

Selectboard Meeting Minutes – Jan 31, 2023

Chelsea Selectboard Meeting Minutes (draft)
January 31, 2023
Selectboard present: Kevin Marshia, Vice Chair, Kelly Lyford, Leyna Hoyt,
William Lyon
Employees present: Karen Lathrop, Clerk, Gayle Durkee, Treasurer, Marianne
McCann, Town Report Liaison.
Others present: Chris Belcher, Videographer, Greg Herrin

  1. Meeting brought to order by Kevin Marshia at 6:31 PM
  2. Conflict of Interest Disclosure- None
  3. Additions to agenda – Karen -Town Hall Wiring, Kelly purchasing policy.
  4. Public Comments- None
  5. Approve Minutes
    January 18, 2023 -Bill L. moved to approve the minutes. Leyna H. seconded
    motion. Passed. Motion passed.
    January 21, 2023- Water Board – Leyna H. moved to accept minutes. Bill
    L.seconded the motion. Motion passed.
    January 21, 2023-Selectboard- Kelly L moved to approve the minute. Leyna H.
    seconded the motion. Motion passed.
    January 24, 2023 – Revisions to be made- Switch who Leyna and Kelly was
    speaking with. Note the emails were read from Mr. Frenier and Mr. Herrington.
    Note under budget, water/sewer rates had not changed since 2017. Note under #14
    last paragraph was a repeat so struck out. Leyna moved to approve minutes of
    January 24, 2023 with revisions. Kelly seconded the motion. Motion passed.
  6. Approve Budget
    Gayle briefed the Board on some changes made to budget based on
    recommendations of Chad Hewitt, Accountant. Board reviewed the budget, made
    final revisions to several departments including Highway payroll and Lister
    payroll. Board discussion with Gayle on surplus from the prior year. Board had brief discussion on 21,000 deficit for water/sewer. No changes for this
    budget. Board noted they would have to have a discussion in the future to make it
    Board discussion on Total General Government expense up just under 5% from
    last year. Monies to be raised by taxes would be 1,000,205. Kevin gave examples
    of how much taxes would go up for homes with different assessment.
    Gayle said someone suggested to her that since the Library line up was going up
    by $15,000, should it be placed on the warning as a separate article. Board
    discussion on whether to put it as an article. Gayle explained the Librarian has a
    larger salary, insurance and retirement. Kelly asked what persons may amend at
    Town meetings. Clerk stated voters may amend any line item from the floor at our
    meeting. Board was fine with no extra articles. Kevin noted it could be highlighted
    at our informational meeting and at the floor vote.
    Gayle stated the total budget would be $1,495,796 , with $1,00,205 to be raised
    by taxes.
    Leyna moved to accept the budget of $1,495,796 with amount to be raised by
    taxes $1,00205. Bill seconded motion. No Discussion. Motion Passed.
  7. Approve Town Meeting Warning
    Kevin M read the warning. Bill L. moved to approve the warning as read with
    Kelly L. seconding the motion . No discussion, motion passed.
  8. Informational Meeting Discussion
    Kevin noted the date and time were set at the last meeting as March 2, 2023 at
    6:30 pm. Board gave feedback to Marianne on what they wanted to go into the
    Town Report. Kevin to create the agenda for informational meeting.
  9. Town Report Review
    Marianne stated Town report essentially complete. Last items to be sent in on
    February 1. Proofs to be out next week hopefully. Board questioned who wrote the
    Selectboard report. Marianne stated the chronology came from her and Kasey but

Geoff had to approve it prior to sending to the printer. Board had questions of who
signs the report. Board requested a draft be sent to them. Gayle tasked to call Geoff
about the draft. Discussion on who would be proofing the book. Book should be
proofed and approved by February 6, Marianne stated, but earlier would be better.
10.Approve Certificate of No Appeals to the Grand List
Karen gave a explanation of the Certificate of No Appeals to the Grand List to
the Board. Leyna H. moved to approve the Certificate of No Appeals to the Grand
List with Kelly seconding the motion. No discussion. Motion passed.
11.Thorne Rd/Class 4 Road
Karen gave background on Thorne Road and class 4 highway and the
discussion she had with the Rice’s. Kevin read the email from the Rice’s. Board
discussion on the Rice’s timeframe for work, what they are allowed to do. No one
may work on a class 4 road without an Access Permit from the Town. Discussion
on how to get the Access Permit for plowing only completed, and who the
authorized person signing it should be. Kevin suggested a permit for plowing only,
and then have the Rice’s come in for a meeting. Board reviewed permit
application. Kelly noted there needs to be more consistency in how permits are
issued going forward but felt until that happened the Board should sign off on it.
The Board would need time to look over practices for filling out applications.
Board specified a restriction of snow plowing only on the permit. Karen to follow
up with Rice’s for a complete application and invite Rick to next meeting.
Kelly moved to approve a completed application for” plowing only” on an Access
Permit for Thorne Road with Rick’s approval. Leyna seconded the motion. No
discussion Motion passed.
Board discussion on Class 4 Highway Policy. Noted the policy had not been
updated since 2009. Noted policy needs some updating. Intent is clear but some rewording necessary. Noted policy could only be changed in the month of July as
stated in the policy. To be on a future agenda item at March 21, 2023.

