
Selectboard Meeting Agenda, Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Selectboard Meeting Agenda

Tuesday, May 30, 2023, 6:30pm    Chelsea Town Hall

  1. Call meeting to order
  2. Conflict of Interest
  3. Additions to Agenda
  4. Public Comments
  5. Approve Minutes – May 16 meeting
  6. Emerald Ash Borer/Town Forest – Mark Lembke
  7. Trees on the Common – Pete Amber
  8. Recreation Committee Mowing/Finances – John Parker
  9. Unlicensed Dog List – Karen Lathrop – Town Clerk
  10. Budget – Gayle Durkee – Town Treasurer
  11.   ARPA
  12. Grants – (as necessary)
  13. Water/Wastewater Contract Update – Kevin/Kelly
  14.  Highway Department – Leyna

         a. General Updates

         b. Paving project update

         c.  Capital Plan

15.  Sidewalk Bid Update – Kevin

16.  Permits – Use of Village Green

          Chelsea Area Senior Center

          Chelsea Public School

17.  Website – Jesse

18. Approve Orders

19.  Future Agendas

20.  Executive Session – as necessary

21.  Adjourn

Resurfacing of East Randolph Road

Expect traffic delays on the East Randolph Road starting on Tuesday, May 30 through

Saturday, June 3, weather permitting.

Pike Industries will be resurfacing beginning at the Route 110 end and going up to the Town line, (snowplow turn around).

Cemetery Commission Meeting Minutes May 18, 2023 (draft)

Present: Frank Keene, Terry Carty, Karen Lathrop & Shannon Doyle

1.  Meeting called to order at 6:30 PM by Frank Keene.

2.   Karen nominated Frank Keene Chair. There being no other nominations, Frank was voted Chair of the Cemetery Commission unanimously.  Terry nominated for Karen for Secretary. There being no other nominations, Karen was voted Secretary of the Cemetery Commission unanimously.

3. New Business:

a.  Frank gave a report on a tree that had fallen on the fence line from last year’s logging on land above the cemetery. Last fall, he spoke to both forester and logger who were logging Casey Martin’s land about moving the buffer zone up the hill so there would not be an impact on the Cemetery. Frank had spoken with Casey Martin who said he would speak with the forester and logger. Logger was not willing to take tree down. Frank spoke with the Forester. Frank and Shannon could take it down safely. Forester is okay with that.

b.  Frank showed the Board pictures of Memorial Guards for veteran memorial stones. The Board was in favor of Frank suggesting the use of the guards going forward with setting stones. Total cost for setting veteran memorials with the guards would be $170.00. Guard is $150.00 and setting it is $20.00. Memorial Guards prevent the stones from sinking in the ground and have recesses in them to drain water away from the stone.

c.  Frank wanted the Board to be aware that a stone was set without a foundation as the person was very hard to deal with and did not want the added expense of it. Frank stated he cut the hole, put the crushed stone in it and set the stone. He noted there was “no warranty” written on the bill for setting the stone.

d.   Frank stated there was money left over ( $600.00)  from the donation from Mr. Scott Edwards. Mr. Edwards donated money to paint the archway. Steve and Frank repaired some wood on the archway and had Tim Perreault come in to paint it. Tim found more places that had some rotten wood and fixed it before painting the archway. He did a wonderful job. Frank stated if the Board had no issues with using the extra money, they could put some split rail fence next to the Archway. Board was in favor of doing that and also replacing fencing along the front of the Lincoln lot with the same.

4.  There being no other business to come before the Board, Frank moved to adjourn at 6:42 PM. Karen seconded the motion all were in favor.


Selectboard Meeting Minutes 5-16-2023

Chelsea Selectboard Meeting Tuesday, May 16, 2023, 6:30pm Chelsea Town Hall


Board Attendance: Leyna Hoyt, Jesse Kay, Kelly Lyford – Vice Chair, William (Billy) Lyon,  Patty Swahn, Board Administrative Assistant

Community Attendance: Gregg Herrin, Bill Smith, Jr -Pastor, Gayle Durkee (Treasurer), Kasey Peterson.

Guest Presenter:  Harry Falconer, TRORC

Meeting –

The meeting was called to order at 6:31 pm by Kelly Lyford, Vice Chair

Conflict of Interest – None

Additions to the agenda –

Planning Commission Appointment


Public Comments –

No public comments

Approve Minutes –

Leyna made a motion to approve the May, 2 minutes with edits to add Sidewalk Project and mowing bids to the minutes, the motion was seconded by Jesse.  All ayes. So, moved.  May 2 minutes were approved.

