Town of Chelsea Selectboard Meeting (Draft)
January 12, 2023 – Chelsea Town Hall
Selectboard members present: Geoff Clayton, Chair, Kevin Marshia, Vice Chair, Kelly Lyford, William Lyon and Leyna Hoyt
Other Town employees present: Karen Lathrop, Town Clerk, Gayle Durkee, Treasurer, Marianne McCann, Town Report
- Meeting called to order by Geoff Clayton at 6:32 pm
- No Conflicts of interest
- Changes to agenda: Geoff added executive session for Roberts Poor Fund, Gayle Durkee added Auditor’s Contract
- No public comment
- Approve minutes: Kevin has not had a chance to look at minutes. Tabled until next meeting.
Added: Roberts Poor Fund Executive Session for fuel assistance
Leyna Hoyt moved to enter into executive session at 6:37 for a Robert’s Poor Fund Request for fuel assistance, inviting the Clerk, Treasurer, and Ms Mccann to stay. Motion seconded by William Lyon. Motion passed by unanimous consent.
Kevin moved to exit executive session at 6:49 pm with William Lyon seconding the motion. Motion passed by unanimous consent.
Action: Kevin Marshia moved expenditure of $655.48 from Robert’s Poor Fund for fuel assistance with Kelly Lyford seconding the motion. Motion passed by unanimous consent.
6:Executive Session for Personnel:
Geoff stated there were three applications for the AA position and one for the Waste Water dept. There was discussion about the interview process and Geoff reported that Karen and Gayle were part of the interview team. There was discussion about the needs of the Waste Water Plant personnel and Highway.
Lyena Hoyt moved to go into executive session at 6:56 pm for personnel inviting the Clerk and Treasurer to stay. William Lyon seconded the motion. Motion passed by unanimous consent.
Kevin Marshia moved to exit executive session at 7:15 pm with William Lyon seconding the motion. Motion passed by unanimous consent.
Action: Kelly Lyford and William Lyon will handle the interviews for the AA position. Geoff Clayton to contact Nolan LaFrancis to discuss the future status with Town. - Budget Discussion :
Gayle explained the revenue side of the budget line by line and answered questions on Delinquent Tax Revenue for the year. There was a tax sale this year which brought up the revenue ($216,123.44) There had not been a tax sale since before Covid. They would now be resuming tax sales as they were not permitted the first two years of Covid. They normally budget for delinquent taxes that come in but are never sure of how much. It washes out under Delinquent Tax Collector under Delinquent Tax Collector Fees. 2023 budgeted at 10,000.00.
Under State of VT Revenue: There was a brief discussion on civil fines, how they come in and the Sheriff’s Dept. 2023 budgeted at 150.00.
The Board noted Current Use has gone down a lot. Gayle said many changes were made to current use last year. Gayle noted they should speak with Phyllis, one of our Listers for the changes that have affected Current Use and Real Estate. 2023 budgeted at 95,000.00.
Board questioned whether we get Listers Education money. Gayle to speak with Phyllis about this line item and report to the Board.
Under Service Fees Revenue, the Clerk gave the Board information on the revenue that comes from her office. She reported liquor licenses went up due to the Wagon Wheel and dog licenses continue to slack off since Covid. Board asked if a rabies clinic was still ongoing. Karen reported that she won’t know until January 30, 2023. If the vet does one, it will probably be only one day. They are not making money at it. Geoff said maybe there was grant as it was public saftely related. No changes made.
Gayle went over Zoning and Planning Income. No changes made to it.
Under Solid Waste: Geoff reported people are continuing dumping. He says if we up fees, more dumping will continue. He said probably should leave the revenue side as is right now. Board discussion on raising fees and how to do it as we are running a $10,000.00 deficit. Board discussion on how to show the deficit. Geoff said as a line item. Leyna offered to research it and come back to it. William agreed with Geoff’s line item idea. Under Solid waste revenue, $80,000.00. Gayle gave info on it and how it relates to any line of credit. Kevin asked about the grant. Gayle and Marianne explained it was for switches at the transfer station. Gayle states we can take out the line item after this year. Lowered metal revenue to $175.00.
