Organizational Selectboard Meeting Minutes |
March 6th, 2025 6:30 pm Chelsea Town Hall |
Call to Order |
Kevin Marshia called the meeting to order at 6:34 pm. SELECTBOARD Carrie Caouette-De Lallo (Present) Gregg Herrin (Present) Curtis Chase (Present) Kevin Marshia (Present) Paul Libby (Present, Virtual) TOWN EMPLOYEES Tierney Farago (Town Administrator) Rick Ackerman (Road Foreman) |
Additions to the Agenda |
The Town Administrator added the approval of orders to the agenda. |
Conflict of Interest Disclosure: none |
Public Comments |
Tom Caffery attended the meeting virtually to express his interest in being appointed to the vacant Town Constable position and possibly the Health Officer and Animal Control Officer. He recounted his professional background in law enforcement, firefighting, animal control, and more. Kevin Marshia mentioned that they had spoken previously and would like to discuss Tom’s interest in more detail during the next regular Selectboard meeting on March 18th. |
Approve Minutes from February 21st |
Approval of minutes was tabled until the next meeting to allow the new Selectboard ample time to review. |
Agenda Items |
A. Appointments for any Elected Vacancies |
No candidates were appointed to any vacant positions at this time. |
B. Select Chair and Vice Chair |
The Selectboard discussed and agreed that having the two most senior members of the Selectboard as the Chair and Vice-Chair would be the best course of action. Kevin Marshia made a motion to appoint Gregg Herrin to the Selectboard Chair position; Paul Libby seconded the motion. Motion passed. Carrie Caouette-De Lallo made a motion to appoint Kevin Marshia to the Selectboard Vice-Chair position; Curtis Chase seconded the motion. Motion passed. |
C. Determine Meeting Rules of Procedure |
Kevin Marshia made a motion to continue using Robert’s Rules of Order as a template for rules of procedure; Paul Libby seconded the motion. Motion passed. |
D. Designate Meeting Dates, Times, and Location for Regular Meetings |
The Selectboard discussed possibly moving the Selectboard meetings to every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month, however, there would likely be conflicts with other meetings including the Library meetings. Kevin Marshia originally made a motion to accept the new meeting days, but withdrew the motion due to the conflict. They decided continuing with the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays, eliminating the 5th Tuesday meetings, would be sufficient. Kevin Marshia made a motion to hold the Selectboard meetings on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month at 6:30 pm in the Town Hall Library or Town Hall when applicable; Carrie Caouette-De Lallo seconded the motion. Motion passed. |
E. Designate Locations for Meeting Notices |
The Selectboard found no reason to change the current posting locations for the agenda (post office bulletin board, Town Hall bulletin board, Will’s Store bulletin board, and online). Kevin Marshia made a motion to continue posting meeting notices to those locations; Carrie Caouette-De Lallo seconded the motion. Motion passed. |
F. Determine Process for Calling Special and Emergency Meetings |
The Selectboard briefly discussed the current process of following the VLCT protocols for calling special and emergency meetings. Carrie Caouette-De Lallo made a motion to continue adhering to these protocols; Curtis Chase seconded the motion. Motion passed. |
G. Select Newspaper of Record for Public Notice |
Kevin Marshia made a motion to continue using The Herald as the newspaper of record.; Carrie Caouette-De Lallo seconded the motion. Motion passed. |
H. Determine Selectboard Organizational Processes for the Following 1. Designate member or members to sign orders/warrant on off-weeks: After some discussion on availability, Carrie volunteered to be the primary contact to sign orders, while Curtis will be secondary in the event that she is unable to sign. Kevin made a motion to have Carrie as the primary and Curtis as the secondary contact for orders; Paul Libby seconded the motion. Motion passed. 2. Determine agenda content and coordination: Kevin made a motion to continue the current process of having Tierney collect agenda items and minutes and send to the Selectboard for review; Carrie Caouette-De Lallo seconded the motion. Motion passed. 3. Approval of Village Greens Requests: Kevin Marshia made a motion to continue the current process of approving Village Greens requests; Paul Libby seconded the motion. Motion passed. 4. Approval of Roberts Gould Field Requests: Kevin Marshia made a motion to continue the current process of approving Roberts Gould Field requests; Curtis Chase seconded the motion. Motion passed. 5. Designate whether Selectboard members want to have liaison appointments for Town Departments: Gregg Herrin proposed new streamlined liaison categories to help cut down on confusion and redundancy in the previous liaison appointments. After discussing what each category entailed, the Selectboard agreed on the primary and secondary liaisons for each field. Liaisons are as follows: -Executive & Admin: 1st Gregg Herrin, 2nd Kevin Marshia -Planning & Zoning: 1st Carrie Caouette-De Lallo, 2nd Gregg Herrin -Health & Safety: 1st Carrie Caouette-De Lallo, 2nd Kevin Marshia -Public Lands & Facilities: 1st Curtis Chase, 2nd Paul Libby -Highway: 1st Paul Libby, 2nd Curtis Chase -Transfer Station: 1st Paul Libby, 2nd Curtis Chase -Water & Wastewater: 1st Kevin Marshia, 2nd Gregg Herrin No motion required. |
I. Approve Orders |
Carrie Caouette-De Lallo made a motion to approve the orders; Curtis Chase seconded the motion. Motion passed. |
Adjournment |
Carrie Caouette-De Lallo made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Paul Libby seconded the motion. Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 8:24 pm. |