  1. Approve Orders
    Bill L. moved to approve orders as presented with Leyna seconding the
    motion. No discussion, Motion passed.
    13.Town Wiring Issue
    Karen brought to the Board a potential wiring issue of 1.30.2023. Board
    discussion on how to approach it next time. Fire Department to be called in the
    future. Board discussion on the wiring evaluation. Kelly to contact the Dvision of
    Fire Safety come in to look at the building. Karen tasked to invite Kasey Peterson,
    grant writer, to Feb 7, 2023 meeting for discussion on possible grants.
    Board tabled purchase policy to future meeting.
    Board set agenda items for Feb 7, 2023 meeting.
    14.Executive Session – Personnel ( if necessary)
    Leyna moves to 8:35 pm executive session for personnel inviting Karen and Gayle.
    Bill seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion passed.
    Leyna moved exit at 9.22pm.Kelly second pass.
    Action: Kelly to set up interviews for AA. Discussion advertising sewer plant
    position. Kelly to draft sewer position advertisement and a highway position
    Bill Lyon noted there has been someone storing logs on Town Property and
    parking without permission of the Town property down by the sewer pland and
    liability to Town if anything happens there. Bill to contact the person and
    recommend the log pile to be gone in two weeks and clean up of the space in the
    spring . Bill to contact the person parking the box truck as well. Kelly stated it
    should be followed up with a letter.
    Kelly L. moved to adjourn with Leyna seconding the motion. No discussion.
    Motion passed . Adjourned 9:31 PM.

Selectboard Meeting Agenda – Jan 31, 2023

Selectboard Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, 31 January, 2023
6:30pm Chelsea Town Hall
1. Call meeting to order
2. Conflict of interest disclosure
3. Additions to the agenda
4. Public Comments
5. Approve Minutes
6. Approve Budget
7. Approve Town Meeting Warning
8. Informational Meeting Discussion
9. Town Report Review
10.Approve Certificate of No Appeals to the Grand List
11.Thorne Road/Class 4 Road – Mr. Rice
12.Approve Orders
13.Executive Session – Personnel (if necessary)


Special Selectboard Meeting Minutes – Jan 24, 2023

Special Selectboard Meeting Minutes (draft)
Tuesday, 24 January, 2023
Selectboard Present: Kevin Marshia, Vice Chair, William Lyon, Kelly Lyford, Leyna Hoyt
Other Employees present: Gayle Durkee, Treausrer, Marianne McCann, Town Report
Other persons present: Chris Belcher, videographer

