Selectboard Meeting Minutes – June 7, 2022
Chelsea Selectboard Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, June 7, 2022, 7:30 pm at Chelsea Town Hall
Selectboard Members present: Levar Cole, Merrill Whitney, Mark Whitney, Geoff Clayton, Henry Cesari
Other Town Officials/Employees present: Marianne McCann (Administrative Assistant)(Herald)
Members of the Public present: Gregg Herrin
- Call Meeting to Order
Meeting convened by Levar Cole at 7:35 pm. - Conflict of Interest Disclosure
None. - Changes to the Agenda
Admin. Assistant adds a couple items. Geoff Clayton adds presenting information on the riverbank
erosion near the horseshoe area under Hazard Mitigation. - Town Treasurer
Orders presented. - Department Liaison Updates
Re: Highway Dept. Henry Cesari stated no offers for the truck for sale have been received yet. Cesari
proposed sending a letter out to Chelsea residents explaining the highway budget issues and what the
Selectboard is doing to save money. Sample letter presented. Brief discussion about sample letter.
Clayton suggested presenting a cost comparison between our highway dept. and other towns highway
depts. Cole stated in the unlikely event that we have a surplus this year, we could carry a cost over into
the next year. It’s likely we will have a deficit. Next year it will cost more. Clayton stated we need to
clarify with Road Foreman re: grading. The Highway dept. needs to not be hesitant on grading.
Henry Cesari moved to approve a letter to the Town of Chelsea regarding the Highway budget and a
notice about the roadside mowing. Motion seconded by Mark Whitney. Motion passed unanimously.
Action: Prepare letter on letterhead for signing Thursday night.
Action: Henry Cesari will contact Road Foreman, making it clear that roads should be passable even if
running a budget deficit.
Discussion about gravel stockpile at the Town Garage.
Re: White River Valley Consortium. Levar Cole reported the history and the state of the Consortium of
the 14 towns in the White River Valley which are working together to apply for funding from the Federal
Reserve. Cole stated the group’s vision for the current round of funding is housing. Vital Communities is
doing all the legwork. Housing options are being investigated. Towns owning housing? Accessory
dwelling units? Ways to reduce costs and make housing available? Workshop on June 30th. Goal for that
meeting is to re-connect with Selectboards and organizations. If there is any interest, Cole will forward
Re: Creamery/School Water Drain. Geoff Clayton stated he is waiting for copies of the deeds. The drain
was made so long ago that there might not be easements in the deeds. Clayton stated the stark legal
reality is that the Town does not own either parcel. The drain is on the school property and the Button
property. Clayton stated water has been going under that building for 50 or 60 years. The issue is
between Button and the school. Clayton stated there is no connection between the town and the
Creamery and the drain. Henry Cesari stated the Selectboard does not have responsibility for this issue.
The drain should continue somewhere and then flow into the river.
Action: Clayton will contact Button. For hazard mitigation, flooding, maybe there is a grant available.
Action: Drop this item from the agenda for now.
Gregg Herrin stated he was interested in understanding the water drain issue. It was suggested Herrin
could offer another opinion to Mr. Button.
Re: Riverbank erosion at the Horseshoe/Sewer Plant. Geoff Clayton recommends shoring up the
riverbank, likely with rip-rap. Clayton suggests maybe it’s a use of ARPA money.
Gregg Herrin stated if adding rip-rap to protect that area, you might also want to look at where the
water is directed from and where it will be directed to. The State will come up with a plan.
Clayton stated that one thing that has changed over the years is that the horseshoe area has enlarged
and bushes with roots that stabilize the bank have been removed. Clayton suggests this might be a use
of ARPA money.
Re: Grant Writing and Administration: Levar Cole spoke with Kasey Peterson. There is no feedback yet
about the status of the Town Hall Grant. Cole suggested to the board that when we have Peterson do
more work we pay her at the same rate. Cole seeks continued approval of the board to deal with further
grant writing work. Kasey Peterson will attend the next Selectboard meeting at June 21. Bridge grant
possibilities are being investigated. - Public Comments
None. - Administrative Assistant Report
Special Town Meeting: June 9th at 7pm at the Town Hall. Floor vote to decide if Chelsea will vote in the
future by Australian Ballot. Town is prepared.
ARPA citizen advisory group meeting date is Tuesday, June 14th at 7pm in the Town Hall. Action: Admin.
Assistant will put on calendar on Chelsea website. Also, paper versions on bulletin boards.
Downtown and Village Center Tax Credits: Kasey Peterson reviewed paperwork. Not for Municipal
buildings. Potential money for private property owners in Downtown and Village Center areas. Deadline
for application is July 1, 2022. Interested people should go to the Vermont Agency of Commerce and
Community Development website for more information.
Letter of Intent to Participate in the SFY23 Municipal Roads Grants-in-aid program was presented to the
Selectboard to sign. Deadline to submit is June 24, 2022. This is for a multi-year project with
hydrologically connected road segments. Action: Selectboard agreed and signed letter of intent.
Prouty Map showing route through town has been distributed to Fire, Highway, and Police, as requested
by Prouty. Prouty bicycle ride will be Friday July 8, 2022.
A sample job description was presented to the Selectboard as a language example of a job that
combined two departments into one job for one employee. Brief discussion about a Public Works
Director and supervisory roles.
Geoff Clayton stated The First Branch Ambulance and/or the Fire Department want to have a Fourth of
July Parade. Clayton asked if they have to get a permit? How would we plan for this? Mark Whitney
stated he went to the Tunbridge Memorial Day parade and chicken barbeque. Whitney expressed the
view that Chelsea should be able to have a Fourth of July Parade. Clayton agreed. It was suggested to
piggyback an event with the Chelsea Flea Market. It was suggested to have a dance in the Town Hall.
Action: In general, the Selectboard supports these kind of community events. No specific plans. - Approve Minutes
Approval of the May 31st Selectboard Meeting minutes moved to the next Selectboard meeting agenda. - Appointments
None. - Executive Session
Levar Cole moved to enter Executive Session for Human Resources at 8:45 pm, and inviting Marianne
McCann into the Executive Session. Seconded by Mark Whitney. Motion passed unanimously.
Geoff Clayton moved to exit Executive Session. Mark Whitney seconded the motion. Motion passed
Afterwards, no action was taken. - Approve Orders
Levar Cole moved to approve the orders, except for the over-payment of one employee. Henry Cesari
seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
Action: Cole noticed an error in the payment amount for one employee. Cole will talk to the Treasurer.
All orders approved except that one order. - Adjourn
Meeting adjourned at 9:21 pm.
The next regularly scheduled Selectboard Meeting will be Tuesday, June 21st at 7:30 pm.
The next regularly scheduled Water Department Meeting will be Tuesday, June 21st at 7 pm.