Chelsea Selectboard Meeting
Minutes (Draft) March 28 2023
Selectboard present: Kevin Marshia, Chair, Kelly Lyford, Vice Chair, William Lyon,
Leyna Hoyt and Jesse Kay
Other Employees present: Patty Swahn, Administrative Assistant and
Gayle Durkee, Town Treasurer
- Call meeting to order – Kevin called the meeting to order at 6:34pm
- Conflict of interest disclosure – None
- Additions to the agenda –Transfer Station, Roberts Poor Fund, Cindy Allen, Matthew Durkee and to
work on a process with Rick for road permits. - Public Comments – Draft a response to Cindy Allen to be read at the April 4, 2023, meeting.
- Selectboard minutes from March 21, 2023, meeting, were approved with edits.
- Library Trustee appointment, Kelly Lyford moved to appointment Keziz Frayjo as to
the Chelsea Library Board of Trustees, all approved this appointment. - Chelsea Village Green request from Carrie Caoutte-De Lallo for the Chelsea Arts on
the green market and festival. Jesse Kay motioned to have this request approved,
Leyna Hoyt seconded the motion. All approved of this request. - A motion by Leyna Hoyt to approve a second-class license and tobacco license renewals
for the 110 Quick Stop, Jesse Kay seconded this motion, all were in favor and this motion
was approved.
Billy Lyon gave an update on the transfer station, the perimeter needs work, there are
no signs around the oil collection site and requested a new sign be made listing the
hours of the transfer station. Billy will contact Mark Durkee about making the new sign. - Leyna Hoyt moved to enter into Executive Session at 7:20 pm, seconded by Jesse Kay.
Selectboard entered Executive Session for Roberts Poor Fund request at 7:22 pm. at 7:30
Leyna Hoyt recused herself from the Executive Session due to a conflict. The Board closed
the Executive Session at 7:31 pm and re-entered Executive Session at 7:32 pm. The Board
closed out of the Roberts Poor Fund Executive Session at 7:47 pm, action taken was to
request more information for this request.
The Board entered into Executive Session at 7:45 pm for discussion on Town Employee
wages. The Board made progress and will draft the proposed changes and a vote will be
taken at the April 4 meeting. The Board left the Executive Session for Town Employee
wages at 9:22 pm. - The Board agreed to pursue the cost of disability and life insurance for town employees.
Kelly and Patty will work together on this.
There was a discussion regarding Thorn Road. John and Rella Rice to be invited to the
April 4 Selectboard meeting. - The Board approved all orders for the evening.
Jesse Kay motioned to adjourn the meeting, this was seconded by Billy Lyon, and
approved. The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 pm
Meeting minutes drafted by
Patty Swahn
Administrative Assisant