Chelsea Recreation Committee Meeting
January 14th, 2025
Google Meet joining info
Video call link:
1) Assign titles to Rec Members:
a) President – Samantha Allen
b) Vice President: Robin Amber
c) Treasure: Neil Kennedy
d) Secretary: Ashley Grote
e) Member: John Parker
f) Member: Ally Hook
g) Open member space: ?
2) Topics
a) Town Report due by 1/17/25
b) Mowing payment
c) Fertilizing the field and who should get a hold of the person to schedule this for this spring.
d) Google Form for trash and field use: (Sam will do this)
e) Saturday morning workouts have been going great. We will continue these classes.
f) Grants: Winter Sports Youth Grant, Byrnes Grant, VT Sports and Rec Grant
g) Softball and Baseball Code of Conduct or rules?
h) Amber Cup Date?
i) Resurface basketball court
j) Spring Clean Up Date for Baseball
k) Tunbridge Rec payment: I haven’t received a check but I will ask Gayle about it.
i) $100.00 flat fee to use the field
ii) All trash needs to be bagged and taken away
iii) Don’t spit gum out on the grass
l) Others?
Next Steps