
FEMA Reporting

Orange County has received an Individual Assistance disaster declaration. This will allow Chelsea residents to apply for financial assistance for certain losses.

To apply for disaster assistance under the Individual Assistance declaration download an application at: You can also call FEMA toll-free at 800-621-3362.

There is a FEMA office open at the Williamstown Public Safety Building at 249 Meadow Street, from 9 AM-5PM seven days a week until further notice.

Disaster Survivor Assistance teams from FEMA will also be visiting those who reported their damage to 2-1-1. They will show you official FEMA photo identification to prove their identity, do not let anyone in your home who does not show proper credentials if you don’t know them.

What is covered by FEMA?
  • Rental assistance
  • Lodging expense reimbursement
  • Home repair
  • Home replacement
  • Direct housing
  • Loss of personal property including, but not limited to
    • Furnishings, appliances, essential tools, and assistive equipment that supports daily living activities.
  • Medical and Dental services that were necessary because of the storm.
  • Funeral expenses
  • Child Care costs incurred as a result of the disaster.
  • Repair or replacement of vehicles
  • Moving and storage expenses
  • Cleaning and removal of contaminants
  • Other critical needs for those who are displaced for their primary dwelling.
  • Non-monetary services:
    • Crisis counseling
    • Disaster unemployment
    • Disaster Legal Services
    • Disaster Case Management

Eligibility Criteria for Housing and Other Needs Assistance:

  • Your disaster losses must be in a Presidentially declared disaster area;
  • A member of your household must be a United States citizen, a non-citizen national, or a qualified alien;
  • You have necessary expenses or serious needs as a result of the disaster that are not covered by insurance, or you filed an insurance claim but your benefits are not enough to cover your expenses, or your damage was not covered by insurance or other sources.
Here are the key steps to filing a claim with FEMA:

1.) Damaged property must be in a federally declared disaster area

  • Orange county has been declared.

2.) File a claim with your insurance company as well

  • Failure to report property damage to your insurance company can affect your eligibility for federal assistance from FEMA.
  • FEMA does not cover insurance deductibles.
  • FEMA cannot help pay for anything that your insurance will cover.

3.) Prepare necessary information for the application process

  • You will need:
    • Social Security Number
    • Address of property that was damaged
    • Current address (where you are living in the interim)
    • Current/working phone number
    • Property insurance information (carrier, policy number, etc.)
    • Total household income
    • Routing and account information for checking/savings account
    • Description of disaster-related damages and losses

4.) Visit to apply online or call 800.621.3362

  • Upon completion, you will be given a FEMA claim number, write this down or store it safely (in your phone) as it will make future interactions easier.

5.) Check the status of your FEMA application

  • By using the same method you applied with – online or by phone – within 24 hours
  • FEMA will mail you a copy of your application along with a detailed guide that walks you through the assistance process.
  • If you have an e-mail account you can log onto and click on “Check Your Status.”

6.) A FEMA Inspector will contact you within 10-14 days

  • The inspector will to set up a time to visit your property and inspect the damage.
  • FEMA home inspections have no fee.
  • You must be physically present at the time of the inspection.
  • You must be able to provide the inspector proof of ownership and occupancy.

7.) The FEMA inspector will then submit the report to FEMA

  • Reviews of inspections take about 10 days.

8.) If you qualify, a check will be sent by mail, or the money will be transferred into your checking/savings account along with a letter explaining how you are to use the funds

  • FEMA funds are tax-free and do not have to be repaid.
  • Amount of assistance relies on how much damage your state has reported among other factors.

Mold Remediation

Please see below for instructions developed by the Town of Waterbury for mold mitigation. The Town is working to order various supplies (vinegar, baking powder, spray bottles, rages, Concorbium, etc).

If you need assistance with mold remediation in your basement, please contact, we will coordinate volunteers to assist you!

Flood Information & Updates

IMPORTANT – It is critical for our community to get resources from the state, we need individuals to report damage through 211.  Regardless of whether your damage was from the river rising or from water coming into your basement through runoff or groundwater, please, please register for 211.  The more people that register, the more recognition and urgency we will get from the state. 

Eligibility:  We believe that FEMA will cover not just properties impacted by water from the river/brook, but that properties impacted by stormwater runoff/high groundwater will be eligible.  FEMA makes the determination, but we would urge residents impacted to register for 211. 

