Chelsea Selectboard Meeting Minutes (Draft) March 28, 2023
Selectboard present: Kevin Marshia, Chair, Kelly Lyford, Vice Chair, William Lyon, Leyna Hoyt and Jesse Kay
Other Employees present: Patty Swahn, Administrative Assistant and Kasey Peterson, Grant Writer, Karen Lathrop, Town Clerk,
Gayle Durkee, Town Treasurer, Rick Ackerman, Highway Foreman
Others present: Rella and John Rice, Chris Bump, VTrans,
Rita Seto and Peter Gregory, Two Rivers Ottaquechee Regional Commission
- Call meeting to order – Kevin called the meeting to order at 6:29pm
- Conflict of interest disclosure – None
- Additions to the agenda –Appointment of a Library Trustee
- Public Comments – No public comments
- The approved minutes from March 14, 2023, meeting, were passed due to not all members of the Selectboard having read the meeting minutes.
- Chris Bump from VTrans presented information about the grants through VTrans
- Rita Seto and Peter Gregory from Two Rivers Ottaquechee Regional Commission gave a brief history of TRORC, grants that are available to apply for, helping Towns with Town Plans.
- John Rice asked the Board for their approval for John to make #18 Thorn Road passable. John will do the work at no cost to the town. The Selectboard members agreed to let John work on Thorn Road once an application for work within the town right-of-way had been filed with the Town. Rick agreed to work with SB member as site overseer.
- A motion by Leyna Hoyt to approve First Class Hotel License for inside and outside consumption permit for Georgia Amanda Mallan, Hubbleshire Farm. This was seconded by Jesse Kay and all members were in favor. Motion was approved.
- Kasey Peterson gave an update on the Grant work.
- Leyna Hoyt moved to accept all Orders presented to the Selectboard, Jesse Kay seconded the move. All orders have been approved.
- Future agenda items; Equipment replacement plan, lawn mowing, Sherriff department, CVSWMD Board of Directors appointment
- Posting of the Highway Maintenance Employee position to Facebook Community Page,
Front Porch Forum, VLCT. - William Lyon motioned for the meeting to adjourn, seconded by Leyna Hoyt.
All members approved. - Meeting adjourned at 9:11 pm
Meeting minutes drafted by
Patty Swahn
Administrative Assisant