Zoning Applications and Bylaws
The zoning permit application is used for all projects unless they are considered exempt by the Zoning Bylaw. This includes flood hazard permit applications. The DRB application, used for waivers, variances, appeals, conditional uses and change of use requests might also be required. Applications and fees are required prior to commencing a project.
Zoning Application Instructions
Zoning Application
Application to Developmental Review Board
Zoning Application – $55.00
Developmental Review Board Application – $50.00
* Any application filed after work has commenced is subject to after the fact fees.
After the Fact Fees*
Zoning – $160.00
DRB -$ 200.00
Zoning Bylaws
Chelsea first adopted an interim zoning bylaw on February 24, 1975. Provided below is the current zoning bylaw which was adopted on November 7, 2017. The Zoning Administrator is more than willing to answer questions and explain what various provisions mean and how the bylaw is administered.
Chelsea Zoning Bylaw – Adopted November 7, 2017
Chelsea Zoning Map – 2017