Debris:  The state will have a contractor that comes to Chelsea to remove debris related to the storm.  There are strict guidelines on where the debris needs to be left, how it is sorted and what is eligible.  Please see the diagram below for information on expectations.  At this time, we do not know when the contractor will be in Chelsea.  We will let you know as soon as we know.  In the meantime, please move forward with bringing debris to the edge of the road.   And if you need volunteers, please email

Basement Cleaning and Mold Remediation:   The state has contracts for these services AND there are volunteer organizations to do this work.  We are working to understand how these resources work and how our community can access these services.  Registering with 211 is important to help us get these resources.  If you need tree/debris removal, roof tarping, sheetrock and insulation tear-out or spraying for mold, please print, complete and return the form below to Bill and Jan Smith in the black mailbox to the right of the door at NCF (289 VT Rte 110 Chelsea, VT).

Volunteer Needs:

  • On Sunday, we had nearly 50 volunteers show up to help three homeowners clean out their basements and clean up their properties….it was incredible.
  • If you have a need for volunteers, please email or contact any Selectboard member (see email addresses below)
  • Future Volunteers Needed:
    • Monday, July 24th at 5 PM: We need a group of volunteers to help unload dehumidifiers, fans, extension cords, etc… from the curbside and bring them into the Town Hall.   Hope to see a few folks tomorrow night.
    • Wednesday, July 26th at 5 PM: We need a team of volunteers to help clean out the Grange Hall and possibly other buildings.  Please meet at 5 PM in the back parking lot of the school and we will deploy from there.   Please bring shovels and buckets. 
    • Saturday, July 29th at 9AM: For those needing assistance and for those looking to help, we will tentatively plan to gather on Saturday meeting, July 29 in the back parking lot of the school at 9 AM.  Please let us know if you need help!  We will disperse from the school to those properties needing help. 

FEMA – What’s next?…..  There is a FEMA office open at the Williamstown Public Safety Building at 249 Meadow Street, from 9 AM-5PM seven days a week until further notice.  This is for residential property owners to make direct contact with FEMA representatives. 

Beyond that, we are working to get information to you regarding their process once you have registered with 211 and FEMA. 

Water and Mold:

Selectboard Contacts:

Kevin Marshia:

Kelly Lyford:

Leyna Hoyt:

Jesse Kay:

William Lyon:

Dehumidifiers, fans, & extension cords coming!

We will be receiving 50 dehumidifiers, 80+ fans, and 100 extension cords on Monday (7/24) evening. These will be available at the town hall for anyone who needs them. More details regarding timing to come.

Sorting Flood-related Debris

We will be hiring a contractor to manage flood-related debris removal in the coming days. In preparation for curbside waste removal, we request that you sort your flood-related debris on the curbside using the following guidelines:


Seeking Volunteers!

Please come help us shovel out flooded basements tomorrow morning. We will be meeting at the Chelsea Public School back parking lot at 10:30am.

There are multiple houses in the village that need assistance so any and all volunteers would be greatly appreciated. Please bring a shovel and bucket, we will provide masks and gloves. Spread the word!

Public Meeting 7/23 5pm

The Town of Chelsea will be holding a public meeting at the Town Hall tomorrow (7/23) at 5pm.

We encourage individuals affected by the flood, volunteers looking to provide assistance, and residents seeking volunteers to join us.

We hope to connect those in need with resources and volunteers! Please spread the word.

Transfer Station Update 7/22

Please be aware that the large dumpsters at the transfer station will be used for flood-related debris and waste ONLY. Regular household trash will be accepted in the smaller dumpsters but all large household dumpster items (furniture, appliances, mattresses, barn items, etc) will be turned away on 7/22.

The transfer station will be taking flood-related debris and waste from 8am to noon tomorrow. The following rules apply:

1) The property owner has to be present at the transfer station

2) We need to take pictures of the material being disposed of

3) We will need your street address

4) At this time, the dumpsters are only for household debris. Carpets, sheetrock, basic household material that was damaged by the flood. No appliances, furnaces, hot water heaters, hazardous debris, large furniture, etc…

No rocks, trees, fences, etc..

Thank you for your understanding.

