Board Attendance: Jesse Kay, Kelly Lyford, Leyna Hoyt,
William (Bill) Lyon, Patty Swahn, Board Administrative Assistant
Other Attendees: Tracy Simon -Emergency Management Director, Gayle Durkee, Karen Lathrop, Pastor Bill Smith, Johanna Welch, Sheilagh Smith, Ryck Morales- SBA
Meeting –
Kelly brought the meeting to order at 6:32 PM
Conflict of Interest – No conflict of interest
Additions to the agenda – Use of Village Green (basketball court/playground)
Public Comments – Sheilagh Smith thanked the Board for their volunteer efforts and dedication in helping the Chelsea Community with the ongoing Flood Recovery.
Tax Rate – Gayle presented a correction of the tax rate to the Board. Adjustment to the Veteran Tax exemption of $40,000 instead of $30,000. This will bring the tax rate down to .7881. Leyna moved to approve the adjusted tax rate of .7881, Jesse seconded. There was no discussion. All in favor; “aye” and the adjusted tax rate for 2023 has been approved.
Development Review Board – Johanna Welch is the only official member of the DRB. Johanna requested an Executive Session with the Selectboard members.
Leyna moved to go into Executive Session.
Kelly asked the guests to step outside while the Board went into Executive Session, Kelly invited the Admirative Assistant into the Executive Session. Left the Open Meeting at 6:40 PM, entered Executive Session at 6:42 PM.
Jesse recused herself from the Executive Session due to a conflict of interest.
Exited Executive Session at 6:54 PM with no action taken.
Kelly opened the meeting back at 6:56 PM.
Continued conversation with Johanna regarding DRB, asked Johanna to continue as the Chair of DRB.
Jesse moved to appoint Johanna Welch as the DRB Chair, Bill seconded.
There was no discussion, all were in favor. The appointment was approved.
Selectboard approves all new DRB Board Members.
Action item: Development Review Board Members need updating on the town website.
Moxley Bridge – Leyna will follow up with Karen regarding more information on the Chelsea BO 1444(62). This project entails rehabilitation of covered bridge #46 on Town Highway 68 Moxley road.
Flood Recovery:
Dan Gauthier contacted Tracy regarding the HHW pickup, the contractors will pick it up Saturday during Transfer Station hours or they will call Tracy 48 hours ahead of the pickup day. Tracy is confident that all HHW related to the flood has been taken to the two HHW dumpsters at the Transfer Station. EPA has looked at the oil tank and a Hazmat spill team came out originally to look at the soil. Tracy will call EPA to inform them that neighbors are reporting a strong petroleum odor. There is additional remediation
needed in town. Frank Keen’s lawn and then down the bank.
There is to identify if there is still debris on Beacon Hill, Pent Road and Bobbinshop Road.
HHW will be on Saturday, August 5 at the Transfer Station, this will be the final Saturday for HHW to be received at the Transfer Station, any HHW after Saturday will need to be taken to the facility in Middlesex near the State Police Barricks. The HHW needs to be flood related.
Recovery Phase:
Tracy introduced Ryck Morales of the Small Business Administration. Ryck gave information on how to apply for disaster loans for businesses, homeowners, and renters. Benefits are a fixed interest rate at 2.5%, automatic 12-month payment deferment with 0% interest for the first 12 months. No insurance settlement is needed to apply or receive loan.
Tracy and Ryck Morales are working together to have a town hall meeting with FEMA and SBA.
Rick has begun grading. He has been in contact with Dubois and King, and they will get together to sort out bid packages for the roads that need contractor repair, ditching for Pent Road, Upper Village Road, Brook Road, Jenkins Brook Road. Jesse will get the documentation to Dubois and King, including Leyan and Rick’s photos, Tracy’s drone footage.
Dubois and King has looked at the damaged roads, taken measurements and collected GPS coordinates of the damage. Dubois and King are documenting each site as to who the Contractors are, what materials are being used, which trucks were used.
If it is under $250,000 we do not need to go through posting for bids. We can get quotes from 3 to 5 contractors and then decide how to go forward.
All wires on Upper Village Road are cleaned up.
Need to reach out to Natural Resources about water ways.
Chris Bump gave options for Edwards Road,
(a) close it to one lane to keep two cars meeting.
(b) close it to through traffic, only residents of Edwards Road may travel it.
Per Leyan, Rick advised closing it to through traffic.
There are 5 mud slides from the July storm.
Bill made a motion to close Edwards Road to through traffic, Jesse second.
There was no discussion. All in favor “aye”, the aye’s have it and the motion to close Edwards Road to through traffic approved by all.
Closure will begin on Wednesday, August 2.
Route 110 bridge above Upper Village Road is open.
Highway equipment update –
The town loader will be back on Wednesday.
Permits – Use of basketball court and playground for NCF Vacation Bible School recreation was approved.
Logging contract – Bill will follow up with Kevin Braman to see if he is ready to move to the George Tutherly block of the Chelsea Town Forrest.
Approval of Orders – Jesse motioned to approve all Orders of the night, Leyan second. All approve – “aye”, so moved, all orders of the night were approved by all.
Future Agendas –
Flood Recovery
Logging Contract
Transfer Station
Orange County Sherriff Department
Sydney Steinle – TRORC
Executive Session – No Executive Session
Adjourn – Leyna moved to adjourn the meeting; Bill seconded. All approved. Meeting adjourned at 8:37 PM