Chelsea Selectboard Meeting
Sunday, July 16, 2023, 5:00 pm
Chelsea Town Hall
Emergency Meeting
Kevin Marshia – Chair, Kelly Lyford – Vice Chair, Tracy Simon – Emergency Management Director, Jesse Kay, Leyna Hoyt, Kasey Peterson, Rick Ackerman, Gayle Durkee, Tracy Simon, Mike Whipple – Water/Sewer Contractor
Call meeting to order at 5:05 pm
Debris Management ~ Jesse Kay and Billy Lyon, will be working with Kasey Peterson to review regulations and work with the state on the program that is being set up to assist Vermont Towns in helping to manage the various types of debris.
Water Update ~ The Boil Water notice was lifted on 07/16/2023. Two of our wells were unaffected. We’re waiting to receive the results of the DW4, well, which was offline at the time of flood. The Pump house at that location has been damaged.
Sewer plant ~ flow has reduced and is almost back to typical capacity.
Road Updates ~ Upper Village Road Landslide – Will install markers as a form of tracking.
State Geologist will be meeting with Rick and Tracy on July 17, 2023, to review all locations of landslides for assessments.
Kevin will connect with Rita Seto to discuss next steps in moving forward.
East Randolph Road is a federal aid road. Rick will contact Chris Bump tomorrow to discuss that damage.
Photos – Need to download and label all photos to Google Drive.
The basement of the town hall flooded. Debris has been removed today. All furnaces were damaged along with pellet hopper. Kasey will work with Lyme Green to evaluate. Fans have been installed and are running. Karen will be asked to purchase an air conditioner for the town clerk’s office and to get it installed.
The Pedestrian Bridge located over the First Branch that crosses to Riverside Cemetery was lost during the flooding on July 10, 2023. It was located a short distance downstream, lodged across the river with debris caught behind it. We were advised by the SEOC to remove these things prior to Sunday night’s storm. This was removed Friday morning.
Insurance – The admin assistant is working with the insurance company to start a claim for our properties.
Federal Emergency Management Assistance – The initial property assessment team arrived in town yesterday and quickly reviewed the outside areas of several properties on Maple Avenue and Main Street.
We have many citizens that will need assistance with navigating the FEMA and state systems.
Multi Agency Response C. 9 – 5 Tracy will begin the coordination with this,
Request list from Fire Dept. of those basements that were pumped. 211 maps – Kelly will pursue the AHS aspect to see what support can be provided to citizens.
Gayle has secured a $200,000 line of credit and will oversee contracts. Kasey will assist Gayle with FEMA documentation. We will be adding a FEMA line item to the highway and general funds.
Kevin Marshia will work with Jesse Kay and Gayle Durkee on File naming for the documentation for each site.
Selectboard members, Emergency Services and the Emergency Management Director must document all hours be worked as responded. This information needs to be submitted to Gayle for tracking.
Leyna Hoyt made a motion to adjourn. Jesse Brinkman seconded. The meeting adjourned at 6:59 Pm.