  1. Call meeting to order – Meeting called to order at 6:32 by Kevin Marshia.
  2. Conflict of interest disclosure -None
  3. Additions to the agenda -Karen – Town Warning/Time Line
    Gayle added MRGP for approval
    Marainne- Town Report
    Kelly Update AA
    Kevin-Update on Sewer Grant Project, Zoom
  4. Public Comments – Kevin read email from Mr. Herrington,Sat 21, 2023 about tapping trees on 110 near Dickerman hill cemetery. Board noted land not in Chelsea. An email to be sent to Mr. Herrington.
  5. Approve Minutes – None available at this time.
  6. Approve Orders- moved to end of meeting
  7. Budget Discussions
    Water Budget/SewerBudget- Gayle spoke to the water budget and rates. No rate change in years. Rates to be set at next Water Board meeting. It was noted there was a deficit of around 31,000. Board discussion on Board reviewed the budget.
    Board reviewed changes to Salaries. Operating expense overage last year due to because of contracted work. Gayle noted there were some delinquencies. Kevin compared last year budget to this year’s, proposed they are somewhat close. Some nominal increase to fees for water/sewer? Just a discussion of how much to up rates. Hypotheticals discussed. Kevin, should we leave operating expense or increase? Gayle stated we have used Simons for two months. Board set operating expense at 15,000.
    Highway- Board discussion of mutual aid using mowing equipment to save money. Board discussion on mowing and tree cutting. Rental Equipment line item to 5000. Leyna to check with Rick to see if we have committed to an agreement. Kelly to check with Vershire.
    Board went over Library line item in budget- Gayle noted that VMERS for the Librarian has pushed up the line item.
    Selectboard Budget- Selectboard to use AA laptop, tech line item to 500 for zoom, Supplies to 250.
    AA Budget – Board set compensation at 30,000 to cover 16-20 hours for AA and hour for Grant Admin. Technology to 1200 for laptop.
    Town Clerk Budget – Board increased salary at 33,000 based on state wide average. Drop Assistant Town Clerk to 2,5000, dropped technology down by 100.
    Treasurer Budget – Board increased salary to 33,000 based on state-wide average.
    DTC – no changes
    Listers budget – Board decrease payroll to 8000
    DRB- No Change
    Public Safety -No change OCS billed Dec/Jan
    Town Hall Budget – Custodian salary decreased to 4500 as not all was utilized from last year.
    Board discussion with Treausrer about Mowing payrolls for several Town departments. Discussion on hours for highway. Leyna to double check with Rick to confirm the time he uses.
    Solid Waste budget – Kevin over budget on salary for “22”. Board increase salary 12,000. Leyna how much over? 9-10 thousand deficit.
    Rec Committee line item – No change, Gayle noted the town pays electric for skating.
    General expenses- Election line item brought down to 3000. Clerk explained it would be higher in a year when there were state and federal elections.
    Nemrc- no change
    Petitions Appropriations- 14,2000 for petitions submitted. Clerk said three entities did not make the dead line. Spotlight brought in a petition. Board discussion and decision to put it on the Town warning increases appropriation budgetary line item to 16,240.
    Highway Budget – Board reviewed changes.
    Heating fuel increase to 5000
    Equipment repairs – 45,000
    Diesel Fuel – 80,000 Gayle noted mud season blew the budget last year.
    Board review of bottom line, budget up 4%. $1,130,895 to be raised by taxes about 178,000 more than last year.
    Gayle to bring finalized budget to January 31, 2023 Selectboard Meeting for approval. Gayle to send budget to Board to check excel formulas.Kevin noted maybe some ARPA funds could be used to offset some expenses. If Town could use soome funds to keep taxes down. Gayle would have to look into it. She has to look into extra taxes that we received and see if that could reduce taxes.
  8. Gayle presented the Municipal Roads General Permit (MGRP) – enables the Town to get funding and impacts grant income.
    Kelly moved for Kevin to sign the MRGP in the amount of 640.00. Bill seconded. Motion passed.
    Kelly moved to add 640.00 for the MRGP application fee to ANR. Bill seconded. Motion passed.
  9. Move to approve orders. Kelly moved to approve the orders Bill seconded. Motion passed.
  10. Town Meeting Warning & Timeline. Karen ran down timeline and Hybrid Town Meeting Warning. Discussion on info meeting.
    Bill moved to hold informational Meeting March 2, 2023 at 6:30 pm at the Town Hall. Leyna seconded the motion. Motion 12. passed.
  11. AA Update – Kelly updated the board on the AA position. Advertisement in paper for two weeks. Currently drafting questions.
  12. Sewer Grant Update – Kevin contacted Ms Ellis. For the Pump Stattion Grant. Appropriation is there and Town must put in an application if we meet the criteria. 600,000 for the project, 20% match Town Match 150,000. There are some criteria for some potential waiving of match if we meet those criteria.
    Many communities have had problems with an unique identity # Duns. Fed account. Gayle noted the process is not easy but we have one and it has to be updated. It is not an easy process.
    Board discussion about having Otter Creet and ANR invited to a future meeting for some imput. Kevin tasked with speaking to John Maryfield about Town options
  13. Town Report – Just missing a few small items- fire chiefs report, fire dept budget and prudential board report, selectboard report, Treausrer files and Dog Report from Clerk and three reports for appropriations. Will leave, admin vacant. Selectboard to take some time and think about the proofing of the report.Kelly each person takes a section- next meeting to decide.
  14. Zoom Update -Kevin, would like to go forward with a live zoom account. Board discussion, Kevin tasked to work with Gayle on it. Marianne said there is the free account under administrative assistant. Marianne to share info with Kevin. Kevin to look into storage needs for it. Considered public records once Town chooses to use it.
    Kevin spoke about Otter Creek being invited and Kelly ANR also invite to get some input from someone. Conversation with John Maryfield, Kevin will speak to him about what the Town has for options.
  15. Executive Session – Personnel (if necessary)
    Kelly moved to enter executive session for personnel at 9:02 pm inviting Karen Lathrop, Clerk. Leyna Hoyt seconded the motion. Leyna seconded the motion. Motion passed
    Leyna moved to exit executive session at 9:28. Bill seconded the motion
    Motion passed.
    Action – Kelly to contact VLCT about Town Resources as the next step going forward with help for an employee.
  16. Kelly moved to adjourn with Bill seconding the motion at 9:30 pm. Motion passed.
    Next Selectboard Meeting – Tuesday, January 31, 2023 – 6:30 PM
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Water Board/ Selectboard Meeting Agenda – Jan 21, 2023

Water Board Meeting Agenda
Saturday, 21 January, 2023
9:00 AM Chelsea Water Treatment Plant / Town Hall
Water Meeting/Selectboard Meeting
1. Call Water Board meeting to order
2. Conflict of interest disclosure
3. Tour of Water Treatment Facilities
4. Recess – Move to Town Hall
5. Water/Sewer Budget Discussion
6. Additional Water/Sewer business
7. Adjourn
8. Call Selectboard Meeting to order
9. Conflict of Interest Disclosure
10.Additions to the agenda
11.Public Comments
12.Budget Discussions
13.Executive Session – Personnel (if necessary)


Selectboard Meeting Minutes – Jan 21, 2023

Selectboard Meeting Minutes (Draft)
January 21, 2023
Selectboard present: Kelly Lyford, William Lyon, Leyna Hoyt
Town Employees, Gayle Durkee, Treasurer, Karen Lathrop, Town Clerk,
Others present: Mark Vermette

