Selectboard Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, March 14, 2023
Chelsea Town Hall
1. Call meeting to order
2. Organizational Meeting
a. Select Chair and Vice Chair
b. Determine meeting rules of procedure
c. Set meeting dates, location, and times for regular meetings
d. Determine process for calling special and emergency meetings
e. Select Newspaper of Record
3. Conflict of interest disclosure
4. Additions to the agenda
5. Public Comments
6. Welcome and Introductions – Patti Swahn – New Administrative Assistant!
7. Approve Minutes:
a. February 21, 2023
b. February 23, 2023
8. Grants
a. Sidewalk Project Update
b. Clean Water State Revolving Fund – Wastewater plant possibility
c. Pump Station Grant – status, next steps
d. VTrans grants – possible bridge grant application
e. Town Hall planning options
9. Highway Department
a. General updates
b. Paving project bid/discussion
10.Website Update/Discussion
11.Virtual Meeting Discussion
12.Town Hall –
a. furnace/oil tank update
b. Div. Fire Safety report
13.Use of Village Green Request – Chelsea Farmers Market
14.Central Vermont Solid Waste Management District – Board of Directors
15.Wastewater Plant Update
16.Liaisons – Roles, Responsibilities and Expectations
17.Future Agendas – Discussion on potential future items
a. Otter Creek Engineering wastewater/water system
b. Town boards and commission updates/discussions
18.Approve Orders
19.Executive Session – Personnel (if necessary)