Selectboard Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, April 18, 2023
Chelsea Town Hall
1. Call meeting to order
2. Conflict of interest disclosure
3. Additions to the agenda, New National Opioid Settlements
4. Public Comments
5. Approve Minutes:
a. April 11, 2023
6. Energy Committee
7. Emergency Management
8. Grants
a. Sidewalk Project – discussion on location and schedule
b. Pump Station Grant – status, next steps
c. VTrans grants –
• Bridge grant application status
• Future paving grant discussion
9. Highway Department
a. General updates
b. Paving project update
c. Capital Equipment/Maintenance Discussion
10. Water/Wastewater Contract Proposal
11. Permits – if necessary
12.New National Opioids Settlement
13.ARPA Discussion
14.Future Agendas
15.Approve Orders