Chelsea Selectboard Organizational Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, March 6, 2023
6:30 PM Chelsea Town Hall
- Call meeting to order
- Conflict of interest disclosure
- Changes to agenda
- Select Chair and Vice Chair
- Determine meeting rules of procedure
- Set meeting dates, location, and times for regular meetings
- Determine process for calling special and emergency meetings
- Public Comments
- Select Newspaper of Record
- Determine Selectboard organizational process
a. Appoint Selectboard Clerk or continue to have Admin Assistant
record meeting minutes
b. Designate member or members to sign Orders/Warrants on off-weeks
c. Determining agenda content and coordination
d. Approval of Village Greens Requests
e. Approval of Roberts Gould Field requests
f. Designate whether Selectboard members want to have liaison
appointments for Town Departments - New Truck for Highway Dept
- Appoint Representative to Central VT Solid Waste District
- Mowing Bids
- Approve Minutes of 20 February Meeting
- Executive Session For Human Resources if Necessary
- Adjourn
Links to join the Selectboard Meeting: