

Selectboard Meeting Minutes – Mar 21, 2023

Chelsea Selectboard Meeting Minutes (Draft)
March 21, 2023
Selectboard present: Kevin Marshia, Chair, Kelly Lyford, Vice Chair, William Lyon,
Leyna Hoyt and Jesse Kay
Other Employees present: Patty Swahn, Administrative Assistant and
Kasey Peterson, Grant Writer, Karen Lathrop, Town Clerk,
Gayle Durkee, Town Treasurer, Rick Ackerman, Highway Foreman
Others present: Rella and John Rice, Chris Bump, VTrans,
Rita Seto and Peter Gregory, Two Rivers Ottaquechee Regional Commission

  1. Call meeting to order — Kevin called the meeting to order at 6:29pm
  2. Conflict of interest disclosure – None
  3. Additions to the agenda -Appointment of a Library Trustee
  4. Public Comments – No public comments
  5. The approved minutes from March 14, 2023, meeting, were passed due to not all
    members of the Selectboard having read the meeting minutes.
  6. Chris Bump from VTrans presented information about the grants through VTrans 7. Rita Seto and Peter Gregory from Two Rivers Ottaquechee Regional Commission
    gave a brief history of TRORC, grants that are available to apply for, helping Towns with Town Plans.
  7. John Rice asked the Board for their approval for John to make #18 Thorn Road
    passable. John will do the work at no cost to the town. The Selectboard members agreed to let John work on Thorn Road once an application for work within the town right-of-way had been filed with the Town. Rick agreed to work with SB member as site overseer.
  8. A motion by Leyna Hoyt to approve First Class Hotel License for inside and outside
    consumption permit for Georgia Amanda Mallan, Hubbleshire Farm.
  9. This was seconded by Jesse Kay and all members were in favor. Motion was approved. 11. Kasey Peterson gave an update on the Grant work.
  10. Leyna Hoyt moved to accept all Orders presented to the Selectboard, Jesse Kay
    seconded the move. All orders have been approved.
    13.Future agenda items; Equipment replacement plan, lawn mowing, Sherriff department,
    CVSWMD Board of Directors appointment
    14.Posting of the Highway Maintenance Employee position to Facebook Community Page,
    Front Porch Forum, VLCT.
  11. William Lyon motioned for the meeting to adjourn, seconded by Leyna Hoyt. All members approved.
  12. Meeting adjourned at 9:11 pm
    Meeting minutes drafted by
    Patty Swahn
    Administrative Assisant

Selectboard Meeting Minutes – Mar 14, 2023

Chelsea Selectboard Meeting Minutes (Draft) March 28, 2023

Selectboard present: Kevin Marshia, Chair, Kelly Lyford, Vice Chair, William Lyon, Leyna Hoyt and Jesse Kay

Other Employees present: Patty Swahn, Administrative Assistant and Kasey Peterson, Grant Writer, Karen Lathrop, Town Clerk,
Gayle Durkee, Town Treasurer, Rick Ackerman, Highway Foreman

Others present: Rella and John Rice, Chris Bump, VTrans,
Rita Seto and Peter Gregory, Two Rivers Ottaquechee Regional Commission

  1. Call meeting to order – Kevin called the meeting to order at 6:29pm
  2. Conflict of interest disclosure – None
  3. Additions to the agenda –Appointment of a Library Trustee
  4. Public Comments – No public comments
  5. The approved minutes from March 14, 2023, meeting, were passed due to not all members of the Selectboard having read the meeting minutes.
  6. Chris Bump from VTrans presented information about the grants through VTrans
  7. Rita Seto and Peter Gregory from Two Rivers Ottaquechee Regional Commission gave a brief history of TRORC, grants that are available to apply for, helping Towns with Town Plans.
  8. John Rice asked the Board for their approval for John to make #18 Thorn Road passable. John will do the work at no cost to the town. The Selectboard members agreed to let John work on Thorn Road once an application for work within the town right-of-way had been filed with the Town. Rick agreed to work with SB member as site overseer.
  9. A motion by Leyna Hoyt to approve First Class Hotel License for inside and outside consumption permit for Georgia Amanda Mallan, Hubbleshire Farm. This was seconded by Jesse Kay and all members were in favor. Motion was approved.
  10. Kasey Peterson gave an update on the Grant work.
  11. Leyna Hoyt moved to accept all Orders presented to the Selectboard, Jesse Kay seconded the move. All orders have been approved.
  12. Future agenda items; Equipment replacement plan, lawn mowing, Sherriff department, CVSWMD Board of Directors appointment
  13. Posting of the Highway Maintenance Employee position to Facebook Community Page,
    Front Porch Forum, VLCT.
  14. William Lyon motioned for the meeting to adjourn, seconded by Leyna Hoyt.
    All members approved.
  15. Meeting adjourned at 9:11 pm

Meeting minutes drafted by
Patty Swahn
Administrative Assisant


Selectboard Meeting Agenda – Mar 14, 2023

Selectboard Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, March 14, 2023
Chelsea Town Hall
1. Call meeting to order
2. Organizational Meeting
a. Select Chair and Vice Chair
b. Determine meeting rules of procedure
c. Set meeting dates, location, and times for regular meetings
d. Determine process for calling special and emergency meetings
e. Select Newspaper of Record
3. Conflict of interest disclosure
4. Additions to the agenda
5. Public Comments
6. Welcome and Introductions – Patti Swahn – New Administrative Assistant!
7. Approve Minutes:
a. February 21, 2023
b. February 23, 2023
8. Grants
a. Sidewalk Project Update
b. Clean Water State Revolving Fund – Wastewater plant possibility
c. Pump Station Grant – status, next steps
d. VTrans grants – possible bridge grant application
e. Town Hall planning options
9. Highway Department
a. General updates
b. Paving project bid/discussion
10.Website Update/Discussion
11.Virtual Meeting Discussion
12.Town Hall –
a. furnace/oil tank update
b. Div. Fire Safety report
13.Use of Village Green Request – Chelsea Farmers Market
14.Central Vermont Solid Waste Management District – Board of Directors
15.Wastewater Plant Update
16.Liaisons – Roles, Responsibilities and Expectations
17.Future Agendas – Discussion on potential future items
a. Otter Creek Engineering wastewater/water system
b. Town boards and commission updates/discussions
18.Approve Orders
19.Executive Session – Personnel (if necessary)


Special Selectboard Meeting Minutes – Feb 23, 2023

Special Selectboard Meeting Minutes (draft)
February 23, 2023 – Chelsea Town Hall
Selectboard present: Kevin Marshia, Chair, Kelly Lyford, Vice Chair, Leyna Hoyt and William Lyon
Employees present: Karen Lathrop, Town Clerk

  1. Call to order -Kevin brought the meeting to order at 6:15 pm.
  2. Appoint Moderator- Board read the email sent by Emily Libby Marshia. Kevin recused himself
    due to a conflict of interest. Kelly Lyford asked for a motion. Leyna Hoyt moved to appoint Emily
    Libby Marshia as Moderator for Town Meeting Day, seconded by William Lyon. Kelly called the
    vote and the motion passed.
  3. Set Organizational Meeting Date and Time- Kelly moved to have the organizational meeting on
    March 9, 2023 at 6:30 PM at the Chelsea Town Hall, seconded by Leyna Hoyt. No discussion.
    Motion passed.
  4. Adjourn – Leyna Hoyt moved to adjourn at 6:20 pm with William Lyon seconding the motion. No
    discussion, motion passed.

Selectboard Meeting Minutes – Feb 21, 2023

Chelsea Selectboard Meeting Minutes (draft)
Tuesday, February 21, 2023
Selectboard present: Kevin Marshia, Chair, Kelly Lyford, Vice Chair, Leyna Hoyt, William
Town Employees present: Karen Lathrop, Town Clerk, Michael Whipple, Emergency
Wastewater Liaison, Rick Ackerman, Highway Dept Head.
Others present: Chris Belcher, Videographer, Nate Billings, Cloverpatch Water Services.

  1. Call meeting to order – Kevin called the meeting to order at 6:31 PM.
  2. Conflict of interest disclosure – No conflicts disclosed.
  3. Additions to the agenda – Kevin noted the Treasurer had included a request to use the
  4. Public Comments – No comments reported.
    With Board support, Kevin moved Agenda items 9 and 8 up due to weather constraints.
  5. Wastewater Plant Update
    a. Clarifier repairs – Mike Whipple reported the clarifier went back online on February
    15, 2023. The part was sourced by Tony Bullard online for substantial savings to the
    Town. Mike stated he would like to have the old gearbox rebuilt as a replacement
    part for future needs. The bronze gear could be sourced for over $2,000.00 from
    Windswift, but Tony was searching for better pricing or different manufacturer.
    Mike noted the gear ratio had changed, it is now faster but if there are issues with
    “wasting” in can be slowed down. He reported Tony had to do some work on the
    gear shaft but still significantly less money overall. He will keep the Board updated.
    Mike reported he ordered chemicals for an upcoming He has been in contact with
    Nolan as to what chemicals the plant required. He has been sourcing pricing for
    chlorination pumps as it was noted it was on the list of items needing replacement.
    No prices yet. Board would address computer needs later in the meeting. Mike
    reported they had been monitoring the ice on the water tank. They were lowering the
    level last week but now it has melted, everything seemed fine, so the water level
    would be going back up. The Board thanked Mike, Nate and Rick for their continued
    hard work the last 4 months to keep the plant running.
    b. Operation proposal – Kevin reported the Board had received a contract proposal for
    the Water/Wastewater plant. He asked Nate to introduce himself. Nate gave a
    synopsis of his work history. He was primarily Water Systems but willing to work
    Wastewater and has signed up for all the State requirements as far as classes and
    certifications go. He stated both Mike and he were looking at the numbers for doing
    contract ops as a business. Kevin stated Mike had reached out to see if the Town was
    interested in something like that. The Board looked at the proposal and went through
    it with Nate. The Board asked questions about whether our permit with the State
    would allow it. It was noted they both have Water Licenses and Mike has a
    Wastewater license. Kelly to look at our State permit. It was noted they might need
    to call on Rick for a few things. Kelly asked for some clarification of who would be
    at the plant on a daily basis. Rick or someone during the week, but not on the
    weekend. There was discussion of the confined space issue which would hopefully
    be resolved with a future upgrade. Nathan spoke to making an asset management
    plan. There was discussion about the competitive bid process. Board thanked them
    for the proposal and the discussion and noted they would have to do some permit
    review before committing to anything. Contract would be for one year.
    c. Position Update – Kevin noted he made some headway but not ready yet.
  6. Highway
    a. VT 110 Paving project update – Email from Karen to Kevin on VTRANS project
    involving paving within our infrastructure area. Kevin noted there was an upcoming
    state paving project ( 2024) and he needed to contact Otter Creek Engineering for a
    digital copy of our infrastructure plan. He stated that made him think of what the
    Town needs were and if Rick knew of any necessary. There was a discussion of
    some areas that could be improved. Rick interested in be a part of a walk thru with
    someone from the State to see if Town needs could be accommodated within the
    scope of their project. Board was in favor of Kevin coordinating the process.
    b. Position Update – Leyna passed out a draft for the highway position which the Board
    reviewed. There was discussion on including a medical card for new hires going
    forward. There was also discussion with Rick on whether there should be a limit to
    how far out a person should live if they are on the Road Crew. Leyna to add items
    into position description and email new draft to Board and Rick for further
    c. General Updates- The Board asked Rick for any updates. Rick stated the need to
    discuss mowing for the year. Rick noted being down a full time person, he would not
    have time to mow. Upon Kevin’s request for historical information on mowing Rick
    explained how it had been done in the past. Rick listed all the places the Town
    mowed. 12-13 hours to do all the mowing. Bill felt the mowing cannot be put off.
    Rick stated he could mow a few times until the Board gets something in place. Karen
    noted an RFP was made, Jeremy Farnham had given the Town some numbers. Rick
    would like the Board to sub out the Rec Field as it takes 4 hours to mow. There was
    discussion about who maintained the commons as far as limb pick up. That falls in to
    Rick as well. There was also a discussion on stockpiling gravel, usage amount. Rick
    stated used 5000 yds last year, but it was a bad year. There was discussion on where
    best to locate one. The Board had a discussion about equipment replacement. Rick
    reported they used to have a 10 year replacement plan and most warranty plans are 7
    years. He noted it is two years to get a truck delivered from time of order. Loaders
    not such a long timeline since the Loader is 22 years old. Rick to send the Board a
    list of current equipment and equipment replacement plan. There was Board
    discussion on future asset management plan for roads. Board would like to have him
    at the March 21st meeting if possible.
    Paving East Randolph- $175,000.00 from State and money from budget would add
    up to $425,000. Grant must be used by fall. Rick to meet with Caleb O’Connor,
    from Pike tomorrow around $82-83/Ton. Kevin, has it historically been bid? Rick ,
    no we used to just pick one as could not get people to bid. Used to use Blacktop and
    now use Pike as is usually cheaper.
    There was a brief discussion on whether to go for a Bridge grant. Rick does not feel
    the bridges have anything to be done on them. He reported someone hit part of the
    Moxley bridge, couple of braces cracked and broke a 2 x 4 that holds boards on.
    Nothing structural broken. The Board thanked Rick for coming in.
  7. Approve Minutes:
    a. January 31, 2023 – Kelly Lyford moved to accept the January 31, 2023 minutes
    with Leyna Hoyt seconding the motion. No discussion, motion passed.
    b. February 7, 2023-Leyna Hoyt moved to February 7, 2023 minutes with edits.
    Kelly Lyford seconded the motion. No discussion, motion passed.
  8. Administrative Assistant position update –Kelly Lyford reported the AA hired. Her first day to
    to be March 2, 2023, the informational meeting and first full office day, March 6.
  9. Grants
    a. Sidewalk Project Update – Kevin reported the RFP close to going out to bid. He has
    worked with Kasey Peterson on it. A letter will be sent to property owners so they
    know what is coming. All permits from VTRANS have been obtained. Kasey to look
    into the link issue to the website.
    b. Clean Water State Revolving Fund – Wastewater plant possibility – Kevin reported
    that Kasey sat in on a webinar. There is a short application to put together for items
    to be considered. You are then put on a list and then you can make arequest. It has to
    be in by March 1, 2023. Kevin to call Ottercreek and get the report and put some
    items from it on the list. Items from the Wastewater plant, like the Chloride room.
    The Town would not encumbered by putting this application in to the State. Later the
    Town could provide estimates. Kevin would like to work on it. Board approves
    Kevin to work with Kasey on the grant.
    c. Pump Station Grant – status, next steps – will wait for Kasey and ask her to take on
    this grant.
    d. VTrans grants – possible bridge grant application- Kevin will follow up on the grant
    and see if there are any items that we need to have on the bridges that are
    preventative measures and should be pursued. SAM update- Kelly stated it is a
    clunky site. There are people attached to the account that have left the Town’s
    employ and Kelly stated Kevin needed to be attached to the Sam Account so that is
    why Kevin rying to update it so another person has to be on it, and she sent Kevin an
  10. Informational Meeting and Town Meeting preparation
    a. Draft budget presentation – Board asked if the posting for the informational meeting
    was done. Karen stated informational meeting warning was posted in Town, on
    website and out on several sites. Only necessary to put in paper if you have public
    questions or budget items. Kevin passed out a draft of potential talking points for the
    budget that he will go over with Gayle. He noted he might make some slides for the
    the meeting.
    The Board asked if they needed to do anything for Town Meeting. Karen mentioned
    she had asked Bill Smith for a loan of their sound system but had not had a chance to
    look at the stage sets that were still on the stage. Board offered their help in moving
    items. Discussion about appointing a Moderator. Clerk to post Special Meeting
    warning for March 23, 2023 at 6:15 PM for the Board.
    11.Division of Fire Safety Report – Kelly Lyford reported it was not in yet but had reached out
    by email.
  11. Computer purchase update – Gayle worked with Derrick from Caulkins to get better
    pricing and they recommend a HP Pro-book ($850). One for Wastewater and one for AA.
    Board is good with Gayle going forward with the purchase.
  12. Use of the commons – Kevin read the email from Phyllis for use of the common as they
    have in the past on July 6-8
    th. All forms complete. Kelly Lyford moved to allow the
    Chelsea Flea Market Committee to use the commons as needed July 6-8
    th. Leyna Hoyt
    seconded the motion. No discussion, motion passed.
  13. Policy Considerations
    a. Purchasing policy- Board discussed the purchase policy changes with the Clerk. In
    looking over the policy they noted other areas that needed adjustment to language
    such as a section on Competitive Bidding and striking a line in the minor purchases.
    Kevin defined what a minor purchase, major purchase and competitive bidding would
    be. Kelly feels $2,000 is to high not to get bids. Need more than one bidder. Clerk
    suggested revisions to Kevin. Probably should hold off until after Town Meeting
    when they would have a full board.
    b. Class IV Roads policy- passed over until after March 21st Meeting.
    c. Others – None
    15.Approve Orders – Kelly Lyford moved to approve orders. Bill Lyon seconded the motion.
    No discussion. Motion passed.
  14. Executive Session- Personnel Leyna Hoyt moved to enter into executive session for
    personnel at 8:45 pm. Kelly Lyford seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion passed.
    Kelly Lyford moved to exit executive session at 9:29 pm. Bill Lyon seconded the motion.
    No discussion. Motion passed.
    Action- Wastewater Plant operation and need more follow up going forward. Discussed
    medical card as a qualification of the highway department position.
    Bill noted there are more complaints on the log pile which is growing. He feels there should
    have been more clarification. The log pile was supposed to be gone in 30 days, not the
    project needed to finish in 13 days. Bill has a contact and is instructed to contact them to let
    them know the logs need to be removed.
    Bill will contact Mr. Hastings about the tractor trailer and let him know he must come to a
    Board meeting to request use of the old sand pile area to park.
    17.Adjourn- Leyna Hoyt moved to adjourn at 0:34 pm. Bill seconded the motion. No
    discussion. Motion passed.

Selectboard Meeting Minutes – Feb 7, 2023

Chelsea Selectboard Meeting Minutes (Draft)
February 7, 2023
Selectboard present: Kevin Marshia, Vice Chair, Kelly Lyford, Bill Lyon & Leyna Hoyt
Other Employees present: Karen Lathrop, Town Clerk, Gayle Durkee, Treasurer, Marianne
McCann, Town Report, Rick Ackerman, Road Foreman, Kasey Peterson, Grant Writer, John
Parker, Rec Committee, Samantha Allen, Rec Committee
Others present: Chris Belcher, videographer, Jenny Martin, resident

  1. Call meeting to order – Kevin called the meeting to order at 6:31
  2. Conflict of interest disclosure – None
  3. Additions to the agenda –
    Organizational vote due to Selectboard resignation
    Water/Wastewater Plant Update
    Organizational vote- Bill Lyon nominated Kevin Marshia as Chair. No second necessary.
    Voted Kevin Marshia as Chair.
    Leyna Hoyt nominated Kelly Lyford to Vice Chair. No second necessary. Voted Kelly
    Lyford as Vice Chair.
  4. Public Comments –Jenni Martin discussed the logs sitting at the Heath Field with the Board.
    Jennie will contact the logger ( Bob Burke) to have them removed. Bill Lyon to be contact
    for Jennie Martin. Timeline to remove logs – 30 days. Logger to clean up the area. Jennie to
    contact Bill Lyon.
  5. Approve Minutes – January 31, 2023 – tabled
  6. Town Report
    a. Selectboard Report- revised by Kevin, with addition of Geoff’s name. Board
    discussion with Marianne as to the editing of the Selectboard report. Board chose to
    go with a general thank you to everyone instead of naming the many who worked
    on behalf of the Town. It was felt that was a more diplomatic way of inclusion.
    b. Report Review- Marianne summarized what was being done for the Town Report.
    Revisions to be in by Thursday morning. Timeline -Book would be back to Town
    around the 20th
    . Gayle asked if the picture of Nolan was okay. Board approved.
    Gayle and Marianne to put books in mail. Board to help if necessary.
  7. Rec. Committee – John Parker welcomed the new Selectboad. He brought forth a proposal
    for a portable warming shed (8 x12 with window and door) at the ice rink. No heat due to
    liability. Zoning permit application submission upon Board approval. John stated that the
    prior board approved an 8 ft hoop at the basketball court which will be put in place soon.
    Samantha Allen was writing a grant for a pickleball court at the basketball court. Will come
    back for Board approval at a future meeting. John seeked information on whether Rick
    would continue to mow the rec field. He stated he had done a great job. Kevin stated they
    had not had that discussion with Rick yet. Kevin asked if the Rec Committee had any
    questions for the Board and said the Board planned to meet all the committees at some
    future meetings to touch base and see how they could support them. John reported a box

elder was in need of cutting at the playground/basketball court and Pete Amber would do it.
Rick noted he would be able to help out with that. The Board thanked John for his help with

  1. Highway
    a. Highway Mileage Certificate – Rick stated no changes. Administratively signed by

b. Class IV Highway Policy- Board discussion on policy. Rick’s thoughts. No work on
any class 4 road for about 15 years and had only been on the Thorne Road once.
Board asked for examples of class 4 roads. Rick pointed out Whitneys, Carpenter
Road section and a few more. Town only responsible for culverts and bridges. Rick
stated it’s all they could do to keep up with Class 2 and 3. Leyna asked about work
done on roads as policy states under supervision of the Road Formann. Discussion
on who maintains the road. Rick stated they probably needed a permit to work in the
Town Right of Way if they plan to have someone fix the road. Rick to call John and
Rella Rice talk about work in the right of way for their use. Board questions which
permit necessary when informed there were two. Karen deferred to Rick. Rick felt
they probably needed both. Rick stated historically he signed off and board signed
off on Access Permits. He stated he was fine with signing access permit for snow
plowing only. Leyna asked why the Board could only work on the policy in only
work in July. Rick did not know but felt revisions were probably necessary. Board
to work with Rick on policy revisions.
Rick gave the Board and update on general highway work and repairs to vehicles.
c. Executive Session – Staffing- Kelly moved to enter into executive session for
Highway staffing at 7:28 pm with Rick, Gayle and Karen invited. Leyna seconded
the motion. Motion passed.
Leyna H. moved to exit executive session with Kelly L seconding the motion.
Motion passed.
Action – Leyna H. to work with Rick Ackerman on advertisement for full time
Highway Position.
Water/Wastewater – Kevin gave a report to the Board on the Water/Wastewater
plant. It was reported there was a broken gear in a clarifier that has to be replaced.
Mike Whipple said cost unknown yet. Board in favor of approving the cost
necessary to keep the plant going. Rick stated what days Nate worked at the plant.
He is still be accompanied by his wife. Board reiterated that it is a liability issue
for the Town and there must be a Town Employee there. Leyna H. to stop by
tomorrow to speak with Nate.
Sewer Plant Laptop update. Bill reported Systems Plus has a $750 price for laptop.
Gayle stated Caulkins price was higher. Gayle stated IT person said you could just
purchase one from Best Buy. Just has to be reliable for online reporting.
Kevin reported he was in contact with Mr. Merryfield, and he is supportive about
how the Board is dealing with the sewer plant. There were needs identified. More
to come. Simon’s called, a little anxious for town to get someone soon to work at
the plant as they are maxed out.