  1. Call meeting to order:
    Kelly called the meeting to order at 11:23 AM
  2. Conflict of Interest:
  3. Addition to agenda:
    Kelly- update to AA job description and ad
    Karen- review purchase policy revision
    Karen- review Town Meeting Warning 1st draft
  4. Budget discussions:
  5. AA job description update and ad
    Kelly went through updated AA description and noted she tidied up the
    language, expectations and job duties were in a bullet point format. She
    changed the minimum qualifications which she felt was very important.
    Board read over the job description.
    Leyna moved to adopt the new job description with Bill Lyon seconding the
    motion. Motion passed unanimously.
    Kelly to update the ad and send to Karen and Gayle. Karen tasked to place it
    on the website along with the new AA job description and let the applicants
    know about it. Gayle to send it to the newspaper for publication. To be ran
    twice in the newspaper.
  6. Purchase policy revisions.
    Karen presented the amendments the Board made to the purchase policy.
  • Changed Town Administrator to AA/Treasurer
  • Changed $2,000 to $5,000 and notification to Board in Minor
  • Changed $5000 and up in Major Purchase
  • Noted in red the previous Boards amendment.
    For Board Review at a future meeting.
  1. Town Meeting Warning 1st draft :
    Karen presented the first draft of the Town Meeting Warning. Board
    reviewed. To be brought to the next meeting for any revisions.
  2. Executive Session Personnel
  3. Adjourn:
    Leyna moved to adjourn at 11:43 with Bill seconding the motion. Motion
    passed unanimously.

Selectboard Meeting Minutes – Jan 18, 2023

Chelsea Selectboard Meeting Minutes (draft)
January 18, 2023
Present: Geoff Clayton, Chair, Kevin Marshia, Vice Chair, Leyna Hoyt, William
Lyon and Kelly Lyford.
Other Town Employees present: Karen Lathrop, Town Clerk, Gayle Durkee,
Treasurer, Marianne McCann, Town Report, Rick Ackerman, Road Foreman
Other present: Chris Belcher, videographer.

  1. Call meeting to order: Meeting called to order at 6:33 pm by Geoff Clayton.
  2. Conflict of interest disclosure: No conflicts reported.
    Changes to the agenda: Kevin -FEMA request
    Marianne McCann- Discuss Town Info Meeting
    Karen – Approve 1.07.2023 minutes
  3. Public Comment –None
  4. Approve minutes:
    a. Selectboard Meeting January 7, 2023: Kevin requested a revision to item
    16 of the meeting minutes pertaining to verbiage on wages. Karen noted
    the revision was completed and sent to the Board and posted on the
    website. Kevin moved to approve the January 7, 2023 meeting minutes
    with Leyna Hoyt seconding the motion. No discussion. Motion passed by
    unanimous consent.
    b. Selectboard Meeting January 12, 2023: Bill Lyon moved to approve the
    minutes of January 12, 2023 with Leyna Hoyt seconding the motion. No
    discussion. Motion passed by unanimous consent.
  5. Approve Orders: Geoff noted he was not going to be taking the EMT course
    and asked if the Board would like to go back to Tuesday night as signing on
    Wednesday was causing some issues for Gayle. Brief discussion by Board
    about starting date. Leyna Hoyt moved to switch back to Tuesday night
    meetings at 6:30 pm, the first, third and fifth Tuesday’s starting January 31,
  6. Kelly Lyford seconded the motion. Kevin clarified only the day was
    changing, meetings still at 6:30 at the Town Hall. No other discussion. Motion
    passed by unanimous consent.

Kasey Peterson, Grants Admin, reported to the Board that there was an invoice
for the pellet furnace project in the orders and it came out to slightly more than
the $44,000.00 budgeted for the project. Total cost was $51,100.00 due to
having to build a furnace room and pour a concrete pad for the pellet boiler. She
stated that it was the final piece of documentation needed for the $22,000.00
grant reimbursement from the Vermont Arts Council. Kelly asked if all the
documentation for the grant was completed. Kasey said reports were complete
except for some math to show how often the hall was utilized during the year
and the invoice. She noted the hopper holds 9 tons and would go over costs in
the budget section of the meeting. Kevin asked Gayle the process for signing
orders was. Gayle sends the top sheet to the orders prior to the meeting for
review. To be continued below.