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Chelsea Selectboard Meeting Minutes, July 18, 2023

Board Attendance: Jesse Kay, Kelly Lyford, Kevin Marshia, Leyna Hoyt,
William (Billy) Lyon, Patty Swahn, Board Administrative Assistant
Other Attendees: Tracy Simon -Emergency Management Director, Gayle Durkee, Karen Lathrop, Rick Ackerman, Bernard (Snook) Downing, Dave Conger, Pastor Bill Smith, Charles Gooding

Meeting –
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by Kevin.
Conflict of Interest – No conflict of interest
Additions to the agenda – Access Permit, Reimbursement for paving

Permits – Richard Lyford property owner and Samuel Lincoln, Logger, Highway Access Permit on Hall Road. Kelly recused herself from the vote. Leyna moved to approve the application for the permit, William Lyon seconded, no discussion, all approved.

Pike Paving, East Randolph Road – reimbursement–
Municipality cost; $379,148.8
We’re expecting a portion of this will be reimbursed.

Flood Recovery:

Debris: Learned through a situational update meeting that the Town is under the burden to remove trash and debris from flood, FEMA will cover 75% if the debris is disposed of properly. Household hazmat will be picked up separately, GPS and photos have been done for each pile.

Bill moved to utilize the two roll off dumpsters that were delivered earlier this week at the Transfer Station, on Thursday, July 20th to collect flood debris. Leyna second, all in favor, motioned passed

Recovery Phase: Orange County, and therefore Chelsea, is not currently on the federal disaster declaration list. This is a two-part federal declaration; one part is for the roads, and Orange County has been declared for that. The second piece is a declaration for personal property damage, and that is the piece that will help support our citizens.

The board and Emergency Management Director Tracy, explained to residents the importance call 211 to report flood damage; Registering with 211 does not commit you to continue to file for assistance but allows for an accurate reporting of all property damage to individuals and to business’ in Orange County. This is the documentation needed to support a disaster declaration.

Division of Public Safety – Fire Marshalls have briefly inspected the electrical components of several homes that were damaged in the floods. Homes were cleared to be “occupied” if all set or were given a yellow placard that provides instructions on the next steps for the homeowners and landlord, to ensure that their power is safe.

Jesse to reach out to Chelsea Librarian to request use of library to help community members navigate 211 through the public computers.

Temporary fixes have been made to the roads by Rick, John Tilton, and Paul Beede, highway employees.
Proposal by Kevin to authorize the Selectboard to go into contract with
Dubois and King, Inc. The first phase will be doing GPS of the flood damaged roads, assessment of damage, documentation with pictures of damage. Assess the slopes (mud slides) to see if they are FEMA eligible.
Kelly moved to contract with Dubois and King under our emergency procurement policy to begin work. Leyna second. The motion was amended to include an amount not to exceed $10,000 for the First Phase. Seconded. All approved.
Kevin will work with Dave Conger of Dubois and King on the contract.

Town Buildings:
Karen to purchase a HEPA filter for Town Clerk Office.

Brian, who is the insurance adjuster for Vermont Leagues of City and Towns assessed the damage to the basement of the Town Hall, he measured the basement and photographed the pellets, pellet furnace and oil furnace. He will send his documents to the assigned insurance agent at VLCT.

Irving Oil will arrive on Wednesday to inspect the oil furnace.

Flood Recovery Financial:
Pastor Bill Smith reported there have been monetary donations being sent to our two churches to help Chelsea with community needs relating to the flood. Gayle to reach out to Mascoma Bank, Bill and Errol Hinton, the Pastor at the Congregational Church to help establish a fund.

A $200,000 short term loan was secured from Mascoma Bank to be used as needed for Flood Recovery that the town may need. Leyna motioned to approve. Jesse second. All in favor, aye’s have it and the motion is approved.

Approval of Orders – Jesse motioned to approve all Orders of the night, there was not a second. All approve – “aye”, so moved, all orders of the night were approved by all.

