Request for Proposals – Engineering Services for Flood Recovery
Town of Chelsea Flood Response
Request for Proposals (RFP) – Engineering Services
Town of Chelsea, Vermont
June 13, 2024
I. Project Description – The Town of Chelsea had impacts to a number of critical transportation assets as the result of flooding during July 2023. The Town is seeking design engineering, permitting, right of way, utility, and construction phase services for six different locations as part of this proposal. It is important to note that these projects must be proposed, developed, constructed invoiced and accounted for separately in order to comply with FEMA Public Assistance requirements.
• Bridge #45 – Maple Avenue Bridge. The Maple Avenue bridge is a repeat damage site in our Village. The current structure is a 31 foot long cast in place concrete bridge on a dead end road. During July flooding the approaches of the bridge were impacted as was the granite block substructure. Prior to the flood the Town had secured a Town Highway Bridge Grant from VTrans to design a replacement structure at this location. The Town Highway Bridge Grant funding is anticipated to be utilized to fund the preconstruction services for this structure. It is anticipated that the Town of Chelsea will pursue a FEMA Flood Mitigation Grant for the replacement of this structure. The VTrans Bridge Inspection Report is attached to this RFP.
• TH-15 (Doyle Road) over unnamed tributary to First Branch White River. The site is referred to as Culvert #3 and is 0.2 miles North of the Washington Turnpike intersection. There are two culverts side by side at this location. Both culverts were completely dislodged and washed downstream during the flood. A contractor retrieved the existing culverts from downstream and reinstalled them as a temporary measure to restore traffic on this dead end road. It is anticipated that this location will repaired through the FEMA Public Assistance program. The August 2023 VTrans Hydraulics Memo is attached to this RFP.
• TH-3, Brook Road, Cram Brook tributary to First Branch White River. The site is 0.6 miles NW of TH-33, Pent Road intersection. This existing culvert is a metal pipe arch that is a repeat damage site as it is frequently inadequate hydraulically during heavy rain and runoff events. It is anticipated that this location will repaired through the FEMA Public Assistance program. The October 2023 VTrans Hydraulics Memo is attached to this RFP.
• TH-4, Bobbinshop Road, unnamed tributary to First Branch White River. The site is 1.3 miles NW of VT 110 intersection. This existing culvert is a metal pipe that is a repeat damage site as it is f inadequate hydraulically during heavy rain and runoff events. It is anticipated that this location will repaired through the FEMA Public Assistance program. The October 2023 VTrans Hydraulics Memo is attached to this RFP.
• Pedestrian Bridge. An approximately 60 foot long pedestrian bridge over the First Branch of the White River was completely destroyed. This bridge is located along an unnamed Town right-of-way on the west side of VT 110 just north of the Fire Station. The geometry of the channel of the White River as well as concrete retaining walls contributed to the flooding at this site. It is anticipated that this location will repaired through the FEMA Public Assistance program
• Edwards Road Earthen Slopes. Two larger slope failures were temporarily repaired following the July storm to restore traffic to this roadway. A geotechnical assessment and recommendations are required to determine the potential repairs to these two locations. Upon completion of the geotechnical assessment the consultant and Town will work together to determine the scope of the project to be advanced (if any) at these locations.
The contact for this project is:
Tierney Farago, Town Administrator
PO BOX 266, Chelsea, VT 05038
Phone (802) 625-2023
II. Scope of Work
The following scope of services are intended to cover the entire scope of any or all projects listed in this RFP. This list is intended to be scaled, as agreed upon with the Town, to ensure that the scope of the individual project meets the necessary federal (FEMA and or FHWA) or state funding requirements. If all steps are not necessary to advance a project to construction, the consultant shall include the recommended process in their proposal.
Task 1: Project Kick-off
The consultant will convene a project kick-off meeting to discuss the goals and objectives of the Town and define the project development process. The Consultant will come prepared to present the general scope of services anticipated for each project. The consultant will discuss the project schedule and arrange to collect all information relevant to the project, including all existing project files. The consultant will coordinate and schedule this meeting and take notes to document the discussions and decisions made and to distribute to parties of interest.
Task 2: Topographic Survey and Base Mapping
2.1: Right-of-Way and Deed Information
The consultant is to review all relevant base map and data in an effort to determine the approximate limits of the existing Right-of-Way. Unless documentation is determined otherwise, the Town presumes a statutory three rod (49.5’ right-of-way). The Town will provide available roadway plans, land records, property deeds and tax maps on file for the properties within the project limits. The purpose will be to document the property lines and owners within the project limits for subsequent Right-of-Way use. This right of way and property information will be compiled and presented on the plans.
2.2: Utility Location
The consultant shall identify all existing overhead and underground utilities that may be affected by project construction and depict their location on project plans, if not already done.
2.3: Ground Survey
The consultant will review perform the necessary topographic survey for these projects, to verify it includes enough information to design, permit, acquire Right-of-Way and construct the project.
Task 3: Permitting and Investigations
The Consultant will determine the need for other environmental permits and will assist the Town in acquiring all necessary federal, state, and local environmental permits necessary to complete the project. The Town is generally responsible for any permit fees.
Task 4: Preliminary Plans
The preliminary plans will include all information necessary to determine preliminary construction information necessary to permit, acquire right-of-way and relocate utilities for the individual projects.
The design will be in accordance with the Town of Chelsea Codes and Standards, requirements of the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources, Army Corps of Engineers, VTrans Standard Specifications for Construction, the current editions of the Vermont State Standards, the Public Rights of Way Accessibility Guidance issued by the US Access Board, and the most recent edition of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices.
In addition to the preliminary plans, the consultant will develop an Engineer’s Estimate.
A submittal to the Town of Chelsea and the ANR Rivers Management Engineer (others as appropriate) is expected at this stage for review. The plans and estimate will be submitted in a .pdf format. All comments and changes resulting from the review will be addressed by the consultant in the following set of plans.
Task 5: Right-of-Way Plans and Acquisition Process
Using the project construction limits and any anticipated need for temporary rights during construction, the need for additional right of way will be confirmed by the Consultant. They will determine if any additional right-of-way (ROW), including all permanent and temporary easements, beyond the existing ROW is required to construct the project.
5.1: Right of Way Plans
Existing ROW, and all areas of additional ROW, whether temporary or permanent, will be clearly indi¬cated on ROW plans prepared by the Consultant in accordance with standard survey practices. Easements will be developed by the Consultant and their content must match information shown on the ROW plans. ROW plans must include all of the elements of preliminary plans with the addition of the following:
• Right-of-Way detail sheet
• Property Acquisition Table
In the event that Right-of-Way acquisition is simple and/or does not involve many parcels, it is acceptable to include Right-of-Way information on the project plan sheets.
5.2: Right of Way Coordination
The Town will be responsible for appraisals, negotiations and completing the acquisitions. The Consultant will provide assistance and work closely with the municipality throughout the ROW phase, including any Necessity and Condemnation procedures. ROW acquisition must conform to Public Law 91-646 and 100-17, which together are referred to as the “Uniform Act.”
Task 6: Final Design/Bidding
The consultant will prepare the final construction design of the project. Final Design will include final plans, an updated construction cost estimate, and draft special provisions. These provisions will supplement the VTrans Standard Specifications for Construction which will serve as the basis for the construction of the project. All comments and changes resulting from the review will be addressed by the consultant in the following set of plans. The contract plans will include all information necessary to put the project out to bid.
6.1: Special Provisions
The Consultant will develop any project special provisions to cover items not contained in the VTrans Standard Specifications for Construction or those items that vary from the standard specifications.
The consultant will develop a final engineer’s estimate.
6.2: Final Estimate
Task 7: Contract Plans, Construction Bidding and Award
The consultant will be responsible for the for the bid advertising process.
7.1: Contract Plans
The consultant will submit Contract (100%) Plans along with an updated list of items, quantities and an associated cost estimate for municipal review and concurrence. These plans will be signed and stamped by the Consultant’s licensed PE.
7.2: Construction Bid Package
Once the Contract Plans are approved, the Consultant will be responsible for assembling the Construction Bid Package. The complete Construction Bid Package will include all of the following items:
• Complete Contract (100%) plans.
• Construction cost estimate.
• Final utility relocations, clearances, and special provisions.
• Right-of-way clearances and special agreements.
• Construction special provisions.
• All necessary permits acquired and conditions noted.
• Construction Contract specifications.
• Bid Documents including instructions to bidders, bid form and all required federal documents
7.3: Bid Process:
The Consultant will work with the Town to answer any technical questions about the project design. Once bids are opened, the consultant will confirm that all required components of the bid have been submitted. The consultant will conduct an analysis of the bids and will provide a recommendation to the municipality on award of the contract after review of the bids.
Task 8: Construction Phase Services
The Consultant will provide services during the construction phase, as outlined below:
- Review any required shop drawing submittals.
- Check that the contractor is in compliance with the following: all construction contract requirements; property rights agreements; erosion and sediment control requirements; and stormwater management plan; state permits, regulations and statutes; and federal regulations and statutes. The consultant shall exercise the engineer’s authority as provided in the contract documents and report immediately any deviations to the Municipality.
- Preparation of Daily Reports, including quantities. Construction Inspector shall perform reconciliation of completed quantities per pay item with Contractor on a weekly basis.
- Check that materials submitted have been approved and meet the contract specifications.
- Receive certificates, computations and reference materials submitted by the Contractor.
- Maintain a photographic record of the progress of construction, annotating such photos to indicate their content and context including date.