  1. Executive Session – Personnel: Kevin Marshia moved to enter executive
    session at 6:49 pm for Personnel & Highway inviting Gayle and Karen. Motion
    seconded by Leyna Hoyt. No Discussion. Motion passed by unanimous consent.
    Kevin Marshia moved to exit executive session at 7:44 pm. Bill Lyon seconded
    the motion. No. Discussion. Motion passed by unanimous consent.
    Action: Kelly Lyford to review and rewrite the administrative assistant job
    description and present to the board on Saturday.
    Kevin Marshia stated the Board would use the VLCT Compensation and
    Benefits Report and State-wide avg salaries during the budgeting process for
  2. Budget Discussion
    a. Treasurer Comments: Remember to look at your bottom line of the
    budget as you will need to raise that amount in taxes.
    b. Highway: Rick reported to the Board that truck 5 needed repairs to the
    front end and he needed Board approval as the cost could be anywhere
    from $2,000.00 to $5,000.00 depending on what was discovered wrong.
    Rick stated Board approval was necessary if expending monies over
    $2,000.00 which comes under major repairs section of Town Purchasing
    Policy. This led to a discussion about the trucks in general and whether
    the policy needed to be updated. Board asked Rick what he thought a
    reasonable, realistic amount that he would need to complete repairs to
    items. Rick stated $5,000.00 but would not spend that much if
    unnecessary. Board felt the policy should be amended to read that
    amount and just notification to the Board that repairs were necessary.
    Karen to make the changes to policy and bring a draft to the Board on
    Saturday. The Board went over staffing needs with Rick. Eventually the
    highway will need three full time year round employees. Highway is
    down to a one full time and one part time employee( 30 hour). When
    asked if Rick comes to every meeting, Geoff mentioned Rick comes to
    meetings as needed and when the Board appoints the liaison and they will
    let Rick know when needed.
    Highway Budget – Gayle brought up the income side of the Highway
    budget and explained the line items. Kevin asked about the Side-walk
    grant. Kasey, Grant Administrator, spoke to it. There is a piece of
    sidewalk north and south of the Fire Station that needs repairs. Due
    winter setting in, the request for proposals will be out again in the spring.
    Expectations are that it will completed before the end of summer. It is a
    50/50 match of funds. Kasey to send all reports and the Town to be
    reimbursed the $29,000.00. Kevin asked about Grants in aid and
    budgeting. Rick stated they have a class 2 grant in aid in the amount of
    $175,000.00 for paving with an end date of December of 2023. Kevin
    asked if that should be in the budget? Rick stated it had never been
    included as it was a wash. In one side out the other. Gayle said they
    would see it in resurfacing expenses then on income side it could go
    under other grants.
    Geoff & Kaseyspoke to bridge grants. She noted Doug Lyford gave her a
    folder of items. Kasey stated that Maple St Bridge is a long way down
    the list according to Rita Seto at TRORC. Kevin said the Maple Street
    bridge went through a prioritization project. It made the list but was not
    chosen. The box culvert is an AOT project. Kevin said there were Town
    structures grants available. Gayle stated we had $35,000.00 in the
    highway match fund so there is money if the Town needed to come up
    with it.
    Highway Personnel – Kevin based on previous discussions they should
    budget for the three full time employees and suggested a budget amount
    of $175,000.00 and to budget the line items that go with the salaries. In
    discussion, Rick thought overtime would go down if they hired three full
    time person. Board discussion on it. Gayle to update budget numbers and
    bring to next meeting.
    Garage – Gayle noted technology was up due to computer purchase and
    heating oil is at $2.10/gallon.
    Town Equipment – Equipment Rental went up substantially. Rick
    reported he traded work with Vershire last year. Worked well though
    Town has to wait until they make it available. The budget number was
    what it would cost to rent from Tenco. Discussion on how many weeks it
    was needed. Bill reported to the Board, Town could rent a tractor for
    $2,500/wk from Adam. Board asked Rick to schedule a rental. Rick said
    he might need it for three week to four weeks and Board budgeted
    Equipment Repairs- Leyna questioned the equipment breakdown. Rick
    reported all the trucks were 8 years old with no warranty so all bills
    would be all out of pocket. Rick reported the Board needed to think about
    replacements as it might take two years to get a truck at this point, as you
    can’t buy one right now. The loader was now 22 years old. Leyna asked
    if we had an equipment fund and Gayle reported yes, and they had been
    putting a little more in it as payments had gone down as vehicles were
    paid off. Kelly asked if there was a replacement schedule. Rick reported
    he did have one but they haven’t been able to keep to it. Board discussed
    all the trucks and the equipment repair line item with Rick. Budgeted
    Highway Maintenance – Board discussed diesel fuel with Rick. Cost at
    this time is $4.50/gallon according to Gayle. Board stated it needed to be
    a realistic number and left it at $80,000. Two high items are Gravel and
    Sand. Rick reported last year 70% of what they used for gravel was due
    to the extremely bad mud season. McCullough’s upped their prices. Rick
    said he thought they had enough sand this year that they could cut down
    on it a bit. They put up 4,000 yds are year. Average year usage is 3,500
    yds. Board left the budgeted amount as is for now.
    Ditching- never had a line item for it. Usually use the backhoe, and hired
    Tad to do grants in aid work.
    Construction/Projects – Rick stated the three first lines are our percentage
    match. Culverts 10% Class 2 Roads 20%. Gayle explained the process
    and Rick noted some of it is in kind matchs. Grants in aid is stone lined
    ditching. Gayle noted Town reimbursement would be $29,000. Gayle
    noted they put in $6,000 for bridges and culverts. None was budgeted for
    last year.
    Debt & Capital Funding – Gayle explained each line. Equipment fund is
    there for future equipment needs. Kevin said that might be an area we go
    back and tweak. Rick said they need to remember that the bottom line
    shows grants that are not part of the highway budget, for example the
    sidewalk grant which makes the highway budget look inflated. Gayle
    said she would make the changes and bring it to the next meeting.
    c. Capital Funds/Critical Needs-Geoff felt this could be put off till the next
    meeting. Water and Sewer would be done on Saturday.
    d. Any other items which need to be covered- Kevin wanted to go over the
    rest of the budget items if necessary. Gayle noted the items under the rest