MERP Program: Harry Falconer, TRORC presented a presentation on Municipal Energy Resilience Program. One program, three opportunities, Community Capacity Building “Mini-Grants”, Municipal Building Energy Assessments, Project Implementation Grants.  Suggested Mini-Grant uses; start a local energy committee, hire a grant writer, and host a community energy fair. Project Implementation Grants: up to $500,000 each, can be used as a local match for other grants, including ARPA, eligible work includes, weatherization, insulation, heating system conversion/fuel switching, hot water system upgrades/fuel switching.  Kelly asked Patty to put a notice out to the community for interest in fulfilling seats on the Energy Board.

Treasurer – Gayle presented to the Selectboard to invest a total of $652,000 into a 6 Month CD at 4.5% APY, invest $250,000 from the General Fund into a 6 Month CD at 4.5% APY. 

Town Hall Renovation$45,000.00$1,.722$ 336.24
Equipment Fund$125,000.00$5,865$ 934.01
Sewer Sinking Fund$155,000.00$ 7,431$1,158.17
Water Sinking Fund$190,000.00$6,529$ 1,419.70
Roberts Poor Fund$50,000.00$ 11,150$    373.60
Reappraisal Fund$75,000.00$2,250$    560.41
Record Restoration$12,000.00$ 1,898$     89.67
Total CD 4.5%$652,000.00 
Total Interest Difference$ 14,508.57  $9,636.77$4,871.80
General Fund Total CD 4.5%$250 000.00 $2i.0,000.00$415,815$1,868.02
Total interest Difference$    5,563.10    $3,695.08 

Jesse moved to approve Gayle’s request to move investments into two 4.5% APY CD’s, Leyna seconded the motion.  All ayes. So, moved.

Grants –

Kelly and Kasey signed up for two EPA Grant webinars.  Kasey will work with Jesse on Energy Grants and Audits.

Highway Department:

General Updates.

Leyna gave an update on the loader and grader.  The loader has been evaluated by CA, the loader is 23 years of age, low in hours for the age.  CAT will be doing maintenance on the grader next week.  Ric has finished grading.

Paving Update –

Waiting to hear from Pike about a paving date.

Water/Wastewater Contract update:  Kelly gave an update on the Water/Wastewater Contract, the contract is moving in the right direction.

Permits – None

Pastor Bill Smith gave an information on the Bounce House. The Bounce House is 13X13, 6 children can be inside at one time, New Creation Fellowship will have a Parents sign a waiver before their child(ren) enter the Bounce House.  The New Creation Fellowship will have the Bounce House on Friday, May 25 Farmers Market.

Google Meet Owl Microphone:  Jesse talked about the sound quality with Owl, the sound is a little unbalanced. Discussion on setting up on the Stage to see if acoustics are better.  Jess researched an additional microphone for the Owl, the cost will be $250.

Planning Commission:  Kelly and Bill gave an update from the Planning Commission meeting that was held on May 4.

Gregg Herrin and Shenia Covey are interested in being on the Planning Commission Committee.

Jesse moved to appoint Gregg Herrin and Shenia Covey to the Planning Commission Committee, Leyna seconded the motion.  All ayed.  Gregg Herrin and Shenia Covey have been appointed to the Planning Commission Committee.

Future Agendas –

Gayle Durkee – Budget

Mark Lembke (Emerald Ash Borer) Town Forester

Pete Amber (Trees on the Commons)


Capital Plan

Sidewalk Bid Update

John Parker

Approve Orders –

 Leyna moved to approve all Orders; Bill seconded the move.  All ayed.  Orders were approved for the night.

Executive Session – Leyna moved to enter Executive Session at 7:50 pm to discuss Highway Maintenance position and Personnel Policy.  Leyna invited Patty to attend the Executive Session.

Executive Session ended at 8:29 pm

Adjourn – Kelly moved to adjourn the meeting.  All ayed.  Meeting was adjourned at 8:32 pm


BCA Meeting Agenda June 1, 2023

BCA Meeting June 1, 2023 at 6:30 pm at the Chelsea Town Hall for the Bi-ennial Revision of the Voter Checklist.

1. Call to Order
2. Additions to the agenda
3. Conflict of Interest Disclosure
4. Approve minutes for 2/23/2023
5. Review of Checklist for purpose of challenging voters
6. Any other business
7. Adjourn


Selectboard Meeting Agenda – 5-16-2023

Selectboard Meeting Agenda Tuesday, May 16, 2023, 6:30pm

Join us in person at the Chelsea Town Hall, stream meetings live at our YouTube page, or participate in meetings virtually with Google Meets.