- Participate in regularly scheduled Construction Status meetings with the Contractor and Municipality.
- Report immediately any unusual occurrences and all accidents occurring within the project limits to the Municipality.
- Review and submit to the City any suggestions or requests made by the contractor to change or modify any requirements of the Plans or Contract Documents.
- Erosion control monitoring in accordance with applicable permits.
- Review and verify traffic control activities.
- Check that materials submitted have been approved and meet the contract specifications
- Check that completed work complies with the plans and specifications and is true to line and grade.
- Consultant shall provide certification to the Municipality that this project was constructed as designed, subject to appropriate and necessary revisions during construction, in conformance with all project specifications and that all necessary contract provisions were fully complied with.
Responses to this RFP should consist of the following:
A.) A technical proposal consisting of:
- A cover letter expressing the firm’s interest in working with the town including identification of the principal individuals that will provide the requested services.
- A description of the general approach to be taken toward completion of these projects, an explanation of any variances to the proposed scope of work as outlined in the RFP, and any insights into the project gained as a result of developing the proposal.
- A scope of work that includes detailed steps to be taken, including any products or deliverables resulting from each task.
- A summary of estimated labor hours by task that clearly identifies the project team members and the number of hours performed by each team member by task.
- A proposed schedule that indicates project milestones and overall time for completion.
- A list of individuals that will be committed to this project and their professional qualifications. The names and qualifications of any sub-consultants shall be included in this list.
- Demonstration of success on similar projects, including a brief project description and a contact name and address for reference.
8. Demonstration of success on FEMA Public Assistance Projects an understanding of the importance of staying within the Scope of Work and the importance of communicating to FEMA in advance if there need to be any substantive changes to that Scope of Work.
Please note that Items 1 – 5 should be limited to a total of 15 pages. Resumes, professional qualifications and work samples are not included in this total.
B.) A separate cost proposal consisting of a composite schedule by task of direct labor hours, direct labor cost per class of labor, overhead rate, and fee for each project individually. If the use of sub-consultants is proposed, a separate schedule must be provided for each.
The consultant selection will be made by the Town Manager in consultation with an Agency of Transportation representative. The proposal will be evaluated considering the following weighted criteria:
Maximum Weighted
Criteria Weight Points Total
- Proposed Scope of Work 5 5 25
- Knowledge of Project Area 2 5 10
- Qualifications/Experience of Proposed Staff 3 5 15
- Availability of Technical Disciplines 2 5 10
- Past Performance on Similar Projects 5 5 25
- Reasonableness of proposed schedule and 3 5 15
labor hour estimates
We may elect to interview consultants prior to final selection. The consultant will be selected on or about July 16, 2024.
Consultants interested in this project should submit two (6) copies of their proposal to:
Tierney Farago, Town Administrator
PO BOX 266, Chelsea, VT 05038
Phone (802) 625-2023
Note: Electronic submissions are allowed.
Proposals must be submitted in sealed envelopes or packages with the following information clearly printed on the outside
- Name and address of prime consultant
- Due date and time
- Project name Town of Chelsea Flood Response Projects
All questions about the project should be directed to:
Tierney Farago, Town Administrator
PO BOX 266, Chelsea, VT 05038
Phone (802) 625-2023
All proposals must be received by the Town no later than 12:00 PM on Thursday, July 11, 2024. Proposals and/or modifications received after this time will not be accepted or reviewed.
All proposals upon submission become the property of Town. The expense of preparing and submitting a proposal is the sole responsibility of the consultant. The town reserves the right to reject any or all proposals received, to negotiate with any qualified source, or to cancel in part or in its entirety this RFP as in the best interest of town. This solicitation in no way obligates the Town to award a contract.
VI. Contracting
The Consultant, prior to being awarded a contract, shall apply for registration with the Vermont Secretary of State’s Office to do business in the State of Vermont, if not already so registered.
The contract will not be executed until the Consultant is registered with the Secretary of State’s Office. The successful Consultant will be expected to execute sub-agreements for each sub-consultant named in the proposal upon award of this contract.
The Consultant’s attention is directed to the VTrans’ Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Policy Requirements. These requirements outline the State’s and the consultant’s responsibility with regard to the utilization of DBEs for the work covered in the RFP. It is expected that all consultants will make good faith efforts to solicit DBE sub-consultants.
Prior to beginning any work, the Consultant shall obtain Insurance Coverage in accordance with the Specifications for Contractor Services updated August 2014. The certificate of insurance coverage shall be provided to the Town. The consultant shall also provide the Town with a 2024 IRS form W-9.
VII. Discrimination Policy
The Town of Chelsea condemns racism and welcomes all persons regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age or disability and wants everyone to feel safe and welcome in our community.
As a town, we formally condemn discrimination in all its forms, commit to fair and equal treatment of everyone in our community, and will strive to ensure all our actions, policies and operating procedures reflect this commitment.