Selectboard Meeting Minutes |
March 18th, 2025 6:30 pm Chelsea Town Hall Library |
Call to order |
Gregg Herrin called the meeting to order at 6:34 pm. SELECTBOARD Gregg Herrin (Present) Kevin Marshia (Present, Left at 8:18pm) Carrie Caouette-De Lallo (Present) Paul Libby (Present) Curtis Chase (Present) TOWN EMPLOYEES Tierney Farago (Town Administrator) Gayle Durkee (Town Treasurer) Rick Ackerman (Road Foreman) |
Additions to the Agenda |
Gayle Durkee asked to add a secondary signer to the Town’s accounts, namely her assistant treasurer Kasey Peterson. This will ensure there is always a secondary check for all of the town’s finances. Carrie Caouette-De Lallo made a motion to add Kasey Peterson as a secondary signer on the Town’s bank account; Paul Libby seconded the motion. Motion passed. |
Conflict of Interest Disclosure |
Carrie Caouette-De Lallo let the Selectboard know that she is the applicant for the Village Greens request and would be abstaining from a vote. Gregg Herrin also mentioned that he is acquaintances with Mr. Maier, so he would be abstaining from a vote as well. |
Public Comments |
A public comment was read during the community nursing item. |
Approve Minutes from March 6, 2025 |
The selectboard was unable to review the minutes. This item was tabled until the next meeting. |
Current Events and Updates |
A. Highway Update |
Rick Ackerman updated the Selectboard on a truck that was sent for repairs; the early assessment is that it may need a new transmission, and he was quoted $17,000 for it excluding labor. Rick will reach out for additional quotes to see if that may decrease the estimated price and will bring them to the next Selectboard meeting. |
B. Town Administrator Update: None |
C. Vacant Town Positions Interest |
This guest was not in attendance. |
Action Items |
A. Susan Elder: Forest and Parks Commission Grant and Forest Management Plan Next Steps |
Susan Elder and Kate Willard attended the meeting to discuss how to best notify residents of the grant the Forest and Parks Commission was recently awarded. Tierney will work with Susan to create a press release to post on social media and send to the Herald for publication. Kate Willard brought up the need to take the next steps to adhere to the adopted Forest Management Plan. The selectboard agreed that it was best to reach out to the Orange County Forester to get on their books for a timber sale, expected to begin in 2027. Kevin Marshia made a motion to work with the Orange County Forester; Carrie Caouettte-De Lallo seconded the motion. Motion passed. |
B. Kate McLean: Library Grant Contractors |
Kate McLean attended virtually to present the vendor information the library has gathered to move forward with installing an ADA accessible automatic door mechanism at Town Hall. This work is funded by a grant the library received to help upgrade the library to be ADA accessible. A mechanical box will be installed above the current right-hand entrance door at Town Hall, and two wireless buttons will be installed, inside and outside, to access the door. Because this is grant funded, this work would not be at the expense of the town and can be scheduled as soon as the Selectboard approves the work. Kate will notify the Town Administrator when the work can occur so residents can be informed. Kevin Marshia made a motion to approve the automatic doors; Paul Libby seconded the motion. Motion passed. |
C. Water and Sewer Rate Increase |
Gregg Herrin presented some of the price increase options he created based on the need to bring the water/sewer system out of a deficit. After some discussion of the history of the topic, the Selectboard felt that it was necessary to give additional time to notify residents of the coming increase in water and sewer fees, to be determined at a future Selectboard meeting. Inserts will be included in the bills that will go out in April, with the anticipated increase taking effect in the third quarter bills. No motion was made. |
D. Community Nurse Request for Proposal |
Before beginning, Gregg Herrin asked Tierney Farago to read a public comment regarding this item, as it was received the same day as the meeting. Carol Hall submitted a comment urging the Selectboard to consider all options before hiring a community nurse. The Selectboard considered the input. The new Selectboard members were updated by Gregg Herrin on some of the history of the proposal for background so they can accurately vote on the topic. The Selectboard agreed to accept the proposal and begin writing an official contract for final signature at an upcoming Selectboard meeting. Kevin Marshia made a motion to accept the proposal; Paul Libby seconded the motion. Motion passed. |
E. Chelsea Arts Collective Village Green Request |
The Cheslea Arts Collective would like to hold their Chelsea Arts on the Green Festival on August 30th from 10 am-3 pm. There were no previously scheduled conflicts for that day. Paul Libby made a motion to approve the Chelsea Arts on the Green Festival for August 30th from 10 am-3 pm; Curtis Chase seconded the motion. Carrie Caouette-De Lallo abstained, as she was the applicant. Motion passed. |
F. Jonathan Maier Highway Permit |
This item was tabled, as the Selectboard had additional questions on the scope of work being performed. No motion was made. |
G. Tad Boardman Contract for Excavation Work at Garage |
The Selectboard discussed the process of receiving and signing off on contracts for work that has already been done. This is generally done for contracts that were under the purchasing policy threshold and were done in between Selectboard meetings. Paul Libby made a motion to approve the contract for Tad Boardman; Carrie Caouette-De Lallo seconded the motion. Motion passed. |
H. Larry Pickett Contract for Hauling Sand |
Carrie Caouette-De Lallo made a motion to approve the contract for Larry Pickett; Curtis Chase seconded the motion. Motion passed. |
I. Approve Orders |
Paul Libby made a motion to approve the orders; Curtis Chase seconded the motion. Motion passed. |
Executive Session If Necessary |
Paul Libby mentioned that he had a personnel item for executive session. Gregg Herrin made a motion to enter executive session, inviting Tierney Farago to the conversation; Carrie Caouette-De Lallo seconded the motion. The Selectboard entered executive session at 9:39pm. Carrie Caouette-De Lallo made a motion to exit executive session; Curtis Chases seconded the motion. Executive session was ended at 10:11 pm. Gregg Herrin summarized that the Selectboard discussed personnel and no motions were made. |
Adjournment |
Paul Libby made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Carrie Caouette-De Lallo seconded the motion. Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 10:12 pm. |