  1. Call meeting to order
  2. Conflict of interest disclosure
  3. Additions to the agenda
  4. Public Comments
  5. Approve Minutes:

    a.  May 2 minutes

  • MERP Program – Harry Falconer, TRORC
  1. Treasurer – Gayle Durkee
  • Grants – updates (as necessary)
  • Highway Department
    • General updates
    • Paving project update
  1.  Water/Wastewater Contract Update
  1.     Permits –

     New Creation Fellowship –  Bounce House

  14.  Google Meet – Owl’s microphone

   15.   Future Agendas –

          May 30 – Mark Lembke, and Pete Amber

          May 30 – Gayle Durkee – Budget Status

          Capital Plan – Trucks

          Town Forest

16.   Executive Session –

    17.   Adjourn – 


Selectboard Meeting Minutes 5-2-2023

Chelsea Selectboard Meeting Tuesday, May 2, 2023, 6:30pm Chelsea Town Hall

Board Attendance: Leyna Hoyt, Jesse Kay, Kelly Lyford – Vice Chair, William (Billy) Lyon, Kevin Marshia – Chair

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by Kevin Marshia, Chair

Conflict of Interest –

Kevin Marshia recused himself from one permit, Jesse Kay to recused herself from Project Sidewalk bids

Additions to the agenda –


R. Colby Permit

Public Comments –

No Public comments

Approve Minutes –

April 18, 2023 – Jesse Kay motioned to have the April 18 minutes approved, Leyna Hoyt seconded this motion, no discussion needed for approval of minutes. All agreed to accept the minutes for April 18.  Minutes approved by all members.

April 20, 2023 – Lenya Hoyt motioned to have the April 20 minutes approved, Jesse Kay seconded this motion, no discussion needed for approval of minutes. All agreed to accept the minutes for April 20.  Minutes approved by all members.

April 30, 2023 – Leyna Hoyt motioned to have the April 30 Special Selectboard meeting minutes approved, William Lyon seconded this motion, no discussion needed for approval of minutes for April 30. Minutes approved by all members.

ARPA Fund Discussion –  Andy Pomerantz, Chris Byrne

Andy presented a list of suggestions for use of ARPA money that was gathered in September 20, 2022.

This was a discussion on how we move forward with ARPA funding. 

Path moving forward:

Send the ARPA suggestion list to Rita at Two Rivers-Ottauechee Regional Commission

Have some perimeters-narrow down the list, address some of the infrastructures.

Mail out a survey to the community for suggestions the community would like to see the ARPA funds used for. Chris will be in touch with Corinth to ask how they put together an ARPA survey.

Have a public meeting to discuss the survey outcome.

Kevin Marshia asked Andy and Chris to stay on the ARPA committee to continue helping the Selectboard with ARPA funding.

Leyna Hoyt will contact TRORC for guidance on ARPA.

Listserv –  Andy Pomerantz, Chris Byrne

Key rules:

At this time this is not a forum for advertising services, products or events outside of Chelsea and the immediate local area (Tunbridge, Vershire, Washington and Corinth).

– Postings should be on issues and events primarily affecting Chelsea. This isn’t the venue for Orange County or state-wide issues.

– No anonymous posts. Your email address often isn’t enough for people to know who you are, so do sign your name or be sure you have entered it when you signed up.

– To get the best participation from the most people, we need to keep the tone of posts respectful. This is a place for ideas or publicizing local events and opportunities.  Personal attacks can get a subscriber kicked off, and uncivil tone will likely inspire a conversation with the moderator at the very least. Posts that don’t belong will be removed from the archive and you will be blocked from further posting.

Andy asked the question to the Selectboard would they use the Listserv for another communication tool, Andy would post the SB meeting minutes and agendas.

Listserv should be moderated, with a response as to what is your interest in Chelsea to help eliminate spammers.  Moderator would also screen

SB unanimously agreed to use listserv as another PUSH communication tool.

Bid Openings –


The Board received four bids on the town mowing.

Farnham Lawncare, Barre – $980 (per week)

Orange County Property Maintenance LLC, Williamstown – No final total was given.

Jerf’s Lawncare, Granitville – $21,665

Ronjon’s Lawn and Landscape, Chelsea –  $ 13,985

The Board Tabled the mowing bid, until they could have a better understanding of the bids.

Jesse Kay broke down each bidder bid by each property, service, per cut price into a spreadsheet, this provided a clearer understanding of each bid.

Returned to the mowing bids after tabling for clarification on the breakdown of each bid.

After reviewing the numbers, Leyna Hoyt made a motion to accept Ronjons’s Lawn and Landscaping bid for mowing. Leyna Hoyt amened the motion to remove the new Town Garage and accept weekly total of $625 and doing the Chelsea 113 sign bi-weekly and Two Commons bi-weekly after Flea Market, William  Lyon seconded the motion, Leyna Hoyt asked Ron Johnson what day a week he would be mowing, Ron Johnson responded that it would be broken into two days, Tuesday start and Wednesday finish, which could vary week to week due to weather.  No further discussion, all Board Members approved the motion.  Ron Johnson was awarded the contract for mowing.