Future Agendas –
Flood Recovery
Development Review Board
Chelsea Public Library
Logging Contract
Credit Card/Online Payments
Tax Rate

Executive Session – No Executive Session
Adjourn – Kevin made a motion to adjourn. Leyna seconded. The meeting adjourned at 8:44 pm

Chelsea Selectboard Meeting Tuesday, July 18, 2023, 6:30pm Chelsea Town Hall

Board Attendance: Jesse Kay, Kelly Lyford, Kevin Marshia, Leyna Hoyt,
William (Billy) Lyon, Patty Swahn, Board Administrative Assistant
Other Attendees: Tracy Simon -Emergency Management Director, Gayle Durkee, Karen Lathrop, Rick Ackerman, Bernard (Snook) Downing, Dave Conger, Pastor Bill Smith, Charles Gooding

Meeting –
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by Kevin.
Conflict of Interest – No conflict of interest
Additions to the agenda – Access Permit, Reimbursement for paving

Permits – Richard Lyford property owner and Samuel Lincoln, Logger, Highway Access Permit on Hall Road. Kelly recused herself from the vote. Leyna moved to approve the application for the permit, William Lyon seconded, no discussion, all approved.

Pike Paving, East Randolph Road – reimbursement–
Municipality cost; $379,148.8
We’re expecting a portion of this will be reimbursed.

Flood Recovery:

Debris: Learned through a situational update meeting that the Town is under the burden to remove trash and debris from flood, FEMA will cover 75% if the debris is disposed of properly. Household hazmat will be picked up separately, GPS and photos have been done for each pile.

Bill moved to utilize the two roll off dumpsters that were delivered earlier this week at the Transfer Station, on Thursday, July 20th to collect flood debris. Leyna second, all in favor, motioned passed

Recovery Phase: Orange County, and therefore Chelsea, is not currently on the federal disaster declaration list. This is a two-part federal declaration; one part is for the roads, and Orange County has been declared for that. The second piece is a declaration for personal property damage, and that is the piece that will help support our citizens.

The board and Emergency Management Director Tracy, explained to residents the importance call 211 to report flood damage; Registering with 211 does not commit you to continue to file for assistance but allows for an accurate reporting of all property damage to individuals and to business’ in Orange County. This is the documentation needed to support a disaster declaration.

Division of Public Safety – Fire Marshalls have briefly inspected the electrical components of several homes that were damaged in the floods. Homes were cleared to be “occupied” if all set or were given a yellow placard that provides instructions on the next steps for the homeowners and landlord, to ensure that their power is safe.

Jesse to reach out to Chelsea Librarian to request use of library to help community members navigate 211 through the public computers.

Temporary fixes have been made to the roads by Rick, John Tilton, and Paul Beede, highway employees.
Proposal by Kevin to authorize the Selectboard to go into contract with
Dubois and King, Inc. The first phase will be doing GPS of the flood damaged roads, assessment of damage, documentation with pictures of damage. Assess the slopes (mud slides) to see if they are FEMA eligible.
Kelly moved to contract with Dubois and King under our emergency procurement policy to begin work. Leyna second. The motion was amended to include an amount not to exceed $10,000 for the First Phase. Seconded. All approved.
Kevin will work with Dave Conger of Dubois and King on the contract.

Town Buildings:
Karen to purchase a HEPA filter for Town Clerk Office.

Brian, who is the insurance adjuster for Vermont Leagues of City and Towns assessed the damage to the basement of the Town Hall, he measured the basement and photographed the pellets, pellet furnace and oil furnace. He will send his documents to the assigned insurance agent at VLCT.

Irving Oil will arrive on Wednesday to inspect the oil furnace.

Flood Recovery Financial:
Pastor Bill Smith reported there have been monetary donations being sent to our two churches to help Chelsea with community needs relating to the flood. Gayle to reach out to Mascoma Bank, Bill and Errol Hinton, the Pastor at the Congregational Church to help establish a fund.

A $200,000 short term loan was secured from Mascoma Bank to be used as needed for Flood Recovery that the town may need. Leyna motioned to approve. Jesse second. All in favor, aye’s have it and the motion is approved.

Approval of Orders – Jesse motioned to approve all Orders of the night, there was not a second. All approve – “aye”, so moved, all orders of the night were approved by all.

Future Agendas –
Flood Recovery
Development Review Board
Chelsea Public Library
Logging Contract
Credit Card/Online Payments
Tax Rate

Executive Session – No Executive Session
Adjourn – Kevin made a motion to adjourn. Leyna seconded. The meeting adjourned at 8:44 pm