Chelsea Selectboard Meeting Tuesday, August 29, 2023, 6:30pm Chelsea Town Hall Edited
Chelsea Selectboard Meeting Tuesday, August 29, 2023, 6:30pm Chelsea Town Hall
Board Attendance: Jesse Kay, Kelly Lyford, Kevin Marshia, Leyna Hoyt,
William (Billy) Lyon, Patty Swahn, Board Administrative Assistant
Other Attendees: Gayle Durkee, Rick Ackerman, Kasey Peterson, Flo Smith, Bernard “Snook” Downing
Meeting –
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by Kevin.
Conflict of Interest – Jesse to recuse herself from bids on Maple Ave and Jenkins Brook Road due to conflict of interest.
Additions to the agenda – Sidewalk Project update
Public Comments – Flo Smith asked if any members of the Board had been involved with 4 Maple Street regarding property damage from the July flood Kelly and Leyna walked down Maple Street to introduce themselves, possibly Tracy Simon or Geoff Clayton may have made contact.
Amber Tree Service – Pete Amber Contract
Leyna moves to revisit the contract of Pete Amber’s of the North Common until September 5 meeting, Bill second. All in favor, “aye”, no one opposed, all approved.
Budget and Treasurer Overview – We are 67% through the calendar year, property tax payments are coming in steady. The credit card machine has arrived and is set up.
Transfer Station – Gayle ordered a dumpster cover for the construction dumpster.
Jesse started the discussion on the research she has been doing on Transfer station fees among neighboring towns and similarly sized Vermont towns with transfer stations.
40% recycling and 60% trash is what comes into the Transfer Station each week, the town spent $22,718 in recycling and $3,577 in food scrap during 2022, which are both free services to residents.
A discussion on Transfer Station fee increase was had, Jesse, Bill and Snook will draft a proposal outlining a policy for punch card use for waste disposal, windshield stickers for recycling and food waste services and outline an update transfer station fee pricing sheet.
The Selectboard will add public discussion regarding transfer station fees and payment options as an agenda item at a future meeting to warn residents.inquired
Bids for storm damaged roads; Jenkins Brook/Maple Ave, Brook/Hook/Pent
Jesse recused herself from the bids for Maple Ave and Jenkins Brook Road
Kasey inquired whether three bids are needed with competitive bidding.
The Board can reject a bid and request new bids.
Two bids were received for Maple Avenue and Jenkins Brook Road, with review of both bids and a small discussion, Leyna moved to award Galfetti Excavation, who submitted the lowest bid price for Maple Avenue and Jenkins Brook Road, Bill Second. All in favor “aye”, no further discussion, the Board approved to award the bid to Galfetti Excavation.
There was one bid for Brook Road/Hook Road/Pent Road.
The Board discussed the 3 things they could do.
1) Award the bid
2) Call contractor to see if there is any room to negotiate
3) Reject the bid
Kelly moved to reject the bid for Brook Road/Hook Road/Pent Road, Bill second, discussion on reason to reject the bid. No other discussion was had, all in favor “aye”, no one opposed, the Board approved to reject the bid.
The Board discussed having Rick complete some of the work on this bid with the potential to repost bids for smaller portions of the work required at these sites.
FEMA to be in town on Wednesday to tour the flood damaged roads.
Permits –
Jesse moved to accept the amendment for the use of the Town Commons by the Chelsea Farmers Market to extend the Market dates until October 13, Bill seconded All in favor “aye”, no discussion was had, all approved for the Market to extend its season until October 13.
Jesse moved to accept the use of Roberts-Gould Field for First Branch School 5/6 grade soccer practices and games. Leyna second, all in favor ‘aye”, no discussion was had, all approved the permit for the use of the Roberts-Gould Field.
Sidewalk Update –
Avery Excavation’s contract to include the 30 feet of sidewalk by Arnold Preston’s.
Kelly moves to accept the $45,239.50 contract of Avery Excavation, Bill second.
All in favor “aye”, no discussion was had, all approved Avery Excavation contract for $45,239.50.
Approval of Orders – Jesse motioned to approve all Orders of the night, Bill second. All approve – “aye”, so moved, all orders of the night were approved by all.
Future Agendas –
Invite Planning Commission
Transfer Station fee increase
Flood damaged roads
Approval of meeting minutes
Executive Session – No Executive Session
Adjourn – Jesse motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:38 PM, Bill second. All in favor, “aye”, motioned to adjourn was approved.