments
    Damian Hook had public comments regarding his experience with the Developmental Review Board and Zoning Administrator. Gregg Herrin will discuss his concerns further and communicate with the DRB.
  4. Approve Minutes 7 May 2024
    Jesse Kay made a motion to approve the minutes and Gregg Herrin seconded the motion. Motion passed with three votes in favor.
  5. Introduction of Tierney Farago – New Town Administrator

Tierney Farago was introduced as the new Town Administrator. The town website will be
updated with the following contact information:

Tierney Farago (Town Administrator)
Hours: Monday-Friday 8am -5pm (12pm-1pm lunch hour)
Address: 301 Vt Route 110, Chelsea, VT 05038
PO Box 266
Phone: 802-625-2023

  1. Treasurer
    a. Budget Update: Discussion regarding the Town budget; this included concern on the high usage of the gravel budget. The Selectboard wanted to know if there was room for movement with other budget line items to compensate for this usage. They would also like to be aware of any possible areas in the budget that might become tight over the summer.
    b. Joel Carminati Contract: Discussion was tabled until the next Selectboard meeting.
    c. Water Sewer: Town Treasurer advised that notices were sent to residents that have not paid their water and/or sewer bills yet (due June 7th). The Selectboard requested the Treasurer and Town Administrator post notices to the resident’s door, giving them three-day notice prior to discontinuance of water service if non-payment continues.
  2. Health Center Update
    The Selectboard briefly discussed the viability of the Health Center for use of the Town employees or the Library. The Board plans to look into overall space needs for town offices and infrastructure requirements for the Library prior to moving forward with any decisions.
  3. Forest and Parks Commission
    Tabled for June 18th meeting.
  4. Appoint 911 Coordinator
    Jesse Kay made a motion to nominate Tierney Farago to be the Town’s 911 Coordinator; Gregg Herrin seconded the motion. Motion passed with three votes in favor.
  5. FEMA – Mold Mediation
    Kelly Lyford updated the public on her interaction with FEMA regarding funded for mold issues caused by the flood. FEMA has communicated that the Town should withdraw their application as they may not be approved for the grant and suggested other avenues of obtaining funding. The board agreed to withdraw the FEMA project for mold mitigation.
  6. Approve Orders
    Jesse Kay made a motion to approve orders; Gregg Herrin seconded the motion. Motion passed with three votes in favor.
  7. Executive Session if Necessary
    Executive session to discuss personnel matter. Jesse Kay made a motion to move to executive session; Gregg Herrin seconded the motion. Selectboard went to executive session at 7:56 pm. They exited executive session at 8:35 pm. No action was taken.
  8. Adjourn
    Jesse made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Gregg Herrin seconded the motion. Motion passed with 3 votes in favor and the meeting was adjourned at 8:36 pm