Chelsea Selectboard Meeting Minutes (draft)
January 31, 2023
Selectboard present: Kevin Marshia, Vice Chair, Kelly Lyford, Leyna Hoyt,
William Lyon
Employees present: Karen Lathrop, Clerk, Gayle Durkee, Treasurer, Marianne
McCann, Town Report Liaison.
Others present: Chris Belcher, Videographer, Greg Herrin
- Meeting brought to order by Kevin Marshia at 6:31 PM
- Conflict of Interest Disclosure- None
- Additions to agenda – Karen -Town Hall Wiring, Kelly purchasing policy.
- Public Comments- None
- Approve Minutes
January 18, 2023 -Bill L. moved to approve the minutes. Leyna H. seconded
motion. Passed. Motion passed.
January 21, 2023- Water Board – Leyna H. moved to accept minutes. Bill
L.seconded the motion. Motion passed.
January 21, 2023-Selectboard- Kelly L moved to approve the minute. Leyna H.
seconded the motion. Motion passed.
January 24, 2023 – Revisions to be made- Switch who Leyna and Kelly was
speaking with. Note the emails were read from Mr. Frenier and Mr. Herrington.
Note under budget, water/sewer rates had not changed since 2017. Note under #14
last paragraph was a repeat so struck out. Leyna moved to approve minutes of
January 24, 2023 with revisions. Kelly seconded the motion. Motion passed. - Approve Budget
Gayle briefed the Board on some changes made to budget based on
recommendations of Chad Hewitt, Accountant. Board reviewed the budget, made
final revisions to several departments including Highway payroll and Lister
payroll. Board discussion with Gayle on surplus from the prior year. Board had brief discussion on 21,000 deficit for water/sewer. No changes for this
budget. Board noted they would have to have a discussion in the future to make it
Board discussion on Total General Government expense up just under 5% from
last year. Monies to be raised by taxes would be 1,000,205. Kevin gave examples
of how much taxes would go up for homes with different assessment.
Gayle said someone suggested to her that since the Library line up was going up
by $15,000, should it be placed on the warning as a separate article. Board
discussion on whether to put it as an article. Gayle explained the Librarian has a
larger salary, insurance and retirement. Kelly asked what persons may amend at
Town meetings. Clerk stated voters may amend any line item from the floor at our
meeting. Board was fine with no extra articles. Kevin noted it could be highlighted
at our informational meeting and at the floor vote.
Gayle stated the total budget would be $1,495,796 , with $1,00,205 to be raised
by taxes.
Leyna moved to accept the budget of $1,495,796 with amount to be raised by
taxes $1,00205. Bill seconded motion. No Discussion. Motion Passed. - Approve Town Meeting Warning
Kevin M read the warning. Bill L. moved to approve the warning as read with
Kelly L. seconding the motion . No discussion, motion passed. - Informational Meeting Discussion
Kevin noted the date and time were set at the last meeting as March 2, 2023 at
6:30 pm. Board gave feedback to Marianne on what they wanted to go into the
Town Report. Kevin to create the agenda for informational meeting. - Town Report Review
Marianne stated Town report essentially complete. Last items to be sent in on
February 1. Proofs to be out next week hopefully. Board questioned who wrote the
Selectboard report. Marianne stated the chronology came from her and Kasey but
Geoff had to approve it prior to sending to the printer. Board had questions of who
signs the report. Board requested a draft be sent to them. Gayle tasked to call Geoff
about the draft. Discussion on who would be proofing the book. Book should be
proofed and approved by February 6, Marianne stated, but earlier would be better.
10.Approve Certificate of No Appeals to the Grand List
Karen gave a explanation of the Certificate of No Appeals to the Grand List to
the Board. Leyna H. moved to approve the Certificate of No Appeals to the Grand
List with Kelly seconding the motion. No discussion. Motion passed.
11.Thorne Rd/Class 4 Road
Karen gave background on Thorne Road and class 4 highway and the
discussion she had with the Rice’s. Kevin read the email from the Rice’s. Board
discussion on the Rice’s timeframe for work, what they are allowed to do. No one
may work on a class 4 road without an Access Permit from the Town. Discussion
on how to get the Access Permit for plowing only completed, and who the
authorized person signing it should be. Kevin suggested a permit for plowing only,
and then have the Rice’s come in for a meeting. Board reviewed permit
application. Kelly noted there needs to be more consistency in how permits are
issued going forward but felt until that happened the Board should sign off on it.
The Board would need time to look over practices for filling out applications.
Board specified a restriction of snow plowing only on the permit. Karen to follow
up with Rice’s for a complete application and invite Rick to next meeting.
Kelly moved to approve a completed application for” plowing only” on an Access
Permit for Thorne Road with Rick’s approval. Leyna seconded the motion. No
discussion Motion passed.
Board discussion on Class 4 Highway Policy. Noted the policy had not been
updated since 2009. Noted policy needs some updating. Intent is clear but some rewording necessary. Noted policy could only be changed in the month of July as
stated in the policy. To be on a future agenda item at March 21, 2023.
- Approve Orders
Bill L. moved to approve orders as presented with Leyna seconding the
motion. No discussion, Motion passed.
13.Town Wiring Issue
Karen brought to the Board a potential wiring issue of 1.30.2023. Board
discussion on how to approach it next time. Fire Department to be called in the
future. Board discussion on the wiring evaluation. Kelly to contact the Dvision of
Fire Safety come in to look at the building. Karen tasked to invite Kasey Peterson,
grant writer, to Feb 7, 2023 meeting for discussion on possible grants.
Board tabled purchase policy to future meeting.
Board set agenda items for Feb 7, 2023 meeting.
14.Executive Session – Personnel ( if necessary)
Leyna moves to 8:35 pm executive session for personnel inviting Karen and Gayle.
Bill seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion passed.
Leyna moved exit at 9.22pm.Kelly second pass.
Action: Kelly to set up interviews for AA. Discussion advertising sewer plant
position. Kelly to draft sewer position advertisement and a highway position
Bill Lyon noted there has been someone storing logs on Town Property and
parking without permission of the Town property down by the sewer pland and
liability to Town if anything happens there. Bill to contact the person and
recommend the log pile to be gone in two weeks and clean up of the space in the
spring . Bill to contact the person parking the box truck as well. Kelly stated it
should be followed up with a letter.
Kelly L. moved to adjourn with Leyna seconding the motion. No discussion.
Motion passed . Adjourned 9:31 PM.