    of the budget items are pretty much set. Kevin asked about all the rec
    committee and other small items. Geoff replied many of the line items
    are just funds that are balances.
    Rick asked if he should be going to the sewer plant every day. The guy
    who comes three times a week brings his wife. Board said it was a
    liability issue Town and there should be a Town employee there when
    someone is not our employee. If Rick can’t make it do to plowing, then
    let someone know and maybe one of the Board members could go.
    Gayle asked the Board to go back to Town Hall for a look at pellet costs
    and maintenance. Kasey reports that the Town has to empty one of the
    three fuel tanks down in the hall and Lyme Green would pump it and
    take it to the Town Garage if Rick has room. Board took out the oil costs
    for this year. Kasey noted 9 ton of pellets were $2,100 for the budget.
    Leyna asked about the grant that is available for the Sewer plant. Kevin
    gave an update on that. The Town match would be $150,000. Marianne
    McCann reported she sent an email to the Board. Project $750,000,
    match is $150,000 and it will take a long time to apply and there is a
    possibility that the $150,00 could be waived but more reading needs to be
    Geoff said he could put a small blurb in the newspaper to get the word
    out. Kevin said there is language for rural communities and demographic
    lines. He said he has drafted and email for informational reasons only and
    if the Board was okay with it he would send it out and let the Board know
    what information he receivesback Geoff said to go ahead and reach out.
    Just cc the admin or chair on it and just do it in the future, no worries
    about getting information
    Kasey asked to go back to the Pellet Furnace Maintenance line. She
    reported there are two maintenance items. The yearly maintenance plan is
    $400/ year and it covers the basic stuff, for example for parts and service
    and then there is $210/year fee for a midwinter cleaning for the air filters.
    There are four oil furnaces for backups if the pellet furnace has issues but
    they are also the blowers for the pellet furnace and they all have to have
    filters changed out. She thought the $400.00 includes having them come
    switch out the ash box but they don’t do that until 20 ton of pellets have
    gone through. Bill Lyon asked about the warranty and Kasey to find out
    and report back to board.
    Kasey asked about a couple of workshops she would like to go to and
    wanted to check with the Board before going. Board is fine with that.
    Leyna questioned whether the ARPA money could be used for some of
    the Town expenses. Gayle said she would look at it but the government
    has been changing the rules. Geoff said wait till the Board saw the final
    budget numbers and then see what we have upcoming for expenses. He
    reported they had until June to make decisions. Marianne McCann said
    they have till 2024 to decide and 2026 to use, but using it right away
    could happen. Kelly asked about the criteria and Marianne said you could
    go online and see what it can be used for. Kevin noted there was a group
    that had a meeting and came up with ideas. Kevin said should the Board
    ask them what the recommendations. Geoff stated they had already
    submitted a list. Kevin, said he would like to hear from them because he
    thought they would have researched it further. Kevin would like to see
    this for a future meeting, not at budget time. Gayle noted you can go to
    the VLCT website and look at what it could be used for but we have a lot
    of sewer issues that need to be addressed. Kevin noted that ARPA can’t
    be matched to the sewer grant. Kelly asked if the money in the sinking
    fund had criteria attached to it. Gayle to research and get back to the
  3. Town Clerk- nothing.
  4. Administrative Assistant- Town Report- Marianne McCann went over the
    Town Report calendar. She made up a sheet on Nolan to go into the Town
    Report. She reported she needed the Selectboard report, she made some dates of
    when the info meeting should be and she stated she needed a warning and
    Gayle’s reports as well for it. The contact list still needs the admin assist. She
    made the auditors report. She reported there were two info meetings last year.
    The Selectboard only needs to have one and it probably should be the second of
    March as it must fall within ten days prior to Town Meeting. Kevin asked if
    motion were needed for the auditors report and Marianne replied no. She thinks
    the books might be mailed on the 21st of February She stated the last day to
    complete the warning is February 5, but it needs to be done asap.
    10.Town Meeting- The Town Warning is a Hybrid and numbers need to be entered
    asap to it, appropriations would be in a day or so. Karen said she could go in get
    it on Friday. She thinks the books might be mailed on the 21 of February.
    Board wants another meeting Special Meeting January 24, 2023 at 6:30pm at
    the Town Hall.
    Kevin noted for the public that the Selectboard would be meeting as the Water
    Board at 9 am at the Water Treatment Facility then go to the Town Hall after.
    Geoff noted he put Selectboard meeting right after for the budget part of the
    water and sewer.
    10.Rules of Conduct at public meetings- Pass over and tabled to a future meeting,
    because of time and there will need to be a long discussion of what the Board
    can do and what they cannot and what they can do for policy besides statutory
    laws. He feels the Board needs to look at what they can do for legal recourse if
    there are issues at meetings.
    Kevin wanted to know who to speak to about putting the Chelsea Spotlight
    Somewhere in the foyer. Karen said there would be no problem with that.
    Kevin also reported he worked with the owl but did not get it to work with his
    computer yet but getting closer. Next step to budget a zoom account and it is a
    work in progress. He would work with Gayle. He looked at cost of storage but
    does not know how much space needed per meeting.
    Back to approve orders- Kevin asked for clarification of orders – Gayle stated
    pink Top Sheet is Selectboard Orders & Rec, Green is Highway and Blue is
    water. Geoff gave a brief synopsis of the Sheriff Dept Billing. He felt the
    services received were at times where there was no speeding. Many hours of
    paperwork. The Board asked if the contract had been signed and he stated it had
    been. The only recourse the Town has would be not to sign a contract. Kevin
    would like to invite the new administration to a future meeting to hear from
    them and touch base with them.
    Bill Lyon moved to approve orders with Leyna Hoyt seconding the motion. No
    discussion. Motion passed by unanimous consent.
    11.Adjourn: Motion to adjourn: Kevin moved to adjourn at 9:44 with Leyna Hoyt
    seconding the motion. No discussion. Motion passed by unanimous consent.

