Chelsea Selectboard Meeting Tuesday, August 15 2023, 6:30pm Chelsea Town Hall
Board Attendance: Jesse Kay, Kelly Lyford, Leyna Hoyt, Kevin Marshia
William (Bill) Lyon, Patty Swahn, Board Administrative Assistant
Other Attendees: Orange County Sherriff Contois, Harry Falconer -TRORC,
Sarah Wraight – TRORC, Gregg Herrin
Meeting –
Kevin brought the meeting to order at 6:30 PM
Conflict of Interest – No conflict of interest
Additions to the agenda – No additions to the agenda
Public Comments – There were no public comments
Orange County Sherriff – Sherriff Contois gave an update on the Sherriff’s department; the office is considerably better. He has 7 employees, 3 are assigned to the Orange County Courthouse, to be a fully staffed office requires 9 employees. The contract between the OCSD and the Town of Chelsea will end on December 15, 2023
The OCSD has two officers who are Level 3 certified.
When calling the Sherriff’s department after hours, the calls will automatically by default be sent to the Vermont State Police.
Currently there are two unmarked Sherriff cars. Patrolling is determined by complaints, as to where the Sherriff’s department needs to patrol. Sherriff Contois is considering having the repeater moved to Wards garage.
MTAP – Harry Falconer and Sarah Wraight from Two Rivers Ottoqueeche Resource Center provided information to the Selectboard on a new program, Municipal Technical Assistance. This program by the Vermont Agency of Administration is intended to assist those communities with a high need for state and federal grants. The Vermont Community Index was developed to provide a metric of the needs of communities across Vermont. The town of Chelsea is listed as one of the communities in high need. This program cannot be used for flood recovery or transportation. Eligible projects: water supply/wastewater infrastructure, housing, community recovery, workforce development and business support, climate change mitigation and resilience, other community economic development projects identified by the town and approved by the state.
This program will help the Selectboard navigate the EPA grant process,
Clean Water Revolving Fund, Grant funding for need assessment for Town Hall, VTrans reconstructive grant for Maple Avenue Bridge
Kelly made the motion to join in the Municpal Technical Assistance program through TRORC, Bill seconded. All in favor “aye”, the motion was approved by all.
ARPA fund discussion with Sarah from TRORC, the funds can be added to the General Fund for community surplus.
Kelly motioned to have Gayle and Sarah work together to use the ARPA money for Town Operating with the intent to move the money back. Jesse second, all in favor “aye”, all approved.
Timber Sale Contract – Bill made the motion to accept the Timber Sale Contract for Kevin Braman to log on the George Tutherly block of the Chelsea Town Forest, Kelly second, all in favor “aye”, all approved. Kevin will come to the office to sign the contract.
Transfer station- Bill mentioned that Cassella went a month without picking up compost, continued to drop containers without picking up compost. Bill has talked with Cassella about this issue.
Jesse presented information on the use of punch cards for the Transfer Station. Community members would purchase a punch card of a certain domination, Punch cards are only sold to permitted residents or property owners of authorized towns contracted with the Solid Waste Facility. Jesse will look at neighboring towns to see what is being charged per bag of trash, ask Gayle for a break down of the cost to the town for waste removal.
Leyna mentioned finding a way to cover the dumpster where mattresses and couches are put into to keep them dry.
Bill had a discussion with Myers Containers, Myers began charging $1,250, $300 transportation fee after the flood, Myers reason was due to the flood, and picking up containers on the weekend as it was hard to get to the Transfer Station with the direct route being temporarily closed. Myers has agreed to return to the $450 charge per dumpster, and Myers brought the cost down, the town does not have an official contract with Myers, this may be something to investigate. The price of tonnage has increased, town will be paying $195 per ton. Myers brought the cost down on the roll off dumpsters that were used for Flood debris.
Flood Recovery:
Flood debris is cleaned up except for the tires and metal.
FEMA will hold at Town Meeting at the Town Hall on Thursday, August 17 at 6:30 PM
DRC will be at the Town Hall starting on August 28 through September 23 from 8 to 6.
We have documentation on what debris was put into the dumpsters.
Town will be paying their share of the curbside debris collection.
Dubois and King have finished, they duplicated what Rick had already done, they did go over the contracted budget of $10,000 by $3,000 which they will not bill the town for. More discussion needs to be done with the Selectboard and Dubois and King.
Leyana, Rick, Kevin, Gayle met with Chris Bump from VTrans on Monday to get started in a good direction for road recovery. Chris sent a bid template to go with the contractor bid bags that Leyna, Kevin, Rick and Kasey will meet Wednesday morning to put together. A post to the website for bidding template for bigger packages.
The town will cover 12.5 % for a contractor.
The packages, in order of priority will be,
- Upper Village Road – mudslide and Site 1
- South Washington Road and Edwards Road
- Brook Road, Pent Road, and Hook Road
- Jenkins Brook Road and Maple Avenue
Kasey will work with Rick to contact a minimum of three bidders to solicit bids.
Bid packages will go out for priority 1 and 2 hopefully by Friday of this week. Bids will be due by noon on August 24. The Selectboard will need to hold a warned meeting on Thursday, August 24 to review the bids and select contractors.
Bid packages will go out for priority 3 and 4 early next week, bids will be due by noon on August 29. The Selectboard will review bids and select contractors at our regular meeting on Tuesday, August 29.
Once contractors are selected, Kasey, Gayle and Rick will work together to get contracts.
Invoices will be requested via email with specific details of dates, time, materials and site of which each contractor is working. Rick will review and initial all invoices to verify the work was done to his satisfaction.
Permits –
Use of the Roberts-Gould field-
Senior Baseball, September 10 and 17, Jesse moved to approve the permit for the use of the Roberts-Gould field for Senior Baseball, Bill second, all in favor “aye”, permit was approved.
Backyard Boys Baseball, August, September and October, Leyna moved to approve the permit for the use of the Roberts-Gould field for Backyard Boys Baseball, all in favor “aye’, permit was approved.
Central Vermont Cal Ripkin baseball, August, September and October, Jesse moved to approve the permit for the use of the Roberts-Gould field for CV Cal Ripkin baseball, Bil second, all in favor “aye”, permit was approved.
Approval of Orders – Jesse motioned to approve all Orders of the night, Bill second. All in favor– “aye”, all orders of the night were approved by all.
Future Agendas –
Transfer Station
Pete Amber
Executive Session – Leyna moved to enter Executive Session at 9:36 PM, Jesse second, Leyna invited Patty into the executive session.
Jesse made the motion to exit Executive Session at 9:57 PM, Kelly second, all approved.
Action was taken on the Roberts Poor Fund and Personnel.
Adjourn – Leyna motion to adjourn at 9:58 PM, Bill second. All in favor “aye”, meeting was adjourned.