Department Contact:
Office hours are by appointment only.
The responsibilities of the zoning administrator include:
- administering the Chelsea Zoning Bylaw and Flood Hazard Bylaw
- reviewing permit applications
- issuing permits as appropriate or referring them to the Development Review Board (DRB) for review
- providing staff assistance to the DRB
- assisting individuals who wish to develop property
- conducting field inspections
- investigating complaints and violations
- initiating enforcement action when necessary
- maintaining a record of permits issued by parcel number
Road Access Permits and Chelsea’s Junk and Junk Vehicles Ordinance are administered by the Select Board, however, and not by the zoning administrator.
You may need state permits in addition to a local zoning permit, flood hazard permit, or road access permit. Contact Rick Oberkirch, EAO Community Assistance Specialist, (802) 282-6488, or to find out what state permits you may need. Common state permits include fire safety, Act 250, waste water, and stream alteration permits. Construction in wetlands, including ponds, may require a permit from the US Army Corps of Engineers.
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