Selectboard Meeting Agenda – Jan 18, 2023

Chelsea Selectboard Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, 18 January, 2023
6:30PM Chelsea Town Hall
1. Call meeting to order
2. Conflict of interest disclosure
3. Changes to the agenda
4. Public Comment
5. Approve minutes:
a. Selectboard Meeting 12 January 2023
6. Approve Orders
7. Executive Session – Personnel (if needed)
8. Budget Discussion
a. Treasurer Comments
b. Highway
c. Capital Funds/Critical Needs
d. Any other items which need to be covered
9. Town Clerk
10.Administrative Assistant
11.Town Meeting
12.Rules of Conduct at public meetings


Selectboard Meeting Minutes – Jan 12, 2023

Town of Chelsea Selectboard Meeting (Draft)
January 12, 2023 – Chelsea Town Hall
Selectboard members present: Geoff Clayton, Chair, Kevin Marshia, Vice Chair, Kelly Lyford, William Lyon and Leyna Hoyt
Other Town employees present: Karen Lathrop, Town Clerk, Gayle Durkee, Treasurer, Marianne McCann, Town Report

  1. Meeting called to order by Geoff Clayton at 6:32 pm
  2. No Conflicts of interest
  3. Changes to agenda: Geoff added executive session for Roberts Poor Fund, Gayle Durkee added Auditor’s Contract
  4. No public comment
  5. Approve minutes: Kevin has not had a chance to look at minutes. Tabled until next meeting.
    Added: Roberts Poor Fund Executive Session for fuel assistance
    Leyna Hoyt moved to enter into executive session at 6:37 for a Robert’s Poor Fund Request for fuel assistance, inviting the Clerk, Treasurer, and Ms Mccann to stay. Motion seconded by William Lyon. Motion passed by unanimous consent.
    Kevin moved to exit executive session at 6:49 pm with William Lyon seconding the motion. Motion passed by unanimous consent.
    Action: Kevin Marshia moved expenditure of $655.48 from Robert’s Poor Fund for fuel assistance with Kelly Lyford seconding the motion. Motion passed by unanimous consent.
    6:Executive Session for Personnel:
    Geoff stated there were three applications for the AA position and one for the Waste Water dept. There was discussion about the interview process and Geoff reported that Karen and Gayle were part of the interview team. There was discussion about the needs of the Waste Water Plant personnel and Highway.
    Lyena Hoyt moved to go into executive session at 6:56 pm for personnel inviting the Clerk and Treasurer to stay. William Lyon seconded the motion. Motion passed by unanimous consent.
    Kevin Marshia moved to exit executive session at 7:15 pm with William Lyon seconding the motion. Motion passed by unanimous consent.
    Action: Kelly Lyford and William Lyon will handle the interviews for the AA position. Geoff Clayton to contact Nolan LaFrancis to discuss the future status with Town.
  6. Budget Discussion :
    Gayle explained the revenue side of the budget line by line and answered questions on Delinquent Tax Revenue for the year. There was a tax sale this year which brought up the revenue ($216,123.44) There had not been a tax sale since before Covid. They would now be resuming tax sales as they were not permitted the first two years of Covid. They normally budget for delinquent taxes that come in but are never sure of how much. It washes out under Delinquent Tax Collector under Delinquent Tax Collector Fees. 2023 budgeted at 10,000.00.
    Under State of VT Revenue: There was a brief discussion on civil fines, how they come in and the Sheriff’s Dept. 2023 budgeted at 150.00.
    The Board noted Current Use has gone down a lot. Gayle said many changes were made to current use last year. Gayle noted they should speak with Phyllis, one of our Listers for the changes that have affected Current Use and Real Estate. 2023 budgeted at 95,000.00.
    Board questioned whether we get Listers Education money. Gayle to speak with Phyllis about this line item and report to the Board.
    Under Service Fees Revenue, the Clerk gave the Board information on the revenue that comes from her office. She reported liquor licenses went up due to the Wagon Wheel and dog licenses continue to slack off since Covid. Board asked if a rabies clinic was still ongoing. Karen reported that she won’t know until January 30, 2023. If the vet does one, it will probably be only one day. They are not making money at it. Geoff said maybe there was grant as it was public saftely related. No changes made.
    Gayle went over Zoning and Planning Income. No changes made to it.
