There are some new changes to Vermont’s Open Meeting Law that go into effect beginning on July 1st, 2024. Please see the information below regarding these changes:
Transparency is an essential element of an open and democratic government. In Vermont, the Open Meeting Law ensures that meetings of governmental bodies remain accessible by declaring that “[a]ll meetings of a public body are declared to be open to the public at all times, except as provided in section 313 of this title.” 1 V.S.A. § 312(a). The Open Meeting Law, and its requirements, empower the public to play an effective role, not only as an active participant in government but as a check on it. The law is found in 1 V.S.A. §§ 310-314.
The Open Meeting Law has recently been updated to change with the times. In response to the sunsetting on July 1st of the temporary authority to allow local public bodies to meet remotely during the COVID pandemic, the Legislature passed, and the Governor signed into law, Act 133 (S.55). Act 133, which is effective July 1st of 2024, makes permanent the ability of some local and State public bodies (e.g. advisory bodies) to meet without designating a physical meeting location (i.e. remotely), while imposing upon others (non-advisory bodies) the requirement to record and post their meetings. These are just some of the highlights of the new law.
If you would like to read more about these changes, please see the overview from the Vermont League of Cities and Towns HERE.
Open Meeting Law Complaint Form