  1. Grants – Kasey Peterson
    Kasey requested expectations of the Board and prioritization of the many needs for Town
    Hall. She noted the Vermont Arts Council accepted her report and grant money should be
    dispensed soon for the Pellet Boiler. She noted the RFP for sidewalks needed to go out.
    She noted the Town Hall might not be viable space for generator as it has to be kept
    historically accurate and no space to put generator on other side of building.
    She read off a list of items future concerns for the hall :
    Balcony chairs- $55.000 to restore all, $15,000 to restore only broken ones
    Water leaking into downstairs dressing room
    ADA compliancy
    Sound system for ADA
    Lighting has to be historically compatible
    Handicap Ramp replacement
    Windows – energy efficient
    Sprinklers for building
    Front Door push button ADA
    Fire and Carbon Monoxide detectors
    Plaster Repair
    VTRANs Packet for grants in- due 15 Apil
    Board discussion on the list and priorities. Marianne noted that the piece has to be
    completed soon.
    Board tasked Kasey with accessibility and planning grants. Kasey to forward Kevin the
    Sidewalk grant info. Leyna H. brought ARPA Grant up and thought to have some smaller
    committees on different items for ARPA money. Board thought it was a a good suggestion.
    Kevin would like Andy Pomerantz and Chris Bryne come to a meeting. Marianne noted the
    Board needed to read the guidelines, as they keep changing.
    Creamery issue- three entities-school – Town – Creamery propert owner – drop culvert behind
    the creamery. Marianne met with two people from VTRANs and Rick. She gave an explanation
    of it and there is a file the board needs to look at There is also map. Kasey will scan and send
    maps to Board. Marianne and Kasey briefed the Board on the project. It is at a stand still as of
    Kasey noted she worked 12-15 hours a month as grant writer
    10.Town Hall Chimney Inspection – February 10 –Kasey reported in order to have the inspection
    completed, the pellet furnace would need to be off for 72 hours. Decision was made to push that
    out until Spring.
    11.Free Verse Farm – Liquor License- Karen submitted the application. Kelly L. moved to
    approve the 2 class liquor license with Bill Lyon seconding the motion. Motion passed.
    12.Division of Fire Safety – Town Hall Inspection – Kelly reported a walk thru done with
    Maurice from Division of Fire Safety, with Karen and Bill and the report has not come in
    yet. There are some items that are restrictions and some items for consideration. Push button
    access for the front door and electrical panel might be outdated. Might need a new one.
    Kasey did report that the electrician that came in for the grants said our electrical wiring is
    up to code but agreed the panel might need to be changed out. Karen noted she had call Mr.
    Farrell about cleaning the furnaces and was waiting to hear from him.
    13.Heath Field – Old Sand Pile Usage – Logs- see under public comments. Bill L. to speak
    with the person parking down there.
    14.Informational Meeting – Confirm Agenda – Candidates having a chance to speak. Invite
    Ronald Johnson and Jesse Kay to speak – budget presentation to update folks who could not
    make the meeting and Public Comments.
    15.Approve Orders – Kelly L moved to approve orders as presented with Leyna H. seconding
    the motion. Motion passed.
    16.Executive Session – Personnel – Leyna H. moved to enter executive session for personnel at
    8:52 pm inviting Gayle and Karen with Kelly L seconding the motion. Motion passed.
    Leyna H. moved to exit executive session at 9:51pm with Bill Lyons seconding the
    motion. Motion passed.
    Action- Moving forward with the AA staffing and wastewater staffing.
    17.Adjourn – Bill L moved to adjourn at 9:54 pm, with Leyna H. seconding the motion.
    Motion passed.

Selectboard Meeting Agenda – Feb 7, 2023

Selectboard Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, February 7, 2023
Chelsea Town Hall
1. Call meeting to order
2. Conflict of interest disclosure
3. Additions to the agenda
4. Public Comments
5. Approve Minutes – January 31, 2023
6. Town Report
a. Selectboard Report
b. Report Review
7. Rec. Committee – John Parker
8. Highway
a. Highway Mileage Certificate
b. Class IV Highway Policy
c. Executive Session – Staffing (if necessary)
9. Grants – Casey Peterson
10.Town Hall Chimney Inspection – February 10
11.Free Verse Farm – Liquor License
12.Division of Fire Safety – Town Hall Inspection
13.Heath Field – Old sand pile area usage
14.Informational Meeting – Confirm Agenda
15.Approve Orders
16.Executive Session – Personnel (if necessary)