    Under Solid Waste: Geoff reported people are continuing dumping. He says if we up fees, more dumping will continue. He said probably should leave the revenue side as is right now. Board discussion on raising fees and how to do it as we are running a $10,000.00 deficit. Board discussion on how to show the deficit. Geoff said as a line item. Leyna offered to research it and come back to it. William agreed with Geoff’s line item idea. Under Solid waste revenue, $80,000.00. Gayle gave info on it and how it relates to any line of credit. Kevin asked about the grant. Gayle and Marianne explained it was for switches at the transfer station. Gayle states we can take out the line item after this year. Lowered metal revenue to $175.00.
    Under total other revenue, Gayle explained the line items for some reimbursements. She explained the reimbursement for mowing the Heath Field, and Recreation Field. Interest on Investment is what the interest rate on our General Fund. Robert’s Gould Field is reimbursed by Will Gilman by a fund he has for it. Kevin wanted to know if this was Town related? Gayle said it was the way it was set up when it went into place for reimbursement. The Town would pay the contractor and be rimbursed.
    Under expenses side of the budget:
    Selectboard Budget: Board discussed stipends, legal fees, advertising, and technology. Board stipend to stay the same. Board put Selectboard legal fees under General Fees at $3,000.00 to be reviewed at next meeting. Board noted advertising must go up due to positions needing to be filled. Set 2023 budget at $3,000.00. Marianne noted legal notices come out of that budget. Marianne McCann had zoom figures for the Board. Kevin had checked into them as well. 2023 budget for technology set at $ 2,500.00. Board noted there would be add on costs for cloud storage. Gayle has looked into quotes for laptop from Caulkins network. William Lyon gave the name of Chris McAndrew to get quotes from also. Board wants to ensure the technology we buy has enough graphics card to give quality to the meetings.
    AA Budget: Board discussion around how many hours AA position is. (16- 20/wk)The grant writer position, held by Kasey Peterson is rolled into the hours for AA. (8-10/wk) Kevin asked why payroll was so high. Karen stated it was amended up by $30,000 at Town Meeting last year. Board to come back to payroll at next meeting. Gayle noted there was an increase in rent due to new contract and a new copier lease was more expensive.
    Town Clerk Budget: Budget stayed the same except for increase to office equipment due to copier rental increase.
    Treasurer/Tax Collector Budget: Gayle went over her budget with the Board.
    Listers Budget: 2023 budget change Listers Office Equipment $1,150 for new copier contract.
    DRB/Zoning Budget: No changes
    Public Safety Budget: After much Board discussion a line item was added to Health Officer for expenses for 2023. $300.00. Geoff explained the position comes with more paperwork and trainings that must be completed. There was discussion about raising the Animal Control Officer Stipend. Leyna H. to research other towns. A line item from expenses was added. $300.00. Geoff reported the OCSD contract had already been signed.
    Town Hall Budget: Karen reported our custodian only works part time due to another full time position. She does not do outside maintenance. Mowing line up went up due to actual costs. 2023 budget $1,600.00. She noted that there was outside maintenance to do this next year. Supplies went up due to inflation. 2023 budget $2,500.00. Gayle added a line item for pellets for the boiler. 2023 budget $ – wait till Kasey comes in. Will need a line for pellet maintenance for the boiler. Kasey to be at the next meeting. Fuel Oil was increased due to cost increases 2023 budget $4,000.00.
    Solid Waste Budget: Board reviewed Budget. There was discussion in general about payroll budget. No decisions made on numbers for it. To be reviewed at a future meeting.
    Marianne reported that the Town had been awarded a grant for sewer upgrades from Peter Welch’s Office as part of Connunity Funding Grant in the Omnibus Bill passed earlier, but would require a Town Funding match that could not come out of ARPA Funds. More info to come. Board discussion on using the sinking fund for it. Marianne noted she sent reading to the Board about this. Kevin asked that the email be forwarded.
    Kevin noted the time was getting late and the Board decided to ask Rick Ackerman to the next meeting January 18, 2023 via Leyna Hoyt. Kevin noted that the Board had a walk through the Sewer plant with Mike Whipple on January 21, 2023 and should sit down as a Board after and discuss the Sewer budget. Geoff stated we need to get our water/sewer system squared away or we might lose our sovereignty of our system.
    Geoff asked for a motion to adjourn. Kevin Marshia moved to adjourn the meeting with William Lyon seconding the motion. The motion passed by unanimous consent. The meeting adjourned at 10:17 pm