Town of Chelsea: Security Camera RFP
The Town of Chelsea will be accepting bids for a security camera system for Town properties. These properties would include the Town Hall and Town Garage, with the possibility of expanding the system to cover other Town assets in the future (the contract would be amended to include these properties).
The security system must include 24/7 operational cameras that can cover all entrances/exits to the buildings and software that can be accessed to review, save and share video, and archive footage as needed. The contractor is expected to perform all maintenance and train employees to operate the software if it is not proposed that the contractor assumes all responsibility of maintaining and storing the files. The Town Administrator can schedule site visits as needed with the contractor to accurately draft proposals. The desired deliver/completion date of this project is June 30th, 2025.
Bid Process and Deadline
Bid packages must be sealed and received by December 16th at 4:00pm at PO Box 266 Chelsea, VT 05038 (ATTN: Selectboard/ Town Administrator). Please include the following information in your bid:
- On the outside of the sealed envelope: PO Box 266, Chelsea VT 05038 (care of the Selectboard/Town Administrator), Town of Chelsea Security Camera RFP, the deadline for bid opening (December 16th, 4:00 pm)
- A copy of bond/insurance
- A cover sheet with the title of the RFP; the bidder’s name, physical address, and all other contact information
- A cost estimate with itemized per unit costs for hardware, software, and support, and a total proposed contract amount
- Technical specifications for the proposed hardware and software
Bid Opening
Sealed bids will be opened and selected by the Chelsea Selectboard during the meeting at Town Hall (296 Vt Rte 110 Chelsea, VT 05038) on December 17th at 6:30 pm. Bids will be judged by the following factors:
- Price
- Bidder’s ability to perform within the specified time limits
- Bidder’s experience and reputation, including past performance for the Town
- Quality of the materials and services proposed
- Bidder’s ability to meet all terms and conditions spelled out in this RFP
- The feasibility of the proposed approach to long-term maintenance and support for the system
Contact Information
Questions regarding this RFP shall be submitted by email only to the Town Administrator, Tierney Farago, at The Town Administrator will maintain a list of RFP questions and answers posted on the Town’s website once received. Questions will be accepted until 5:00pm on December 13th, to ensure all parties have adequate time to review the answers before the proposal submission deadline.
The Town of Chelsea is an equal opportunity employer.
The Selectboard reserves the right at its sole discretion to reject any and all bids, wholly or in part, to waive any informalities or any irregularities therein, to accept any bid even though it may not be the lowest bid, to call for rebids, to negotiate with any bidder, and to make an award which in its sole and absolute judgment will best serve the Town’s interest. The Selectboard reserves the right to investigate the financial condition of any bidder to determine his or her ability to assure service throughout the term of the contract. The Town assumes no responsibility and no liability for costs incurred relevant to the preparation and submission of proposals or any other costs prior to the issuance of a contract.