Sidewalk Project –

The Select Board received 5 Bids for the VT110 Sidewalk Project.

Waters Excavation – Perkinsville, VT – $40,868

Galfetti Excavation – Washington, VT – $35,375.25

Workers LLC – Norwich, CT – $31,970

Avery Excavation – Williamstown, VT – $30,677

Northwoods Excavation – Thetford Center, VT –  $45,350

Kevin Marshia will reach out to the contractors for follow-up and clarification of bids, to compare the bids equally, to check references of the contractors.   

Rice Property update:

Kevin Marshia, Leyna Hoyt and Rick Ackerman met John Rice

Kevin suggested amending the existing permit.

Leyna Hoyt motioned to amend the Rice’s permit for the Rices to add material the existing roadbed, replacement up to three culverts, ditching and with the oversight of Rick Ackerman, no further discussion was had, the motion was seconded by Jesse Kay, all members of the board were in favor.  The motion was approved.

Grants –

Kevin Marshia, Kelly Lyford, Kasey Peterson to meet with EPA representative to better understand the EPA grant for the Pump Station.

Highway Department:

General Updates.

Rick Ackerman needs to order tires for Paul’s truck.

Replaced a culvert on the Williamstown Road.

Scheduling interviews for Highway Maintenance Position

Paving Update –

Waiting to hear from Pike about a paving date.

Water/Wastewater Contract update:

Kevin Marshia received an email at 4:19 pm on Saturday from Nate Billings, saying he unfortunately he didn’t feel he was able to move forward with the contract as proposed.  Mike Whipple is giving serious consideration if he can work within the same contract confines. Mike Whipple will reach his decision in the next week or two.  Depending on Mike Whipple’s decision, Kevin Marshia might recommend to the Board they immediately need to put out an RFP for contract services, a position description to hire a town employee.

Permits –

Roberts – Gould request for Women’s summer softball – Courtney Maxham,  (Queen Bees), need to follow up with Courtney to see if this is the correct field they are playing on.

Richard Colby –    Access Permit off the Wright’s place.

William Lyon made a motion to approve the permit for access of the Whitcomb’s place road, Jesse Kay seconded the motion to approve the permit.  All approved the motion and the permit approved.

Website – Jesse Kay provided an update on the Town of Chelsea’s new website.  The new website is officially up and running, Jesse is asking the Community for pictures they would like to share to the new website.

Future Agendas –

Harry Falconer- Planner – TRORC, MERP program

Gayle Durkee – Budget (keep on agenda for every meaning)

Mark Lembke and Pete Amber (Emerald Ash Borer and trees on the green)


Approve Orders –

 Jesse Kay motioned to approve all orders, Leyna Hoyt seconded this motion, all orders were approved unanimously.

Executive Session – None

Adjorn – 

Kevin Marshia motioned for the adjournment of the SB meeting, all members were in favor, meeting adjourned at 9:18pm


Selectboard Meeting Agenda – May 2, 2023

Selectboard Meeting Agenda Tuesday, May 2, 2023, 6:30pm
Chelsea Town Hall

  1. Call meeting to order
  2. Conflict of interest disclosure
  3. Additions to the agenda
  4. Public Comments
  5. Approve Minutes:
    a. April 18, 2023
    b. April 20, 2023
  6. ARPA Fund Discussion – Andy Pomerantz, Chris Byrne, Phil Mulligan
  7. List Serve Discussion– Andy Pomerantz
  8. Bid Openings
    a. Mowing
    b. Sidewalk Project
  9. Rice property update – Leyna, Rick, Kevin
  10. Grants – updates (as necessary)
  11. Highway Department
    a. General updates
    b. Paving project update
  12. Water/Wastewater Contract Update
  13. Permits –
    a. Roberts-Gould Field Request
    b. Richard Colby
  14. Future Agendas
  15. Approve Orders
  16. Executive Session – if necessary
  17. Adjourn

Special Selectboard Meeting – Apr 20, 2023

Special Selectboard Meeting Thursday, April 20, 2023 6:30 pm
Chelsea Town Hall
Selectboard Members Present: Kelly Lyford – Vice Chair; Leyna Hoyt, Jesse Kay
The meeting was called to order at 6:31 pm.
Jesse moved to enter Executive Session for personnel. Leyna seconded. All approved. Moved to Executive Session at 6:31 pm.
Jesse moved to exit Exited Executive for personnel. Leyna seconded. All approved. Exited Executive Session at 8:19 pm.
The Board directed Leyna and Kevin to arrange for interviews for Highway Maintenance Worker as soon as possible, with Leyna arranging interviews.
The Board will make edits to the Personnel Policy Leave Time for adoption at the next meeting.
Jesse moved to adjourn. Leyna seconded. All approved. Meeting adjourned at 8:21 pm.