Under total other revenue, Gayle explained the line items for some reimbursements. She explained the reimbursement for mowing the Heath Field, and Recreation Field. Interest on Investment is what the interest rate on our General Fund. Robert’s Gould Field is reimbursed by Will Gilman by a fund he has for it. Kevin wanted to know if this was Town related? Gayle said it was the way it was set up when it went into place for reimbursement. The Town would pay the contractor and be rimbursed.
Under expenses side of the budget:
Selectboard Budget: Board discussed stipends, legal fees, advertising, and technology. Board stipend to stay the same. Board put Selectboard legal fees under General Fees at $3,000.00 to be reviewed at next meeting. Board noted advertising must go up due to positions needing to be filled. Set 2023 budget at $3,000.00. Marianne noted legal notices come out of that budget. Marianne McCann had zoom figures for the Board. Kevin had checked into them as well. 2023 budget for technology set at $ 2,500.00. Board noted there would be add on costs for cloud storage. Gayle has looked into quotes for laptop from Caulkins network. William Lyon gave the name of Chris McAndrew to get quotes from also. Board wants to ensure the technology we buy has enough graphics card to give quality to the meetings.
AA Budget: Board discussion around how many hours AA position is. (16- 20/wk)The grant writer position, held by Kasey Peterson is rolled into the hours for AA. (8-10/wk) Kevin asked why payroll was so high. Karen stated it was amended up by $30,000 at Town Meeting last year. Board to come back to payroll at next meeting. Gayle noted there was an increase in rent due to new contract and a new copier lease was more expensive.
Town Clerk Budget: Budget stayed the same except for increase to office equipment due to copier rental increase.
Treasurer/Tax Collector Budget: Gayle went over her budget with the Board.
Listers Budget: 2023 budget change Listers Office Equipment $1,150 for new copier contract.
DRB/Zoning Budget: No changes
Public Safety Budget: After much Board discussion a line item was added to Health Officer for expenses for 2023. $300.00. Geoff explained the position comes with more paperwork and trainings that must be completed. There was discussion about raising the Animal Control Officer Stipend. Leyna H. to research other towns. A line item from expenses was added. $300.00. Geoff reported the OCSD contract had already been signed.
Town Hall Budget: Karen reported our custodian only works part time due to another full time position. She does not do outside maintenance. Mowing line up went up due to actual costs. 2023 budget $1,600.00. She noted that there was outside maintenance to do this next year. Supplies went up due to inflation. 2023 budget $2,500.00. Gayle added a line item for pellets for the boiler. 2023 budget $ – wait till Kasey comes in. Will need a line for pellet maintenance for the boiler. Kasey to be at the next meeting. Fuel Oil was increased due to cost increases 2023 budget $4,000.00.
Solid Waste Budget: Board reviewed Budget. There was discussion in general about payroll budget. No decisions made on numbers for it. To be reviewed at a future meeting.
Marianne reported that the Town had been awarded a grant for sewer upgrades from Peter Welch’s Office as part of Connunity Funding Grant in the Omnibus Bill passed earlier, but would require a Town Funding match that could not come out of ARPA Funds. More info to come. Board discussion on using the sinking fund for it. Marianne noted she sent reading to the Board about this. Kevin asked that the email be forwarded.
Kevin noted the time was getting late and the Board decided to ask Rick Ackerman to the next meeting January 18, 2023 via Leyna Hoyt. Kevin noted that the Board had a walk through the Sewer plant with Mike Whipple on January 21, 2023 and should sit down as a Board after and discuss the Sewer budget. Geoff stated we need to get our water/sewer system squared away or we might lose our sovereignty of our system.
Geoff asked for a motion to adjourn. Kevin Marshia moved to adjourn the meeting with William Lyon seconding the motion. The motion passed by unanimous consent. The meeting adjourned at 10:17 pm