Selectboard Meeting Agenda |
February 18th, 2025 6:30 pm Chelsea Town Hall Library |
Call to Order |
Kevin Marshia called the meeting to order at 6:32 pm. SELECTBOARD Kelly Lyford (Present) Gregg Herrin (Present) Leyna Hoyt (Present) William Lyon (Present) Kevin Marshia (Present) TOWN EMPLOYEES Tierney Farago (Town Administrator) Gayle Durkee (Town Treasurer) Rick Ackerman (Road Foreman) |
Additions to the Agenda |
The Town Administrator included an item related to a possible reimbursement for water/sewer for a resident. Their water was turned off mid-December but they were charged for the remainder of the month. The Selectboard discussed that if the water was turned off and the Town wasn’t notified, it would be the owner’s responsibility to pay the fees. If the water was turned off by the Town, however, it would make sense to reimburse them. Gayle will reach out to Mike Whipple to see if the Town shut off the water for the owner, and if he did, then their bill can be reimbursed. |
Conflict of Interest Disclosure: None |
Public Comments: None |
Approve Minutes from February 4, 2025 |
Kelly Lyford made a motion to approve the minutes from February 4th; Leyna Hoyt seconded the motion. Motion passed. |
Current Events and Updates |
A. Highway Update |
Rick Ackerman gave an update on the highway department; sand is a little lower than he would like, but they’ve had to use significantly more sand due to the unseasonable winter weather. They’ve used quite a bit more than they have in recent years with the amount of snow and ice Chelsea has been experiencing. Larry Pickett will also scale back his work, so the Town Administrator will post the road crew position again to hopefully get additional help. The Selectboard also discussed the possibility of hiring if the candidate will be willing to train for the CDL license if they do not already have one. |
B. Town Administrator Update |
The Town Administrator gave updates on several items:1. Security Cameras: Green Mountain Security has been setting up security cameras at Town Hall and the Town Garage recently. They should be wrapped up within the next few weeks. Kevin suggested notifying the public of why the cameras are being set up while also making it clear that they will be recorded while on the premises. The Town Administrator will post on social media so the public is aware, and signs will also be posted on the property for transparency. 2. Several remaining FEMA cases have been obligated, and the Town is now just waiting for the state to draw those funds down to the accounts. The last cases that will stay open are tied to the engineering projects for Edwards Rd, Doyle Rd, and the Maple Ave bridge. |
Action Items |
A. Water and Sewer Rate Increase |
Gregg Herrin gave an update on where he was at regarding the numbers for the water and sewer rate increase proposal. He has been working with Gayle to figure out some missing information and they are waiting to get some answers regarding funds in/out. Once they have the remaining information, they will be able to present accurate rate increase proposals for the Selectboard to deliberate. No motion was made. |
B. Community Nurse Request for Proposal Opening |
The Selectboard opened a sealed bid for the community nurse contract. The bid was from Jodi Hoyt proposing a year long contract for community nurse services for 12 hours weekly, totaling $30,576, not including mileage and supplies. The Selectboard had questions regarding how the mileage is calculated, what supplies would be required, and how much the community nurse grant might cover, among other questions. Further information from Jodi was needed for clarity before a decision is made, so the Town Administrator will reach out with the written questions and come back to the Selectboard with answers and further discussion. No motion was made. |
C. Susan Knapp: Free Library Donation for Village Greens |
Susan Knapp attended the meeting to pitch a free little library to the Selectboard. She would like to create and fund a little library to install at one of the village greens so that residents can take and leave books as they would like. The Selectboard has questions pertaining to what it would look like and who would maintain it; Susan said she would work with a handyman to build the structure, and she would maintain the library. The Selectboard wants to check with several other entities including the Forest and Parks commission, the Town library, and the zoning administrator to make sure that it would be possible to do. The Town Administrator will reach out to everyone and see if there are any possible issues with accepting this generous donation. No motion was made. |
D. Approve Orders |
Leyna Hoyt made a motion to approve the orders; William Lyon seconded the motion. Motion passed. |
Executive Session If Necessary: None |
Adjournment |
Leyna Hoyt made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Gregg Herrin seconded the motion. Motion Passed. The meeting adjourned at 8:50 pm. |